Clustering "access-time" data sequences - time-series

I have many sequences of data looking like this:
s1 = t11, t12, ..., t1m_1
s2 = t21, t22, ..., t2m_2
si = ti1, ti2, ..., tim_i
si means the i-th sequence, tij means the i-th sequence be accessed at time tj
each sequence has different length of data (m_1 may not equal to m_2),
and each sequence's data means that the sequence si was accessed time at ti1, ti2, ..., tim_i.
My goal is to cluster the similar access-time sequences.
I'm not sure whether I can translate this problem to a time-series problem.
For my understanding the time-series data like that each sequence's data means the value at that time like stock data, but my sequence's value means which time the sequence be accessed.
If it can translate to time-series problem, but there is another problem. The problem is that the sequence's access time is very discrete (may be accessed at 1s, 1000s, 2000s), so if I translate to time-series format, its space would be very large, I think this can't run cluster with some algorithm like (DTW), its time complexity may too large.

As you pointed out, DTW would be quite slow, since comparing the first two series takes k * m_1 * m_2 operations.
To avoid this, and to more easily compare your sequences, you might somehow hammer them into the same format (thereby also losing information).
Here are some ideas:
Differentiate to obtain times-between-accesses, and build histograms with fixed bins across all data.
Count the number of accesses during each minute every week (and divide by number of times that minute-of-week appears in each series). Adapt to timescales of interest.
Count "number of accesses up until now". So, instead of having data points only when an access was made ("sparse"), you'd get a data point for every timestamp ("dense") showing accesses for every minute up to the current one.
#3 would be similar to an "integral image" in computer vision. After this, new summarization techniques open up, like moving averages, or even direct comparison (if the recordings happen in parallel).
In order to pick a more useful representation, you need to think about what is meaningful in your application.
After you get a uniform-length representation, you can use cheaper similarity measures. A typical one is cosine similarity (but be sure to normalize first).


Find peaks amplitude and latency in EEG data python, preferably using MNE

I have EEG data, for which I want to calculate the peaks' amplitudes and latencies. I'm working with MNE, and found the method get_peak in the Evoked object. However, I want to find peaks on epochs data (not averaged). How can I do it? I didn't see similar functions for the epochs object. I would prefer to do it through MNE, but other python libraries can also work. It's important that there is an option to get the amplitude and latency of the peaks, and choose a time window for detection.
In addition, I didn't understand if the get_peak returns only the highest peak, or something else? If there is more than one peak.
You can create an Evoked data structure from a single trial by just selecting a single trial from your Epochs structure and then applying .average(), e.g., as follows:
tmp_evoked = all_epochs[subj][cond][trial].average()
The above assumes you have an all_epochs object organized as trials within conditions within subjects (i.e., you're working at the group level). If your Epochs object has only one subject, then it would just be:
tmp_evoked = all_epochs[cond][trial].average()
You can further refine this to find the peak at only one channel as:
tmp_evoked = all_epochs[subj][cond][trial].pick(chan).average()

Learning from time-series data to predict time-series (not forecasting)

I have a number of datasets where each of them contains a number of input variables (lets say 3) as time series and an output variable, also as a time series and all over the same time period.
Each of these series has the same number of datapoints (say 1000*10 if 10 second data was gathered at 1000Hz).
I want to learn from this data and given a new dataset with 3 time serieses for input variables, I want to predict the time series for the output variable.
I will write the problem below in some non-English notation. I will avoid using terms like features, sample, target etc because since I haven't formulated the problem for any algorithm, I don't want to speculate what will be what.
Datasets to learn from look like this:
dataset1:{Inputs=(timSeries1,timSeries2,timSeries3), Output=(timSeriesOut)}
dataset2:{Inputs=(timSeries1,timSeries2,timSeries3), Output=(timSeriesOut)}
dataset3:{Inputs=(timSeries1,timSeries2,timSeries3), Output=(timSeriesOut)}
datasetn:{Inputs=(timSeries1,timSeries2,timSeries3), Output=(timSeriesOut)}
Now, given a new (timSeries1, timSeries2, timSeries3) I want to predict (timSeriesOut)
datasetPredict:{Inputs=(timeSeries1,timSeries2,timSeries3), Output = ?}
What technique should I use and how should the problem be formulated? Should I just break it as separate learning problem for each time stamp with three features and one target (either for that or next timestamp)?
Thank you all!

