GWT: Textbox doesn't show Cursor on Ipad - ipad

I am trying to implement a Textbox that can show fractions with GWT.
Therefor I have an Canvas were I can draw what I want and receive KeyEvents and MouseEvents.
But on Ipad (Safarie and Chrome) the software keyboard does not show, so I created an Composite and combined the Canvas with a Textbox witch gets the focus after each key or mouse Event on the Canvas.
But the softkeyboard does not show up every time so I tried a bit and can see, that the Textbox seems to get the focus (it gets a blue boarder) but does not always show the cursor.
This does not happen on my Notebook.
Is there any difference between being focused and showing the cursor?
I tried:
Setting the Cursor position
set the Text of the Textbox.
Any help would be appreciated,
public void setFocus(boolean b) {
// if (hasFocus) {
Scheduler.get().scheduleDeferred(new ScheduledCommand() {
public void execute () {
Scheduler.get().scheduleDeferred(new ScheduledCommand() {
public void execute () {
// box.setVisible(false);
// box.setVisible(true);
// t.setFocus(b);
// box.setFocus(b);
// }

The iOS browsers don't allow the focus to be set programmatically unless directly in response to a user interaction (i.e. a touch). I believe the reason is to prevent websites bringing up the virtual keyboard for no reason.
The downside is that it clobbers setFocus() for websites that want to use it for legitimate reasons. You can't call setFocus() in a deferred command because that doesn't count as a direct response to the user interaction.
(To be more precise, you can call setFocus() in a deferred command, but it won't have the desired effect as you found out.)


displaying keyboard in Safari iOS after focus on input after page loads (modal shows) in Angular

I need to set focus and open keyboard after page loads or modal with input is shown.
Simple .focus() works in Android and also in iPad in landscape mode.
However in portrait mode and on iPhone focus is set but keyboard not shown.
I tried also solution with adding and focusing on additional element, but it doesn't work with Angular. (IOS show keyboard on input focus)
#ViewChild('searchBarInput') searchBarInput: ElementRef;
ngAfterViewInit(): void {
setTimeout(()=> {
test application:
expectation is that after page is loaded and focus set, user can start typing.
It is simplified version - I need this on modal, but behaviour on iOS is similar
I think I found the solution.
on iOS (iphone) and iPad portrait mode, focus() needs to be triggered by user action.
So we need to set this immediately after use clicks button showing modal or new div with target input field.
We can create this new field automatically, set focus, and remove it after moving focus to target field.
On button click we need to create temporary input, append to existing container (close to our input) and focus on it.
btnClicked() {
this.showModal = true;
this.searchBar = this.renderer2.selectRootElement('#searchBar', true);
// 2nd argument preserves existing content
// setting helper field and focusing on it
this.inputHelper = this.renderer2.createElement('input');
this.renderer2.appendChild(this.searchBar, this.inputHelper);
let event = new KeyboardEvent('touchstart',{'bubbles':true});
after modal/target input is shown, we move focus and remove temporary one:
initiateKeyboard() {
setTimeout(()=> {
this.renderer2.removeChild(this.searchBar, this.inputHelper);
and template:
<div id="searchBar">
<input type="button" class="button is-link is-light" value="Search" (click)="btnClicked()" (touchstart)="initiateKeyboard()" #searchBarButton>
You just need to remember that iPhone may zoom screen, so you need to adjust parameters of temporary input.
working solution:

onMouseMove listener only starts receiving events after cursor leaves and re-enters the document

I have CanvasElement which requests pointer lock on click, and then repeatedly passes movementX and movementY to a function using an onMouseMove listener (I'm testing first person controls).
It works fine the first time (immediately after page load), but if I press escape and click the canvas again it successfully locks the cursor but doesn't generate a MouseEvent to pass to the onMouseMove listener.
If I press escape and move the mouse outside of the document (anywhere that's not governed by the markup), move it back into the document and click the canvas, everything works perfectly again.
Any ideas what's causing this odd behaviour?
_canvas.onMouseMove.listen((MouseEvent e) {
if (document.pointerLockElement == _canvas) {
print(e.movement); // debug print
_canvas.onClick.listen((e) {
if (document.pointerLockElement == null) {
All the described behaviour is contained within these lines of code.
I have no idea what element.requestPointerLock() does but
MDN - Element.requestPointerLock states that you should listen to pointerlockchange and pointerlockerror to see if the request was successful. There is also a document.exitPointerLock() which you don't seem to use.
MDN Pointer Lock API seems to be a good introduction.

