Using ToString for Variant variables - delphi

The following code produces an EVariantInvalidOpError exception:
i : Variant;
i := 10;
All the following works good but I don't understand why the ToString function raises exception for Variant type variables:
i : Variant;
i := 10;
i : Integer;
i := 10;

Variants let you store values of various types in them, while the type may be unknown at compile-time. You can write an integer value into single variable of Variant type an later overwrite it with string value. Along with the value variant records stores also the type information in it. Among those values some of them are automatically allocated and/or reference counted. The compiler does a lot of stuff behind the scenes when writing or reading the value from Variant variable.
Variants of type varDispatch get even more special treat from the compiler. varDispatch indicates that the value is of type IDispatch (usually, but not necessarily related to Windows COM technology). Instance of IDispatch provides information about its methods and properties via GetTypeInfoCount and GetTypeInfo methods. You can use its GetIDsOfNames method to query the information by name.
Let's answer the question from your comment first:
Why does Delphi allow me to use the ToString function even if there is no helper implementing such function for the Variant type?
This is how Delphi implements concept called late binding. It allows you to call methods of an object which type is unknown at compile-time. The prerequisite for this to work is that the underlying variant type supports late binding. Delphi has built-in support for late binding of varDispatch and varUnknown variants as can be seen in procedure DispInvokeCore in unit System.Variants.
I don't understand why the ToString function raises exception for Variant type variables.
As discussed above, in run-time your program tries to invoke ToString method on variant value which in your case is of type varByte. Since it doesn't support late binding (as well as further ordinal variant types) you get the exception.
To convert variant value to string use VarToStr.
Here's a simple example of using late binding with Microsoft Speech API:
Voice: Variant;
Voice := CreateOleObject('SAPI.SpVoice');
Voice.Speak('Hello, World!');


Generic function with interface constraint [duplicate]

I just tried my first use of generics in Delphi 2009 and am perplexed on how to use a generic type as the input to the Supports function used to see if an object implements a given interface. I've created a small sample illustrating the problem.
Given the following types and utility function:
IMyInterface = interface
TMyObject = class(TInterfacedObject, IMyInterface)
class function TFunctions.GetInterface<T>(myObject: TObject): T;
specificInterface: T;
// This would compile, but looses the generic capability
//Supports(myObject, IMyInterface, specificInterface);
// This results in compile errors
Supports(myObject, T, specificInterface);
result := specificInterface;
and the following code snippet:
class procedure TFunctions.Test;
myObject: TMyObject;
myInterface: IMyInterface;
myObject := TMyObject.Create;
myInterface := GetInterface<IMyInterface>(myObject);
I would expect no problems but I get the following compile time errors:
[DCC Error] GenericExample.pas(37): E2029 '(' expected but ',' found
[DCC Error] GenericExample.pas(37): E2014 Statement expected, but expression of type 'T' found
I'm not sure what the compiler is expecting me to do with the T when used as the actual argument to the function.
I've searched around quite a bit and haven't been able to crack this one. A part of me suspects that if I could understand how an interface name gets converted to the IID: TGUID type during compilation, when using a concrete interface name, I could make some headway, but that has evaded me also.
Any help is much appreciated.
There is no guarantee that T has a GUID associated with it, and there is no means in the language to write a constraint on the type parameter to make that guarantee.
The interface name is converted into a GUID by the compiler looking up the name in the symbol table, getting the compiler's data structure representing the interface, and checking the corresponding field for the GUID. But generics are not like C++ templates; they need to be compiled and type-checked and known to work for any valid type parameter, and that means constraining the type parameter in its declaration.
You can get the GUID using RTTI (first checking that T does indeed represent an interface) with something like GetTypeData(TypeInfo(T))^.Guid and pass the GUID to Supports that way.
Why are you even bothering?
To use this TFunctions.GetInterface you need:
an interface
an object reference
If you have those, then you can just call Supports() directly:
intf := TFunctions.GetInterface<IMyInterface>(myObject);
is exactly equivalent to:
Supports(IMyInterface, myObject, intf);
Using generics here is a waste of time and effort and really begs the question "Why Do It?".
It is just making things harder to read (as is so often the case with generics) and is more cumbersome to use.
Supports() returns a convenient boolean to indicate success/failure, which you have to test for separately using your wrapper:
intf := TFunctions.GetInterface<IMyInterface>(myObject);
if Assigned(intf) then
// ...
if Supports(IMyInterface, myObject, intf) then
// We can use intf
When creating wrappers around functionality it is generally the case that the result is an improvement in readabilty or usability.
imho this fails on both counts and you should just stick with the Supports() function itself.

