Problem Retrieving iPhone/iPad store id - Facebook Developer - ios

I am making an iOS app and using Facebook for developers. However the iPhone and iPad store IDs are unable to be retrieved by Facebook. I know I am using the correct App store IDs so does anybody have an idea what the problem could be?
There are multiple similar question but none of them really answer the question

From the forum on their support website, the issue seems recurring.
Attempt the following to resolve:
i) Switch app from development to live on the facebook developers portal
ii) Reenter your app id
iii) Save


Getting an App Store ID without publishing an iOS app

I'm currently developing a React Native app, which will be published on the iOS App Store eventually.
I'm currently attempting to build deep links within the app, but I require an App Store ID before I can do this.
Having searched on Google - there's no current answers to this query, but it feels quite important, and I can't find any documentation on it.
Does anyone know if it's possible to get an App Store ID without publishing the app?

Check subscription status in iOS app Ionic 2

I am currently developing an in-app purchasing in Ionic 2 and each time the app is run I check if a user is subscribed. For Android I use restorePurchases function. For iOS I am trying to use getReceipt() function. What I get is a long Base64 receipt string.
My question is, how am I supposed to check if a subscription exists using that string?
Thank you in advance.
I am answering the implicit question of why this error could occur:
Many things can go wrong causing this error, which most of them has nothing to do with your code actually. just your setup. for this to work in a test device
You should be logged in that device using a iTunes Connect sandbox
You should be logged in your Mac using sandbox account. (not sure why, but I read somewhere you have to, and I do it!)
The Bundle ID everywhere should match. that is in your iTunes Connect, your ionic app's Config.xml
should not have production version of the app on your device
hope others provide better answering explaining why this is so difficult to get to work!

Facebook App can't find Appstore ID

I'm developing a iOS App right now and got some awkward things going on with Facebook.
The App is using the Facebook Login and therefore I need to add the
Bundle-ID, iPhone Store-ID and iPad Store-ID in the Facebook App so I can use the login in my native app.
like so:
Error: "There was a problem fetching your iPhone Store ID from the App Store. Please check the ID and try again later."
But I can't add the appstore id because Facebook doesn't find this in the store.
This is right because the app is not listed in the store right now.
But how should I implement the login without releasing the app in to the app store?
I am confused..
This is a known issue with Facebook Login, that you can't leave it blank.
But what you can do is set it to 0.
Release the app and then you should have your iPhone Store Id & iPad Store Id, so you can change it then.
References of people facing the same issue:
Please Note:
After reading about it, my recommendation is that you release this feature after your first App Store release. Because a non-working released feature is way worse than limited features.
Rest is upto you. Cheers!

Facebook app invite iOS not working in production

I have a strange issue, I am trying to implement iOS native Facebook invite.
It is working well with Testers, but unfortunately it is not working in production.
I read several articles on stackoverflow so yes I have :
created a Facebook canvas with dummy url
configured iOS app with real live App Store ID
activated SSO, Deep linking...
Do you have any clue?
Thanking you in advance

Google Analytics SDK for iOS

I'm trying to integrate Google Analytics SDK with my iPhone app.
As it's described in the docs, before I began using the SDK, I've first created a free account at and created a new website profile in that account using a fake but descriptive website URL.
For the created profile tracking status is always "Tracking Not Installed".
So, my question is, will it cause a problem to send tracking requests from my iPhone application? If yes, please advice me what to do then.
Thanks a lot.
Ok, I have found the answer...When I run the my app in Simulator, it is not sending trucking requests, but everything is fine, when I run it on the device.
