I got stuck with a strange behavior, trying to initialize NVENC in ME-only mode. OpenEncodeSessionEx() always fail with #15 - "This indicates that an invalid struct version was used by the client."
Parameters struct is as follow:
.device = ctx,
.reserved = 0,
.reserved1 = 0,
.reserved2 = NULL
int ret = encOpenEncodeSessionEx(&session_params, &encoder->enc);
I tried to invoke it from different C and Golang environments, but whatever I do I get that error. Encoder from NVENC samples just crashed (segfault). Decoder works flawlessly, while encoder doesn't.
Does anyone know, what exact conditions may cause the error #15 - NV_ENC_ERR_INVALID_VERSION?
I upgraded Cuda to 10.2 with 440.82 driver - no luck. Tried to downgrade to Cuda 10.0 - still the same. I use 1060ti GPU.
Anyone help me please))
Ok, I finally figure it out.
It was so stupid of me but the problem was in the static keyword (C-language). I wrote simple wrapper to call NVENC function, like this:
static NVENCSTATUS encOpenEncodeSessionEx(NV_ENC_OPEN_ENCODE_SESSION_EX_PARAMS *params, void **encoder) {
return nvenc_api.nvEncOpenEncodeSessionEx(params, encoder);
Use it in this manner and you're always get NV_ENC_ERR_INVALID_VERSION error. Just remove static keyword and the function works as expected.
I have no idea, if it is expected behavior or not, but it works.
Thanks to all.
I'm trying to build a Flutter App and learning Dart in the process, but I'm getting kind of frustrated when debugging. I have fetched a resource from an API and now I want to print the JSON string to the console, but it keeps cutting off the string.
So I actually have two questions: is the terminal console really the only way to print debug messages and how can I print large strings to the console without them automatically getting cut off?
How about using the Flutter log from the dart: developer library. This does not seem to have the maximum length limit like print() or debugPrint(). This is the only solution that seems to work fine. Try it as below:
import 'dart:developer';
The output will be the entire long string without breaks and prefixed with [log]
You can make your own print. Define this method
void printWrapped(String text) {
final pattern = RegExp('.{1,800}'); // 800 is the size of each chunk
pattern.allMatches(text).forEach((match) => print(match.group(0)));
Use it like
printWrapped("Your very long string ...");
Use debugPrint with the optional parameter to wrap according to the platform's output limit.
debugPrint(someSuperLongString, wrapWidth: 1024);
Currently dart doesn't support printing logs more than 1020 characters (found that out by trying).
So, I came up with this method to print long logs:
static void LogPrint(Object object) async {
int defaultPrintLength = 1020;
if (object == null || object.toString().length <= defaultPrintLength) {
} else {
String log = object.toString();
int start = 0;
int endIndex = defaultPrintLength;
int logLength = log.length;
int tmpLogLength = log.length;
while (endIndex < logLength) {
print(log.substring(start, endIndex));
endIndex += defaultPrintLength;
start += defaultPrintLength;
tmpLogLength -= defaultPrintLength;
if (tmpLogLength > 0) {
print(log.substring(start, logLength));
There is an open issue for that: https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/22665
debugPrint and print are actually truncating the output.
You can achieve this using the Logger Plugin: https://pub.dev/packages/logger
To print any type of log Just do the do the following.
var logger = Logger();
logger.d("Logger is working!");// It also accept json objects
In fact, it will even format the output for you.
Please try debugPrint('your output'); instead of print('your output'); the documentation is here if you would like to read. debugPrint throttles the output to a level to avoid being dropped by android's kernel as per the documentation.
Here is a one-liner based on #CopsOnRoad's answer that you can quickly copy and paste (such as: when you want to slightly modify your code and log some data and see temporarily):
void printWrapped(String text) => RegExp('.{1,800}').allMatches(text).map((m) => m.group(0)).forEach(print);
Method 1
void prints(var s1) {
String s = s1.toString();
debugPrint(" =======> " + s, wrapWidth: 1024);
Method 2
void prints(var s1) {
String s = s1.toString();
final pattern = RegExp('.{1,800}');
pattern.allMatches(s).forEach((match) => print(match.group(0)));
Just call this method to print your longggg string
If you run the application in android studio it will truncate long string.
