How do I get a Access Token for my Microsoft Personal Account - Microsoft Graph API - microsoft-graph-api

I am working on a project, that sorts my emails in to folders in Python. I having a email and I am going to be using Microsoft Graph API. First I have just been using cURL to try out the different endpoints.
I have had a few problems, I am trying to get my personal access token, so I can use the endpoint /me/messages I have tried many different ways to authenticate using the documentation, but none of them seem to work. I don't have any active directory, I just want to use my own personal account, which I have selected when creating the project. Since my project is going to be running on the backend, I will be using the Application permissions instead of Delegated permission (please tell me if it is possible to use application permissions with my idea)
It would be helpful, if people could send me the cURL commands, to get my access token and maybe a example request to get my emails. Then I can translate this into Python code. If I receive any errors while executing your commands I will just comment on your answer.
Thanks in advance.

Based on the following documents I do not believe it is possible to use application permissions for a non-interactive (daemon) solution with a Microsoft Account. Only delegated permissions are supported since you as a user will not be able to grant admin consent on your Microsoft Account.
"Daemon applications can be used only with Azure AD organizations. It doesn't make sense to try to use daemon applications to manipulate Microsoft personal accounts. The admin consent will never be granted."
Scenario: Daemon application that calls web APIs
Account type support in authentication flows


Daemon application gets an App-only access token with no Roles

I have a JavaScript app that requires a user to login and hit a button then it runs a report, posts data to Excel, and sends an email. I want to automate this so a user does not have to log in and push a button.
I started with this project code:
I followed the instructions and am able to get an access token but then my api call fails with 401 unauthorized. As a test, I am trying to send an email as myself and I have the Application type Mail.Send permission granted by the company admin.
I have spent many hours reading docs and blogs but have not found a solution. This document summarizes best what I am troubleshooting:
The token I get back does not have any Roles in it as seen when I decode it with JWT. This is the only discrepancy I have found so far.
Any advise would be greatly appreciated. How can I ensure that my token has Roles defined or what else can I try? How is it that I can get a token successfully but can't use it for anything?
Thank you!
I am not a Node expert, so helping you out with a few pointers that might help.
Microsoft Graph has two types of permissions, Delegated and Application. So some things to know of and check..
Delegated permissions require a user to be present, they would show up in the scp claim in the access token. These are obtained by web applications using the implicit_grant flow, Authorization code grant or on-behalf-of flow (usually).
Application Permissions, require an admin to consent and will be provided to you in the roles claim in the access token. This requires, the app to obtain an access token via the client credentials grant. Note that, these are also present when the user is assigned a role as explained in this sample, but this scenario might not be applicable for in your case.
Does you app has the grant provided as you expect? You can check these via the Graph Explorer using the following two rest calls. There would be a OAuth2PermissionGrant entry with the expected role in it.
It'd help more if you can explain the flow that you have been using to obtain the access token. For example, the implicit_grant_flow does not work with application permissions.
In my case, the problem had to do with the endpoint and my tenant. I had been using the common tenant make api calls for tokens because that is what was listed in AzureAD for my app. I found that for the Application client permissions I must use my specific tenant id like '' when getting tokens with the proper roles.

Correct authorization strategy using Azure AD to secure a CLI to REST API

I'm trying to implement security to a backoffice CLI tool (NodeJS) that calls a REST api (Java/JAX-RS) for performing database operations etc.
As we're using Azure AD for all our user accounts I'd like to use it for authenticating our users and also for authorization.
The authorization is needed since not all members of the AD is supposed to use the CLI, and there are two types of users of the CLI with a different set of available commands, meaning that even if you are able to use it, some features might be locked out depending if you are an operator or administrator.
I've managed to create two applications in Azure AD, one for the CLI and one for the API. I can login using our AD credentials, fetch Access tokens for the CLI app id requesting the REST API resouce. On the client side I'm using .
On the Java side the tokens are validated against Microsoft public keys, so everything seems to work out fine.
But, how should I lock down the users to either operator or admin roles? One naive way I can think of is to have the user/role correlation in the REST API and only use the OAuth flow for authenticating the user. But I guess that's what the AD is there for... Could OAuth scopes help me in this case?
Or should the REST API call the AD to query for users group memberships, once it receives the access tokens and knows the end user identity?
Thanks in advance!
Use the Application Roles.
Here you will find good description what application roles are and how to handle them:
The recommended resources at the end and also very helpful and will guide you through the process.
Also, when developing CLI it is recommended to use the Device Flow - described here with sample code (.net core) here.