Passing a Delphi record type to VB6 DLL

I have written a VB6 DLL which includes the following user-defined type (UDT), consisting only of primitive data types...
Public Type MyResults
Result1 As Double
Result2 As Double
Result3 As Double
Result4 As Double
Result5 As Double
End Type
...and the following method...
Public Sub Method1(ByRef Results As Variant)
Dim myRes As MyResults
myRes = Results
MsgBox "MyResults.Result1: " & myRes.Result1
End Sub
Delphi Test Harness
I have also written a test harness in Delphi and have created an equivalent Delphi record type to mimic the VB UDT, which is defined as follows...
TMyResults = packed record
Result1: Double;
Result2: Double;
Result3: Double;
Result4: Double;
Result5: Double;
From Delphi, I would like to call Method1 in the VB6 DLL and pass a variable of this type as an argument, so that VB can interpret it as an equivalent "type". So far, I have tried the following Delphi call...
procedure TMyApp.CallMethod1FromVBDLL(var MyResults: TMyResults);
results: OleVariant;
dll: Variant;
results := RecToVariant(MyResults, SizeOf(MyResults));
dll := CreateOleObject('ApplicationName.ClassName');
...which uses the following function (source: to convert a record to a variant...
function TMyApp.RecToVariant(var AR; ARecSize: Integer): Variant;
p: Pointer;
Result := VarArrayCreate([1, ARecSize], varByte);
p := VarArrayLock(Result);
Move(AR, p^, ARecSize);
An EOleException is reported back to Delphi due to a Type mismatch on the myRes = Results line in Method1 of the DLL.
Am I preparing and passing the argument correctly in Delphi?
How should I be using the argument in VB6?
Any assistance/advice would be gratefully received.
The problem is that your Delphi code is creating an OleVariant that contains a byte array (Automation type VT_UI1 or VT_ARRAY), which is not what VB is expecting. It is expecting a UDT record (Automation type VT_RECORD) instead.
MSDN has an article explaining how to pass a UDT inside a Variant:
Passing UDTs
To pass single UDTs or safearrays of UDTs for late binding, the Automation client must have the information necessary to store the type information of the UDT into a VARIANT (and if late-binding, the UDT must be self-described). A VARIANT of type VT_RECORD wraps a RecordInfo object, which contains the necessary information about the UDT and a pointer the UDT itself. The RecordInfo object implements a new interface, IRecordInfo, for access to the information. It is important to know that the actual storage of the UDT is never owned by the VARIANT; the IRecordInfo pointer is the only thing that is owned by the VARIANT.
The data for a UDT includes an IRecordInfo pointer to the description of the UDT, pRecInfo, and a pointer to the data, pvRecord.
In other words, you need to create a class that implements the IRecordInfo interface and wraps your actual record data, then you can store an instance of that class inside the OleVariant using the VT_RECORD type. That will provide both COM and VB with the necessary metadata to marshal and access your record data.

TValue string<-->Boolean back and forth

I'm playing arround with TValue
I've written this code in a blank project:
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
s: string;
b: Boolean;
s := TValue.From<Boolean > (True).ToString;
b := TValue.From<string > (s).AsType<Boolean>;
But I can not convert back from string to boolean; I get an Invalid Typecast exception in the second line.
I'm using Delphi XE but it is the same result in Delphi Xe6 which leads me to the conclusion: I'm using TValue wrong.
So please what am I doing wrong.
Although you give Boolean as the example in your question, I'm going to assume that you are really interested in the full generality of enumerated types. Otherwise you would just call StrToBool.
TValue is not designed to perform the conversion that you are attempting. Ultimately, at the low-level, the functions GetEnumValue and GetEnumName in the System.TypInfo unit are the functions that perform these conversions.
In modern versions of Delphi you can use TRttiEnumerationType to convert from text to an enumerated type value:
b := TRttiEnumerationType.GetValue<Boolean>(s);
You can move in the other direction like this:
s := TRttiEnumerationType.GetName<Boolean>(b);
These methods are implemented with calls to GetEnumValue and GetEnumName respectively.
Older versions of Delphi hide TRttiEnumerationType.GetValue and TRttiEnumerationType.GetName as private methods. If you are using such a version of Delphi then you should use GetEnumName.
TValue is not meant to convert types that are not assignment compatible. It was designed to hold values while transporting them in the RTTI and to respect the assignment rules of Delphi.
Only ToString can output the value in some string representation but a type that you cannot simply assign a string to will also fail when doing that with TValue.
TValue is not a Variant.
If you want to convert a string to boolean and back then use StrToBool and BoolToStr.

