Docker swarm recreate containers after reboot node - docker

Docker swarm recreate containers after reboot node. That is, it actually destroys old containers and launches new ones.
I do not like this behavior. How to change it?

That is the default behavior of Swarm Mode and I'm not aware of an option to change the behavior that doesn't also risk worse issues (starting too many containers, and orphaned containers running outside of Swarm Mode's control). Containers should be treated as ephemeral, without persistent data inside the container (that data should be in volumes).


I'm still confused by Docker containers and images

I know that containers are a form of isolation between the app and the host (the managed running process). I also know that container images are basically the package for the runtime environment (hopefully I got that correct). What's confusing to me is when they say that a Docker image doesn't retain state. So if I create a Docker image with a database (like PostgreSQL), wouldn't all the data get wiped out when I stop the container and restart? Why would I use a database in a Docker container?
It's also difficult for me to grasp LXC. On another question page I see:
LinuX Containers (LXC) is an operating system-level virtualization
method for running multiple isolated Linux systems (containers) on a
single control host (LXC host)
What does that exactly mean? Does it mean I can have multiple versions of Linux running on the same host as long as the host support LXC? What else is there to it?
LXC and Docker, Both are completely different. But we say both are container holders.
There are two types of Containers,
1.Application Containers: Whose main motto is to provide application dependencies. These are Docker Containers (Light Weight Containers). They run as a process in your host and gets all the things done you want. They literally don't need any OS Image/ Boot Up thing. They come and they go in a matter of seconds. You cannot run multiple process/services inside a docker container. If you want, you can do run multiple process inside a docker container, but it is laborious. Here, resources (CPU, Disk, Memory, RAM) will be shared.
2.System Containers: These are fat Containers, means they are heavy, they need OS Images
to launch themselves, at the same time they are not as heavy as Virtual Machines, They are very similar to VM's but differ in architecture a bit.
In this, Let us say Ubuntu as a Host Machine, if you have LXC installed and configured in your ubuntu host, You can run a Centos Container, a Ubuntu(with Differnet Version), a RHEL, a Fedora and any linux flavour on top of a Ubuntu Host. You can also run multiple process inside an LXC contianer. Here also resoucre sharing will be done.
So, If you have a huge application running in one LXC Container, it requires more resources, simultaneously if you have another application running inside another LXC container which require less resources. The Container with less requirement will share the resources with the container with more resource requirement.
Answering Your Question:
So if I create a Docker image with a database (like PostgreSQL), wouldn't all the data get wiped out when I stop the container and restart?
You won't create a database docker image with some data to it(This is not recommended).
You run/create a container from an image and you attach/mount data to it.
So, when you stop/restart a container, data will never gets lost if you attach that data to a volume as this volume resides somewhere other than the docker container (May be a NFS Server or Host itself).
Does it mean I can have multiple versions of Linux running on the same host as long as the host support LXC? What else is there to it?
Yes, You can do this. We are running LXC Containers in our production.

Docker Swarm for managing headless containers, and keeping them updated (or watchtower?)

I've been trying to devise a strategy for using Docker Swarm for managing a bunch of headless containers - don't need load balancer, exposing any ports, or auto scaling.
The only thing I want is the ability to update all of the containers (on all nodes), if any of the images are updated. Each container running will need to have a specific --hostname.
Is running docker service even viable for this? Or should I just do a normal docker run targeting specific nodes to specify the --hostname i want? The reason I'm even asking about docker service is because it allows you to do an update (forcing an update for all containers if there are updated images).
Was also thinking that Docker Swarm would make it a bit easier to keep an eye on all the containers (i.e. manage them from a central location).
The other option I was looking at was watchtower, to run on each server that is running one of the containers, as an alternative to swarm. My only issue with this is that it doesn't provide any orchestration, for centralized management.
Anyone have any ideas of what would be a better option given the scenario?
Docker swarm does not give you any advantage regarding rolling updates apart from the docker service command, swarm only provides the user horizontal scaling and places a load balancer in front of those replicas called "service", as well as some other goodies such as replicating the docker events across the swarm nodes.
docker service --force would work as expected.
However, you should probably use both, docker swarm for orchestration and watchtower for rolling updates.

