Confused between proxy and reverse proxy - proxies

I need one line explanation for proxy and reverse proxy. When I post any project on freelancer they ask whether I want a backconnect rotating proxy / reverse proxy etc.

Proxy: It is making the request on behalf of the client. So, the server will return the response to the proxy, and the proxy will forward the response to the client. In fact, the server will never "learn" who the client was (the client's IP address); it will only know the proxy. However, the client definitely knows the server, since it essentially formats the HTTP request destined for the server, but it just hands it to the proxy.
Reverse Proxy: It is receiving the request on behalf of the server. It forwards the request to the server, receives the response and then returns the response to the client. In this case, the client will never "learn" who was the actual server (the server's IP address) (with some exceptions); it will only know the proxy. The server will or won't know the actual client, depending on the configurations of the reverse proxy.

A pair of simple definitions would be:
Forward Proxy: Acting on behalf of a requestor (or service consumer)
Reverse Proxy: Acting on behalf of service/content producer.


How can I prevent Electron's Chromium from forcing HTTPS on fetch requests?

From the Electron renderer, I am accessing a local GraphQL endpoint served by a Django instance on my computer, which I'd like to do over HTTP, not HTTPS. But Electron's Chromium seems to intercept my fetch request and preemptively return a 307 redirect.
So if my fetch request is POST to, then Chromium returns a 307 and forces a redirect to, which fails because my server is listening on port 3000 and for my use case I can't do a local cert for
Theoretically the first insecure request should be hitting an nginx docker container listening on port 3000 without any SSL requirement. And nginx is proxying the request to a Hasura container. But I'm not even seeing the requests in the nginx access logs, so I'm pretty sure the request is being intercepted by Chromium.
I believe this StackOverflow comment summarizes well why this is happening:
Although I don't recall ever returning a Strict-Transport-Security header from my GraphQL endpoint or Django server.
I have tried the following code without success to turn off this Chromium behavior within my Electron app:
import { app, } from 'electron'
app.commandLine.appendSwitch('allow-insecure-localhost', )
app.commandLine.appendSwitch('ignore-urlfetcher-cert-requests', )
app.commandLine.appendSwitch('allow-running-insecure-content', )
I have also tried setting the fetch options to include {redirect: 'manual'} and {redirect: 'error'}. I can prevent the redirect but that doesn't do me any good because I need to make a successful request to the endpoint to get my data.
I tried replacing the native fetch with electron-fetch (link) and cross-fetch (link) but there seems to be no change in behavior when I swap either of those out.
Edit: Also, making the request to my GraphQL outside of Electron with the exact same header and body info works fine (via Insomnia).
So I have a couple of questions:
Is there a way to programmatically view/clear the list of HSTS domains that is being used by Chromium within Electron?
Is there a better way to accomplish what I'm trying to do?
I think the issue might be from the server, most servers don't allow HTTP in any possible way, they'll drop the data transfer and redirect you to HTTPS and there's a clear reason why they would do that.
Imagine you have an app that connects through HTTPS to send your API in return for some data, if someone just changed the https:// to http:// that'd mean the data will be sent un-encrypted and no matter what you do with your API key, it'll be exposed, that's why the servers don't ever allow any HTTP request, they don't accept even a single bit of data.
I could think of two solutions.
Chromium is not the reason for the redirect, our Django instance might be configured as production or with HTTPS listeners.
Nginx might be the one who's doing the redirecting (having a little bit of SSL def on the configuration)
Last but not least, just generate a cert with OpenSSL (on host note: include the port and use that on your Django instance. You can trust the certificate so that it could work everywhere on your computer.

Moving webservice with http and https

I have implemented services calling with http.
now services layers is moving to https.
At client side do i need to change any thing or
rename all url http to https
Need small clarification on this.
There is nothing special that you need to do. Just change "http://" to "https://" and your connection will be secured by SSL.
You can, optionally, add steps to validate the authenticity of the certificate being used (eg CA validation). But simply adding the "s" will ensure that the traffic is encrypted.
You should not change http scheme to https on client application. The way is that when your client app comes to your http (80) port your should redirect it to https (443) port by putting Location header in HTTP response.
In next versions of your client app you may have to change your protocol directly to https in order to avoid unnecessary traffic and server requests.

Response over HTTP Protocol

how a web server respond to the right client over HTTP as HTTP is a stateless Protocol. i mean to say that there would be multiple request and response at web server, and a client get its respective response.
During the process of a single http request a socket connection is kept open (if none of the endpoints abandon in that period of time).
The stateless term means that between multiple requests from the same client the protocol alone doesn't do anything for you to keep track of any state.

Original Host Request through HAProxy

I'm using HAProxy to load balance an API which uses OAuth. As part of OAuth there is a hash that uses the requested URL in part of it. In the API code, the url when sent to the server from the LB contains the port. This makes the hash not match because the sent hash does not contain the port, however, the server side hash does.
Is there a way to send the requested host in the x-forwarded-host header via an option like x-forward-for? Or do I need to alter the header via reqadd in the backend. And if so, is there a way to get the host without having to hard code it?

Connect with TTcpClient through a http proxy

How can i connect to a server through a http proxy server in delphi?
What about SOCKS5 proxy?
Google doesn't have any suggestion!
If you're using Indy (highly recommended), then try using a TIdConnectThroughHttpProxy object from the IdConnectThroughHttpProxy unit. It's a descendant of TIdIOHandler, so connect an instance of that class to your client object's IOHandler property. To connect through a Socks server instead, use TIdSocksInfo, in IdSocks.
If you're set on doing it manually, without the aid of a protocol library like Indy, then connect your TTcpClient object to the proxy server's address instead of the real destination, and then send your commands there. The proxy server knows where to send the request either because you issue a CONNECT command to it, or because you specify a full URL (instead of just the path portion) in the GET request. (The HTTP spec demonstrates the latter.) The response you'll get should be forwarded from the destination server, unless the proxy server has an error itself.
I think you can do it using Indy. You may find information in the Indy in Depth ebook.
Hope this helps.
