How to show google popup confirm dialog with angular7? - angular7

I am trying to display the chrome popup confirm dialog after a modification done when i try to leave to go another url (route) in my application .
I add this code :
#HostListener('window:beforeunload', ['$event']) beforeUnload($event) {
$event.returnValue = '';
but when i try to move to another route i didn't get any confirm dialog.
I'm working with angular7. How to resolve that? any example ? thanks in advance.

Angular provides Guards for Route events. Based on the documentation of CanDeactivate Guard, you can show confirmation dialog before leave from page.
class CanDeactivateExample implements CanDeactivate<YourComponent> {
component: YourComponent,
currentRoute: ActivatedRouteSnapshot,
currentState: RouterStateSnapshot,
nextState: RouterStateSnapshot
): Observable<boolean|UrlTree>{
return confirm('Are you sure to leave from page?');
return true;
To use it, you should edit your routes like:
path: '<path>',
component: YourComponent,
canDeactivate: [CanDeactivateExample]
Also Guards are injectables, so you need to provide it at your module which you want to use inside.
provides: [..., CanDeactivateExample]


Laravel Nova Tool - Send Metadata to Vue

I'm creating a Tool for Laravel Nova 2.0
In my Tool I want to send a list of stuff to the Vue component:
in the PHP src for my tool I have a function that generates the "meta", as suggested in the documentation here:
public function stuff() {
$stuff = [];
return $this->withMeta(['stuff' => $stuff]);
In my NovaServiceProvider.php I instantiate the tool and call the meta function. i.e.
public function tools()
return [
(new Tool())->stuff(),
However, nothing is passed to the Tool.vue component, (I have spent sometime inspecting it!) i.e.:
mounted() {
console.log(this.stuff); // undefined
Issue is discussed here:, however note that I am using a Tool and not a ResourceTool, or a Card.
Is this a bug with Tools, or something I'm doing wrong? Is there a workaround?
I haven't tried creating a custom tool yet, but for the custom field you can get the metadata using:
mounted() {
if you're having troubles with similar stuff, i suggest printing the content of the class in the console in a json format, it makes it easier for you to troubleshoot the problem
mounted() {
Although i don't think this is the problem can you try modifying your stuff() function to:
public function stuff()
$stuff = [];
$this->withMeta(['stuff' => $stuff]);
return $this;

Laravel 5 User activation

I have a strange problem that I can't solve.
When a user is registered, I redirect them to a feed url, open a modal and tell my user to activate his account by clicking the email link that I sent them. But after I click the link, I keep being redirected to the exact same page (feed) and my account isn't being activated. What could be the problem here?
Route::group(['namespace' => 'Auth'], function ()
Route::group(['middleware' => 'auth'], function ()
Route::get('activate/{token}', 'PasswordController#activate');
public function activate($token) {
//get token value.
// find the user that belongs to that token.
$activation = User::where("confirmation_code", $token)->get()->first();
$activation->confirmed = 1;
RedirectIfAuthenticated.php If I remove feed url, it works. But I don't want to do that.
public function handle($request, Closure $next)
if ($this->auth->check()) {
return redirect('/feed');
return $next($request);
Assuming your using laravel default authentication system. Do the following.
In your AuthController add the method. This will create the user but not log them in since they haven't activated their account. Please note laravel will automatically login the user hence the function below overrides default behaviour.
public function postRegister(Request $request)
$validator = $this->validator($request->all());
if ($validator->fails()) {
$request, $validator
return redirect('/feed');
In RedirectIfAuthenticated.php remove '/feed' and instead have a url which users are to be redirected if logged in. Since having feed there will redirect user to the page asking them to activate there account every time they log in.
In the activate function of your password controller there is no logic as to what should be done once user is activated. Add the following lines after $activation->save()
return redirect('/');

