HAPI FHIR - Data Model - Entity Relationship, does anyone have a link to an ERD model that is based on FHIR - entity-relationship

I'm looking for an ERD based on the fundamental concepts of HAPI FHIR. I have access to a number of Data Architect tools (Erwin / PowerDesigner) and wanted to know if anyone has a model they can perhaps share or point to.

I'm not really clear on what you are asking for here. HAPI FHIR's model is FHIR, so it's all described on the FHIR spec homepage.
If you're looking for the database ERD, there are some here: https://hapifhir.io/hapi-fhir/docs/server_jpa/schema.html

I have been looking myself for an ERD since sometime. The most exhaustive that I have found is https://github.com/microsoft/Industry-Accelerator-Health/blob/master/documentation/Entity.Diagram.for.Dynamics.365.Electronic.Medical.Records.png


Spring Data Rest Neo4j creating relationships

How do you create Neo4j relationships in Java while using #RepositoryRestResource to export domain objects to Rest?
I'm not sure if you're still looking for an answer to this or not. I had asked a similar question, didn't receive any answers but found my own workaround for the little app I'm building to learn more in Spring/Angular2. Check out the answer I posted to my question here: Spring Data REST Neo4j create a relationship

Is it possible to add a record to a Microsoft SQL Server table using an iOS app?

I know that it is possible to retrieve data from a SQL Server table using webservices that return pure XML (as explained here), but that will not allow me to add records to the table, right?
I am primarily a C# .NET programmer, but I have dealt a little with iOS development. Is there a way I can use some sort of iOS-equivalent to a TableAdapter to add records to the table? The app would be running on the same network the servers are connected to.
As deterministicFail, Sean Lange, and Adam stated in the comments, it is possible using a web service.
If anyone else is looking for some information on this topic, I found an article that explains this process in more detail. Click here to go to the article.
Thanks for the help, everyone.

What is the easiest way to implement trivial forum in Umbraco?

I am building an Umbraco site, and there is a need for a really simple forum (e.g. one level of topics, a simple subject/body form for new entries and replies, that's about it)
What is the easiest way to implement this? I think nForum is an overkill. Should I go with Umbraco API for member management and content creation, of should I use my own prefixed db tables and custom backend implementation?
Thanks in advance
For small and limited requirements you can surely look at the UFORUM, it is time tested and pretty decent.
It supports membership out of the box...
Check it out Hope it helps.

How to document a rails application?

I just started to document a rails application. I know this is actually done by rdoc, so I followed some rdoc guides regarding syntax and so on, but I got stuck when I tried to describe attributes of models, validations and the relationship between models, mostly because these things are part of ActiveRecord. So I wonder if there is some guide or a good practice regarding how to document a rails application or if there is something I'm missing?
I know that I could put all of this in the class description, but I wonder if there is a way more closely tied to the declaration itself (has_many, validates_presence_of, etc.) and what about the attributes?
I personally prefer YARD - http://yardoc.org , as it does a better job in documenting IMHO.
I don't know if there's a specific handler for Rails available, but it's quite easy to write one - http://yardoc.org/guides/extending-yard/writing-handlers.html
A good example might be the attribute handler - part of the yard gem:
Remember your tests are part of the documentation (for developers), particularly if you are using Cucumber where scenarios are easy to read. If you keep your methods very short and there is a test method with a descriptive name e.g. "should set the users name" I find I typically don't need comments on the method.
Validations or other parts of Rails I would not document. Part of being a Rails developer is understanding how these work, I think it is a fair assumption that another maintainer of your code reading it down the road will know validations, or other things built in to Rails. By that same logic, if you can use features of the framework or happy paths (not deviate much) with [documented] third party code, a lot of the documentation will be written for you.

Learning a bit about some new technologies... any tips?

OBJECTIVE: To learn a little more about some technologies I'm familiar with but not an expert in: Postgres, Compass/Sass, Google Maps API, Twitter API, and ASP.NET MVC 1.0, Flickr API
THE SITE: Just a fun little app with CRUD for addresses of my friends, then a page that kind of has a map of where they live, their last five tweets, and some of their flickr photos.
I love LINQ. I mean I really love it. Probably unnaturally. How can I use LINQ and Postgres together with ASP.NET? Anyone have some experience with this? How about a good example? I mean mostly I'm just doing simple inserts and queries here, so I don't need a ton of features. I would like to make a db repository and have some IQueryables.
Compass docs seem woefully terse. Can someone point me to a nice set of examples...or is it really just that easy? Also, anyone have experience with it? Any snags - is it even worth it?
If I have, say, 50 friends and I want their last 5 tweets... Will I hit the API rate limit if I try to pull them all at once and update all of them at once, so that I don't run into network issues? Is it even worth it to do that?
Google are too smart for their own good. I don't really "get" the API docs. Can someone give me the 10 second overview? It's not a "mapplet" right?
Thanks in advance, you guys rock!
Edit - I'm also looking for general tips using any of those technologies!
There are several open source LINQ projects over on CodePlex.
DBLinq: http://dblinq.codeplex.com/
LINQ to Twitter: http://linqtotwitter.codeplex.com/
(disclaimer: I wrote LINQ to Twitter)
LINQ to Google: http://glinq.codeplex.com/
LINQ to Flickr: http://linqflickr.codeplex.com/
1) by "linq" I am assuming you mean the Linq2Sql orm. Unfortunately, it only supports SQL server, and probably will never get any other databases since it is no longer under active development. If you really want IQueryables from an ORM pointing at postgres, your best best is NHibernate.Linq http://codebetter.com/blogs/kyle.baley/archive/2008/04/07/trying-out-linq-for-nhibernate.aspx
another free alternative might be http://code2code.net/DB_Linq/index.html but this is not a very mature project