In xcode 10.2 which i am using long string is not truncating.
My suggestion is write print statement logs and run the application in Xcode instead of android studio.
Same issue caused lot of frustration when I have to test base64 of images.
I was using iTerm2 editor, so the answer is specific to the iTerm2
1. Navigate to Preferences -> Profiles
2. Select your Profile (in my case was **Default** only)
3. Select **Terminal** in the header of right pan
4. Check Unlimited scrollback
Now you can have copy the large strings from the terminal.
I am trying to use the C/C++ API of Z3 to parse fixed point constraints in the SMTLib2 format (specifically files produced by SeaHorn). However, my application crashes when parsing the string (I am using the Z3_fixedpoint_from_string method). The Z3 version I'm working with is version 4.5.1 64 bit.
The SMTLib file I try to parse works find with the Z3 binary, which I have compiled from the sources, but it runs into a segmentation fault when calling Z3_fixedpoint_from_string. I narrowed the problem down to the point that I think the issue is related to adding relations to the fixed point context. A simple example that produces a seg fault on my machine is the following:
#include "z3.h"
int main()
Z3_context c = Z3_mk_context(Z3_mk_config());
Z3_fixedpoint f = Z3_mk_fixedpoint(c);
Z3_fixedpoint_from_string (c, f, "(declare-rel R ())");
Running this code with valgrind reports a lot of invalid reads and writes. So, either this is not how the API is supposed to be used, or there is a problem somewhere. Unfortunately, I could not find any examples on how to use the fixed point engine programmatically. However, calling Z3_fixedpoint_from_string (c, f, "(declare-var x Int)"); for instance works just fine.
BTW, where is Z3_del_fixedpoint()?
The fixedpoint object "f" is reference counted. the caller is responsible for taking a reference count immediately after it is created. It is easier to use C++ smart pointers to control this, similar to how we control it for other objects. The C++ API does not have a wrapper for fixedpoint objects so you would have to create your own in the style of other wrappers.
Instead of del_fixedpoint one uses reference counters.
class fixedpoint : public object {
Z3_fixedpoint m_fp;
fixedpoint(context& c):object(c) { mfp = Z3_mk_fixedpoint(c); Z3_fixedpoint_inc_ref(c, m_fp); }
~fixedpoint() { Z3_fixedpoint_dec_ref(ctx(), m_fp); }
operator Z3_fixedpoint() const { return m_fp; }
void from_string(char const* s) {
Z3_fixedpoint_from_string (ctx(), m_fp, s);
int main()
context c;
fixedpoint f(c);
I am working on a Java binding for the excellent libvips
Using this function all is fine:
VipsImage *in;
in = vips_image_new_from_file( test.jpg, NULL )
vips_image_write_to_file( in, "out.jpg", NULL )
So mapped in Java:
Pointer vips_image_new_from_file(String filename,String params);
But I have a problem when the parameter like this:
VipsImage *in;
VipsImage *out;
vips_invert( in, &out, NULL )
vips_image_write_to_file( out, "out.jpg", NULL )
I have tried:
int vips_resize(Pointer in, PointerByReference out, Double scale, String params);
Pointer in = vips_image_new_from_file("file.png",null);
PointerByReference ptr1 = new PointerByReference();
vips_invert(in, ptr1, null);
vips_image_write_to_file( ptr1.getValue(), "fileout.png", null);
But doesn't work. The ptr1.getValue() does not contains the expected result.
How can I do it?
I'm the libvips maintainer, a Java binding would be great!
But I think you might be taking the wrong approach. I think you are trying a straight wrap of the C API, but that's going to be tricky to do well, since it makes use of a lot of C-isms that don't map well to Java. For example, in C you can write:
VipsImage *image;
if (!(image = vips_image_new_from_file("somefile.jpg",
"shrink", 2,
"autorotate", TRUE,
error ...;
ie. the final NULL marks the end of a varargs name / value list. Here I'm asking the jpeg loader to do a x2 shrink during load, and to apply any Orientation tags it finds in the EXIF.
libvips has a lower-level API based on GObject which is much easier to bind to. There's some discussion and example code in this issue, where someone is making a C# binding using p/invoke.
The code for the C++ and PHP bindings might be a useful reference:
That's a PHP binding for the entire library in 1800 lines of C.
