How to add community plugins in kong installed using docker - docker

We are trying to install community plugin Kong Service Virtualization. As I am completely new to kong, I am not able find any solution where detailed installation steps have been given like where and how to add that plugin, how to edit kong.conf etc. Can anyone help me with the issue.
Thanks in advance.

you can install any plugin in kong using luarocks
For example here is one sample docker file
FROM kong
ENV LUA_PATH /usr/local/share/lua/5.1/?.lua;/usr/local/kong-oidc/?.lua;;
# For lua-cjson
ENV LUA_CPATH /usr/local/lib/lua/5.1/?.so;;
# Install unzip for luarocks, gcc for lua-cjson
RUN yum install -y unzip gcc
RUN luarocks install luacov
here one example of oidc plugin :
we can install plugin using : luarocks install <plugin name>
build your own custom docker image and use kong image as base docker image.
here whole example working Dockerfile
FROM kong:latest
USER root
RUN apk update && apk add git unzip luarocks
RUN luarocks install kong-oidc
USER kong

Here is an example of the Dockerfile I use for install the kong-oidc plugin with dependencies:
FROM kong:2.0.2-alpine
USER root
ENV KONG_PLUGINS=bundled,oidc
# Add libs
ADD lib/resty/openidc.lua /usr/local/openresty/lualib/resty/openidc.lua
# Add oidc plugin
ADD plugins/oidc /usr/local/share/lua/5.1/kong/plugins/oidc
# Install dependencies
RUN luarocks install lua-resty-http
RUN luarocks install lua-resty-session
RUN luarocks install lua-resty-jwt 0.2.2
USER kong
I'm adding the oidc plugin from my source code instead luarocks because the repository is unmaintained, and you will need to update some dependencies to make it work.
If you need a functional example of Kong + OpenID + Keycloak, check this repository and this article.


Mamba installing a package into wrong environment

The background is, I'm responsible for maintaining a fancy Docker image that is used by our team for analytics. It uses a Jupyter notebook image as the base, and then adds various customisations, extra packages, etc.
One of the team members recently wanted to run Tensorflow. No problem, I'll just run mamba install and add it to the image. However, this created an issue: Tensorflow 2.4.3 (the latest version) is somehow incompatible with R 4.1.1 (also the latest version) or something else in the ecosystem, causing R to to be downgraded to 3.6.3. So I created a new environment and installed TF into that:
FROM hongooi/jupytermodelrisk:1.0.0
RUN mamba create -n tensorflow --clone base
# Make RUN commands use the new environment
RUN echo "conda activate tensorflow" >> ~/.bashrc
SHELL ["/bin/bash", "--login", "-c"]
RUN mamba install -y 'tensorflow=2.4.3'
But when I rebuilt the image, I found that while the tensorflow env had been created, the Tensorflow package had been installed into the base env, not the tensorflow env. Has anyone else encountered this? I can verify, if I login to the container, that the tensorflow env has been created: it just doesn't contain the Tensorflow package.
I don't get this problem if run the create, activate and install commands from inside the container. It's only when I try to do it in the Dockerfile.
I use mamba instead of conda because the latter takes forever to run, given the number of packages installed. In fact, trying to run conda install tensorflow crashes after ~5 hours.
Not an expert on dockerfiles, but in general you could just use the -n flag to the install command to specify the target environment for the installation like so:
mamba install -n tensorflow -y tensorflow=2.4.3

How to install terraform 0.12 in an alpine container with apk?

I want to add terraform version 0.12.21 in an alpine container, but I can only add 0.11.0 using apk. If I try to add it as the desired version I get the following error:
/ # apk upgrade terraform==0.12.21-r0
OK: 192 MiB in 66 packages
/ # apk add terraform==0.12.21-r0
ERROR: unsatisfiable constraints:
breaks: world[terraform=0.12.21-r0]
How do I fix this apk error?
I havent found an apk solution but I can just download the desired binary and replace the existing one with the following in the dockerfile:
# upgrade terraform to 0.12.21
RUN wget
RUN unzip && rm
RUN mv terraform /usr/bin/terraform
I'm documenting #SantaXL's comment as an answer just to make it easier to find in the future.
apk add terraform --repository=
This doesn't specifically add version 0.12, as per the question. Instead, it installs the latest version of terraform held in the Alpine repository. Note that this isn't necessarily the latest version of terraform, but it usually is.
For example:
apk add terraform --repository=
where 3.12 is apk's branch

Ubuntu, shopsys install via composer, docker, still crashing

I wanna install shopsys via composer and docker, as is recommended.
I installed git, php-fpm (configured), postgres (configured), composer, docker, docker-compose.
sudo apt install git
sudo apt install php7.2-fpm
sudo apt install postgresql
sudo apt install composer
sudo apt install docker-ce
sudo apt install docker-compose
Everything ok.
I added my user to docker group.
sudo usermod -a -G docker $(whoami)
Next I made folder /var/www/html/shopsys, created project shopsys via composer.
composer create-project shopsys/project-base --no-install --keep-vcs
cd project-base/
Then I run this in /var/www/html/shopsys/project-base.
Everything seems to be ok, until this.
/var/www/html/vendor does not exist and could not be created.
I set rights to 777 for folder /var/www/html, and run it again, but same problem.
The I run this.
sudo composer install
It shows me this error.
Invalid configuration for path "monolog.handlers.main": You can only use ex
cluded_http_codes/excluded_404s with a FingersCrossedHandler definition
In ScriptHandler.php line 294:
An error occurred when executing the "'shopsys:domains-urls:configure'" command:
In BaseNode.php line 319:
Invalid configuration for path "monolog.handlers.main": You can only use ex
cluded_http_codes/excluded_404s with a FingersCrossedHandler definition
etc., error is quite ugly.
Last error when i run script
file_put_contents(/var/www/html/vendor/composer/installed.json): failed to open stream: Permission denied
But this folder does not exist.
ls: cannot access '/var/www/html/vendor/': No such file or directory
Just question, where could be the problem?
Is possible to download sources from some link, extract it, configure and display in web browser with easy way, for example as wordpress?
To solve problem with vendor:
It seems that your UID and GID is different than default 1000, that is set in docker-compose.yml for Linux by default.
To solve your issue you can continue by step 3 in
You found issue with installation script, I have created issue on GitHub.
To solve problem with Invalid configuration for path "monolog.handlers.main":
Currently there is problem with new minor version (3.4.0) of symfony/monolog-bundle that created BC break. There is already created issue about this problem and there is already merged fix in Shopsys master.
To solve problem in your project you have to add
"symfony/monolog-bundle": ">=3.4.0", in conflict section in your composer.json file and then run composer install again.
We are trying to answer questions on stackoverflow as soon as possible, but we also have Slack where is many users and you might get your question answered much faster.

phpcpd, You need to set up the project dependencies using composer install

I've just installed phpcpd globally via following command:
sudo composer global require 'sebastian/phpcpd=
my ~/composer/vendor/bin/ directory is in my $PATH variable too.
Now when I try to run phpcpd I get following error:
You need to set up the project dependencies using the following commands:
php composer.phar install
Any idea what I'm doing wrong here?
The point Sebastian didn't mention in the installation instructions is that by using Composer to globally install PHPCPD, you don't get it's dependencies installed, only the direct code. You have to go to the PHPCPD directory in the global vendor directory (i.e. the PHPCPD main folder in there, something like ...somepath/.composer/vendor/sebastian/phpcpd/) and run composer install there.
The easier way would be to just install the .phar file, but I understand this has different issues.

nosetests --with-pylons test.ini => Error: no such option: --with-pylons

I followed the application to run the tests of pylons project:
But when I run:
nosetests --with-pylons test.ini
It reports an error:
E:\pylons\helloworld>nosetests --with-pylons test.ini
Usage: [options] error: no such option: --with-pylons
Why nosetests doesn't know the --with-pylons, how to fix it?
If you are using Pylons 1.0.1, the nose plugin is not registered by Pylons itself any more.
A workaround is to add this to the entry_points section of your own project's
pylons = pylons.test:PylonsPlugin
This error happens in cases where nose cannot find installed pylons.
This can happen if nose is installed system-wide (for example, via apt-get install python-nose), but Pylons is installed in virtual environment. In that case you can either:
Install Pylons system-wide, that would pollute your global environment and defeat the purpose of having virtual environment
Install nose in virtual environment (easy_install -U nose when virtual environment is activated)
If you've installed the latest version of pylons using pip, version 1.0.1rc1 is installed. Nose is not able to find the pylons-plugin.
To fix this downgrade to pylons 1.0.
pip uninstall pylons
pip install pylons==1.0
I had the same problem and found the solution here
I never used --with-pylons. When I am in the directory of the project, nosetests does the job without any parameters.
I'm on Linux, with the proper virtualenv activated. Maybe it's different on Windows.