AS3/Air Shift focus from one text field to the next in ios

I am using Flash Pro cs6, AS3, Air3.8.. And I am using textfield for input. I am trying to make it so when the user presses "Done" it shifts to the next field. I am finding conflicting information about this on all the forums, including this one. I did search but never found a fix..
I am definitely receiving the events, and I tried adding a line that identifies the keycode, which has confirmed it is receiving keycode 13. I actually made it put the keycode into the field I want the focus to shift to successfully.. It just refuses to put focus on that field..
The code I am using is stated in the docs that it will not work in iOS.. BUT it DOES work further along on the same page of script, as well as on two other ones... I have:
function keyhandler(event:KeyboardEvent){
if(event.charCode == 13)
stage.focus = null;
stage.focus = nextTextField;
I tried that while adding the listener to the text field first, then changed it to the stage, neither work.. I tried "requestsSoftKeyboard" and several other ways I have seen posted that supposedly work in iOS, but they didn't work.. There are other functions that use the same stage.focus to null, followed by stage.focus to MyTextField and they work, but they are initiated by pressing a button on the stage, NOT a button on the soft keyboard. The code there that works is just a standard if statement:
if (TextField == "")
}else if (NextTextField == "")
stage.focus = null;
stage.focus = NextTextField;
}else if (TextFieldAfterThat == "")
stage.focus = null;
stage.focus = TextFieldAfterThat;
That continues through all fields and always goes to the right one with the soft keyboard open, cursor blinking, and ready to type.. every time. I know the listeners are received from the soft keyboard "Done" because a function to capitalize the words works, and when I added code to confirm the keycode it worked. I also have found access to that value using "charcode" AND "keycode".. I do not know what the difference is, but both returned 13 and neither worked for me..
There is another place I use the same code to make a TextField active and set the focus after the user presses a radio button, and those all work every time.
I am not sure what the difference is coming from pressing "Done" vs. pressing an object on the stage, but it refuses to set the focus with the done button.
Anyone have any ideas or made this work before?
I had success assingning focus to a StageText in iOS like this:
StageText offers many advantages over TextField because it shows a native text input. The only disadvantage I know is that you can't use custom fonts.
Here's the documentation, and a tutorial.
I haven't experimented with the "Done" key, but I did what you are trying to achieve with "Enter" key and it worked. Also take note that in iOS the "Done" key is meant to hide the keyboard, so that could be why you are having these problems..
With component FPTextField you can listen to the event click DONE. In this video, compared StageText and FPTextField:
Use ane library FPNativeUI:

Difference between isForeground() and onExposed and onObscured

I am trying to make my program use less resources when I send it to the background through overriding the onClose() function. My first step is to stop it painting text and gauge fields.
I've been reading this doc on Efficiency,
"Eliminating unnecessary processing on the device"
"You can use methods to stop animating or repainting the screen when the screen is not visible, and resume when the screen is visible again. You can override Screen.onExposed(), which is invoked when your application's screen is on top of the display stack and displayed to the user. You can override Screen.onObscured(), which is invoked when your application's screen is not displayed to the user or is obscured by another screen."
I know if I use isForeground(), it will stop it from painting if my app is in the background, but will it do the same if it is obscured by another app? It seems much more simpler to use isForeground()
private boolean isExposed;
protected void onExposed()
isExposed = true;
protected void onObscured()
isExposed = false;
public void batteryStatusChange(int status)
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
if ((status & DeviceInfo.BSTAT_LEVEL_CHANGED) != 0)
//is there a difference between the two if's?
public boolean onClose()
return true;
In general, isForeground() tells you if your app is running in the foreground. However, as you've implemented it, the isExposed variable only tells you when the screen that it belongs to has been exposed, or obscured (because you're setting it in the Screen.onExposed() and Screen.onObscured() methods).
For your app, maybe you only have one Screen subclass?
Most apps will have many screens. So, in that situation, the isExposed variable would only be telling you whether or not one (of many) screens is showing.
If your app only has the single Screen, then either technique should work for you.
However, as I said in my comment, if the code you've posted is showing all that you're doing in the batteryStatusChange() callback, then I don't think you really need to worry about performance. It's good to be considerate of performance on mobile devices, but neither of the UI calls you make in that method should incur any significant performance cost.

