Rails: Post parameter is null - ruby-on-rails

From a javascript file I am having post request with parameters:
Parameters: {"interview"=>{"participants"=>"1,2,3", "start_time"=>"2020-05-28T09:32:00.000Z", "end_time"=>"2020-05-28T10:32:00.000Z"}}
And i am accessing this in controller's create as:
puts("create entry")
#start_time = params[:start_time]
#end_time = params[:end_time]
participants = params[:participants].try(:split, ",")
But when check the values of p and puts are such as:
create entry
I could not understand what is the reason behind this.

They're all "under" the interview key, so it should be:
#start_time = params[:interview][:start_time]
#end_time = params[:interview][:end_time]
participants = params[:interview][:participants].try(:split, ',')
Better in this case using dig:
participants = params.dig(:interview, :participants).try(:split, ',')
Or storing params[:interview] and giving a "default" value if nil:
interview = params[:interview] || {}


Chaining multiple ActiveRecord `or` queries

I've got an array of columns that I want to loop through and optionally chain an or query onto an ActiveRecord query chain. I can get it to work, but the resulting query appends the or onto the query chain, therefore making the columns in my inital query optional. Here's my class:
class Claim
class MatchingAttributeFinder
["bank_account_number", "bank_sort_code", "building_society_roll_number"],
def initialize(source_claim, claims_to_compare = Claim.submitted)
#source_claim = source_claim
#claims_to_compare = claims_to_compare
def matching_claims
claims = #claims_to_compare.where.not(id: #source_claim.id)
ATTRIBUTE_GROUPS_TO_MATCH.each do |attributes|
vals = values_for_attributes(attributes)
next if vals.blank?
concatenated_columns = "CONCAT(#{attributes.join(",")})"
claims = claims.or(
Claim.where("LOWER(#{concatenated_columns}) = LOWER(?)", vals.join)
def values_for_attributes(attributes)
attributes.map { |attribute|
The generated SQL looks like this:
SELECT "claims".* FROM "claims" WHERE (((("claims"."submitted_at" IS NOT NULL AND "claims"."id" != 'a7b25b99-4477-42b1-96ab-8262582c5541' OR (LOWER(CONCAT(teacher_reference_number)) = LOWER('0902344'))) OR (LOWER(CONCAT(email_address)) = LOWER('genghis.khan#mongol-empire.com'))) OR (LOWER(CONCAT(national_insurance_number)) = LOWER('QQ891011C'))) OR (LOWER(CONCAT(bank_account_number,bank_sort_code,building_society_roll_number)) = LOWER('34682151972654123456789/ABCD')))
But what I actually want is more like this:
SELECT "claims".* FROM "claims" WHERE "claims"."submitted_at" IS NOT NULL AND "claims"."id" != 'd6a53b4d-c569-49e6-a2ea-ac44b69b0451' AND (LOWER(concat(teacher_reference_number)) = LOWER('0902344') OR LOWER(concat(email_address)) = LOWER('genghis.khan#mongol-empire.com') OR LOWER(concat(national_insurance_number)) = LOWER('QQ891011C') OR LOWER(concat(bank_account_number,bank_sort_code,building_society_roll_number)) = LOWER('34682151972654123456789/ABCD'))
Is there any way to set up something like an empty scope that I can chain my OR queries to?
Try chaning all the "or" together first and then chain the original query
def matching_claims
claims = #claims_to_compare.where.not(id: #source_claim.id)
ors = nil
ATTRIBUTE_GROUPS_TO_MATCH.each do |attributes|
vals = values_for_attributes(attributes)
next if vals.blank?
concatenated_columns = "CONCAT(#{attributes.join(",")})"
aux = Claim.where("LOWER(#{concatenated_columns}) = LOWER(?)", vals.join)
if ors.nil?
ors = aux
ors = ors.or(aux)

Remove element from an array of objects and create array of hash

Rewriting the question with detailed example:
I have array of objects with three property, I would like to build array of harsh and have the resulting hash not have #name instance property. I have simulated the problem with an example.
example creation
class Employee
attr_accessor :name, :company, :duration
def initialize(name, company, duration)
#name = name
#company = company
#duration = duration
aSong1 = Employee.new("Fleck", "AMZ", 260)
aSong2 = Employee.new("Taylor", "EMC", 120)
aSong3 = Employee.new("Bob", "Adobe", 260)
aSong4 = Employee.new("Jack", "Google", 360)
final_array = [ ]
puts final_array.length #4
final_array.each do | element |
puts element.is_a?(Object) #true
puts element.name #prints name
resulting array ( expected )
result = [{company: 'AMZ',duration: 260}, {company: 'EMC',duration: 120},{company: 'Adobe',duration: 260}, {company: 'Google',duration: 360} ]
Example: repl
You can delete the id keys using
a = [{"id":"21","company":"AMC","name":"Matt"},{"id":"22","company":"AMC","name":"Jon"},
{"id":"12","company":"XYZ","name":"Bob"}].each{|o| o.delete :id}
If you want to compare it with other hashes you can use the merge method assuming a2 is the second Hash
This will return a new hash with any matching keys updated with new corresponding values from the second hash
final_array.collect {|x| { company: x.company, duration: x.duration }}
[{:company=>"AMZ", :duration=>260}, {:company=>"EMC", :duration=>120}, {:company=>"Adobe", :duration=>260}, {:company=>"Google", :duration=>360}]
How about the following?
class Employee
def to_h
instance_variables.each_with_object({}) do |var, h|
k = var.to_s.tr('#','').to_sym
v = instance_variable_get(var)
h[k] = v
result = final_array.map{|e| e.to_h.delete_if{|k,v| k == :name}}

Filterring ActiveRecord Relation...if there are no matches. (Null the active record relation)