Are data dependencies relevant when preparing data for neural network?

Data: When I have N rows of data like this: (x,y,z) where logically f(x,y)=z, that is z is dependent on x and y, like in my case (setting1, setting2 ,signal) . Different x's and y's can lead to the same z, but the z's wouldn't mean the same thing.
There are 30 unique setting1, 30 setting2 and 1 signal for each (setting1, setting2)-pairing, hence 900 signal values.
Data set: These [900,3] data points are considered 1 data set. I have many samples of these data sets.
I want to make a classification based on these data sets, but I need to flatten the data (make them all into one row). If I flatten it, I will duplicate all the setting values (setting1 and setting2) 30 times, i.e. I will have a row with 3x900 columns.
Is it correct to keep all the duplicate setting1,setting2 values in the data set? Or should I remove them and only include the unique values a single time?, i.e. have a row with 30 + 30 + 900 columns. I'm worried, that the logical dependency of the signal to the settings will be lost this way. Is this relevant? Or shouldn't I bother including the settings at all (e.g. due to correlations)?
If I understand correctly, you are training NN on a sample where each observation is [900,3].
You are flatning it and getting an input layer of 3*900.
Some of those values are a result of a function on others.
It is important which function, as if it is a liniar function, NN might not work:
From here:
"If inputs are linearly dependent then you are in effect introducing
the same variable as multiple inputs. By doing so you've introduced a
new problem for the network, finding the dependency so that the
duplicated inputs are treated as a single input and a single new
dimension in the data. For some dependencies, finding appropriate
weights for the duplicate inputs is not possible."
Also, if you add dependent variables you risk the NN being biased towards said variables.
E.g. If you are running LMS on [x1,x2,x3,average(x1,x2)] to predict y, you basically assign a higher weight to the x1 and x2 variables.
Unless you have a reason to believe that those weights should be higher, don't include their function.
I was not able to find any link to support, but my intuition is that you might want to decrease your input layer in addition to omitting the dependent values:
From professor A. Ng's ML Course I remember that the input should be the minimum amount of values that are 'reasonable' to make the prediction.
Reasonable is vague, but I understand it so: If you try to predict the price of a house include footage, area quality, distance from major hub, do not include average sun spot activity during the open home day even though you got that data.
I would remove the duplicates, I would also look for any other data that can be omitted, maybe run PCA over the full set of Nx[3,900].

Using sklearn DictVectorizer in real-time systems

Any binary one-hot encoding is aware of only values seen in training, so features not encountered during fitting will be silently ignored. For real time, where you have millions of records in a second, and features have very high cardinality, you need to keep your hasher/mapper updated with the data.
How can we do an incremental update to the hasher (rather calculating the entire fit() every time we incounter a new feature-value pair)? What is the suggested approach here the tackle this?
It depends on the learning algorithm that you are using. If you are using a method that has been designated for sparse data sets (FTRL, FFM, linear SVM) one possible approach is the following (note that it will introduce collisions in the features and a lot of constant columns).
First allocate for each element of your sample a (as large as possible) vector V, of length D.
For each categorical variable, evaluate hash(var_name + "_" + var_value) % D. This gives you an integer i, and you can store V[i] = 1.
Therefore, V never grows larger as new features appear. However, as soon as the number of features is large enough, some features will collide (i.e. be written at the same place) and this may result in an increased error rate...
Edit. You can write your own vectorizer to avoid collisions. First call L the current number of features. Prepare the same vector V of length 2L (this 2 will allow you to avoid collisions as new features arrive - at least for some time, depending of the arrival rate of new features).
Starting with an emty dictionary<input_type,int>, associate to each feature an integer. If have already seen the feature, return the int corresponding to the feature. If not, create a new entry with an integer corresponding to the new index. I think (but I am not sure) this is what LabelEncoder does for you.