ajax request php class function

i have content listed in a div and i have a dropdown with various options to order and filter that content.
I'm using ajax to filter/order that content and is working but i use other php page with the content i want on the div that has the content, like this
function order(str){
q: str,
function(data, status){
document.getElementById("txtHint").innerHTML = data;
What i wanted was to instead of putting the code (data) to change in another page just for that, i could put that code inside a class php function that i have.
class products{
function list(){
That way i would "save space" and organize everything, considering that i have many other things to order/filter but i don't know to to make the ajax request to that function, or if it's possible without having a page in between and then get the response from the function and put it on the div.
You can do this using Laravel by setting up a route to a function that will do the ordering. Please note I've made a lot of assumptions in the following answer as I can't see all your code and have made it quite general, please adjust the code to your project or provide more details of your code if you don't understand the answer fully.
Route::post('products/order', [
'as' => 'products.order',
'uses' => 'ProductsController#orderProducts'
Your view (assuming you're using blade)
$txtHint = $('#txtHint'); // grab the reference to txtHint dropdown
$.post( '{{ route("products.order") }}', // hit our route
q: str,
function(data, status){
$txtHint.empty(); // clear the dropdown
// loop through the data and assign each element to the dropdown
$.each(data, function(value, key) {
.attr("value", value)
public function orderProducts()
$orderBy = \Input::get('q');
return \Products::lists('name', 'id')->orderBy($orderBy);
For outside of a framework just change the url to your php file and add in a data attribute for the method you require to be fired from the file.
$.post( 'products.php', // hit our route
action: 'order',
q: str,
Then in products.php you'd do something like this
if(isset($_POST['action']) && !empty($_POST['action'])) {
$action = $_POST['action'];
switch($action) {
case 'order' : order();break;
case 'otherFunction' : otherFunction();break;
function order()
// order logic here
// get $_POST['q']
// do your ordering
// return data as json
See here for similar question: using jquery $.ajax to call a PHP function

jQuery disable submit button if text box contains these variables

How I can strip out the variables listed below from within a textbox (input) that if a user tries to type a URL i.e these variables:
If any of the variables above exist in the textbox on keyup the submit button gets disabled or/and it removes/strips out the variables above.
Is this possible? I've tried doing it using Charcodes, but I face the problem that I would like the user to still use '.; (full-stops) etc
Can somebody help?
Here you go!
var a = ["http://", "www.", ".com", ""]; //Add the substrings
if($("#myinput").attr("value").indexOf(k) > -1)
alert('Found!'); //Do something
return true;
return false;
Every time the user types a char, it checks for the string in array a. If the substring is found, it popups an alert message.
Using blur it will check for the string only when the user go outs of the input box (its more efficient using blur, but you can use this way if you want to check few strings and the input value is not too long).
Try this,
$("#textboxId").blur(function (event) {
var text =;
if(text.contains("www")) {
$("submitBtnId").prop('disabled', true);

Log any action made by users in sfDoctrineGuard

I need to log any action made by users in sfDoctrineGuard plugin. Basically I'll need to log:
IP from where users are accessing the application
Any plugin? Is that possible? How?
This could be probably the plugin you need, sfDoctrineGuardLoginHistoryPlugin and allows to extend the information that you save.
Check for more plugins here.
Take a look at the code of the plugin, you just need to change the following file: PluginUserLoginHistoryTable.class.php
Add in the function writeLoginHistory and createHistoryEntry the information you want:
writeLoginHistory(sfEvent $event) {
//... same code than in the plugin
//lets save module and action
if (!isset($request) )
$sActionName = sfContext::getInstance()->getActionName();
$sModuleName = sfContext::getInstance()->getModuleName();
if (isset($request["module"]))
$sActionName = $request["action"];
$sModuleName = $request["module"];
//get values from the http bar URL
if (!isset($sModuleName))
$sFullURL = sfContext::getInstance()->getRouting()->getCurrentInternalUri();
///... strip action and module name from the above URL
Remember to pass those values to createHistoryEntry function and also to update that function with more input values to be saved.
