cURL wrap url containing token having forward slashes - url

I have an URL with token having forward slashes like: https://blahblah/blahblahblah/
Replacing / with %2F or _ doesn't work as it is changing token from the point of view of server. Is there any other way I could smuggle / in the URL?

URL encoding is the solution for this problem:


How to give forward slash in postman url as a parameter

This the controller calls having path variable.
#RequestHapping(value="/circuit/getCircuitDetails/{circuitid:.+}", method =RequestMethod.GET, produces "application/json")
public ResponseEntity<ResponsePayLoad> getCircuitDetails (HttpServletRequest request, **#PathVariable (value = "circuitId" String circuitid**) throws Exception {
If I give path variable CircuitId as N1036596/N1036597 in postman url -> that is string containing forward slash
It is giving me error in postman.
Even by giving %2F and %5c in place of slash is also not working for me.
Please help me how to give the pathvariable containing forward slash.

Why request.url has an ending slash but that was not part of the request

Why is that / being included as part of the url? I get the url from request.url in my server side code. I am not typing a / in the browser

400 code error when URL contains % symbol? (NGINX)

How to prevent a server from returning an error 400 code error when the URL contains % symbol using NGINX server?
Nginx configuration for my website:
rewrite ^/download/(.+)$ /download.php?id=$1 last;
When I tried to get access to this URL:
I got this error:
400 Bad Request
With this url :
it's work fine !
It's because it needs to be URL encoded first.
This will explain:
URLs can only be sent over the Internet using the ASCII character-set.
Since URLs often contain characters outside the ASCII set, the URL has to be converted into a valid ASCII format.
URL encoding replaces unsafe ASCII characters with a "%" followed by two hexadecimal digits.
URLs cannot contain spaces. URL encoding normally replaces a space with a plus (+) sign or with %20.
The URL interpreter is confused to see a % without hexadecimals after it.
Why would you think of solving by changing Nginx configuration???
It's impossible to solve from the server side. It's a problem from the client side.
In that URL, the title is 100% Celebrations! but the permalink is autogenerated to 100-celebrations. It's because they know putting 100% will cause a URL encode problem.
If even Wordpress doesn't do it your way, then why should you do it?

Google OAuth2 redirect_uri_mismatch when your url contains "&"

I am using the PHP HybridAuth library and integrating oauth2 support, all providers such as Yahoo, MSN and Facebook works, except Google, showing
The redirect URI in the request: did not match a registered redirect URI.
My redirect url is :, I've added both urls to see if I can workaround for their non sense escape limitation, e.g.
Still no luck...Any idea?
just an assumption, try urlencode()'ing the url,
$url = "" . urlencode("&hauth.done=Google");
You need use the PHP urlencode function.
urlencode — URL-encodes string
(PHP 4, PHP 5)
string urlencode ( string $str )
This function is convenient when encoding a string to be used in a query part of a URL, as a convenient way to pass variables to the next page.
$encoded_url = urlencode("");
More informations:
HTML URL Encoding Reference
PHP urlencode

Retrieving the url anchor in a werkzeug request

I have a DAV protocol that stores out-of-band data in the url anchor, e.g. the ghi in DELETE /abc.def#ghi. The server is a Flask application.
I can see the request come in on the wire via tcpdump, but when I look at the werkzeug Request object (such as url() or base_url()), all I get back is /abc.def. The #ghi has been stripped out.
Is there a method that returns this information, or do I have to subclass Request to handle this myself? If so, is there an example I can use as an inspiration?
I ran into the same problem. Facebook authentication API returns the access token behind a hash appended into the redirection url. In the same way, Flask's request.url drops everything in the URL behind the hash sign.
I'm also using Flask so I think you can use my brute-force workaround using Javascript's window.location.href to get the full URL. Then, I just extracted the piece that I needed (the access token), put it into a redirection URL where I can pass the access token as an argument to the receiving view function. Here's the code:
#app.route('/app_response/<response>', methods=['GET'])
def app_response_code(response):
return ''' <script type="text/javascript">
var token = window.location.href.split("access_token=")[1];
window.location = "/app_response_token/" + token;
</script> '''
#app.route('/app_response_token/<token>/', methods=['GET'])
def app_response_token(token):
return token
In case you manage(d) to do this within Werkzeug, I'm interested to know how.
From Wikipedia (Fragment Identifier) (don't have the time to find it in the RFC):
The fragment identifier functions differently than the rest of the URI: namely, its processing is exclusively client-side with no participation from the server
So Flask - or any other framework - doesn't have access to #ghi.
You can do this using flask.url_for with the _anchor keyword argument:
url_for('abc.def', _anchor='ghi')
