Question: BigQueryIO creates one file per input line, is it correct? - google-cloud-dataflow

I'm new on Apache Beam and I'm developing a pipeline to get rows from JDBCIO and send them to BigQueryIO. I'm converting the rows to avro files with withAvroFormatFunction but it is creating a new file for each row returned by JDBCIO. The same for withFormatFunction with json files.
It is so slow to run locally with DirectRunner because it uploads a lot of files to Google Storage. Is this approach good for scaling on Google Dataflow? Is there a better way to deal with it?

In BigqueryIO there is an option to specify withNumFileShards which controls the number of files that get generated while using Bigquery Load Jobs.
From the documentation
Control how many file shards are written when using BigQuery load jobs. Applicable only when also setting withTriggeringFrequency(org.joda.time.Duration).
You can set test your process by setting the value to 1 to see if only 1 large file gets created.

BigQueryIO will commit results to BigQuery for each bundle. The DirectRunner is known to be a bit inefficient about bundling. It never combines bundles. So whatever bundling is provided by a source is propagated to the sink. You can try using other runners such as Flink, Spark, or Dataflow. The in-process open source runners are about as easy to use as the direct runner. Just change --runner=DirectRunner to --runner=FlinkRunner and the default settings will run in local embedded mode.


save/load thingsboard configuration

Is it possible to somehow serialize current Thingsboard (let's call it TBoard) configuration, save it and than latter load saved configuration on TBoard startup.
I am specifically interested in loading device profiles, rule chains, and dashboards.
I want to save configuration together with my project in git repository so than latter I could just use docker-compose to start multiple services from project (let's call them sensors) and single TBoard instance with saved configuration which will be used for collecting telemetry from sensors and drawing dashboards.
Another reason for saving configuration is what happens if for some reason TBoard container crashes or somehow get corrupted so it can't be started again, would I have to click on the things again in order to create all device profiles, dashboards, configure rule chains ... etc etc ... ?
Regarding this line
I am specifically interested in loading device profiles, rule chains, and dashboards. I want to save configuration together with my project in git repository
I have just recently implemented version control for my Thingsboard deployment. The way i am doing it is with the python REST client.
I have written functions to export all dashboards/data converters/integrations/rule chains/widgets into json files which I save into a github repository.
I have also written the reverse script to push the stored files to a fresh environment, essentially "flashing" it. Surprisingly, this works perfectly.
I have an idea to publish this as a package, but it's something I've never done before so I'm unsure if I will get to it.
Just letting you know that it is definitely possible to get source control operational via the API.

Update delay for dataflow UDF

I have a dataflow from pub/sub to bigquery that uses a javascript UDF to manipulate data. If I modify the file in cloud storage, does the running dataflow automatically update to start using this new UDF, is there a delay or do I have to trigger it manually? I changed the UDF but the dataflow behaves as if it were running with the old one.
Also, what is the best way to debug these UDF that run on dataflow?
You mean the Dataflow Template, right?
Unfortunately, the UDF does not refresh when you change the file. To update with a new file, you need to perform a Pipeline update, or stop / restart your pipeline.
As for debugging the UDFs, I am not sure what's the best way; but you can access the pipeline code in the DataflowTemplates repository in Github, and debug the pipeline by running locally, or writing a reduced version of it.

Is there any GCP Dataflow template for "Pub/Sub to Cloud Spanner"

I am trying to find out if there is any GCP Dataflow template available for data ingestion with "Pub/Sub to Cloud Spanner". I have found there is already a default GCP dataflow template available with example - "Cloud Pub/Sub to BigQuery".
So, I am interested to see if I can do data ingestion to spanner in stream or batch mode and how the behavior would be
There is a Dataflow template to import Avro files in batch mode that you can use by following these instructions. Unfortunately a Cloud Pub/Sub streaming template is not available yet. If you would like, you can file a feature request.
Actually I tried to do something like use "projects/pubsub-public-data/topics/taxirides-realtime" and "gs://dataflow-templates/latest/Cloud_PubSub_to_Avro" template to load sample data file to my gcp storage. Then I stopped this stream job and created another batch job with "gs://dataflow-templates/latest/GCS_Avro_to_Cloud_Spanner" template. But the batch job failed with below error, No files matched spec: gs://cardataavi/archive/spanner-export.json
It seems, right now spanner support only Avro data format which has Spanner specific format. Is the understanding correct?

