Zombie folders coming back from the dead with Docker running on WSL2 - docker

This issue is really strange, but I've no idea how to resolve it. I'm running Win10 and I've got WSL2 on it. When I start Docker with it using the "WSL 2 Based engine", it retrieves some deleted folders out of nowhere. I delete them every single time and after I've restarted my PC and started up Docker again, the folders are back.
There are absolutely no docker containers running ("docker ps" returns nothing) so it couldn't be that some rogue volume definition is being ran along with some container. The folders also only appear once I start up Docker.
The directory inside of which the zombie folders appear is also the source for a Mutagen volume when the containers are running, but as I said - no containers are running.

I ran into the same problem and resolved it by running Troubleshoot from Docker for Windows and purge data on WSL2.
I've not found a solution to selectively clear just that one folder that keeps getting raised from the dead.


Visual studio build fails while copying files to the bin directory due to file locks by vmwp.exe

I'm running my development environment in Docker containers. Since I have done some updates I'm now experiencing some difficulties when trying to rebuild my project that's running in my Docker container.
My project is running in a Windows Server Core Docker container running IIS, and I'm running the project from a shared volume on my host. I'm able to build the project before starting the docker container, but after the docker container is started the build fails with the following error:
Could not copy "C:\path\to\dll\name.dll" to "bin\name.dll". Exceeded retry count of 10. Failed. The file is locked by: "vmwp.exe (22604), vmmem (10488)"
It seems that the Hyper-V process is locking the DLL files. This clearly wasn't the case before and this seems to be related to some Docker or Windows updates I have done. How can I solve this issue? Do I need to change the process of building the application and running it in my Docker containers?
I have been searching for a while now, and I can't find much about this specific issue. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!
I've run in the similar problem. Solved by stopping/removing the running application container from docker-for-windows interface. docker rm -f will also do.
Potential solution:
If you use Docker Windows Containers make sure you have at least Windows 10.0.1809 on both environment(your physical machine and on docker) -run CMDs and you will see on top of it.
Use isolation flag with process when you run docker: --isolation process.
On physical machine two vmxxx(lower and higher PID)(don't remember the name exactly) processes was keeping *.dll file(the build was going on docker side where build tools 2019 was used).
Short description:
First MSbuild Error occurred because msbuild tries to delete file - access denied - probably this one vm process handle the file.
Second Msbuild Error occurred(the first vmxxx one caused that) showing that copy the same dll file from one direction to another it's not possible due to System lock (4).
Both two vmxxx processes kept one dll file during build on docker. It was visible in tool "Process Explorer"(use full version from Sysinternals)
One vmxxx had lower number of PID which lock the dll file and do not release it before second process with higher number of PID tries do something with it.
And it's one random dll file(s) that is kept by two different process.
Also, using and defining only one CPU without parallel on msbuild did not solved the issue before. Same on docker where you are able to manage the cpu and memory. In the end isolation on docker solved the case.
Isolation should take care of processes when you build project from docker container.

Docker build hangs immediatly (with minikube and ubuntu, with not many files in the directory)

Upon a fresh start of my ubuntu (on a virtualbox vm), I can build my images normally. Then very inconstantly, it can be the next time I try to build, or the 10th time, it will hang forever after running the command docker build .
Dockerfiles are in directories with 5~10 other files (which eliminates the issue with massive file amount slowing down docker while trying to locate the Dockerfile, as seen on other posts)
If I try to build for a new, very simple, Dockerfile (to eliminate any syntax error), it will also hang whenever it hangs with my project's Dockerfiles.
Beside, I am running minikube --driver=none and my images are used for deployments in kubernetes. (with none driver it's not required to run eval $(minikube docker-env) )
The only reliable fix is to stop the vm on which my ubuntu is running, start it again, and it will consistently allow me to build my images at least one time, then the issue comes back inconsistently.
This fix is quite inconvenient as I need to stop everything I am doing and it takes a bit of time.
I have tried to run docker system prune and to delete all the images already built.
What log could I check to find an issue going on when the build hangs ?
Any idea of the origin of the issue ?
Thanks a lot !
Ok this bug was viscous.
Sometimes when I need to check how my nginx server behave in one of the containers, I open the VM's graphical interface and pop firefox to have a look.
I only figured today that firefox prompt a pop-up after a while, asking for the admin password in order to access the keychain. And turns out docker do not build anything until this pop-up is open. Closing it or filling the password fixed my issue...
On another terminal window, please check the Docker Daemon Log using sudo journalctl -fu docker.service at the time of build command hanging. Also, you can check the list of running processes during the build execution.