I'd be very happy to help if I can. Open an issue on the libvips tracker:
In dart, when developing a web application, if I invoke a method with a wrong number of arguments, the editor shows a warning message, the javascript compilation however runs successfully, and an error is only raised runtime. This is also the case for example if I refer and unexistent variable, or I pass a method argument of the wrong type.
I ask, if the editor already know that things won't work, why is the compilation successful? Why do we have types if they are not checked at compile time? I guess this behaviour has a reason, but I couldn't find it explained anywhere.
In Dart, many programming errors are warnings.
This is for two reasons.
The primary reason is that it allows you to run your program while you are developing it. If some of your code isn't complete yet, or it's only half refactored and still uses the old variable names, you can still test the other half. If you weren't allowed to run the program before it was perfect, that would not be possible.
The other reason is that warnings represent only static type checking, which doesn't know everything about your program, It might be that your program will work, it's just impossible for the analyser to determine.
class C {
int foo(int x) => x;
class D implements C {
num foo(num x, [num defaultValue]) => x == null ? defaultValue : x;
void bar(C c) => print(c.foo(4.1, 42)); // Static warning: wrong argument count, bad type.
main() { bar(new D()); } // Program runs fine.
If your program works, it shouldn't be stopped by a pedantic analyser that only knows half the truth. You should still look at the warnings, and consider whether there is something to worry about, but it is perfectly fine to decide that you actually know better than the compiler.
There is no compilation stage. What you see is warning based on type. For example:
This code will have warning:
void main() {
var foo = "";
but this one won't:
void main() {
var foo;
because code analyzer cant deduct the type of foo
i try to integrate Lua in a embedded project using GCC on a Cortex-M4. i am able to load and run a Lua script, calling Lua functions from C, calling C functions from Lua. but the C program crashes (HardFault_Handler trap rises) when the given script passed as parameter in luaL_dostring() contains any Lua syntax errors.
here the relevant C code that crashes due to the syntax error in Lua:
//create Lua VM...
luaVm = lua_newstate(luaAlloc, NULL);
//load libraries...
//launch script...
luaL_dostring(luaVm, "function onTick()\n"
" locaal x = 7\n" //syntax error
"\n" );
when doing the same with correct Lua syntax, then it works:
luaL_dostring(luaVm, "function onTick()\n"
" local x = 7\n"
"\n" );
when debugging and stepping through luaL_dostring(), i can follow the Lua parsing line for line, and when reaching the line with the syntax error, then the C program crashes.
can anybody help? thanks.
have disabled setjmp/longjmp in Lua source code in the following way:
//#define LUAI_THROW(L,c) longjmp((c)->b, 1) //TODO oli4 orig
//#define LUAI_TRY(L,c,a) if (setjmp((c)->b) == 0) { a } //TODO oli4 orig
#define LUAI_THROW(L,c) while(1) //TODO oli4 special
#define LUAI_TRY(L,c,a) { a } //TODO oli4 special
...so there is no setjmp/longjmp used anymore, but i still have the crash :-(
must have another cause???
found the problem: it is the sprintf function called on Lua syntax error. in fact, on my platform sprintf seems not support floating point presentation. so i changed luaconf.h the following way, limiting the presentation to integer format.
//#define LUA_NUMBER_FMT "%.14g"
#define LUA_NUMBER_FMT "%d"
must have another cause???
Yes: you can't use Lua here.
Lua's error handling system is built on a framework of setjmp/longjump. You can't just make LUAI_THROW and LUAI_TRY do nothing. That means lua_error and all internal error handling stops working. Syntax errors are part of Lua's internal error handling.
If your C compiler doesn't provide proper support for the C standard library, then Lua is simply not going to be functional in that environment. You might try LuaJIT, but I doubt that will be any better.
#define LUAI_THROW(L,c) c->throwed = true
#define LUAI_TRY(L,c,a) \
__try { a } __except(filter()) { if ((c)->status == 0 && ((c)->throwed)) (c)->status = -1; }
#define luai_jmpbuf int /* dummy variable */
struct lua_longjmp {
struct lua_longjmp *previous;
luai_jmpbuf b;
volatile int status; /* error code */
bool throwed;
Works as expected even you build without C++ exceptions