Microsoft App Center build failed: Multiple commands produce '' - ios

I am using App Center for CI of my application with default "Push hook", which rebuilds every time I push to the branch. I have a task to pass an API endpoint as an App Center variable, which is configured in Build Configurations.
Alongside, I have my script, which is placed in the same directory, as .xcworkspace file (as it is noted in official documentation). The script itself looks like this:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
echo "You need define the VERSION_CODE_SHIFT variable in App Center"
if [ -z "$ENDPOINT" ]
echo "You need define the ENDPOINT variable in App Center"
plutil -replace CFBundleVersion -string "$VERSION_CODE" $PLIST_PATH
echo "Updated version code in $PLIST_PATH to new value: $VERSION_CODE"
plutil -replace CFBundleShortVersionString -string "\${MARKETING_VERSION}.$VERSION_CODE" $PLIST_PATH
echo "Updated marketing version in $PLIST_PATH to new value: \${MARKETING_VERSION}.$VERSION_CODE"
plutil -replace HubEndpoint -string "$ENDPOINT" $PLIST_PATH
echo "Updated HubEndpoint in $PLIST_PATH to new value: $ENDPOINT"
So, basically, I pull environment variables from App Center and modify my Info.plist and then use its properties in code to set the API endpoint. Also, as you can see, app's version is being modified in similar fashion.
The Issue
The App Center build eventually fails with the following error:
error: Multiple commands produce '/Users/runner/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/VideoApp-gpxrsqjtrulyrqamenreayeeatqj/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ArchiveIntermediates/Video-Community/InstallationBuildProductsLocation/Applications/':
1) Target 'Video-Community' (project 'VideoApp') has copy command from '/Users/runner/runners/2.168.2/work/1/s/VideoApp/VideoApp/' to '/Users/runner/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/VideoApp-gpxrsqjtrulyrqamenreayeeatqj/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ArchiveIntermediates/Video-Community/InstallationBuildProductsLocation/Applications/
2) Target 'Video-Community' (project 'VideoApp') has copy command from '/Users/runner/runners/2.168.2/work/1/s/VideoApp/' to '/Users/runner/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/VideoApp-gpxrsqjtrulyrqamenreayeeatqj/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ArchiveIntermediates/Video-Community/InstallationBuildProductsLocation/Applications/
warning: duplicate output file '/Users/runner/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/VideoApp-gpxrsqjtrulyrqamenreayeeatqj/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ArchiveIntermediates/Video-Community/InstallationBuildProductsLocation/Applications/' on task: CpResource /Users/runner/runners/2.168.2/work/1/s/VideoApp/ /Users/runner/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/VideoApp-gpxrsqjtrulyrqamenreayeeatqj/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ArchiveIntermediates/Video-Community/InstallationBuildProductsLocation/Applications/
/ (in target 'Video-Community' from project 'VideoApp')
##[error]Error: /usr/bin/xcodebuild failed with return code: 65
So it is somehow produces duplicates of this script.
It seems very odd to me, because the script is not assigned to any target and created outside of Xcode.

I guess, the issue was about some kind of script caching. I have removed from the repository, pushed, builded in App Center (this time without errors), then added the script again, pushed and it just worked.


