trigger jenkins to start build when dev branch merge to master - jenkins

I have trouble with my task. I use multibranch Jenkins pipeline, and I want that build start automatically when I merge dev branch to master. I tried to find some solution but I was fail. Plase help me resolve this problem. Thank you!

For GitHub as SCM you can create webhooks and select individual events for which you want to trigger the pipeline.
In Jenkins multibranch pipeline select the respective repository name.
Not sure if this is the answer to your question.

I configured webhooks and select push, but as I understand I need to configure pipeline too,I mean that I need to configure some script, but I cant find correct command.


Build a Jenkins job on a merge request to master

In GitLab, whenever someone creates a Merge Request from some branch into master, I need that event to trigger a Jenkins job (Freestyle, yeah I know..) and pass the branch name as a parameter for the Jenkins build.
I've looked and it seems like the closest thing to it is the Jenkins CI integration in GitLab. Thing is, These are the options to configure in the Jenkins CI integration, and it doesn't seem like it allows to trigger it only when the Merge Request is for master or to pass any parameters.
Is it possible to configure it so that only if a Merge Request to master occurs it would trigger the Jenkins job with the source branch as a parameter? Is there another/better way of doing it?
Thanks ahead!
confing in your projects jenkins:
config in your gitlab:
or orther my answer

How to build Jenkins after each push in any branch?

Is there any way to make Jenkins builds after each commit in any branch ?
Because i found in my project's configuration that Jenkins run build only after detecting commits in specific branch or in the default ( eq to master in git ).
PS: i'm using mercurial and Jenkins file.
Should i change project type ( new item type in Jenkins ) or are there any modifications in configs.
There are two things that you should check for this (I haven't work with Mercurial)
Does Mercurial has the option to create webhooks?
There is a jenkins plugin for Mercurial? (I think there is)
You must configure on the mercurial site the webhook pointing to Jenkins and give the point to the job you want to run, and on which events does it will fire. On the Jenkins side you must configure on the job who it will behave.
For example, with GitLab, the plugin has an option configured on the "Build Trigger" section where you configure the events and the branches that fires the job. In GitLab, in the repository you create the webhook, that is only a URL pointing to the Jenkins job.
I got this solution and it worked for me.
with Mercurial, we can use the "tip" keyword.The tip revision is the most recent changeset in the repository. It is the most recently changed head.

Jenkins and bitbucket web hooking

I'm trying to configure webhook between Jenkins and Bit bucket for a particular branch.
After this, Jenkins job should start if any changes happen in that specific branch, but the first job is triggering when changes happen for any branch.
After that, webhook is working as expected. It will create a problem to copy the existing job as new and forget to check the job trigger.
Is there anyone who faced any issues like this or am I doing any wrong configuration to setup webhook?
By using this Bitbucket Plugin you can specify the branch name as an option in your job configuration.

Jenkins pipeline for merge request in Gitlab

I've started lately to use Jenkins and i need some help with creating a pipeline.
I want to create the following pipeline:
For each merge request from develop to master in Gitlab, Trigger a Jenkins job that run an end-to-end test, And merge the branches in Gitlab only if the test succeeded.
I have found the following article that gives me an explanation for most of the things that i need:
I'm still looking for an answer for one question:
How can Jenkins response to Gitlab with the result of the end-to-end test (Success/Fail), So Gitlab will know whether to merge to branches or not?
Please advise,
You do not tell us how Gitlab and Jenkins are connected, but I'll assume you use the Jenkins Gitlab plugin If you're not, maybe you should :)
With this plugin, you can 'integrate' more deeply Jenkins and Gitlab, and your Jenkins builds will send back to Gitlab the result of the build. You will see something like this Build results are marked near the commit which has been tested.
In this case, for each merge request, you can check the "Merge if build succeed" button (see to auto merge the code when build is successful.
Look at the Jenkins Gitlab plugin README for more information and advanced setup, like test in your build the result of the merge, etc.
So Gitlab will know whether to merge to branches or not?
GitLab itself does not have to be aware of this test result to, on its own decide to merge or not.
Your Jenkins job should, it the test is successful, call the right GitLab API
in order to accept the MR (Merge Request).

Jenkins pipeline automatic branch detection

I am migrating my old Jenkins free-style job to multi-branch pipeline. I also want to use GitLab hook with them.
My problem is the branch detection. I am doing it manually but I want it to be automatic: when a new branch is pushed to git, GitLab trigger a Jenkins job that trigger the branch detection if the branch parameter from GitLab is not known for Jenkins at the moment. Is this possible to do it or doesn't this exist?
FYI: I tried to launch the multi-branch pipeline job but Jenkins says:
ERROR: No parameterized job named XXX found.
Enable "Build Periodcally" in your multibranch job configuration and the branch indexing will automatically started.
What you really need is a branch source plugin for GitLab with webhook integration, which is tracked as an RFE in JIRA.
Failing that, use a plain Git branch source and configure GitLab to send Jenkins notifications to /git/notifyCommit (IIRC) as documented on the Git plugin wiki. Need specify only a url, no other details. The branch indexing this triggers should both detect new or removed branches, and changes to the head of an existing branch, and schedule builds accordingly.
You can set webhook in GitLab for push events and URL like http://<yourserver>/git/notifyCommit?url=<URL of the Git repository>.
GitLab notifies Jenkins on push events which should trigger branch detection also for multibranch pipeline.
I didn't receive the answer I wanted and I ran into this issue today that answered the question :
TLDR: Multi-branch pipeline are not supported yet to be triggered by gitlab commit easily. There is a workaround. Look at the link above.