Watching for new files matching a filepattern in Apache Beam

I have a directory on GCS or another supported filesystem to which new files are being written by an external process.
I would like to write an Apache Beam streaming pipeline that continuously watches this directory for new files and reads and processes each new file as it arrives. Is this possible?
This is possible starting with Apache Beam 2.2.0. Several APIs support this use case:
If you're using TextIO or AvroIO, they support this explicitly via and the same on readAll(), for example:
PCollection<String> lines = p.apply(
// Check for new files every 30 seconds
// Never stop checking for new files
If you're using a different file format, you may use FileIO.match().continuously() and FileIO.matchAll().continuously() which support the same API, in combination with FileIO.readMatches().
The APIs support specifying how often to check for new files, and when to stop checking (supported conditions are e.g. "if no new output appears within a given time", "after observing N outputs", "after a given time since starting to check" and their combinations).
Note that right now this feature currently works only in the Direct runner and the Dataflow runner, and only in the Java SDK. In general, it will work in any runner that supports Splittable DoFn (see capability matrix).
To add to Eugene's excellent answer as well as the watchfornewfiles options there are a couple of other choices;
There are several options available to solve this requirement dependent on your latency requirements. As of SDK 2.9.0:
Option 1: Continuous read mode:
FileIO , TextIO and several other IO sources support continuous reading of the source for new files.
FileIO class supports the ability to watch a single file pattern continuously.
This example matches a single filepattern repeatedly every 30 seconds, continuously returns new matched files as an unbounded PCollection and stops if no new files appear for 1 hour.
PCollection<Metadata> matches = p.apply(FileIO.match()
Duration.standardSeconds(30), afterTimeSinceNewOutput(Duration.standardHours(1))));
TextIO class supports streaming new file matching using the watchForNewFiles property.
PCollection<String> lines = p.apply(
// Check for new files every minute
// Stop watching the filepattern if no new files appear within an hour
It is important to note that the file list is not retained across restarts of the pipeline. To deal with that scenario, you can move the files either through a process downstream of the pipeline or as part of the pipeline itself. Another option would be to store processed file names in an external file and de-dupe the lists at the next transform.
The continuously option is not available as of SDK 2.9.0 for python.
Option 2: Stream processing triggered from external source
You can have a Beam pipeline running in stream mode, which has an unbounded source, for example PubSub. When new files arrive you can use an external to Beam process to detect the file arrival and then send a PubSub message which has a URI as payload to the file. In a DoFn which is preceded by the PubSub source you can then use that URI to process the file.
Java :
Use an Unbounded Source IO ( PubSubIO, KafakIO, etc...)
Use an UnBounded Source IO ( PubSubIO, etc...)
Option 3: Batch mode processing triggered from external source
This approach, introduces latency over Option 1 & 2 as the pipeline needs to startup before processing can begin. Here you can have a triggering event from your source file system to schedule or immediately start a Dataflow process. This option is best suited for low frequency large file size updates.

Jenkins job to read data from SQL DB

I'm new to Jenkins. I have a task where I need to create a Jenkins job to automate builds of certain projects. The build job parameters are going to be stored in the SQL database. So, the job would keep querying the DB and it has to load data from the DB and perform the build operation.
Examples would be greatly appreciated.
How can this be done?
You have to transform the data from available source to the format expecting by the destination.
Here your source data available in DB and you want to use this data in Jenkins.
There might be numerous ways but the efficient way of reading data is using EnvyInJect Plugin.
If you were able to provide the whole data as Properties file format and type to EnvyInject plugin, the whole data is available as environment variables you can use these variable in the Jobs configuration.
EnvyInject Plugin can read this properties file from the Jenkins Job Workspace. And you can provide that file path in Properties File Path input.
To read the data from source and make available as properties file.
Either you can write a executable or if your application provides api to download the properties data.
Both ways to be executed before the SCM step, for this you have to use Pre-SCM-Step
Get the data and inject the data in pre-scm-step only, so that the data available as environment variables.
This is one thought to give gist for you to start. while implementing you may get lot of thoughts to implement according to your requirement.