Xcode 11 archive gives PhaseScriptExecution failed

After I migrate my project from swift 3.2 to swift 4 in Xcode 10 I try to archive in Xcode 11 and give me this error:
PhaseScriptExecution Run\ Script
(in target 'MyApp-iOS-DEV' from project 'MyApp-iOS')
. . .
line 5: $(CURRENT_PROJECT_VERSION) + 1: syntax error: operand expected
(error token is "$(CURRENT_PROJECT_VERSION) + 1")
In the error stack I find export CURRENT_PROJECT_VERSION=114
I don't have any script with "$(CURRENT_PROJECT_VERSION) + 1" so I don't know what to do
This causes builds to be canceled! Have a look at S1LENT WARRIOR's answer below, it seems to be working better.
In the latest version of Xcode (Version 11.1) you can do the build number auto increment fairly easily.
Here are the steps:
Go to your target's Build Settings
Search for Versioning System
Set it's value to Apple Generic
Go to your target's Build Phases
Add a new Run Script
Add the following line agvtool next-version -all
Do this for all your targets and their build numbers will all be synced and updated every time you run any of the targets.
Got this answer from here:
P.S.: As said in a comment below
Using avgtool in a Run Script Phase causes the build to get cancelled
You didn't do anything wrong I think.
If you go to your info.plist you will see that the build number has been replaced by $(CURRENT_PROJECT_VERSION) (you can find the variable in the Build Settings tab).
I am guessing you are using a script that increments build number automatically and that is causing the issue (I have the same thing on my project right now).
If you remove that script your app should build without this error.
I haven't found a solution yet on how to make the script work with this new $(CURRENT_PROJECT_VERSION) variable. (I will update this answer when I have found the solution)
All the above answers weren't doing the trick by themselves, I had to compute a bunch of them, including the Apple documentation (see references below). So here are the steps I did if it helps someone to have all the steps.
In Info.plist, set:
CFBundleShortVersionString to $(MARKETING_VERSION)
In target build settings:
set Versioning System to "Apple Generic"
set Current Project Version to 1 (or whatever version you want)
set Marketing Version to 1.0.0 (or whatever version you want)
In the scheme > Archive:
add a post-action "Run Script Action":
Provide build settings from: your app
in the script:
cd ${PROJECT_DIR} ; xcrun agvtool next-version -all ;
Apple doc mentioned by cuimingda :
Some of the steps mentioned by moucheg
Just change CFBundleVersion from $(CURRENT_PROJECT_VERSION) to number, in my case is 1000 in Info.plist
Then the shell will be OKey:
buildNumber=$(/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Print CFBundleVersion" "${PROJECT_DIR}/${INFOPLIST_FILE}")
buildNumber=$(($buildNumber + 1))
/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Set :CFBundleVersion $buildNumber" "${PROJECT_DIR}/${INFOPLIST_FILE}"
Here is the script that worked for me on Xcode 11+
Just add a new Run Script Phase to your Build Phases
Add it below the Link Binary with Libraries phase.
# To make executable, use: chmod u+x Build-Versioning-Scripts/
# to locate your target's info.plist use
echo "----"
echo "Info.plist for target: ${PRODUCT_SETTINGS_PATH}"
buildNum=$(/usr/libexec/Plistbuddy -c "Print CFBundleVersion" "${PRODUCT_SETTINGS_PATH}")
echo "Current build #: $buildNum"
if [ -z "$buildNum" ]; then
echo "No build number found in $PRODUCT_SETTINGS_PATH"
exit 2
buildNum=$(expr $buildNum + 1)
echo "Build # incremented to: $buildNum"
/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Set :CFBundleVersion $buildNum" "$PRODUCT_SETTINGS_PATH"
echo "----"
exit 0
This script was originally posted here by Alex Zavatone.
Hope this helps

MultiBranding the same source code without using xcode

I have an app and I’d like to brand it as 3 different apps with different UI.
I don’t want to do using Xcode directly.
So far I found so many solutions that says create different targets and drag and drop the image like that
But I intend to do this branding work outside of Xcode