Use of Supports() function with generic interface type

I just tried my first use of generics in Delphi 2009 and am perplexed on how to use a generic type as the input to the Supports function used to see if an object implements a given interface. I've created a small sample illustrating the problem.
Given the following types and utility function:
IMyInterface = interface
TMyObject = class(TInterfacedObject, IMyInterface)
class function TFunctions.GetInterface<T>(myObject: TObject): T;
specificInterface: T;
// This would compile, but looses the generic capability
//Supports(myObject, IMyInterface, specificInterface);
// This results in compile errors
Supports(myObject, T, specificInterface);
result := specificInterface;
and the following code snippet:
class procedure TFunctions.Test;
myObject: TMyObject;
myInterface: IMyInterface;
myObject := TMyObject.Create;
myInterface := GetInterface<IMyInterface>(myObject);
I would expect no problems but I get the following compile time errors:
[DCC Error] GenericExample.pas(37): E2029 '(' expected but ',' found
[DCC Error] GenericExample.pas(37): E2014 Statement expected, but expression of type 'T' found
I'm not sure what the compiler is expecting me to do with the T when used as the actual argument to the function.
I've searched around quite a bit and haven't been able to crack this one. A part of me suspects that if I could understand how an interface name gets converted to the IID: TGUID type during compilation, when using a concrete interface name, I could make some headway, but that has evaded me also.
Any help is much appreciated.
There is no guarantee that T has a GUID associated with it, and there is no means in the language to write a constraint on the type parameter to make that guarantee.
The interface name is converted into a GUID by the compiler looking up the name in the symbol table, getting the compiler's data structure representing the interface, and checking the corresponding field for the GUID. But generics are not like C++ templates; they need to be compiled and type-checked and known to work for any valid type parameter, and that means constraining the type parameter in its declaration.
You can get the GUID using RTTI (first checking that T does indeed represent an interface) with something like GetTypeData(TypeInfo(T))^.Guid and pass the GUID to Supports that way.
Why are you even bothering?
To use this TFunctions.GetInterface you need:
an interface
an object reference
If you have those, then you can just call Supports() directly:
intf := TFunctions.GetInterface<IMyInterface>(myObject);
is exactly equivalent to:
Supports(IMyInterface, myObject, intf);
Using generics here is a waste of time and effort and really begs the question "Why Do It?".
It is just making things harder to read (as is so often the case with generics) and is more cumbersome to use.
Supports() returns a convenient boolean to indicate success/failure, which you have to test for separately using your wrapper:
intf := TFunctions.GetInterface<IMyInterface>(myObject);
if Assigned(intf) then
// ...
if Supports(IMyInterface, myObject, intf) then
// We can use intf
When creating wrappers around functionality it is generally the case that the result is an improvement in readabilty or usability.
imho this fails on both counts and you should just stick with the Supports() function itself.

How to know what type is a var?

