Doxygen cannot parsing the structure documentation in the source file - latex

Doxygen cannot parsing a structure documentation inside .c file(and cannot create a corresponding .tex file) but parsing correctly from a separate .h file
Assumptions: Does the structures inside .c file where generally the functions are documented are not visible to doxygen parser?
Workflow: doxygen run >parsing from files>create a pdf
The final generated file is missing the structure documentation inside .c file but all other structures inside a separate .h files are documented and find their place in generated .pdf file
Why missing?
What I tried: I have tried giving those structure names (which I thought missing in the documentation) in the .tex file automated part as \input{structt_Ref2_Control} then I am getting an omake error saying:
"The .tex (relevant for missing structure) file is missing"


Is there a way to determine the coverage of a .PO file?

I've got a python program under active development, which uses gettext for translation.
I've got a .POT file with translations, but it is slightly out of date. I've got a script to generate an up-to-date .PO file. Is there a way to check how much of the new .PO file is covered by the .POT file?
I've got a .POT file with translations, but it is slightly out of date. I've got a script to generate an up-to-date .PO file
I think you mean the other way around. POT files are generated from your source code with PO files containing the translations.
Is there a way to check how much of the new .PO file is covered by the .POT file?
The Gettext command line msgmerge program can be used for syncing your out-of-date PO files with your latest source strings. To create a new PO file from an updated POT you would issue this command:
msgmerge old.po new.pot > updated.po
The new file will contain all the existing translations that are still valid and add any new source strings. Open it in your favourite PO editor and you should see how many strings now remain untranslated.
As pointed out in the comments, you can see how many strings remain untranslated with the "statistics" option of the msgfmt program (normally used for compiling to .mo) e.g.
msgfmt --statistics updated.po
Or without bothering with the interim file:
msgmerge old.po new.pot | msgfmt --statistics -
This would produce a synopsis like:
123 translated messages, 77 untranslated messages.

tool to convert avpr file to avdl file

Avro's IDL page documents that avro-tools.jar has an idl command converting an avdl file to an avpr file. Is there a way to go in the other direction, from an avpr file to an avdl file?
I was unable to find any documentation on this matter but given that the two formats appear to contain the same data with different syntax, it should be possible to convert both ways.
I have written a java util to create a IDL from a bunch of avro schemas, part of spf4j-avro for more detail see. Makes schemas a lot more readable...

Is there a way to pass non-project .fs files into a command-line argument in an FSharp .exe?

Let's say that I have an exe that has a function called compareTwoThings. I'd like compareTwoThings to be able to take, as arguments, two directories that have identical file names in each: a .json and a .fs. In compareTwoThings, I want to be able to read in each .json (easy-peasy) and each .fs file. The contents of each .fs file will be known.
How can I read in each .fs file and use the values in those .fs files without them being a part of the overall project structure? Can I? I understand that to build a project and have the project "see" into the .fs files, they need to be added to the .fsproj file, but can I not use open on an external file that has a module name?
Example dir structure of the proj:
And ultimately, the CLI statement would be something like
myProj compareTwoThings [dir to Thing1] [dir to Thing2] [output dir]
I feel like I'm overlooking something very simple here.
Edit: I do not believe that this question is related as I'm asking how to open a non-project .fs file.

adding latex packages to doxygen can not work

I want to add some graphics to my doxygen generated output. For that I need to add some more packages:
The first two lines can be added to the Doxyfile with
But the 2 other ones are not.
Is there a chance to add a .tex file into the generated output files before pdflatex starts?
will not work. It used my file but the output is broken. Seems that the packages are loaded at the wrong place or time.
The third thing i tried was writing a header file with
doxygen -w latex ....
This works and changing the header.tex file is ok, but this ends up in always in generating the header, patching the header, run doxygen again with own header. This is very stupid!
Any idea?
The EXTRA_PACKAGES option is equivalent to the \usepackage tag in Latex. This of course doesn't work for the \usetikzlibrary tags.
You can add your modified Latex header using the tag LATEX_HEADER in the Doxyfile, e.g.:
LATEX_HEADER = ./templates/latex/YourCustomHeader.tex
Then Doxygen pulls this Latex header file when generating the documentation. In this file you can add the used packages and libraries.
By the way: The custom stylesheet isn't used before you run the make.bat script, so it is sufficient if you copy the modified 'doxygen.sty' file to the output folder after Doxygen generated the Latex files, but before you run the 'make.bat' script to generate the PDF file. I do this by a script which first calls doxygen then copies the necessary files to the output folder and finally calls the 'make.bat' script...

How to include LaTeX snippets directly in Doxygen comments?

I would like to be able to edit LaTeX parts of some Doxygen comments externally with some suitable editor. I would use that only for complex environments. To do that, I figured I can have LaTeX-only files and include them from Doxygen. I did create Doxygen aliases for \begin and \end to make the syntax compatible.
(For example, I know how to set-up Emacs/AUCTex for working with LaTeX snippets that have no preamble and document structure.)
Is there a way to include the contents of a .tex file inside a Doxygen comment? I look for something analogous to \htmlinclude, but for TeX files. Is there some way to emulate the functionality, given my requirements for having a TeX-only external source?
You may use something like
\input <file>
where <file> is the path to the file to include, either absolute or relative to the directory in which the latex documentation is generated.
Have you tried the \verbinclude command? This command includes any file verbatim in the documentation (in contrast to \include, which is used to include source files).
From the doxygen manual:
\verbinclude <file-name>
This command includes the file <file-name> verbatim in the documentation. The command is equivalent to pasting the file in the documentation and placing \verbatim and \endverbatim commands around it.
Files or directories that doxygen should look for can be specified using the EXAMPLE_PATH tag of doxygen's configuration file.
Edit: I just had a thought that you may wish to strip the preamble from your .tex file before including the rest of the file in the documentation. you could do this using the \dontinclude command which, together with the \line, \skip, \skipline, and \until commands allows you to include specific lines/blocks of a particular file. See the example in the \dontinclude documentation.
