Why shouldn't the qdialog be used in forms? - quasar-framework

I want to use the q-dialog for a form with about 20 inputs. But in the documentation it is told that it should only be used for small quick things.
From a UI perspective, you can think of Dialogs as a type of floating
modal, which covers only a portion of the screen. This means Dialogs
should only be used for quick user actions, like verifying a password,
getting a short App notification or selecting an option or options
What should I use instead of Dialog for my modal forms ?

Quasar is a cross-platform framework. Its UI components are meant to be used for desktop and mobile devices. If you put a lot of child UI elements inside a Dialog on mobile devices, it won't fit in screen size and the whole idea of a dialog would fail. Thus, it's better if you make a dedicated view for your form with 20 inputs.


JavaFX WebView / WebEngine show on-screen-keyboard automatically for each text input

I am developing touch screen based kiosk application with JavaFX. The app integrates browser – WebView. The problem is that all user inputs have to be made through on screen keyboard (SW keyboard)
It would be nice to have an option to register an event-handler on WebView/WebEngine for any HTML text input element got/lost focus, so that I could show/hide on-screen-keyboard.
Even though I searched the Internet, I did not find this kind of feature.
My questions:
Does JavaFX / WebView provides any support for these cases?
If you were to tackle this problem, what would be your approach to that?
My solution so far:
I have a small button (at one corner of the screen) that allows user to show/hide on-screen-keyboard. Since they have to do that manually, it is quite annoying. Especially on sites where browsing (consuming information) and text inputs changes frequently.
It would be nice to have an option to register an event-handler on WebView/WebEngine for any HTML text input element got/lost focus, so that I could show/hide on-screen-keyboard.
A potential strategy for doing this:
Start with a jdk8 preview.
Run the application with -Dcom.sun.javafx.isEmbedded=true to enable the virtual keyboard.
Use a webengine.executeScript technique to embed jQuery into the target page.
Bind a jQuery focus handler to the relevant html elements.
In the jQuery focus handler make an Upcall from JavaScript to Java.
Upon receiving the upcall make use of JavaFX's Virtual Keyboard.
As the user enters values into the keyboard, make executeScript calls to set the value of the corresponding html field.
Some parts will likely be a bit (or totally) flaky, but perhaps other parts may prove useful to you.
In the future, if WebView is supported on touchscreen platforms on embedded devices, I'm guessing that out of the box it will work well with a virtual keyboard.

jQuery Mobile Popups and Dialogs

jQuery mobile 1.2 alpha introduces Popups while it already has a similar widget, called Dialogs. They both seem very similar in nature.
What are the technical differences between Popups and Dialogs?
What Popups can do (any practical usecase as example preferred) that is impossible with Dialogs?
They are quite different beast. Here is my opinion based on my limited experience.
Dialogues take over the page, they contain a fullscreen dark background to make the "dialog" appear to have replaced the page.
Any page can be presented as a dialog by adding the data-rel="dialog" attribute to the page anchor link.
Like pages, you can specify any page transition you want on the dialog by adding the data-transition attribute to the link.
Can be chained.
Displays within the current page, and are probably more similar to the functionality commonly referred to as modals or lightboxes.
Can't be chained.
Popups are probably more suited for alerts, tooltips, small yes/no ok/cancel messages, making a thumbnail popup into a larger image, small ajax forms(newsletter, login, post a comment) etc. Useful when you don't want to overload the page with information, and only want to reveal certain functionality to users when they need or request it.
Dialogues on the other hand could be used in situations where you need to convey a lot of information (terms and conditions acceptance screen, etc), or when you really want to emphasis an alert, menu, the choice a user has, etc. Dialogues kind of break the flow of a page so should be used more cautiously.
One neat feature of the popups is that they can be used as overlay panels, which could be used to create a menu that slides in from the side of the screen, not too dissimilar to the menu in the Facebooks iphone application.
At the end of the day, either could be used, and neither is right or wrong, a lot of it comes down to personal preference, and how you want your application to flow.
One important difference is Popups appear in the same page as an element, where as dialogue is a different page in all and the background is blank.