Help me out !
Now we can build the code without opening the Xcode
(UI,Build settings and functional)
App icon & other icons
iTunes Artwork
Build settings
App Name
Bundle Identifier
Provisioning profile
Code signing identity
Brand specific URLs(login,logout,resource-fetch etc...)
Using Terminal
#Author: Durai Amuthan(
#This is to achieve multiple branding of an iOS app by configuring the variables below
#************ Configuring the brand starts ************
#Directory path where .xcworkspace or .xcodeproj exists
#Path where info.plist exists
#Path to icons where new iTunesArtwork and application icon exixts
#Note: Make sure proper naming conventions of file has been followed
#Path to asset resource where you have kept your application icon.
#Path where do you want the .app file has to be kept
#Path where do you want the .ipa file has to kept
#Cocoapods project or project that involves more than one modules are scheme based
#Path of the Project (.xcodeproj) - applicable for workspace(.xcworkspace) based project
#Path of the Workspace (.xcworkspace)
#Name of the target - applicable only for non-workspace(.xcodeproj) based projects
#Scheme of the iOS app
#To ascertain Cocoapods has been used or not
#Configuration of the app (Debug -(Development) or Release(Adhoc or Distribution))
#For giving access to signing idetity found in KeyChain
#Name of the code signing identity.You can find the name in Keychain or xcode build setting
CodeSigningIdentity='iPhone Distribution: Xx Yy Zz Limited (3Z5MHUYJ2L)'
#Path of the provisioning profile
#UUID value found inside Provisioning profile has to be given
#Do not forget to install provisiong profile in the system
#Bundle identifier of the app
#AppVersion of the app
#App Name
#************ Configuring the brand ends ************
#** Creatting the build based on configuration starts **
cd $PathOfInfoPlist
echo "****************** Setting App Name ******************"
/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Set :CFBundleName $Appname" info.plist
/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Set :CFBundleDisplayName $Appname" info.plist
echo "app name has been set as $Appname"
cd $PathOfProjectDirectory
echo "****************** Setting AppVersion ******************"
/usr/bin/agvtool new-marketing-AppVersion $AppVersion
/usr/bin/agvtool new-AppVersion -all $AppVersion
echo "****************** Changing app icons & iTunes Artwork ******************"
cp -R $PathOfNewIcons/*.png $PathOfAppIconSet
echo "App icons has been changed at $PathOfNewIcons"
cp -R $PathOfNewIcons/iTunesArtwork#2x $PathOfProjectDirectory/XxYyZz
cp -R $PathOfNewIcons/iTunesArtwork $PathOfProjectDirectory/XxYyZz
echo "iTunesArtwork has been changed at $PathOfProjectDirectory"
#Unlock login keychain
security unlock-keychain -p $LoginKeyChainPassword $LoginKeychainPath
if $isCocoaPodsBased == 'true'
echo "****************** Installing Cocoapods **********************"
/usr/local/bin/pod install
echo "Cocoapods has been installed"
echo "****************** Creating .app ******************"
if $isWorkspaceBased == 'true'
/usr/bin/xcodebuild -scheme $Scheme -workspace $PathofWorkspaceFile -configuration $Config clean build CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR=$PathToApp "CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY=$CodeSigningIdentity" "PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER=$BundleIdentifier" "PROVISIONING_PROFILE=$ProvisioningProfileIdentity"
/usr/bin/xcodebuild -target $Target -project $PathofProjectFile -configuration $Config clean build CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR=$PathToApp "CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY=$CodeSigningIdentity" "PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER=$BundleIdentifier" "PROVISIONING_PROFILE=$ProvisioningProfileIdentity"
echo ".app has been generated at $PathToApp"
echo "****************** Creating .ipa *******************"
/usr/bin/xcrun -sdk iphoneos PackageApplication -v $PathToApp/ -o $PathToIpa/$Appname.ipa --embed $PathToMobileProvision --sign "$CodeSigningIdentity"
echo "$Appname.ipa has been generated at $PathToIpa"