Are Docker Volumes machine-specific

I'm new to Docker Swarm. As I understand, Docker Swarm allows you to abstract from clustering. Means you don't care on which hardriwe container is deployed.
On the other hand, the standard way to handle database in Docker - is to write data outside Docker container (to avoid copy-on-write behaviour). That's achieved by mounting a Volume and write db-related data to it. The important thing here - are Volumes machine-specific? Are Docker & Docker Swarm clever enough to mount a Volume on the machine it's needed?
I have 3 machines and 3 microservices/containers. All of them are deployed through Docker Swarm. Only one microservice/container must connect to a database. So I need to mount Volume only on one machine. But on which?
Databases and similar stateful applications are still a hard thing to deal with when it comes to Docker swarm and other orchestration frameworks. Ideally, containers should be able to run on any node in the swarm, but the problem comes when you need to persist data beyond the container's lifecycle.
Mounting a volume is the Docker way to persist data, however this ties the container with a specific node as volumes are created on the specific nodes. There are many projects that try to solve this problem and provide some sort of distributed storage.
There was a project called Flocker that deals with the above problem (it’s no longer maintained). There is also a newer project called REXRAY.
Are Docker & Docker Swarm clever enough to mount a Volume on the machine it's needed?
By default, no. Docker swarm will choose one of the nodes and deploy the container on it. However, you can work around this problem:
First, you need to define a named volume in you Stackfile/Composefile under the service definition.
Second, you need to use node Placement Constraints to restrict where the database container should run.
If you do not you a distributed storage tool, then when it comes to databases and similar stateful containers that need volumes, you need to restrict the container to a specific nodes.

Difference between Docker container and service

I'm wondering whether there are any differences between the following docker setups.
Administrating two separate docker engines via the remote api.
Administrating two docker swarm nodes via one single docker engine.
I'm wondering if you can administrate a swarm with the ability run a container on a specific node are there any use cases to have separate docker engines?
The difference between the two is swarm mode. When a docker engine is running services in swarm mode you get:
Orchestration from the manager to continuously try to correct any differences between the current state and the target state. This can also include HA using the quorum model (as long as a majority of the managers are reachable to make decisions).
Overlay networking which allows containers on different hosts to talk to each other on their own container network. That can also involve IPSEC for security.
Mesh networking for published ports and a VIP for the service that doesn't change like container IP's do. The latter prevents problems from DNS caching. And the former has all nodes in the swarm publish the port and routes traffic to a container providing this service.
Rolling upgrades to avoid any downtime with replicated services.
Load balancing across multiple nodes when scaling up a service.
More details on swarm mode are available from docker's documentation.
The downside of swarm mode is that you are one layer removed from the containers when they run on a remote node. You can't run an exec command on a task to investigate a container, you need to do that on a container and be on the node it's currently using. Docker also removed some options from services like --volumes-from which don't apply when containers may be running on different machines.
If you think you may grow beyond running containers on a single node, need to communicate between the containers on different nodes, or simply want the orchestration features like rolling upgrades, then I would recommend swarm mode. I'd only manage containers directly on the hosts if you have a specific requirement that prevents swarm mode from being an option. And you can always do both, manage some containers directly and others as a service or stack inside of swarm, on the same nodes.

How do I do docker clustering or hot copy a docker container?

Is it possible to hotcopy a docker container? or some sort of clustering with docker for HA purposes?
Can someone simplify this?
How to scale Docker containers in production
Docker containers are not designed to be VMs and are not really meant for hot-copies. Instead you should define your container such that it has a well-known start state. If the container goes down the alternate should start from the well-known start state. If you need to keep track of state that the container generates at run time this has to be done externally to docker.
One option is to use volumes to mount the state (files) on to the host filesystem. Then use RAID, NTFS or any other means, to share that file system with other physical nodes. Then you can mount the same files on to a second docker container on a second host with the same state.
Depending on what you are running in your containers you can also have to state sharing inside your containers for example using mongo replication sets. To reiterate though containers are not as of yet designed to be migrated with runtime state.
There is a variety of technologies around Docker that could help, depending on what you need HA-wise.
If you simply wish to start a stateless service container on different host, you need a network overlay, such as weave.
If you wish to replicate data across for something like database failover, you need a storage solution, such as Flocker.
If you want to run multiple services and have load-balancing and forget on which host each container runs, given that X instances are up, then Kubernetes is the kind of tool you need.
It is possible to make many Docker-related tools work together, we have a few stories on our blog already.
