I'm using the acts_as_bookable gem for some basic reservation/booking stuff in a Rails app, and I need to add an additional validation to the Booking model that the gem creates.
What I mean by that is, inside the gem, located at lib/acts_as_bookable/booking.rb is the following module/class:
module ActsAsBookable
class Booking < ::ActiveRecord::Base
self.table_name = 'acts_as_bookable_bookings'
belongs_to :bookable, polymorphic: true
belongs_to :booker, polymorphic: true
validates_presence_of :bookable
validates_presence_of :booker
validate :bookable_must_be_bookable,
# A bunch of other stuff
Which is fine. However, I want to add an additional piece of logic that stops a booker from booking the same instance of a bookable. Basically, a new validator.
I thought I could just add a file in my /models directory called acts_as_bookable.rb and just modify the class like this:
module ActsAsBookable
class Booking
validates_uniqueness_of :booker, scope: [:time, :bookable]
But this doesn't work. I could modify the gem itself (I've already forked it to bring a few dependencies up to date, since it's a pretty old gem) but that doesn't feel like the right solution. This is logic specific to this app's implementation, and so my gut feeling is that it belongs in an override inside this specific project, not the base gem.
What am I doing wrong here? And is there a better/alternative approach that would be more suitable?
A clean way to create monkeypatches/augmentations to objects outside of your control is to create a seperate module:
module BookingMonkeyPatch
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
included do
validates_uniqueness_of :booker, scope: [:time, :bookable]
This lets you test the monkeypatch seperately - and you can "turn the monkeypatch on" by including the module:
This can be done in an initializer or anywhere else in the lifecycle.
Altough if bookable is a polymorpic assocation you need to use:
validates_uniqueness_of :booker_id, scope: [:time, :bookable_id, :bookable_type]
The uniqueness validation does not work correctly when just passed the name of an assocation as it creates a query based on database columns. This is an example of a leaky abstraction.
Justin Weiss - 3 Ways to Monkey-Patch Without Making a Mess
I have an application which defines some models. I want to extend the functionality of some models(eg. adding methods,adding associations) from application to my engine.
I tried adding a model in the engine with the same name as my application's model and Rails will automatically merge them, however it doesn't work.
(Application's model)
class Article < ActiveRecord:Base
def from_application
puts "application"
(Inside my Engine)
module MyEngine
class Article < ::Article
has_many :metrics, :class_name => 'Metric'
has_many association is not getting applied to my Articles model when I try to access #articles.metrics. Any ideas ?
You have the right idea and are close. But your implementation is a little off.
Generally, your engine should have no knowledge of your host app. That way, your engine and the host app(s) stay loosely coupled. So, classes in your engine should not inherit from classes in your host app. (BTW, your approach doesn't work, I believe, because of the way ruby does constant lookups, but that's a different discussion.)
Instead, use the included hook. In the host app, you do something like:
class Article < ActiveRecord:Base
include FooEngine::BarModule
def from_application
puts "application"
And inside the engine:
module FooEngine
module BarModule
def self.included(base)
base.class_eval do
has_many :metrics, :class_name => 'Metric'
When the ruby interpreter goes to include FooEngine::BarModule in Article, it will look for and run (if found) the self.included method in FooEngine::BarModule, passing in the Articleclass as base.
You then call class_eval on the base (Article) which re-opens the Article class so that you can add methods or whatever monkey business you're up to (define new methods in situ, include or extend other modules, etc.).
In your example, you call the has_many method, which will create the various association methods provided by has_many.
If (a) you're going to add a lot of metrics-related functionality through your engine, (b) you want to have lots of classes make use of the metrics-related functionality, and (c) you want some of the functionality to vary from class-to-class (where included), you might consider creating an acts_as_having_metrics (or similar). Once you head down this path, it's a whole new world of wondrous metaprogramming.
Best of luck.
Do you have your metrics model have a belongs_to association with Articles.
You might want to give the other side of the association, Metrics a belongs_to Articles to have this work properly. Also, make sure to have a migration to hold articles_id on the metrics table. Everything should work fine.
I decided to move all user logic into separate folder app/models/user/*.
Let's say I have there file main.rb, which defines constant User::Main.
When I ran rspec test, I found that pretty much every association test fails.
Problem is that either Rails does not know that
belongs_to :user
means since there is not User constant anymore.
Either Rails attempts to find wrong foreign key:
ActiveRecord::UnknownAttributeError: unknown attribute 'main_id' for ApiToken.
So there is a solution: I need to change every belongs_tolike this:
belongs_to :user, class_name: 'User::Main'
(here at least I can use concerns)
and I need to specify every foreign_key
has_many :api_tokens, foreign_key: "user_id"
But making necessary to do this much of additional edits in many different files/lines confuses me.
For first issue I can use concerns module, but what about second one?
How can I set foreign key, by which Rails will work with association, once for all children.
module User
class Main < ActiveRecord::Base
self.accessible_by_key "user_id" #pseudocode to illustrate what I think of
P.S. I found add_foreign_key docs, but not sure if it is what I look for.
If I get it right, and what you are trying to accomplish is to modularize your User model, You can use the following approach:
Keep user.rb (the model) in the usual place, inside app/models folder.
Create a module inside app/models/concerns; for example user_common.rb.