#** Creatting the build based on configuration ends **
The file is self-descriptive you can understand easily.
Just configure the values of variable in the file and call it like below
If you want some other icons also to be changed besides App Icon and iTunesArtwork
use cp command e.g
cp path/to/source path/to/destination
To know more info do cp man
With the above file you can do Branding for UI and Build Settings.
For functional branding , you have to keep
Brand specific URLs
Other inputs respective to a brand
in a separate plist file so that this things also can be changed according to respective brand while building the app
In coding side you can customise your application to read the values from plist like this
Function defintion:
func getPlistFile()->Dictionary<String,AnyObject>? {
var dictPlistFile:Dictionary<String,AnyObject>?
if let path = NSBundle.mainBundle().pathForResource("plistfile", ofType: "plist") {
if let dictValue = NSDictionary(contentsOfFile: path) as? Dictionary<String, AnyObject> {
return dictPlistFile
Function calling:
var Value=getPlistFile()?["Key"]
You can change the values of the key according to brand using the PlistBuddy while building the app
Here is the syntax
/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Set :Key Value" plistfile.plist
Using Jenkins
We can effectively re-use the shell script here in jenkins
1.You have to parameterise all the variables in shell script in jenkins using Add Parameter... like in the below screenshot I have done for one variable like that you have to do it for all others
2.Choose Execute shell in the Build Step
3.Copy the script that is there in between Creating the build based on configuration starts and Creating the build based on configuration ends and paste it in Execute Shell
Resource Rules
There is a known bug Regarding ResourceRules of Xcode in some versions while building and packaging the app through non-xcode interface.
So it has to be run once to deactivate a validation for resource rules path in xcode.The resource rules path is deprecated feature and apple doesn't accept apps that comes with resource rules but if we build an app without using Xcode the validation error saying resource rules has not been found will arise to counter that we have to run the script only once.
# A script to patch xcrun PackageInstallation so that it doesn't use the deprecated --resource-rules
# See "Do not use the --resource-rules flag or ResourceRules.plist. They have been obsoleted and will be rejected."
# under
# Reported as Apple bug #19384243
# should be run as a user who can modify the PackageApplication file
function usage {
# FIXME we cannot parse args properly because 2 are optional...
echo "USAGE: $0 xcodedir"
echo " xcodedir: an install dir like /Application/"
if [[ $# -ne 1 ]]; then
echo "ERROR: invalid number of arguments"
exit -1
if [[ ! -f "$pi" ]]; then
echo "$pi file not found. Invalid argument ?"
exit -1
grep resource-rules "$pi"
if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
echo "PackageApplication doesn't use resource-rules. Skipping"
exit 0
if [[ -f "$piorig" ]]; then
echo "Backup file $piorig already exist. Aborting"
exit -1
perl -p -i'Orig' -e 'BEGIN{undef $/;} s/,resource-rules(.*sign}).*ResourceRules.plist"/$1/smg' "$pi"
echo $?
Unlock keychain
Whenever you run in terminal it will prompt username and password as its accessing system keychain
Whenever you run the Job in jenkins you will get "User Interaction Is Not Allowed" error
so to tackle this you have to follow the below steps
Open the Keychain Access
Right click on the private key
Select "Get Info"
Select "Access Control" tab
Click "Allow all applications to access this item"
Click "Save Changes"
Enter your password
Provisioning profile
if you ever get "No Matching Provisioning Profile Found" make sure you have double clicked and installed it via Xcode.
The moment you install you'll see UUID.mobileprovision in ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles/
This UUID is the value inside mobile provision that means the provisioning profile is installed.
I hope this helps you