Running docker-Desktop on Windows 10 cannot restart containers after system restart

I am running Docker-Dektop Version (36874) on a Windows 10 environment.
I am using two separate container compositions, one of these binding to port 8081 on my machine, and the other binding to 9990 and 8787.
After a system restart, I am unable to start these container compositions again, because the ports are already bound.
So far, I have tried multiple approaches to solve this:
manually stop all containers prior to system shutdown
manually stop and remove all containers prior to system shutdown
the above, plus explicitly stopping the docker application prior to system shutdown
removing all containers after system startup and prior to restart
pruning the networks after container removal
restart docker app prior to restarting containers (this worked up until the last update)
I did fiddle around with the compose files and the configuration, but taht would be too much detail to go into right now; all of these did not help.
What I recently found was, directly after a system startup and prior to starting any container, that the process com.docker.backend was already listening to the bound ports. This is confusing as the containers were shut down prior to system shutdown and are not run with a restart-command.
So I explicitly quit the docker desktop app, and the process still remaind, and it still bound the ports.
After manually killing the process as administrator from the power shell, and restarting the docker desktop application, my containers were able to start again.
Has anyone else had this problem? Does anyone know a "fix" for this at all?
And, of course, is this even the right page to ask? As this is not strictly programming, I am unsure.
Docker setup gets screwed up sometimes, so try deleting %appdata%\Docker.
The problem went away after the update to version (37199)

keep CDH container running

I am learning CDH and Docker and didn't have prior experiene in setting up both tools. After reading documentation i managed to run CDH docker in mac environment and also completed example given in quick start guid. But when next day when i started mac book again to learn something new but i didn't find my previous work which i found very strange and even couldn't see container running which seems fine to me.
What i really want to do is i don't want to loose my work even after stoping docker container. could you please guid me how do i configure docker so that i will not loose my work even after restarting docker again?
Every instance of a docker run will allocate a new filesystem, essentially starting from scratch.
If you actually want to "save" your work, then you need to volume mount (using -v docker flag) your local filesystem into the container for at least the following directories.
HDFS Data Directory
NameNode Data Directory
I think the hadoop data folders are somewhere under /var/lib/hadoop-*, by default
The better alternative for saving your workloads would be the CDH VM, where it actually has a persistent HDD associated with it.

Docker Compose stuck downloading or pulling fs layer

I have the latest Docker for Mac installed, and I'm running into a problem where it appears that docker-compose up is stuck in a Downloading state for one of the containers:
± |master ✗| → docker-compose up --build
Pulling container (repo.io/company/container:prod)...
prod: Pulling from company/container
somehash: Already exists
somehash: Already exists
somehash: Already exists
somehash: Already exists
somehash: Pulling fs layer
somehash: Already exists
somehash: Already exists
somehash: Downloading [=================================================> ] 234.6 MB/239.3 MB
somehash: Download complete
somehash: Download complete
^^ this is literally what it looks like on my command line. Stopping and starting hasn't helped, it immediately outputs this same output.
I've tried to rm the container but I guess it doesn't yet exist, it returns the output No stopped containers. --force-recreate also gets stuck in the same place. And perhaps I'm not googling for the right terminology but I haven't found anything useful to try - any pointers?
I just needed to restart Docker.
Linux users can use sudo service docker restart.
Docker for Mac has a handy button for this in the Docker widget in the macOS toolbar:
If you happen to be using Docker Toolkit try docker-machine restart.
I faced the same problem! Restarting the service didn't help, downloading again didn't help. It used to get stuck at random instances leaving me with no option but to kill the pull request.
One thing which worked for me was to download 1 file at a time. For Ubuntu users, you can use the following steps:
Stop the service:
sudo service docker stop
Start docker with max concurrent download set as 1:
sudo dockerd --max-concurrent-downloads 1
Download the required image:
sudo docker pull <image_name>
Download images, after that stop the terminal and start the daemon again as it was earlier.
sudo service docker start
I had the similar situation this morning where my network suddenly went down and I was forced to power cycle the modern, while docker-compose was still in the middle of downloading stuff from docker hub.
Yes, bouncing the docker daemon process seems to resolve this.
For Linux users - do sudo service docker restart to fix it.
Go to the Docker Preferences from its menu bar icon. Within there is a "bug" icon. Click on that and then "clean / Purge data"
I'm running OSX and restarting Docker for Mac didn't help. Neither did a full restart or upgrading VirtualBox. What did work was turning my wifi interface on and off every time it got stuck. I had to do this repeatedly, but it eventually downloaded the entire image.
Directly download the necessary images using docker, e.g.
docker pull company/container
and then run
docker-compose up
again. Worked for me on MacOS.
I found a possible workaround.
I have my docker engine installed in a Ubuntu 18.04 Snap Environment.
I discovered searching in some forums that users relate this behaviors to limitation in the download bandwith.
So in the picture below you are going to watch that the components was stucked
Part of the Downloads stucked and finally I cancelled the process CTRL + C
I added two parameters or flags in the configuration file that controls the docker daemon behavior: max-concurrent-downloads 1 and max-concurrent-uploads 1
In my case remember, i am working in a snap environment. This file is located in this directory: /var/lib/docker/current/config/daemon.json
Add the two lines in the picture. This is going to help you to limit the downloads to only one by one
This is the process that helped me to resolve this problem.
Download Succesfull
I had this issue in my VirtualBox when doing a docker pull on the image but it got stuck at a specific position and never moved from there. So, the issue was due to the network adapters in my VM. I was using NAT by default. When I switched it to "Bridged adapter", the issue went away.
I had a similar problem on docker for windows for a couple of days and when I tried to connect to the virtual machine (via Hyper-V Manager) the downloads started speeding along. I have no idea why but it worked for me...
Completely remove docker
Install docker again
It should work now
I tried to restar docker, update docker, but didnt help
