MQTT - How to know is message received by device - mqtt

We have mqtt producer and consumer.
MQTT producer is at client level.
When we push message to producer, if the device is switched on, then it will receive the message.
If the device is switched off, then it wont receive the message until it turned on.
We need to know, when message sent to MQTT in server, if server is switched off, then we need to know the status as, it is queued or not received by server.
Based on it, we will send message for the user as, Please turn on device to do specific action.
Is there any better approach to know the status in MQTT to find is message is delivered or failed or queued to know server is active or not.

There is no end to end delivery notification in the MQTT protocol. Part of the pub/sub paradigm is that the publisher should be decoupled from the subscriber, there can be anywhere from 0 to many subscribers to a given topic.
There are 2 approaches to how to potentially work round this.
Have the subscriber respond on a separate topic to acknowledge that it has received the message. You will need to include a unique identifier in the message payload so it can be used in the response message.
You can use the Last Will and Testament feature of MQTT to have the subscriber maintain it's current status. When it starts it publishes a retained message to a known topic, e.g. publishes true to consumer/12345/status and sets a LWT to publish false if the device goes offline unexpectedly. It should also publish false if it cleanly shuts down. That way the publisher can check the status of the subscriber before deciding to publish the message.

I don't know which broker you are using. But in EMQ X MQTT broker, when QoS > 1, the message terminated delivered or ack broker will notify the server
The plugin: emqx-web-hook


MQTT paho client publish message and delete immediately the receiver consumes it

I have been trying to work with paho mqtt client to publish and receive messages with mosquitto as the broker and works fine. My use case although involves the sender publishing a message to the broker and disconnects, at this point, the receiver whether connected or disconnected should consume this message and delete it immediately. I have played with all the properties e.g QOS, retained messages, clean sessions, etc but none is yielding the result I want. Please help.
Assuming a Publish and Subscription at QOS2 the message will only ever be delivered to the subscriber once, there is nothing to delete from anywhere.
If you are trying to ensure that the message is only ever consumed by one specific client then I think you have a misunderstanding about what MQTT is.
MQTT is a PUB/SUB protocol, and as such is designed to totally decouple the subscriber from the publisher. The publisher doesn't know how many subscribers there are, just that it has published a message to a given topic.
0 to N (where N can be any number) of clients can subscribe to the topic. Using QOS, persistent subscriptions and the clean session flag, a client can indicate to the broker that it would like to receive any messages published since was last connected, but this will not influence any other clients that may have also subscribed to that topic.
Starting at MQTT protocol v5 (most brokers and clients currently still only support v3 as of Sept 2018) includes something called Shared Subscriptions* that can be used to round-robin deliver messages on a give topic to a group of clients so only 1 of the set will receive this message, but this does not prevent clients not part of the group from also receiving the message.
The last message with the retained flag set published to a topic will be delivered to all clients at the point they subscribe to the topic. This message can be cleared by publishing a new message with a null payload and the retained flag set. A client could publish a message like this as soon as it receives the retained message but there would still be a timing window where other clients may subscribe and receive the retained message.
*some v3 brokers have implemented propriety versions of this.

How to know the remote device is online using mqtt

How to know the remote device is online using mqtt (as a device simulator I am using MQTTfx). After publishing to a topic I am not getting any acknowledgement message and in the callbacks I am getting the same payload data that is published.
You can not find out is another MQTT client is online at a protocol level, in fact at a Pub/Sub pattern level a publishing client should not care is 0 or an infinite number of other clients are subscribed to the topic that message is published on.
The callbacks are only an indication that the message has been successfully delivered to the broker not to any of the subscribers. There is no end to end delivery notification (because there may be no subscribers to a given topic).
If you need to know the status of devices then you need to implement this yourself, the usual pattern is to use a status topic with a retained message and the LWT to clear this if the client crashes and setting it manually when it starts up or shuts down cleanly.

