Erlang Erl commands not working on Windows 10 - erlang

Hello i was trying to issue some distributed erlang commands such as erl -sname/erl -name and i do not get a response.
If i put . at the end it says syntax error.
If i don't it won't return anything and it will treat it like an unfinished command.
I thought this is only for these commands but it seems there are others that will not do anything like
erl -man <module_name>.
Do i need to set something up to be able to issue erl commands.
P.S OS is Windows 10.

The erl command (with or without -sname) is simply how you run Erlang from a console window like cmd or powershell. On Windows, to get a fully working Erlang shell with command line editing etc, you need to use the special werl executable instead of erl - this is due to how Windows consoles work. Try opening a cmd or powershell windows and see how it works.
If you open the properties of the icon you have used for starting Erlang, you will see that the command it is running is werl (from the Start menu you have to use "more -> open file path" to find the actual icon first). You can edit this and add options like -sname yournodename to the command, or you can create a copy of the icon (e.g. to your desktop) and give it a more suitable name, like "My Erlang node", and then edit its options.


How to clear the screen in erlang with Ctrl+L or similar?

Is there any why to clear the erlang screen with Ctrl+L like shortcut?
Use rlwrap -a erl command.
rlwrap is completely transparent to Erlang shell in case of user character input and it wraps them with readline that provides line-editing and history capabilities for interactive programs with a command-line interface like erl.
Note that in a case of using commands like Ctrl+g or Tab for name completion, rlwrap doesn't pass it to Erlang shell.

How to run Erlang nodes?

How to create new node? i try some like here
how to run this erlang example
and find the same in tutorial when i write
% erl -name dilbert
my compiler behaves i forgot '.' at the end. Of course i try end, result the same.
Any ideas?
The command erl -name dilbert is not meant to be typed into the Erlang shell; it's the command you run to start a distributed node instead of plain erl.
(If you really want to turn a running node into a distributed node, you can use net_kernel:start/1, but I've never had a reason to do that except in tests.)
In Linux, you can type erl -name dilbert in the terminal.
In Windows you run it in CMD.

How to see Erlang application Console which is running in backgroud?

I am using rebar for release build of erlang application, when I use start option to start the application it is running fine in background and It returns me the command prompt. I don't want to see all the background output, so I did not run using console option. But If I need any time what is going in background, to check the console due to any error, how do I get that running application's console?
I guess that you have made a release using Rebar and that you have started the node with the generated start script.
So the best way would be to use the start option 'attach':
./bin/mynode attach
It will connect to the shell through pipes so you will be in the actual node that are running so be careful with using Ctrl-c. (add the option "+Bi" to your vm.args file to restrict that..)
You can connect a remote shell to the node, provided it's been set up for distribution. Use the following command:
erl -sname rem -remsh node#host -setcookie the_cookie -hidden
Ctrl-G to enter JCL mode, then 'j' to list, then 'c' followed by a number to connect to the chosen job. See the eshell docs, specifically the JCL section.
Oh, or if by 'command prompt' you mean an OS shell rather than an Erlang shell, IIRC you need to start an Erlang node that is appropriately -name'd or -sname'd (whichever the node you want to connect to uses), then connect to that node ('r' in JCL mode), then connect to the job.

Run erlang application without terminal depending

I have erlang application: *.app file and some *.erl files. I compile all of them. In terminal i start erl and there application:start(my_application)., all ok, but if i closed terminal application close too. How can i run application without terminal depending?
Thank you.
You likely want to use the -noshell option to erl. The syntax is
erl -noshell -s Module Function Arguments
So in your case, this might be
erl -noshell -s application start my_application
This should allow you (for example if you are on Unix/Linux) to start your application as a background process and leave it running.
One useful variation is to also call the stop/0 function of the init module so that the Erlang environment will stop when it has finished running your function. This comes in handy if you want to run a simple one-use function and pipe the output to some other process.
So, for example, to pipe to more you could do
erl -noshell -s mymodule myfunction -s init stop | more
Finally, you might also be able to use the escript command to run your Erlang code as scripts rather than compiled code if it makes sense for your situation.
Hope that helps.
The proper way to handle this situation, is building a release containing your app and running the system as so called embedded one.
This release is going to be completely independent (it will hold erts and all the libs like, kernel, std, mnesia etc.).
On start, the new process will not be connected to shell process.
It will be OS process, so you can attach to it with pipes. All script are included in OTP.
Here is some info:
It may seem to be complicated, but tools like rebar do everything for you.

Add Path to Erlang Search Path?

I recently installed Erlang RFC4627 (JSON-RPC) with the debian package. I ran the test server using:
sudo erl -pa ebin
and then at the prompt:
I tested with http://:5671/ and got the success messages.
When I try to run rabbitmq-http2 however, I get the errors that the readme says are caused by rfc4627's code not being on the erlang search path. How do I put it on the path. I saw something on Dave Thomas's blog which suggested putting the path in the file:
This didn't seem to work for me (maybe I did it wrong?).
The code module is how you manipulate the path within an application.
The flags -pa that you used in starting the Erlang shell actually refer to a function in this module:
add_patha(Dir) -> true | {error, What}
You are right about the .erlang file in your home directory - it is run at start-up time of the shell and you can add in handy paths.
For an application you can start the shell with a batch file that calls something like this:
erl -pa ./ebin ../../lib/some/path/ebin
The flags behaviour of erl is described here.
For more sophisticated path management you need to get familiar with how OTP release management is done (but I suspect that is a while away for you yet).