Using Client Credentials with Microsoft Graph OneNote API on Office 365 Business

I am building an app (HTTPS calls from LabVIEW) that will update my enterprise OneNote notebooks on Office 365 without the need for any user interaction. Hence I have opted for using the Client Credentials flow and granting Application permissions in Azure AD to my app (Read and write all OneNote notebooks) through Microsoft Graph.
I have referred to the instructions mentioned in the following pages:
I am able to get an access token from Microsoft Graph but once I try to use it to update my notebooks by making a POST call to the URL
I get the error:
"The OneDriveForBusiness for this user account cannot be retrieved." Code - 30108
However, I am fully able to access OneDriveForBusiness online using the same account which created the app and the tenant ID of which I used to grant permissions. Can someone please clarify if there are certain restrictions regarding the type of O365 and OneDriveForBusiness subscriptions that are necessary for my requirements? Which particular subscription or their combinations thereof should allow me to achieve the flow I need?
You cannot use /me with Client Credentials. /me is an alias for /users/{currentUserId but since you're using Client Credentials, there is a User in context for the API to map that alias to. You are effectively calling /v1.0/users/NULL/onenote/pages in this case.
You need to explicitly specify the User you want to access:
/v1.0/users/{userId or userPrincipalName}/onenote/pages

Microsoft Graph API with Azure User Provisioning

What I want to do is quite simple: provision Office 365 and Azure Account from my Web App. And I want it to be available not only for me but for all the IT Departments (from other organizations too) that logs in my App.
From my understanding the steps I have to take are:
Register App on and get ID And Secret.
Enable the Scopes I'm interested in (in my case Directory.ReadWrite.All and User.ReadWrite.All) -- Enabled from both Delegated Permissions and Application Permissions
Gone through the LOGIN PROCESS[My Client]&response_type=code&redirect_uri=[My Account]/Account/Office&response_mode=query&scope=openid%20User.Read%20offline_access%20Directory.ReadWrite.All
Confirm the code I receive back on my Return URL
POST and so on...
Now what I get is an object with Access Token, Renew Token and so on and so forth.
If I use it to get users, it's all working:
But when I try to perform other operations the token seems invalid.
For instance:
Get Azure subscriptions (the account is admin of several subscription): ==> UNAUTHORIZED
What I'm doing wrong? Is the IDEA behind it correct?
I really need to be done at a "global" level without config manual steps on every subscription or putting in some "TenantID" manually.
You've requested a token with scoped for the Microsoft Graph API which is why you can use API endpoints surfaced by
The call to is not part of Microsoft Graph API so you're token isn't valid for that resource. That call is into the Service Management REST API. Authenticating for this API is documented here.

Accessing Calendar, Mail and Contacts of an OAuthenticated user

I configured an application on AzureAd to be multi-tenant, I chose to require all the permissions for Windows Azure Active Directory and Office 365 Exchange Online.
I can get a user to grant permissions, get access tokens, refresh them, OAuth works for me. I always used the "common" keyword instead of the tenant ID, because my app is multi-tenant.
Now, I would like to have (CRUD) access to a user's Mail, Contacts and Calendar with this token. Here is my problem: I am completely lost in all the possible API endpoints. Should I use:,, This page seems to suggest that is the Swiss army knife that would serve my purpose, but somehow I cannot find a doc that allows me to find the info I'm looking for. Plus, it seems under development and maybe too incomplete for what I want.
If I make queries against, I've got a 401 error.
If I put my access token in this token analyzer, it seems healthy although the scope field only shows the permissions I set in the AzureAd portal for Windows Azure Active Directory, not Office 365 Exchange Online.
I am kind of lost, any help would be welcome...
You have a choice:
Call the separate service apis - Your problem is that you acquired a token to call AAD, and then tried to use that to call Outlook - you need to make a separate call to acquire a token for through ADAL or through the token endpoint directly. The token acquired for AAD Graph can ONLY be used against AAD Graph. Similarly the token acquired for Outlook can ONLY be used against Outlook APIs.
Just to clarify - Azure AD OAuth can protect/secure multiple web APIs, including O365 APIs, Azure AD Graph, Azure Resource Management APIs, your own APIs and the new O365 unified API. In the first access token request, you specify the first resource you want/need to call. It doesn't have to be AAD Graph - i.e. it's not the default AFAIK. Based on what is consented to, you have the ability to request additional access tokens using the (multi-resource) refresh token. Vittorio's blog post which you link to in your comments does a great job explaining this.
Call the O365 unified API (which is in preview) and IS documented. See below. The beauty of the unified API is that you only need to acquire a token to call and ALL the entities on that endpoint are available to you AND more. It removes the siloed nature of #1, and the requirement to get and manage multiple access tokens to call these different API endpoints. However #1 is currently GA, and the unified API is preview only at this time.
For more on #2 please see and search for "unified" in the list of samples here:
We are working on improving the unified API documentation. If you are making pure REST calls, then I recommend starting out with the API explorer (and try things like and to get your calendar events and mail messages), OR the API sandbox (which can show you JS code snippets, and allow you to test your own easily enough). As you can see on the REST examples, to access mail and calendar features in the unified APIs, you should be able to swap the service roots from Outlook to the unified API ie - -> On the JS sample - we will be adding more capabilities here and additional samples.
NOTE: Personal contacts available in are not available in the unified API yet.
Hope this helps