Failed PUBLISH Delivery in QoS1 MQTT

I am using the moquette mqtt broker, and I am trying to understand the implementation as well as the MQTT broker. I hope to make some modifications to the broker for a personal project.
I am curious what should happen when a device sends a PUBLISH msg to the broker, and the broker is unable to deliver the message to the subscribers. The protocol says that a PUBACK is sent back to the publisher. In the moquette source code this PUBACK seems to be sent after forwarding the message to any subscribers.
I commented out the sendPubAck() function to simulate that the message was not successfully published, so I assumed the publisher would publish the message again. However, when I add a print statement next to the incoming message handler function, I only see PINGREQ messages that are sent periodically from the publisher to the broker. I do not see any publish messages.
My question is the following: How exactly does a client device decide when to re-publish a message? Because commenting out the sendPubAck() function doesnt seem to make the publisher resend the message.
There are two choices. Firstly, you could add a message timeout parameter to trigger sending your PUBLISH again if a PUBACK is not received. Secondly, you could resend your PUBLISH only on reconnect.
I believe the second choice is the best option. The reason for this is down to the possible reasons why the broker (or client of course, depending on the direction of communication) hasn't responded.
You could have a buggy broker, which is effectively what you have created
There could have been a network failure (connection lost but not detected),
The broker could be overloaded.
For the first case there is nothing we can do, other than get the broker fixed. For the second case, the client must retry the publish when it reconnects. For the third case, sending a duplicate PUBLISH won't help the broker respond, it will just overload it further.
It's worth noting that the broker should not be waiting for the subscribing clients to respond before sending a PUBACK to the publishing client.

MQTT: Message queuing at server side

I am using mqtt to implement one of the kind of email notification system. I am also planning to use it for trigger notifications inside the webapp. I am confused between whether MQTT stores data at server side itself when we throw on MQTT url with publisher id in JSON format? The reason i am asking this is because in my case, the MQTT stores only the last thrown data, if i send another one then the previous one get disappeared. I want to know is it present at MQTT side from birth(as MQ stands for Message queuing) & i haven't used or need to be implemented at server/consumer side?
There is a common error on Internet ... MQTT stands for MQ Telemetry Transport and not Message Queueing Telemetry Transport. It was created by IBM (with Eurotech) and it was part of the MQ products family in IBM.
MQTT hasn't queue. The broker receives the message on a topic and forwards it on all subscribers on that topic.
There are two main variations on this behaviour:
If the publisher send a message with the "retain" flag active, the broker store this message (only this). If a client subscribes to that topic, the broker immediately sends this last storage message. It's so called "last known message"
If the subscriber connects to the broker with "clean session" to false, the broker saves all subscriptions and all messages only if the client is offline. It's like a queue but not a very queue. With "clean session" false, if the client goes offline but some publishers send messages to topic it is subscribed, the broker store these messages. When the client returns online, it will receive all messages lost.

MQTT: How to know which msg a puback is for?

I am trying to set up a MQTT server which will persist the messages sent by clients into a local DB. Each message has a "successfully received" flag that I want to flip when receiving clients return a puback for each message (QOS = 1) received.
The question is:
When I publish a message, the server receives the puback back from the receiving client correctly. However, the messageId is not the same as the one from publishing client's packet. I know this is intended. But then I will not be able to find the right message in DB to flip the flag. What if client A sends 2 messages with QOS = 1 to client B back to back? How does the server distinguish between the 2 pubacks coming back?
Maybe MQTT client is doing something magical to map the messageIds that I am missing?
I am using mqttjs and paho mqttv3 btw.
MQTT PUBLISH messages with QoS 1 or 2 require a message id as part of the packet. The message id is used to identify which message a PUBACK (or PUBREC/PUBREL/PUBCOMP for QoS 2) is referring to. This is an important feature because you may have multiple messages "in flight" at once.
An important point that you may be missing is that clients are completely separate from one another. This means that message ids are unique to a client (and direction of message flow, broker to client or client to broker). The broker generates message ids for messages originating from the broker and the client generates message ids for messages originating from the client; the message ids are independent for each direction so that there is no need for the broker and the client to keep track of what the other is doing.
If you want to keep track of which incoming messages have been sent to all subscribing clients, you will need to keep track of what outgoing messages relate to the incoming message and only trigger your DB once all of the PUBACKs have been received for those outgoing messages. That will tell you which messages have successfully been sent to all clients that were subscribed at the time of the message being received.
If you just want a log of all messages that have been sent to the broker and can assume that the sending works ok, then life is a lot easier. Simply create a client on the broker host that listens to the "#" topic, or whatever you are interested in, then use the client on_message() callback (or however your library manages it) to process the message and store it in the DB.
