print chart isn't working for columnrange HighCharts - highcharts

error thrown by highchart-more library while clicking on print chart (exporting button).
i'm trying to export (print chart) a columnrange graph.
Even i found that the demo example on highchart is also throwing the same error.

This is a Highcharts bug that is reported here:
The issue is resolved and the fix will applied in the next version. As a workaround you can use the code from master or some previous version:
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
Live demo:
Highcharts file service:


HighCharts Custom maps not working on react

I am building a web app on React Js and trying too build a custom map of floors of building. I followed the article on and created an application using HTML CSS and JavaScript, however I want it inside of ReactJS. Whenever I paste the map options into the React JS variable. I get the error below:
Highcharts error #17:
The demo work's link is here:
missingModuleFor: map
You need to use Highmaps source code and mapChart chart constructor type.
import Highcharts from "highcharts/highmaps";
import HighchartsReact from "highcharts-react-official";
import React from "react";
const option2 = {...};
export default function DeltaSecond() {
return (
Also, I have noticed that Highcharts doesn't work in StrictMode from the newest React, so you can report a potential bug on highcharts-react github:
Live demo:

HighCharts offline-exporting module not working

I'm having trouble forcing highcharts to export offline. I've added the offline-exporting.js module along with the exporting module. I've set the fallbackToExportServer to false, but I still go to the highcharts server ( and get this error: 13 Request Entity Too Large.
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="//"></script>
<script src=""></script>
exporting: {
filename: title,
fallbackToExportServer: false,
To see the issue, go to:
In the Drive cycles table, search for “Fleet DNA”.
Click on “Fleet DNA Drayage Maximum Energy*”
Scroll up and click “Download Drive Cycle Data or Image” under the chart.
Choose “Download JPEG image”
Some data sets work fine.
It is linked to this reported issue:
As a workaround you could set up a custom exporting server with increased size limit:
I noticed the same issue few days back, kind of strange, despite setting the flag to false, it was calling the highchart server for chart pdf.
I then resorted to use exportChartLocal method of highchart chart instance:
type: 'image/jpeg', // replace with image/jpeg
filename: 'test.jpg',
fallbackToExportServer: false,
sourceWidth: 900,
scale: 1,
Look at this example:

Highcharts organization charts - nodes displayed incorrectly

we have been trying to implement Highcharts organization charts into our system. However, we encountered some problems while testing with our data:
• Some nodes are displayed incorrectly. The data is shown in the tooltip while hovering over the node, but the node itself is blank.
• The connecting lines between the nodes are displayed incorrectly. This seems to be a problem with highcharts.css, as removing it fixes the display issue.
Here you can find an example of our build:
Please let us know what we can do to resolve these issues.
regards, Bianca Medek
Referring to the comments - thank you for sharing the picture. That's how you chart looks like on my device:
I think that it might be a problem related to this bug (which has been already fixed and will be available in the npm after the next release):
Try to use suggested workaround - Setting the series.dataLabels.allowOverlap forces labels to be displayed.
plotOptions: {
series: {
dataLabels: {
allowOverlap: true

Calling chart.update() with navigator options let the diagram shrink

For my current project, I need to fetch data from the server and update the chart with a seperate navigator series data. When I do this, the diagram itself is shrinking, each time I call
navigator: {
//actually it doesn't matter what is written here
It looks like it shrinks exactly as much space as would needed for another navigator.
See this jsFiddle
It's already fixed on a master branch of Highcharts repository. In order to use the newest version of library please change links from:
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
You can use those links until the new release comes out (what should happen this week), but we don't recommend using GitHub version on production enviroment.
Live example:

Highcharts export is navigating to demo page

I am using HighCharts version 3.0.2. Have set up the Highcharts server locally for exporting the charts. When download as png/jpeg/pdf is selected from the top right corner of the chart , the Highcharts demo page is displayed.
Please let me know what could be the reason for this.
Note: Have set the Phatom js path in my file of highcharts export server.
Probably you're exporting.urlends without a trailing slash. The export-server will redirect the GET (without trailing slash) to the demo/welcome page
Instead of
exporting: {
url: http://localhost/export
do this
exporting: {
url: http://localhost/export/
