Describing hostnames / ports / URLs in English - url

This is the question I cannot figure out for quite some time. Which of the examples below are better to use?
a0. Open a "proto://" link
b0. Open "proto://" link
c0. Open a link "proto://
d0. Open the link "proto://"
e0. Open the "proto://" link
a1. In Windows 2003 / 208 only the 135 port accepts ...
b1. In Windows 2003 / 208 only 135 port accepts ...
a2. Service Provider was able to connect to MS Exchange using "EXCH1-TEST" hostname
b2. Service Provider was able to connect to MS Exchange using hostname "EXCH1-TEST"
c2. Service Provider was able to connect to MS Exchange using the hostname "EXCH1-TEST"
d2. Service Provider was able to connect to MS Exchange using the "EXCH1-TEST" hostname
a3. available on port 135
b3. available on the 135 port
c3. available on 135 port
d3. available onto 135 port
e3. available onto the 135 port
Don't say this should be asked on English Language & Usage, for them it's off-topic.


F5 load balancer over https url

I have a service exposed over 2 nodes, each node has a https url for the service.
I want to put a F5 on top of these 2 https nodes, is it possible
Yes. First create an https monitor, some request that when you get the right response back, the node is 'online'. Then create a pool with the two nodes (listing their IP and port number) and attach the monitor. Then create a virtual server or two (I normally make an http one with no pool and the built-in https redirect iRule) plus the https virtual server. give them the same IP address, allow all source addresses (the source here is what allows the F5 to select it, you can restrict IP addresses further with the firewall policy). Auto SNAT will make the f5 replicate the request to the backend server but with the src IP of the F5. If you care about the client IP address on the backend servers they will need to listen for x-forewaded-for header. You'll need to add a profile to the https virtual server to attach such a header and populate it with the clients 'real' src IP. Then attach the pool and make sure the VS firewall is open correctly. You'll also need to import the right certs and keys and create an ssl profile that matches the DNS name you want to point at this VS, and attach the ssl profile to the https vip in the client ssl section. the server ssl section is normally ssl-insecure-compatible.
for the DNS name, hopefully your 2 nodes are named something like web1 and so the DNS name for the vip should be and the SSL Cert required would be for or * if you're feeling frisky lol.


In C++ (I didn't include code because this is more of a protocol understanding matter) I am creating a SOCKS5 server and had a few questions because the client terminates the connection after I send it the approved message. In the RFC it says BND.ADDR and BND.PORT are used for: RFC 1928
o BND.ADDR server bound address
o BND.PORT server bound
port in network octet order`
In the reply to a CONNECT, BND.PORT contains the port number that the
server assigned to connect to the target host, while BND.ADDR
contains the associated IP address.
Here are my questions,
What is BND.PORT and what should I specify for it?.
What does it mean by "server assigned to connect to the target host" Is target host the "Client"?
I've read the RFC front to back like 5 times and I have yet to understand it, can someone go into more detail about the BND.PORT and what it means?
I was sniffing around in Wireshark and I found that BND.PORT was different for each request made. (I am not sure what port to enter because everything I tried resulted in Proxifer (The socks client) says "The server gave an unexpected replay - Connection terminated"
Wireshark connection hex-dump from an actual SOCKS5 server (not mine):
Just to make sure we're on the same page... This is the relationship between client, server and host. Notice that the client and host can't talk to each other directly.
What does it mean by "server assigned to connect to the target host" Is target host the "Client"?
No. The "host" is the device the client is trying to connect to via the SOCKS5 server. The "client" is on the other side of the SOCKS5 server, furthest away from the host.
What is BND.PORT and what should I specify for it?.
BND.PORT is the source port of packets leaving the SOCKS5 server, bound for a host. You have no control over what port the server chooses. Think about it. Where does a host see packets coming from? It certainly isn't the client. From the perspective of the host, packets are all coming from the server, it doesn't know about the client. Additionally the BND.ADDR is the IP of the server.
What I've said is true under the condition that CONNECT is being used. I have no experience with BIND or UDP ASSOCIATE yet.

