There are too many lines when using cmder, I want to go back to the previous page, how to do it?
Hit Ctrl+PageUp
That will Scroll buffer one page up.
I have a page where I've added anchor IDs at various points, and at the top of the page I created links to jump to the IDs. When I first load the page the link doesn't work, and I've determined that it's because it hasn't loaded the portion of the page that contains the section ID that it should jump to. Only after I manually scroll through the portion of the page with the ID and then scroll back to the top does the link work properly.
Is there a way to either force the page to be loaded in its entirety (not just the initially visible region of the screen) when it is first opened, so that it recognizes the IDs without needing to physically scroll to them first? Alternatively, is there a better way to handle this? I'd just like to be able to skip to the ID tags as soon as the page is loaded.
Thanks in advance for any help with this.
Look I have website prototype here you can check
For example if you scroll down about page and then click on some link to go to another page, let's say you click restore car process link on the left(but don't forget to scroll down the page)
So then you will go to another page. But browser (my definetely) remembers scroll position. So I go to the middle of another page. How do I fix this?
The anchor tags I have in the nav bar work fine on the home page, but if you click on one from another page, it will go to the correct spot only to jump down when the slider loads.
Is there some kind of fix for this problem?
This is the site:
if you navigate from and current listings you will see what I mean.
Thanks a lot for any help with this.
Let's say I have two tabs tabA and tabB. When I click on tabA the first page of that section appears, call it tabA1. If I click on a link on that page then page tabA1 is replaced with tabA2. If I then click on another tab, say tabB, and then go and click on tabA again I get an image of tabA2 lingering for a bit.
How can I make it so that clicking tabA will always show tabA1 straight away? Is it saving it in the cookies for fast access?
Before switching additionally try setting the content in the tab (or equivalent wrapper) to display : none.
This is happened to me and that's how I fixed it. Although I know it fixes the symptoms and not the exact problem.
In jquery mobile when you do transitions to different pages is there a way to have the page its transitioning to show the top of the page? If the current page has a long list and you scroll down, then click to go to another page with the slide transition, then click back to the previous page it shows the middle of the page where you last were. I would like it to actually go back to the top of the page when going back. Is this possible?
Try this on triggering the back button?
//scroll to Y 100px
Or on triggering the active page:
if ($("#myPage").is(".ui-page-active")) { ... }
I additionally think this is a feature which is nice, the back button takes you back to the place you have been. You don't have to re-orientate yourself because you get back to the point you were, I think its a nice usability feature.