Blackberry - problem with UiApplication.popScreen() on Blackberry OS 4.5

I have a application with a screen manager class that is causing me some problems.
The application makes requests to the server to perform searches and allows the user to view results.
The application has worked fine on all OS versions up to 4.5 where we are sudden having
problems viewing a screen under certain circumstances.
It occurs when the user has performed a search and they wait for the results.
While waiting for results, they press the trackball which displays a menu.
This is not needed to display the results, it just happened that the user decided to press it.
When the results come back from the server, the results screen should automatically be displayed. On OS 4.5, the code displays the results screen runs but then the application completely falls over. If the user doesn't press the trackball while waiting, the application works fine.
Looking at the logs, they show no exception being thrown and the only suspect line being
System data:VM:DPNAv=78,p
By adding in some more log lines I have discovered that the code is reaching the
line in the method hideScreen(Screen screen) but when called from hideCurrentScreen(). By adding in some more debugging I find that the active screen at this point is DefaultMenuScreen (as the menu button has been pressed)
So it seems the problem is that I am trying to pop one of my own screens from the display
stack when the DefaultMenuScreen one is the active one. I repeat that this code did work on OS previous to 4.5. By running the same code on the 8300 with OS 4.2.2 with the debugging statements, I can see that the same thing happens, the active screen is the DefaultScreen but removing my own screen does not cause the whole application to crash.
The one way round this I could see, was to change the hideCurrentScreen() to just remove the active screen but this does not seem like the correct way to do it.
Has anyone else had experience of this? Can anyone tell me why this is happening? What are we meant to do if we cannot remove our screens when a DefaultMenuScreen is the active one?
This occurs in both device and simulator for 8310 and 9700.
The screen manager code is as follows.
public class ScreenManager
private Hashtable screens;
private String currentScreenName;
public ScreenManager()
screens=new Hashtable();
* Description of the Method
*#param sCardName Description of Parameter
public boolean showScreen( String sScreenName )
boolean bSuccess=false;
if (sScreenName != null && sScreenName.length() > 0 )
MainScreen screen=(MainScreen)screens.get(sScreenName);
if (screen!=null)
// We have a new screen to display so pop the current screen off the stack
// If the screen is on the stack then pop the screens until we get our target screen
// otherwise just push the screen onto the stack.
if (screen.isDisplayed())
Screen activeScreen=null;
while (screen!=activeScreen && activeScreen!=null)
if (bSuccess)
Logger.warning("ScreenManager: Failed to display screen ["+ sScreenName +"]");
return bSuccess;
private Screen hideCurrentScreen()
Screen activeScreen=null;
MainScreen screen=(MainScreen)screens.get(currentScreenName);
return activeScreen;
private Screen hideScreen(Screen screen)
Screen activeScreen=null;
if (screen!=null && screen.isDisplayed())
Logger.finest("Hiding Screen ["+currentScreenName+"]");
Logger.finest("Hid Screen ["+currentScreenName+"]");
return activeScreen;
//Rest of code omitted
The only way round this I managed to find was what I mentioned in the question. When I want to remove the current screen. I need to check it is the same as the active screen. If it is not the same then I just remove the active screen until I reach the screen I am looking for. This would only happen if a menu or pop up was displayed. Also, I need to add checks to my custom pop-up code to make sure it does not try and remove a screen that has already been removed.
It seems a bit messy but could not find any other alternatives.
The way we pop screens in our app is to explicitly pop the screen you want off the stack, as opposed to just the top-most screen. This either requires keeping track of which screens you have on the stack, or some code to iterate through the screens on the stack and search for the particular screen you want to pop off.