Kohonen Self Organizing Maps: Determining the number of neurons and grid size

I have a large dataset I am trying to do cluster analysis on using SOM. The dataset is HUGE (~ billions of records) and I am not sure what should be the number of neurons and the SOM grid size to start with. Any pointers to some material that talks about estimating the number of neurons and grid size would be greatly appreciated.
Quoting from the som_make function documentation of the som toolbox
It uses a heuristic formula of 'munits = 5*dlen^0.54321'. The
'mapsize' argument influences the final number of map units: a 'big'
map has x4 the default number of map units and a 'small' map has
x0.25 the default number of map units.
dlen is the number of records in your dataset
You can also read about the classic WEBSOM which addresses the issue of large datasets
Keep in mind that the map size is also a parameter which is also application specific. Namely it depends on what you want to do with the generated clusters. Large maps produce a large number of small but "compact" clusters (records assigned to each cluster are quite similar). Small maps produce less but more generilized clusters. A "right number of clusters" doesn't exists, especially in real world datasets. It all depends on the detail which you want to examine your dataset.
I have written a function that, with the data set as input, returns the grid size. I rewrote it from the som_topol_struct() function of Matlab's Self Organizing Maps Toolbox into a R function.
#Determina, para lattice hexagonal, el número de neuronas (munits) y su disposición (msize)
# munits: número de hexágonos
# dlen: número de sujetos
munits=ceiling(5*dlen^0.5) # Formula Heurística matlab
for (i in 1:dim)
for (i in 1:dim){
for (j in i:dim){
if (eigval[length(eigval)]==0 | eigval[length(eigval)-1]*munits<eigval[length(eigval)]){
hope it helps...
Iván Vallés-Pérez
I don't have a reference for it, but I would suggest starting off by using approximately 10 SOM neurons per expected class in your dataset. For example, if you think your dataset consists of 8 separate components, go for a map with 9x9 neurons. This is completely just a ballpark heuristic though.
If you'd like the data to drive the topology of your SOM a bit more directly, try one of the SOM variants that change topology during training:
Growing SOM
Growing Neural Gas
Unfortunately these algorithms involve even more parameter tuning than plain SOM, but they might work for your application.
Kohenon has written on the issue of selecting parameters and map size for SOM in his book "MATLAB Implementations and Applications of the Self-Organizing Map". In some cases, he suggest the initial values can be arrived at after testing several sizes of the SOM to check that the cluster structures were shown with sufficient resolution and statistical accuracy.
my suggestion would be the following
SOM is distantly related to correspondence analysis. In statistics, they use 5*r^2 as a rule of thumb, where r is the number of rows/columns in a square setup
usually, one should use some criterion that is based on the data itself, meaning that you need some criterion for estimating the homogeneity. If a certain threshold would be violated, you would need more nodes. For checking the homogeneity you would need some records per node. Agai, from statistics you could learn that for simple tests (small number of variables) you would need around 20 records, for more advanced tests on some variables at least 8 records.
remember that the SOM represents a predictive model. So validation is the key, absolutely mandatory. Yet, validation of predictive models (see typeI / II error entry in Wiki) is a subject on its own. And the acceptable risk as well as the risk structure also depend fully on your purpose.
You may test the dynamics of the error rate of the model by reducing its size more and more. Then take the smallest one with acceptable error.
It is a strength of the SOM to allow for empty nodes. Yet, there should not be too much of them. Let me say, less than 5%.
Taken all together, from experience, I would recommend the following criterion a minimum of the absolute number of 8..10 records, but those should not be more than 5% of all clusters.
Those 5% rule is of of course a heuristics, which however can be justified by the general usage of the confidence level in statistical tests. You may choose any percentage from 1% to 5%.