Inside user_common.rb you can have something this:
module UserCommon
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
included do
validates :email, format: { with: /\A([^#\s]+)#((?:[-a-z0-9]+\.)+[a-z]{2,})\Z/i }
def custom_method
In your User model, just call the module:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
include UserCommon
I hope that helps.
Acutally i face some hard exercises in computer science (hard for me i think, haha).
We're doing some basic stuff with Ruby on Rails an i have to open a csv file to get additional information on my 'User' model which is a normal rails scaffold.
So at the moment i open the csv file in my users_controller.rb file and search for the right row an add them to an instance variable.
But i wonder if i can write a class that acts like an ActiveRecord Model. So i change the code to use ActiveModel. But as i read in some google results, ActiveModel can't make use of ActiveRecord like associations. But it would great to have them.
So i hope you can help me. How can i provide my model with ActiveRecors like associations?
It's absolutely right that the CSV file should be represented as a model, as it's data.
However, trying to incorporate Active Model sounds tricky and would almost certainly require a great deal of hacking or monkey patching.
Unless you really need associations to other models, I would create a standalone class (i.e. not inheriting from ActiveRecord::Base) in the models directory, and put the logic for parsing the CSV in there:
class User
attr_accessor :name, :email, ...
def initialize(name,email,...)
# set data
def self.find(param_for_search)
# Parse CSV file, find line you want
# return a User instance
self.new(name, email)
I don't know exactly how your system works, but this way you can make it behave in a similar way to Active Model stuff. You can add similar class methods and each instance method represents a CSV file row.
Every time , when you are creating your own model , it is inheritance of ActiveRecord :
class Project < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :content, :name, :user
Then you can tell your model to have many (let's say) Project's Tasks , which creates an association . Please , provide an example of your app's logic.
Here is a quote from RailsCasts.com :
"In Rails 3 the non-database functionality of Active Record is extracted out into Active Model. This allows you to cleanly add validations and other features to tableless models."
There is also a nice description how to add functionality in you model by adding modules .
I understand, that using ActiveRecord to use an non database source is difficult, but i think it would be vewy charming if i could write something like this:
in my view and get the information like it is a database table. I visit railscast.com an i found a episode where this ist discussed. But i would like to digg deeper in this. Are there any further ressources i could read?
As i understand, ActiveModel does not support associations? I wonder why associations wasn't moved to ActiveModel as it is a very useful thing. :)
So here is my code, that i was working on:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :department_id, :name
belongs_to :department
class Department < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :name
has_many :users
And here is my CSV Model, that i created:
class Worktime
attr_accessor :user_id,:date,:value
def initialize(params)
dir = Rails.root.join('app', 'models', 'worktimes.csv').to_s
source = File.open(dir,'r')
data = line.split(';')
if data[0] = params[:user_id] && data[1] = params[:date]
#value = data[2]
I am very thankful for your help as its my first time using rails.
I have been researching on the best approach for my problem which I originally had implemented as a single table inheritance but am deeply concerned about the scalability, as potentially will have thousands of columns in the table.
So the problem is I would like to have products which the methods of each are exactly the same the only difference being the attributes each one contains. It seems that in this situation that mutli-class inheritance (not supported natively in rails?) would be the best approach or some sort of polymorphic associations.
I want to work towards the following
Class Product < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :title .....
def to_s # some arbitrary method used by all extending classes
class Book < Product
attr_accessible :author...
So I want the book to inherit the methods from product and not for the product to know about the attributes required by each subclass. And if possible get all of the products through one query.
I need to know the best way of approaching this, and if I am doing it completely wrong, please note the code written above is just for example to simplify my problem.
What you can do is create a module and include it in several different models.
First, create a file in your lib directory
i.e.) my_module.rb
module MyModule
def full_name
"#{first_name} #{last_name}"
Then, make sure the module is loaded when your Rails App starts:
In config/application.rb:
config.autoload_paths += %W(#{config.root}/lib)
Finally, include it in your models:
i.e.) app/models/thing.rb
class Thing < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :first_name, :last_name
include AdditionMod
You can test it in the console:
#thing = Thing.create(first_name: "Awesome", last_name: "Module")
=> "Awesome Module"
Found out that I can use H-store in conjunction with postgres that allows me to have a column that contains a schema less hash that can be used with the power of postgres (for an example take a look at http://hstoredemo.herokuapp.com/)
I have a model with polymorphic association that I am running rspecs on.
The tests require the polymorphic field to point to a model with some fields (e.g. name).
Since I prefer not to use any of my existing (and complex)models, I was thinking of somehow creating a new simple models (that will only exist in tests) that my main models can point to.
Is there a way to do this ?
Any other way to test models when they are dependant on another models ?
As you expect, tests should be independant.
This is where stubs and mocks appear and it's the Rails way to proceed.
If you want to create a module dedicated to tests (which is overkill cause it's the role of stubs), just remind ruby classes and modules are executable.
So you could simply do:
if Rails.env.test?
module Foo
Problem solved - using the 'mocha' gem.
class Comment < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :commentable, :polymorphic => true
In tests, can just do:
class MockUser {
# Stuff
comment = Comment.create!.expects('commentable').returns(MockUser.new)
Now it will simply work: