Android EditText.drawToBitmap() Shows No Text - android-edittext

I'm trying to convert a layout to a PDF. It is full of views from a simple TextView to custom views. Everything works just fine except for the EditText. I see the underline for the EditText but no value.
One attempt is to draw the view directly to a PDF page. This does not work for EditTexts.
activePage = pdfDocument.startPage(pageInfo)
Another attempt, and may be the highlighting issue, is trying to convert the view to a bitmap and then draw it. Here's the narrowed down test.
val v = view.findViewById<TableRow>(
val bitmap = v.drawToBitmap()
activePage.canvas?.drawBitmap(bitmap, 0f, 0f, null)
I've tried using EditText, AppCompatEditText, and TextInputEditText. The big kicker worth noting here is that I'm building this view without displaying it to the screen. Here's the full snippet:
// pdf page dimensions, big enough to fit the rendered view
val width = 1080
val height = 3000
// inflate the view
val view = layoutInflater.inflate(, FrameLayout(this), false)
// populate the view with data
applyData(view, model)
// measure and layout the view
MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(width, MeasureSpec.EXACTLY),
MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(height, MeasureSpec.EXACTLY)
view.layout(0, 0, width, height)


Xamarin - Button with text and image in absolute layout results in mis-aligned elements

I am trying to create a button in a Xamarin Forms cross-platform app (iOS and Android), where the button has both text and an image. The XAML is pretty straightforward:
<AbsoluteLayout ...>
<Labels and backgrounds and such>
<Button x:Name="HomeButton2" TranslationX="6" TranslationY="100"
BackgroundColor="#efeff4" TextColor="#4a4a4a"
WidthRequest="58" HeightRequest="76"
Image="TaskBar_Assets_HomeButtonIcon.png" Text="Home"
Clicked="HomeButton_Clicked" />
but what I get on the iPad is a button where both the image and the text are strangely pushed over to the side:
(the source image "TaskBar_Assets_HomeButtonIcon.png" is 47 x 44 so it should fit fine in the overall button area)
The only way I can find to make this look better, is to make a custom control based on Button, and then I can see that several of the properties of the underlying UIButton seem wonky:
The Control.ImageView.Frame is all zeroes:
Control.ImageView = <UIImageView: 0x12df52940; frame = (0 0; 0 0);
clipsToBounds = YES; opaque = NO; userInteractionEnabled = NO;
layer = <CALayer: 0x173623180>>
The Control.ImageEdgeInsets and .TitleEdgeInsets look odd (the right + left seem like they leave no space for the image or text):
Control.ImageEdgeInsets = {-8.9501953125, 20.33935546875, 8.9501953125, -20.33935546875}
Control.TitleEdgeInsets = {22, -23.5, -22, 23.5}
What I'm doing, is adjusting the Control.ImageEdgeInsets so that Control.ImageEdgeInsets.Left is equal to the half of the (button width minus the image width) and setting Control.ImageEdgeInsets.Right to zero (for no particular reason except that it works)
and then figuring out what to set Control.TitleEdgeInsets was done with trial & error, I ended up with values related to the width of the "Home" text (41 pixels):
Control.ImageEdgeInsets updated to {-8.9501953125, 5.5, 8.9501953125, 0}
Control.TitleEdgeInsets updated to {22, -50, -22, -9}
That results in a reasonable button look:
although it looks like I need to do more trial & error to get the text "Home" actually centered.
But why do I need to go through all this? Why doesn't the button just display text & image correctly in the first place?
And if I do have to go through all this, why are the values for Left & Right for ImageEdgeInsets and TitleEdgeInsets so different?
Most of the articles I have read about images on buttons suggest constructing your own using an Image and a Label in a grid using a gesture recognizer to handle the tap.
You could also try a button and an image in a grid.
Use Margin to adjust placement.
I try and stay clear of absolute layout.
Here's the ButtonRenderer source code from Xamarin.Froms.If you set the ContentLayout to Top, the below codes will be run:
void ComputeEdgeInsets(UIButton button, Button.ButtonContentLayout layout)
var horizontalImageOffset = labelWidth / 2;
var horizontalTitleOffset = imageWidth / 2;
button.ImageEdgeInsets = new UIEdgeInsets(-imageVertOffset, horizontalImageOffset, imageVertOffset, -horizontalImageOffset);
button.TitleEdgeInsets = new UIEdgeInsets(titleVertOffset, -horizontalTitleOffset, -titleVertOffset, horizontalTitleOffset);
As the codes show, the Left offset of image is horizontalImageOffset which is labelWidth / 2. The Left offset of title is horizontalTitleOffset which is imageWidth / 2.
So, when the text is wider, the left offset of image will be bigger. When the image is wider, the left offset of text will be bigger.
In native iOS, the default layout is like the left image: Image is at left and Label is at right. In Xamarin for Top setting, Xamarin moves the Image up and right, moves the Label down and left to makes them like the right image. I paint this illustration, hope it clear.

Vaadin: TextArea scrolling doesn't work

I have something similar to this code:
TextArea textArea = new TextArea();
Panel dataPanel = new Panel("Panel", textArea);
textArea.setValue(... some very long text...);
The problem is that this TextArea appears without vertical scrollbar (and mouse-wheel scrolling also doesn't work), although inner text is longer than TextArea height (I can navigate lower using cursor and keyboard down arrow).
How do I enable scrolling in this component?
A bit weird, but as per the documentation if you disable word-wrapping in a text-area, you'll get the vertical scroll-bar:
Word Wrap
The setWordwrap() sets whether long lines are wrapped ( true - default) when the line length reaches the width of the writing area. If the word wrap is disabled (false), a vertical scrollbar will appear instead. The word wrap is only a visual feature and wrapping a long line does not insert line break characters in the field value; shortening a wrapped line will undo the wrapping.
The following code sample illustrates this behaviour with Vaadin 8.0.6. Please note my class extends Panel to match your sample but at this point you can eliminate it:
public class PanelWithScrollableTextField extends Panel {
public PanelWithScrollableTextField() {
TextArea textArea = new TextArea();
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
IntStream.range(1, 100).forEach(value -> buffer.append(value).append("\r\n"));
P.S. I know it's a bit weird to grasp, but panels are used to scroll surfaces that are larger then the panel size, so if we'd get it working, you'd be scrolling the text area itself, not its content. You can see below a sample to better understand what I mean:
public class PanelWithScrollableTextField extends Panel {
public PanelWithScrollableTextField() {
TextArea textArea = new TextArea();
textArea.setHeight("500px"); // fixed size with height larger than the panel
setHeight("100px"); // fixed height smaller than the content so we get a scroll bar
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
IntStream.range(1, 100).forEach(value -> buffer.append(value).append("\r\n"));
You can change it CSS also like below .
.v-textarea { overflow-y: auto ! important;}

awesome wm taglist size

Can't find any manual about changing width of taglist element size.
Taglist element is wider than icons I had set. It looks really awful =(
Taglist element consist of icon, text and gap between them. This gap defined in awful.widget.common.list_update function in line
m = wibox.layout.margin(tb, 4, 4)
Despite you have no text, double gap is still here. To solve this problem you can copy list_update function to your rc file, fix it and send as fifth(!) argument in awful.widget.taglist.
just tell your imagebox not to be resizable, example:
wibox.widget.imagebox(beautiful.clock, false)
or you can even resize you wibox:
mywibox[s] = awful.wibox({ position = "top", screen = s, height = 32 })
you just need to modify height value
or another method using wibox.layout.constraint:
clock_icon = wibox.widget.imagebox(beautiful.clock, true)
local const = wibox.layout.constraint()
then, instead of adding your icon to the layout, just add the constraint.

SmartGWT TabSet height in window

I'm trying to have a TabSet in a Window. I would like the window to fit the contents so I turned autoSize on like I have done with many other windows. The window have a minimum width and height that I want it to be. My problem is that the TabSet in the Window doesn't fill up the height completely.
Here is my setup:
public MyWindow()
theTabSet = new TabSet();
// I need to set this for it to at least display the contents
theTabSet.setPaneContainerOverflow(Overflow.VISIBL E);
//This seems to solve my issue buy I think I shouldn't be doing this.
Tab tab1 = new Tab("first");
Tab tab2 = new Tab("second");
private Layout getFirstTab(){
if(theFirstTab == null){
theFirstTab = new VLayout();
return theFirstTab;
Please let me know if I am missing something. According to the Layout API:
Like other Canvas subclasses, Layout and Stack components may have %
width and height values. To create a dynamically-resizing layout that
occupies the entire page (or entire parent component), set width and
height to "100%
Seems to be the way to go. The window is set to fit it contents and the layout is set to fill the canvas. The window knows a minimum height and width but initially the layout doesn't know that. So we need to set it manually.

How do I adjust where the calendar appears for the datePicker in the Grails UI plugin without the position changing when the page is resized?

I wanted to change where the calendar appeared for the datePicker portion of the Grails UI plugin. After a bit of digging, I found it in the InputTagLib.groovy file:
out << """
YAHOO.util.Event.on("${showButtonId}", "click", function() {
var buttonRegion = YAHOO.util.Dom.getRegion('${showButtonId}');
var buttonHeight = buttonRegion.bottom -;
var buttonWidth = buttonRegion.right - buttonRegion.left;
var xy = YAHOO.util.Dom.getXY('${showButtonId}');
var newXY = [xy[0] + buttonWidth, xy[1] + buttonHeight];
YAHOO.util.Dom.setXY('${id}_calContainer_c', newXY);
if ( && document.documentElement) {
// Opera needs to force a repaint
document.documentElement.className += "";
The position is set on this line:
YAHOO.util.Dom.setXY('${id}_calContainer_c', newXY);
The YAHOO.util.Dom.setXY() method takes two arguments.
The first argument of the setXY method is either the ID of an HTMLElement, or an actual HTMLElement object. The second argument is an array containing two values: [x, y] where x is the distance from the left edge of the document, and y is the distance from the top edge of the document.
So I can easily adjust where the calendar appears by changing the values in the newXY variable that is passed to the setXY method and it works fine.
However, if I resize the page, the calendar positions its top left corner directly under the showButton's bottom left corner. What is it that makes the repositioning happen when the page is resized and how can I resolve it?
EDIT : A little more info:
This happens in the most recent versions of IE, Firefox, and Chrome
If I resize the page and then click the button to show the calendar, the calendar shows in the expected place but it will reposition if I resize the page again once the calendar is open