xcodebuild is not compiling the project unless it is opened using Xcode atleast only once for cocoapods integrated project

I have a project with cocoa pods.
Here is the command that I use to build the project.
/usr/bin/xcodebuild -scheme Jenkins -workspace
-configuration Release clean build CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR=/Users/Shared/Jenkins/Documents/JenkinsTestNuu/app
'CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY=iPhone Distribution: XXXX yay (3G5FKTZJ2K)'
The above script works good only if the project has been opened using Xcode atleast once after that Xcode can be closed no issues.
If the project has not been opened then If I run the script
the wheel is spinning below without any progress forever for example in the below image
if its opened once instead of the spinning wheel below texts would be shown below
Check dependencies
Clean.Remove clean
builtin-rm -rf /Users/Shared/Jenkins/Documents/JenkinsTestNuu/app/XWebView.framework.dSYM
Clean.Remove clean
builtin-rm -rf /Users/Shared/Jenkins/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/appanme-bqjwbjcqisegldeaonpytprisnig/Build/Intermediates/
Clean.Remove clean
builtin-rm -rf /Users/Shared/Jenkins/Documents/JenkinsTestNuu/app/XWebView.framework
Check dependencies
The problem is not observed in any non-cocoapods project.
So what would be the cause and how to solve it ?
Why it happens ?
A quick diffMerge tool analysis between a project opened by Xcode Vs a same project not opened by Xcode so far
From this we can see lots of scheme related files being created once opened by Xcode inside .xcodeproj
so xcodebuild creates .app by using the scheme related meta data but as there is no scheme to build against its failing
How to solve this ?
As there is lack of meta data it couldn't build and so it requires Xcode to be opened so that the files get automactically created by Xcode and so there will be some schemes to build against.
But when you open the Xcode this Scheme related files gets created under xcuserdata which is for particular user. i.e each user gets their own file that saves state folders opened,last file opened etc...
Its not wise idea to keep this file with us.
The problem can be solved by checking the Shared Check box under Manage Schemes
This moves schemes out from under your individual xcuserdata into a shared folder that can be committed via source control and you can safely ignore xcuserdata and keep the shared folder in source control
Now we can build the code without opening the Xcode even for only one time.
(UI,Build settings and functional)
App icon & other icons
iTunes Artwork
Build settings
App Name
Bundle Identifier
Provisioning profile
Code signing identity
Brand specific URLs(login,logout,resource-fetch etc...)
Using Terminal
#Author: Durai Amuthan(
#This is to achieve multiple branding of an iOS app by configuring the variables below
#************ Configuring the brand starts ************
#Directory path where .xcworkspace or .xcodeproj exists
#Path where info.plist exists
#Path to icons where new iTunesArtwork and application icon exixts
#Note: Make sure proper naming conventions of file has been followed
#Path to asset resource where you have kept your application icon.
#Path where do you want the .app file has to be kept
#Path where do you want the .ipa file has to kept
#Cocoapods project or project that involves more than one modules are scheme based
#Path of the Project (.xcodeproj) - applicable for workspace(.xcworkspace) based project
#Path of the Workspace (.xcworkspace)
#Name of the target - applicable only for non-workspace(.xcodeproj) based projects
#Scheme of the iOS app
#To ascertain Cocoapods has been used or not
#Configuration of the app (Debug -(Development) or Release(Adhoc or Distribution))
#For giving access to signing idetity found in KeyChain
#Name of the code signing identity.You can find the name in Keychain or xcode build setting
CodeSigningIdentity='iPhone Distribution: Xx Yy Zz Limited (3Z5MHUYJ2L)'
#Path of the provisioning profile
#UUID value found inside Provisioning profile has to be given
#Do not forget to install provisiong profile in the system
#Bundle identifier of the app
#AppVersion of the app
#App Name
#************ Configuring the brand ends ************
#** Creatting the build based on configuration starts **
cd $PathOfInfoPlist
echo "****************** Setting App Name ******************"
/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Set :CFBundleName $Appname" info.plist
/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Set :CFBundleDisplayName $Appname" info.plist
echo "app name has been set as $Appname"
cd $PathOfProjectDirectory
echo "****************** Setting AppVersion ******************"
/usr/bin/agvtool new-marketing-AppVersion $AppVersion
/usr/bin/agvtool new-AppVersion -all $AppVersion
echo "****************** Changing app icons & iTunes Artwork ******************"
cp -R $PathOfNewIcons/*.png $PathOfAppIconSet
echo "App icons has been changed at $PathOfNewIcons"
cp -R $PathOfNewIcons/iTunesArtwork#2x $PathOfProjectDirectory/XxYyZz
cp -R $PathOfNewIcons/iTunesArtwork $PathOfProjectDirectory/XxYyZz
echo "iTunesArtwork has been changed at $PathOfProjectDirectory"
#Unlock login keychain
security unlock-keychain -p $LoginKeyChainPassword $LoginKeychainPath
if $isCocoaPodsBased == 'true'
echo "****************** Installing Cocoapods **********************"
/usr/local/bin/pod install