NET USE Error 1219 even though there are no existing connections

I'm trying to map a network drive of an SBS 2011 server.
Even though there are no existing connections (net use returns an empty list, process explorer doesn't find any handles for connections to the server) I get 1219 error message.
In order to map the drive I use the following commands:
NET USE y: \\sbs\[dir_name] /USER:[domain_name]\[username] /PERSISTENT:YES
The environment:
Windows SBS 2011 Server (\sbs)
Win7 Professional 64Bit, in sbs domain
I can map the drive using the IP address, but the program needing to access the drive tries to access it via its name (\sbs) and fails (well, I think at least that this is the reason).
Another bit of info:
I previously had joined the domain with a different user (user1). For some reasons I left and rejoined the domain using a different one (user2).
When trying to map the drive in Windows Explorer it automatically suggests user1. Could it be that there are some old settings that make Windows think that user1 is still connected to sbs?
Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Plastic SCM server access outside home network

I have installed Plastic SCM server in one of my PCs at home (Windows 7 - Home Prem). The server is accessible from the clients residing inside my home network. It is resolved using the home network PC name as the server address / visible name.
However, I would like to be able to have access to the server from outside the home network. Ideally, I would like to use the IP that has been assigned to the PC, by the ISP, where the server resides. I can deal with the intermittent IP address changes. The PC is just a regular, personal use PC (i.e. not configured as a server).
A couple of questions: Is this possible to access Plastic SCM server from outside the home network using the IP address that the ISP assigns to the PC where PSCM-Server resides?
Second, the server config tool automatically displays as the visible name of the PC, the name assigned in the home network. It does not allow me to enter an IP address. If the answer to the first question is yes, how can I enter the desired IP address?
Are there any configurations that must be in place on Windows 7 (Home Premium), perhaps?
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Plastic SCM servers listens in two ports: a SSL one and an plain TCP one. I'd strongly recommend you to set up an SSL connection if you're going to open up the port on the internet.
In order to configure your PC:
As you pointed you'll need to redirect the traffic from your router to your PC
The "redirection" must go from a public port to the Plastic SCM port (the TCP or the SSL ones)
Your PC should have the firewall configured to allow incoming traffic to the Plastic SCM port
Regarding your question about "the server configuration": no, it just shows you the name, you can't set the IP since it simply takes the IP/name from your server. It wouldn't work otherwise, unless you mean you've a multi-IP machine. Is that the case? Do you have more than one network card in your PC? If that's the case, there's a way to specify where to listen, but let's confirm first your scenario.
I'm making the assumption that you are using Plastic 4.x (I don't know how similar the 3.x version is to this)
The answer to your first question is YES. I frequently connect to my home plastic server from my work machine to view or grab projects/tools that I need.
Your second question is not technically accurate - what you need is the CLIENT tool to access your server IP address - and that IS possible.
To answer your final question - how to do it: start the Client Configuration tool on this "external" PC.
On the third page of the CLIENT configuration tool, it asks for the Plasti SCM server selection - it gives you an entry for the server address, and an entry for the port.
You most likely have set up the username/password access type on the server, but you could also have used Local users - be sure to select the appropriate log-in type you configured your server for on the final page.
Your only other consideration is the Firewall on Win7 (and as pointed out by Pablo, your router config to 'point' to your server machine on the desired ports (8087/8088) need to be forwarded) must allow those ports to be accessed. (I believe 3.x used different ports)

Server Time doesn't match with browser time on server

I have a application server (Windows 2008 R2 64 Bit) with third party hosting service provider They say my server location is California
When I Remote-In to my server, my server Timezone is set to Central Time.
If I open google on my server and search for "current time" it says Washington DC and gives Eastern Time.
How can I exactly figure out where is my server physically located?
Can this be possible server machine time and Server browser time be different?
You can get a general idea by doing a lookup/GeoLocation by IP. Try this: Logon to your server and get it's IP address. Not the local one, try getting it's outward facing IP by going to and use Maxmind to get a general idea of it's location.