I have a dashboard that allows for filtering of the results by different parameters. I build methods to filter the results by the given criteria. One area where I'm having trouble is if the previous line should null out the active record relation. Should I just put a bunch of if present? stat
def find_website_stats(options = {})
if options[:date_between].present?
start_date = options[:date_between].split(/-/).first.to_date
end_date = options[:date_between].split(/-/).last.to_date + 1
elsif options[:start_date].present?
start_date = options[:start_date].to_date
end_date = options[:end_date].to_date + 1 if options[:end_date].present?
contractor_name = options[:search_contractor] if options[:search_contractor].present?
distributor_name = options[:search_distributor] if options[:search_distributor].present?
distributor_ids = options[:with_distributor] if options[:with_distributor].present?
contractor_ids = options[:with_contractor] if options[:with_contractor].present?
with_country = options[:with_country] if options[:with_country].present?
with_state = options[:with_state] if options[:with_state].present?
search_city = options[:search_city] if options[:search_city].present?
web_stats = self.website_stats
if web_stats.present?
web_stats = web_stats.where(contractor_id: [*contractor_ids]) if contractor_ids.present?
if distributor_ids.present?
web_stat_ids = DistributorWebsiteStat.where(distributor_id: [*distributor_ids]).pluck(:website_stat_id)
web_stats = web_stats.where(id: [*web_stat_ids])
web_stats = web_stats.where(date_recorded: start_date..end_date) if start_date.present? && end_date.present?
web_stats = web_stats.with_country(with_country) if with_country.present?
web_stats = web_stats.with_state(with_state) if with_state.present?
web_stats = web_stats.search_city(search_city) if search_city.present?
if contractor_name.present?
searched_contractor_ids = Brand.search_contractor(contractor_name).pluck(:id)
web_stats = web_stats.where(contractor_id: [*searched_contractor_ids])
if distributor_name.present?
searched_distributor_ids = Brand.search_distributor(distributor_name).pluck(:id)
web_stat_ids = DistributorWebsiteStat.where(distributor_id: [*searched_distributor_ids])
web_stats = web_stats.where(id: [*web_stat_ids])
#end untested
Where I'm specifically having a problem right now is the line that says if web_stat_ids.present?
So at first I grab all the website stats this object is associated with and then look to see if there are any for the given distributor.
If there is none for the given distributor web_stat_ids obviously returns nil
Then when I go to the line web_stats.where(id: [*web_stat_ids]) that's obviously going to return the same thing that I had before, rather than an empty active record relation, which is what I need it to be?
If I make this an empty array the next few statements with "where" won't work because it's an array and not an active record relation.
I know I can wrap this stuff in a bunch of if present? && statements...but I was wondering if there is a better solution to my problem?
In case anyone else is looking for this, found the answer from this SO post: How to return an empty ActiveRecord relation?
Model.none rails 4+

creating an array using find method in rails

input = {"color"=>["red"],"size"=>["s","l"]}
json_obj = [{"color":"red","id":"123","size":"s","name":"test"},
Output should be
output["red_s"] = {"color":"red","id":"123","size":"s","name":"test"}
output["red_l"] = {"color":"red","id":"125","size":"l","name":"test"}
output is the combinations of the input and a find on the json_obj.
How to get the output in rails?
I have the below script to get the combinations ie.red_s and red_l,
ary = input.map {|k,v| [k].product v}
output = ary.shift.product(*ary).map {|a| Hash[a]}
output[red_s]=json_obj.find{|h| h["color"] == "red" and h["size"] == "S"}
I don't want to have any hardcodings in code like color and size as above.
I think this should get you close to what you want.
Note the "ticks" around your json array object (what you had is not valid ruby)
The other issue is you would have to figure a better way to create the output hash key.
require 'json'
input = {"color"=>["red"],"size"=>["s","l"]}
output = {}
json_obj = '[{"color":"red","id":"123","size":"s","name":"test"},
found = JSON.parse json_obj
input.each_key do |key|
found = found.select { |item| input[key].include?(item[key]) }
puts found
found.each do |item|
output_key = ""
input.each_key do |key|
output_key = "#{item[key]}_" + output_key
output["#{output_key}"] = item.to_json
puts output

Conditionally add OR condition in query

The orders table have a few columns, say email, tel and address.
User provides email/tel/address, and any of them can be nil or empty string (EDITED).
How to generate an OR query, so if any of the columns match, the record is returned?
The only catch is that if any value provided is nil or empty, that will be ignored instead.
I was able to do the following using Arel:
email = params[:email]
tel = params[:tel]
address = params[:address]
t = Order.arel_table
sq = t[:email].eq(email) if email.present?
sq = sq.or(t[:phone].eq(phone)) if phone.present?
sq = sq.or(t[:phone].eq(address)) if address.present?
Order.where( sq )
However it will err if email is nil, because sq will not instantiate.
I want to prevent constructing sql string, and I use Squeel gem.
you can put
Order.where("email=? or tel= ? or address=?", params[:email], params[:tel], params[:address])
You can check whether your params are nil or not by Ick's maybe. So read about Ick gem and follow the steps given there and then you can use it in your case like :
Hope, this is what you were looking for.
Please have a try with
where_condition = "true"
where_condition += "OR email = '#{params[:email]}'" if params[:email].present?
where_condition += "OR tel = '#{params[:tel]}'" if params[:tel].present?
where_condition += "OR address = '#{params[:address]}'" if params[:address].present?
In order to prevent nil or empty string, I finally got the following:
t = Order.arel_table
conditions = [:email, :phone, :address].map{|attr|
attr_value = params[attr]
if attr_value.present?
if conditions.empty?
Order.where( conditions.inject{|c, cc| c.or(cc).expr} )
Ugly, but flexible.
