Combine multi-row array into single row - google-sheets

I'm trying to combine the multi-row results of a QUERY into a single row.
The first result (A4:L4) should remain as-is with the following result added to the end of the previous result in the same row keeping blank values in place. The header will be removed, so that doesn't need to be considered.
I've tried nesting QUERY and FILTER but am only managing to get a single column or transpose the whole array.
=QUERY({journeySquads!A:M},"SELECT Col2,Col3,Col4,Col5,Col6,Col7,Col8,Col9,Col10,Col11,Col12,Col13 WHERE Col1='"&A1&"'",1)

You could also use flatten (no restriction on string length)
=transpose(query(flatten(query(A2:M,"select * where A='test'"))," select Col1 where Col1 is not null"))

Well, I figured it out...
=SPLIT(TEXTJOIN("| ",,QUERY({journeySquads!A2:M},"SELECT Col1,Col2,Col3,Col4,Col5,Col6,Col7,Col8,Col9,Col10,Col11,Col12,Col13 WHERE Col1='"&A1&"'",0)),"|")


Randomly sorted 1d array(google sheets)

How would one return a randomly sorted version of another 1d array, ignoring empty cells? For example, a 1x26(vertical) array of the alphabet in column A could be sorted into a random order in column B.
Try this
Specify your range in the lambda call once in this case A2:A57
we are using RANDARRAY with the same length of the input as a sort column in the SORT function.
=LAMBDA(rg, QUERY(SORT({rg,RANDARRAY(ROWS(rg),1)},2,1)," Select Col1 where Col1 <> '' "))
You can try with something like this. It generates a "fictional" column with random values and sort your column by them:
You may try:
RAND functions recalculate on every sheet change. this is more of an approach to create a static style pseudo-random array to use within sort and randomize the column A

Processing a list to output in a particular format

I am processing a list to output its items in chunks separated by blank rows as follows. But the result is not working when there are similar items, as shown with the arrows.
The formula I'm using is =query(filter(flatten({if(COUNTIFS($A$1:$A,$A$1:$A,ROW($A$1:$A),"<="&ROW($A$1:$A))=1," ",),A1:A}),flatten({if(COUNTIFS($A$1:$A,$A$1:$A,ROW($A$1:$A),"<="&ROW($A$1:$A))=1," ",),A1:A})<>""),"offset 1",0)
I need some help with it, to get the repeated chunks right too, so that the desired result is following. I've tried tweaking the COUNTIF conditions but am struggling.
Desired result
IF(a={""; a},"×"&a,"×​×"&a)),,9^9), "×")), "offset 1", ))
(A1:INDEX(A:A, MAX(ROW(A:A)*(A:A<>"")))))
When I opened it, there was no answer but here it goes all the same for you or another user 😉
It checks each row with the next one and adds a "|" when they differ, then joins all rows with that same symbol and split by that same symbol, resulting in empty rows between different values
=transpose (split(join("|",byrow(A1:A,lambda(each,if(each="","",SI(each=offset(each,1,0),each,each&"|"))))),"|",1,0))
Here's another solution:
a&if(a=b,,"❆ "),"❆")),"where Col1<>''"))

Counting the number of times a value appears more than once in a column AND where another conditon is met

Any help in figuring this out would be appreciated. I would like a forumla to calculate the number of times a code number appears more than once AND where type is A.
A sample set of data looks like the following:
In this case the forumla should return 1 as there is one case of a repeated code number (1) where type is (A) - first row and last row in this case.
Would the forumla be any different if I also had a third column and wanted that to be a certain value as well? Again with the test data below I would want this to return 1 in the case that I wanted to measure the number of times any code number appeared more than once where type=A and subtype=C:
Ihave started with the following which identifies the number of unique combinations in columns A and B, but I can't seem to add any way to only return where a particular combination appears more than once:
I have tried the following but it doesn't return correctly:
Been trying to figure this one out for a while with no success.
Thank you
You can try this (TABLE = the range corresponding to your dataset, including the header row):
=query(query(transpose(query(transpose(TABLE),,9^9)),"select Col1,count(Col1) where Col1 contains 'A' group by Col1",1),"select Col2-1 where Col2>1 label Col2-1 ''")
What we are doing is to concatenate the Code number & type columns into one using the TRANSPOSE/QUERY/TRANSPOSE...9^9 hack, querying it again to make a temporary table of each group against its count for those groups which meet the criteria, then finally subtracting one from each group count and only returning an answer if there were groups with count>1 to begin with. You will get multiple results if multiple groups satisfy the count>1 criteria.
To add the subtype column to the formula as per the second question, change TABLE to suit, then change the inner QUERY to:
"select Col1,count(Col1) where Col1 contains 'A' and Col1 contains 'c' group by Col1"
Note that the if your 'real' type & subtype categories share characters then the where/contains approach in the QUERY will fail and a different approach will be needed.
Assume that you place you data at A1:B10, what this function do is:
FILTER B1:B10 by type, which is "A" in this example, and return an array which is filtered A1:B10.
Use INDEX to extract only the 1st column, which is the code column of the filtered array, and name it 'DATA' with LAMBDA function.
Use BYROW to iterate 'DATA', and check each code with COUNTIF, if it counts more than one of this code in the filter result, return that code, else return "".
Use UNIQUE to get rid of duplicate results. (since we are looking for code which have more than 1 repeats, so the return array will sure have duplicates.)
Use query to get rid of the extry empty rows.
Just noticed that the INDEX function is not necessary, FLITER can directly returns A1:A10 according the compare results of B1:B10.

FLATTEN skipping blank cells without using UNIQUE

I'm trying to turn an array into a single column without blank cells, considering that the input will always have some blank cells and that there might be repeated values. I'm trying to use FLATTEN but it keeps the blanks and UNIQUE would kill the repeated values, so I can't use.
I also thought about using something like FLATTEN(QUERY(X:X, "select * WHERE col1,col2,col3,col4,col5 IS NOT NULL") but number of columns might be dynamic so I can't say precisely which columns to use.
My input:
Desired output:
Sample sheet here
Any clue?
Use QUERY on the outside:
I left an example in your spreadsheet, cell G2.

Only odd columns in arrayformula on google sheets

I have multiple columns that I need to stack into one column. But I only want to have odd columns in the list.
This is the formula I'm working with, which works to get all in one column. But not just odd ones
Appreciate the help.
You can also use QUERY with 'skipping 2' option. This takes only every 2nd row so to make it useful you have to transpose your range first. Then you FLATTEN your columns.
As you can see, there's a different order of values:
=flatten(query(transpose(A1:D4),"select * skipping 2 "))
This should do it:
=QUERY(FLATTEN(FILTER(A:D,ISODD(COLUMN(A:D)))),"Select * Where Col1 Is Not Null")
FILTER filters in all cells from odd columns.
FLATTEN makes one column of all of the FILTERed results.
QUERY weeds out blank rows.