echo "Cocoapods has been installed"
echo "****************** Creating .app ******************"
if $isWorkspaceBased == 'true'
/usr/bin/xcodebuild -scheme $Scheme -workspace $PathofWorkspaceFile -configuration $Config clean build CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR=$PathToApp "CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY=$CodeSigningIdentity" "PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER=$BundleIdentifier" "PROVISIONING_PROFILE=$ProvisioningProfileIdentity"
/usr/bin/xcodebuild -target $Target -project $PathofProjectFile -configuration $Config clean build CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR=$PathToApp "CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY=$CodeSigningIdentity" "PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER=$BundleIdentifier" "PROVISIONING_PROFILE=$ProvisioningProfileIdentity"
echo ".app has been generated at $PathToApp"
echo "****************** Creating .ipa *******************"
/usr/bin/xcrun -sdk iphoneos PackageApplication -v $PathToApp/ -o $PathToIpa/$Appname.ipa --embed $PathToMobileProvision --sign "$CodeSigningIdentity"
echo "$Appname.ipa has been generated at $PathToIpa"
#** Creatting the build based on configuration ends **
The file is self-descriptive you can understand easily.
Just configure the values of variable in the file and call it like below
If you want some other icons also to be changed besides App Icon and iTunesArtwork
use cp command e.g
cp path/to/source path/to/destination
To know more info do cp man
With the above file you can do Branding for UI and Build Settings.
For functional branding , you have to keep
Brand specific URLs
Other inputs respective to a brand
in a separate plist file so that this things also can be changed according to respective brand while building the app
In coding side you can customise your application to read the values from plist like this
Function defintion:
func getPlistFile()->Dictionary<String,AnyObject>? {
var dictPlistFile:Dictionary<String,AnyObject>?
if let path = NSBundle.mainBundle().pathForResource("plistfile", ofType: "plist") {
if let dictValue = NSDictionary(contentsOfFile: path) as? Dictionary<String, AnyObject> {
return dictPlistFile
Function calling:
var Value=getPlistFile()?["Key"]
You can change the values of the key according to brand using the PlistBuddy while building the app
Here is the syntax
/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Set :Key Value" plistfile.plist
Using Jenkins
We can effectively re-use the shell script here in jenkins
1.You have to parameterise all the variables in shell script in jenkins using Add Parameter... like in the below screenshot I have done for one variable like that you have to do it for all others
2.Choose Execute shell in the Build Step
3.Copy the script that is there in between Creating the build based on configuration starts and Creating the build based on configuration ends and paste it in Execute Shell
Resource Rules
There is a known bug Regarding ResourceRules of Xcode in some versions while building and packaging the app through non-xcode interface.
So it has to be run once to deactivate a validation for resource rules path in xcode.The resource rules path is deprecated feature and apple doesn't accept apps that comes with resource rules but if we build an app without using Xcode the validation error saying resource rules has not been found will arise to counter that we have to run the script only once.
# A script to patch xcrun PackageInstallation so that it doesn't use the deprecated --resource-rules
# See "Do not use the --resource-rules flag or ResourceRules.plist. They have been obsoleted and will be rejected."
# under
# Reported as Apple bug #19384243
# should be run as a user who can modify the PackageApplication file
function usage {
# FIXME we cannot parse args properly because 2 are optional...
echo "USAGE: $0 xcodedir"
echo " xcodedir: an install dir like /Application/"
if [[ $# -ne 1 ]]; then
echo "ERROR: invalid number of arguments"
exit -1
if [[ ! -f "$pi" ]]; then
echo "$pi file not found. Invalid argument ?"
exit -1
grep resource-rules "$pi"
if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
echo "PackageApplication doesn't use resource-rules. Skipping"
exit 0
if [[ -f "$piorig" ]]; then
echo "Backup file $piorig already exist. Aborting"
exit -1
perl -p -i'Orig' -e 'BEGIN{undef $/;} s/,resource-rules(.*sign}).*ResourceRules.plist"/$1/smg' "$pi"
echo $?
Unlock keychain
Whenever you run in terminal it will prompt username and password as its accessing system keychain
Whenever you run the Job in jenkins you will get "User Interaction Is Not Allowed" error
so to tackle this you have to follow the below steps
Open the Keychain Access
Right click on the private key
Select "Get Info"
Select "Access Control" tab
Click "Allow all applications to access this item"
Click "Save Changes"
Enter your password
Provisioning profile
if you ever get "No Matching Provisioning Profile Found" make sure you have double clicked and installed it via Xcode.
The moment you install you'll see UUID.mobileprovision in ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles/
This UUID is the value inside mobile provision that means the provisioning profile is installed.
I hope this helps you
You need to run pod install before building the project so that CocoaPods fetches the Pods specified in your Podfile within the Jenkins workspace.