JQuery mobile, is there a way to prevent the SELECT box from becoming a dialog page?

SO I have a select box that I fill dynamically. I discovered that once the SELECT gets longer than the page, it automatically becomes a dialog listview.... which is TERRIBLE!
When this happens, the page refreshes when the dialog is closed and my whole page starts over....
Has anyone experienced that and do you know how to shut it off?
You could use the native look and feel?
Native form elements & buttons Although the framework automatically enhances form elements and buttons into touch input
optimized controls to streamline development, it's easy to tell jQuery
Mobile to leave these elements alone so the standard, native control
can be used instead.
Adding the data-role="none" attribute to any form or button element
tells the framework to not apply any enhanced styles or scripting. The
examples below all have this attribute in place to demonstrate the
effect. You may need to write custom styles to lay out your form
controls because we try to leave all the default styling intact.

Is it possible to remove the form assistant in the mobile safari virtual keyboard?

For single form UI's the form assistant in the mobile safari virtual keyboard doesn't provide much value and reduces the useable space in the viewport. Is it possible to remove this section of the keyboard for forms that do not benefit from this?
In essence, you must wait till the keyboard responds and then forcibly grab and remove that top bar. It's not pretty and definitely not perfect but it is a starting place. I'll post the refinement of this process as I work on it myself.
Here is the question. I implemented this using Trigger.IO and native plugins but, naturally, you can ignore that and just run it on your UIWebView: How can I hide Form Assistant with iOS native plugins using Trigger.IO?

Delphi, MDI vs Tabs for multi-document interface

I'm developing a multi-document application. Currently it uses MDI which is quite convenient for me (as a developer) as well as for users I believe. However there is one "against" - I haven't found a solution to quickly load many child windows (each time the window is created and maximized to fill the parent's area, there is an 'animation' of resizing which takes a lot of time) so far, thus I'm considering switching back to tabbed interface (which requires some more work, I need to "embed" a form to the page sheet, as there are many "kinds" of forms available, some for editing text documents, some for other objects)...
So, what is your opinion? Should I use MDI or tabbed interface?
To avoid the resizing animation (and thus the delay) of new MDI child windows, send a WM_SETREDRAW message to the parent TForm's ClientHandle property before creating your child windows, and then send it again when you are done, ie:
Self.Perform(WM_SETREDRAW, False, 0);
... create child windows as needed ...
Self.Perform(WM_SETREDRAW, True, 0);
Windows.InvalidateRect(Self.ClientHandle, nil, True);
MDI was developed back in the Windows 3 days (or possibly earlier?) and isn't well-supported these days. If you need multiple documents with different forms, I'd recommend using a tabbed interface. Use frames instead of forms, and create the new tabs and place a frame on it, aligned alClient.
There are certainly more negative points to MDI than the one you cite. You can find discussions on this in the Wikipedia, and even in the Windows Interface Guidelines as well. MDI has been deprecated now for years. Microsoft itself isn't using MDI in its "standard" form for any of its big applications any more, they often provide just a MDI emulation together with other UI styles.
If your program is for users with multiple screens both MDI and a tab-based UI have the problem of limiting the document windows to the insides of the parent window.
With a proper application design you don't really have to decide between MDI and tab-based UI. Let your users decide which UI they are most comfortable with, and which fits their working style best. Allow for multiple independent top-level document windows (either in one application instance or in multiple) as well. It can be as easy as creating frame classes for your documents, and deciding at runtime whether to embed them into a tab control, into a MDI child window, or into a top-level window.
Question: is it important that users be able to see more than one of your embedded forms or frames at a time? If not, certainly go for tabs.
Tabs make it easier to navigate and to see what you have available. But with standard PageControl you can only see one tab at a time - there's no "tiling" or "cascading". Problems begin for example when users need to drag things from one tab to another. It can be done, of course, but is not as convenient - because this time users do not see where they are dragging something to.
To overcome this limitation you'd have to look at a docking UI, which adds complexity, but could give you tabs as well as being able to tile them.
