How to invite Facebook friends from iOS app? - ios

The current solution I found involves a complex set of process, I have not figured out 100% yet. Thus, I wanted to know an expert opinion on this.
This is what I have so far:
Access Graph API endpoint /friends which will give the list of friends who are also using the app
Invite them (I have no idea how)
For an invite, I have found this, but that's already deprecated. Which uses FBSDKAppInviteDialog.
I also found this but it seems like she is just promoting their own product. If they can do it then there must be a way for me to achieve this as well. Still, I can't find it in Facebook docs.
The sad thing is, why would Facebook make this simple stuff very hard to do?


Method of integrating a certain persons Twitter account into iOS App

In my app so far, I have to implement all the Twitter posts from a certain individual into a table view, and it automatically updates when the person tweets a certain post. Is it possible to mention a certain individual e.g. #John.. If it is possible, how can I do it? If not just let me know and I will delete this question as it could be too ambitious. Thanks!
I don't quite understand what you mean. I do a little!
There is a quick and easy way of doing this! One easy way is to use Twitters own SDK called Fabric. See Here
See this link for the timeline stuff and integration to your app Documentation
This should help you out!
P.S. Let me know how you get on!

Where can I find more information on how to sync up accounts to an APP?

When I say that, I mean if I'm creating an APP that I want to work in conjunction with say instagram, twitch, or facebook, etc, where they log in with their account first, how could I go about that? I'd want to essentially do an ADD-ON and make it more accessible/easy for users. Where could I learn more about how to do that?
It sounds a big vague I know, but I'm not sure how else to explain it.
You are looking for an OAUTH API from any of those providers, if I am understanding your post correctly.
You would read the documentation at their relative websites and then apply what is necessary to your project.
More info on facebook here:

Facebook Graph API changed results from /posts today?

I have an iOS app that has been fetching the user's Facebook status updates and location checkins using "/me/posts" for several months. After today's "breaking changes" update, "/me/posts" only returns recent "Like"s. It looks like "/me/statuses" and "/me/checkins" are the new proper places to check for these things. I guess that makes sense, but I saw no documentation anywhere describing these changes or saying that they would happen today. The original documentation about what is specifically returned from the graph API also seems pretty slim.
So my questions are: is this an official change to the API? Where was it specified? Where should I look so I can stay on top of these things and not have my app break for hundreds of users?
Perhaps more importantly: are "/me/statuses" and "/me/checkins" the new proper ways to get this information? Or is there something else?
Always good to keep a (sharp) eye on the Developer Roadmap. These types of changes happen often, but FB usually does a good job of calling them out ahead of time. You've answered your own question as far as whether or not it's an "official" change - you're seeing it in the wild - insofar as how Facebook works, it's official.
Try using the Graph API Explorer. It could be an access token issue.
FYI: I see a similar issue with my application, and I am able retrieve the posts only when I use the Graph API Explorer and the token I get from there.
Update: I found where some of the problems lived. In the app profile in Facebook, pick "Edit Settings" and then go to "Advanced" where you'll see a section called "Migrations". This is mostly switches to show compatibility for various "breaking changes" updates, but it also includes an option for "Include Checkins with Statuses".
Now I know where to look, things are making a bit more sense.

Inviting Users to Events via Facebook API

I'm able to create an event via the Facebook Graph API but I have yet to see a way in which to invite users to that event.
My fallback is to simply use the old REST API but sooner or later that will be phased out so I wanted to see if anyone had any suggestions.
Additional side question:
While using the REST API (or possibly even the Graph API) I have not found a way to invite guests who are not on Facebook. Is there a way to do this?
Thanks in advance for your help.
The bad news is that I think you're stuck with the REST API, at least I couldn't find another way (see if you haven't already). The good news is that there's still so much functionality missing from the graph API that I'm pretty sure Facebook isn't going to be phasing it out any time soon. Very frustrating though...
can I use the JavaScript SDK to call the old REST API method ?

Getting stats for Twitter app

I'm using Twitter's OAuth for my app (DroidIn)
To my dismay I can't find any way to track who and how often is using the app. Searching Twitter for "sent from DroidIn" does not yield any results. I suppose I can call some sort of counter app from my code but that doesn't seem to be fair to my users. Any ideas or suggestions?
It seems that yet again I have to answer my own question. After some investigation and feedback from question posted on Google Twitter developer group it seems that for now there are no stats easily accessible or available. Said that I found 2 interesting things:
You can search Twitter using source:yourapp switch. For example you can try this query
android source:API
There is very exciting streaming API from Twitter. I have a short write-up in my dev blog.
But if you want some actual stats there's no other choice today but implement it as part of your app. There's one more possibility if you have some sort of web-based interface you may want to use Google Analytics to trigger some Google javascript while submitting the update. I'm trying that right now and may end up with article in the blog