TypeInfo(Type) returns the info about the specified type, is there any way to know the typeinfo of a var?
S: string;
Instance: IObjectType;
Obj: TDBGrid;
Info: PTypeInfo;
Info:= TypeInfo(S);
Info:= TypeInfo(Instance);
Info:= TypeInfo(Obj);
This code returns:
[DCC Error] Unit1.pas(354): E2133 TYPEINFO standard function expects a type identifier
I know a non instantiated var is only a pointer address.
At compile time, the compiler parses and do the type safety check.
At run time, is there any way to know a little more about a var, only passing its address?
First, there's no such thing as a "non-instantiated variable." You instantiate it by the mere act of typing its name and type into your source file.
Second, you already know all there is to know about a variable by looking at it in your source code. The variable ceases to exist once your program is compiled. After that, it's all just bits.
A pointer only has a type at compile time. At run time, everything that can be done to that address has already been determined. The compiler checks for that, as you already noted. Checking the type of a variable at run time is only useful in languages where a variable's type could change, as in dynamic languages. The closest Delphi comes to that is with its Variant type. The type of the variable is always Variant, but you can store many types of values in it. To find out what it holds, you can use the VarType function.
Any time you could want to use TypeInfo to get the type information of the type associated with a variable, you can also directly name the type you're interested in; if the variable is in scope, then you can go find its declaration and use the declared type in your call to TypeInfo.
If you want to pass an arbitrary address to a function and have that function discover the type information for itself, you're out of luck. You will instead need to pass the PTypeInfo value as an additional parameter. That's what all the built-in Delphi functions do. For example, when you call New on a pointer variable, the compiler inserts an additional parameter that holds the PTypeInfo value for the type you're allocating. When you call SetLength on a dynamic array, the compiler inserts a PTypeInfo value for the array type.
The answer that you gave suggests that you're looking for something other than what you asked for. Given your question, I thought you were looking for a hypothetical function that could satisfy this code:
S: string;
Instance: IObjectType;
Obj: TDBGrid;
Info: PTypeInfo;
Info:= GetVariableTypeInfo(#S);
Assert(Info = TypeInfo(string));
Info:= GetVariableTypeInfo(#Instance);
Assert(Info = TypeInfo(IObjectType));
Info:= GetVariableTypeInfo(#Obj);
Assert(Info = TypeInfo(TDBGrid));
Let's use the IsClass and IsObject functions from the JCL to build that function:
function GetVariableTypeInfo(pvar: Pointer): PTypeInfo;
if not Assigned(pvar) then
Result := nil
else if IsClass(PPointer(pvar)^) then
Result := PClass(pvar).ClassInfo
else if IsObject(PPointer(pvar)^) then
Result := PObject(pvar).ClassInfo
raise EUnknownResult.Create;
It obviously won't work for S or Instance above, but let's see what happens with Obj:
Info := GetVariableTypeInfo(#Obj);
That should give an access violation. Obj has no value, so IsClass and IsObject both will be reading an unspecified memory address, probably not one that belongs to your process. You asked for a routine that would use a variable's address as its input, but the mere address isn't enough.
Now let's take a closer look at how IsClass and IsObject really behave. Those functions take an arbitrary value and check whether the value looks like it might be a value of the given kind, either object (instance) or class. Use it like this:
// This code will yield no assertion failures.
p: Pointer;
o: TObject;
a: array of Integer;
p := TDBGrid;
p := TForm.Create(nil);
// So far, so good. Works just as expected.
// Now things get interesting:
Pointer(a) := p;
Pointer(a) := nil;
// A dynamic array is an object? Hmm.
o := nil;
on e: TObject do
Assert(e is EAccessViolation);
// The variable is clearly a TObject, but since it
// doesn't hold a reference to an object, IsObject
// can't check whether its class field looks like
// a valid class reference.
Notice that the functions tell you nothing about the variables, only about the values they hold. I wouldn't really consider those functions, then, to answer the question of how to get type information about a variable.
Furthermore, you said that all you know about the variable is its address. The functions you found do not take the address of a variable. They take the value of a variable. Here's a demonstration:
c: TClass;
c := TDBGrid;
Assert(not IsClass(#c)); // Address of variable
Assert(IsObject(#c)); // Address of variable is an object?
You might object to how I'm abusing these functions by passing what's obviously garbage into them. But I think that's the only way it makes sense to talk about this topic. If you know you'll never have garbage values, then you don't need the function you're asking for anyway because you already know enough about your program to use real types for your variables.
Overall, you're asking the wrong question. Instead of asking how you determine the type of a variable or the type of a value in memory, you should be asking how you got yourself into the position where you don't already know the types of your variables and your data.
With generics, it is now possible to get the type info without specifying it.
Certain users indicated the following code doesn't compile without errors.
As of Delphi 10 Seattle, version 23.0.20618.2753, it compiles without errors, as seen below in the screenshot.
program TypeInfos;
{$R *.res}
System.SysUtils, System.TypInfo;
TTypeInfo = class
class procedure ShowTypeInfo<T>(const X: T);
{ TTypeInfo }
class procedure TTypeInfo.ShowTypeInfo<T>(const X: T);
LTypeInfo: PTypeInfo;
LTypeInfo := TypeInfo(T);
L: Exception;
B: Boolean;
// Console output
TTypeInfo.ShowTypeInfo(L); // Exception
TTypeInfo.ShowTypeInfo(B); // Boolean
Not that I know of. You can get RTTI (Run Time Type Information) on published properties of a class, but not for "normal" variables like strings and integers and so forth. The information is simply not there.
Besides, the only way you could pass a var without passing a type is to use either a generic TObject parameter, a generic type (D2008, as in ), or as an untyped parameter. I can't think of another way of passing it that would even compile.
