Cytoscape won't let me upload table to a network collection the only option was to unassigned table. Does anyone know how to resolve this? - cytoscape

the drop-down option isn't available so my table is automatically imported as unassigned table. Anybody come across this issue before? Or is there something wrong with my table setting?
cytoscape screenshot

Not sure what you were expecting. According to the screenshot, you don't have any networks open, so an imported table can only be unassigned. If, on the other hand, you are trying to import a network, you need to use import network from file, not import table from file.
-- scooter

I had the same issue, and ended up spending 3-4 hours on this.
This icon on the tool-bar allows loading of networks from tables without any issue. I was very lucky to find this solution in a video on YouTube(!):, but not in the Cytoscapes documentation.
To me, Cytoscape's file import system felt very un-intuitive. I am not sure why cytoscape does not have a unified import system for loading simple (csv/tsv) tables. Following are few ways that did not work in my case. I am using version 3.9.0. In both of these cases the table got imported as 'Unassigned table'.
Drag and drop 'Edge Table'/'Network table'.
File > Import > Import from file
I went through the documentation and I am still not sure what is the use of 'Unassigned table'. How to assign the columns as source, target etc in the 'Unassigned table'? Even the sample tables shown in the Cytoscape's manual did the same(!).
By the way, I am not sure why the Cytoscape's documentation is not intuitive. For example, I googled 'cytoscape import table' and this slide show showed up as a 1st result: . From the title of the slideshow i.e. 'Importing data from tables', I assumed that it will guide me through how to generate network from tabular data. However, instead it shows how to load data for nodes, which does not create a network(!). Why not demonstrate how to load edge/network data and guide us through the process till the generation of the network? I hope this will improve in next versions of CytoScape.
Anyways, I hope the solution helps.


Best way to migrate single project from Jira 5.0 to Jira 8?

I want to move a single project from a Jira 5.0 instance to a new Jira 8.0 instance being already used for other projects - so the process must not bring in configurations, workflows, etc. nor should alter existing projects.
I'm only interested in importing issues and related data:
title, description, etc (obviously)
attachments (images, files, whatever)
issue links
issue type (with mapping to new types in case they don't match)
... (other properties that I'm forgetting right now)
I've just started searching for the topic and already found several options - and it's not clear if they're all available to be, mosly due to the starting Jira version, they are:
Export to CSV and import to CSV
Export to XML
Import from JSON (though I've yet to find a JSON export)
Rest API
Import project from backup
... and surely others
Of course I'd like the most complete yet less error-prone method, though if resorting to the REST API will be the only way to be sure to import all I want, I'm ready to write a script / program.
So, what should I choose?
P.S.: I'm not sure if this fits this community, is there a more proper one?
The easiest way is to get csv export, get all attachments (jira_home/data/attachments). Then copy attachments to a new instance to jira_home/import. You'll need to edit export file to match names and paths of your attachments in order to import them successfully.
And last step is import csv to your Jira 8 instance.
I suggest trying this on dev/stage environment first because there are many small details that can affect import.
Some useful data is here:

Media Picker filename search not accurate

Is there a way to fix the search in a Media Picker component for Umbraco? I noticed that when I click on the Media Picker component and tried to search for the file I uploaded I ended up of getting all sort of results that has nothing to do with the search I've been looking for. So ideally I was hoping that if I type image001.png I was expecting to find all image with that name. But to my surprise when I do the search I get presented with files that is not even image001.png. See below image
As you can see I tried to search for 200 but I got presented with a file that has a name of test.jpg
Is there a way to fix this filter behavior? I'm using Umbraco 7.4
Did test have 200 in the path where the media library stored it? Search is a bit of a black art sometimes. You can clear and re-build the indexes as that might help improve things.
I do not think there are any custom packages to improve this. YOu could create your own custom search fairly quickly n the backend within a new tab, like this:
Then you can use examine to query media yourself and only search on the filename. Prob not the most helpful answer but it is a option :)

How do I have an animation play on app launch and how do I use SwiftyGif on GitHub?

I'm extremely new to Swift and App development, and have scoured every source I could find, but there's not a definitive step by step process that describes how to do this.
The closest to a solution I have encountered was on this website. However, it's a rather vague tutorial for a beginner. I've run into these problems and am unsure of what to do at this point, would appreciate it if someone could help me out, thanks in advance!
I'm not sure what to do with the SwiftyGif file after cloning it from GitHub
Towards the bottom of the Website Link above it states that "SwiftyGif allows us to load GIFs using a UIImageView and also to control when to start and end the GIF animation." How do I import the SwiftyGif file into the current file I am working on so that I may load the Gif to get a UI view?
Which documents would I put the lines of code towards the bottom of that page?

tweepy first program: doesn't recognize API call

I am trying to write my first "helloworld" program to post on Twitter.
The program works fine with print("helloworld").
It also works with import tweepy.
But as soon as I try to assign my IDs, I get errors that it doesn't recognize the API calls. (see attached screenshot)
Maybe its obvious, but I am a beginner Python programmer, and I'm basically copying what I saw in a YouTube video.
code+terminal screenshot
You should be able to fix this issue by replacing the import with
from tweepy.auth import OAuthHandler
and then replace your auth= line with
Now as to why this is occuring - it could be dependant on what's being imported. If you have another file for example, it could be getting picked up as the file to import from, which of course, is likely wrong. Using the from import resolves this. You can find out which file was being used by adding (still using the code from the version in the image you posted)
This'll give you an idea whether the correct file was being imported or not.
Hope that helps.
I accidentally typed “python” instead of “python3”and it magically worked! So now I just run it that way.

JIRA Import CSV and link new issue to existing issues

Currently I have a CSV with two columns:
is test of
is tested by
When I import the issues I map them by Links and Sub-Tasks/Issue Id.
However, after completing import I do not see the links on any of the tickets.
How do I use a CSV for import and link the new issues to existing issues?
Note: describes how to link new issues to new issues, but my goal is to link new issues to existing issues on import.
Not sure why this failed originally. This time I simply made a test CSV with two columns (summary, is tested by). is tested by then had an existing issue id in it. Map the is tested by column to a link.