Run a shell script before build in Xcode

I need to adjust my build and version number for my project before build/archiving.
I tried multiple things, but so far to no avail.
I added a target with the script to update the numbers and added that as first dependency to my main target. But because I have multiple dependencies as I have extensions in my app and all dependencies are executed by Xcode in parallel (or at least in random order) this does not work.
I added a pre-action to my scheme with the same result. Xcode is not waiting for my pre-action to complete before continuing with the build (I added a sleep 100 to test).
As I'm altering build numbers it is crucial that the script can complete before anything else is started, but there is also one more side-effect: The build even stops due to the fact that the plist files have been altered while building the related target.
What makes it more difficult is, that I would like to use agvtools to set my version & build number. This obviously starts background processes that are out of my control to alter the plists.
Disclaimer: I have searched for other answers, didn't help.
agvtools just does not work in an Xcode build. It will always stop the build.
What works fine is PlistBuddy, although the setup is not as nice and neat.
I added a Pre-Action to the build in my main scheme to call a new target in my project:
xcodebuild -project "${SRCROOT}/MAIN_APP.xcodeproj" -scheme BuildNumberPreProcess
In the target BuildNumberPreProcess I have a Run Script:
VERSION=$(head -n 1 version.txt)
BUILD=`git rev-list $(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD) | wc -l | awk '{ print $1 }'`
echo "${VERSION} (${BUILD})"
SCRIPT="${SRCROOT}/CLIENT/Supporting Files/"
"${SCRIPT}" "${SRCROOT}/MAIN_APP/Supporting Files/Info.plist" ${VERSION} ${BUILD}
# usage:
# set-version-in-plist LIST VERSION BUILD
# LIST: Info.plist path & name
# VERSION: version number
# BUILD: build number xxxxx
# Location of PlistBuddy
echo "$1: $2 ($3)"
${PLISTBUDDY} -c "Set :CFBundleShortVersionString $2" "$1";
${PLISTBUDDY} -c "Set :CFBundleVersion $3" "$1";
Xcode has command line tools for build/archiving:
So, you can write shell script that at first runs your script for adjusting build/version number and then runs xcode build/archive as command line tool.

Add DATE to Xcode xcconfig file

I have an Xcode config file, Config.xcconfig that contains this row only:
BUILD_DATE=`date "+%B %Y"`
I added this configuration to project in correct way, i hope.
I want to use the content of BUILD_DATE variable in the Application-info.plist file. How?
I tried get value using ${BUILD_DATE} but result is the string ``date "+%B %Y"` not the value!
From terminal, result is correct:
alp$ BUILD_DATE=`date "+%B %Y"`
alp$ echo $BUILD_DATE
March 2013
but in Xcode no!
How can i fix this?
You cannot get the build date using the backtick command as the .xcconfig file is not interpreted as a shell script.
Your best bet is to use a similar approach the Bump Build Number script in this SO question (that I asked a while back), which provides a solution for using an external build script to update the .plist file.
For example:
if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
echo usage: $0 plist-file
exit 1
build_date=$(date "+%B %Y")
/usr/libexec/Plistbuddy -c "Set BUILD_DATE \"$build_date\"" "$plist"
and invoke it from the Xcode Build Script using something like:
