Indy - Update credential parameter - hyperledger

I need changue the parameter of a crendential, I want to know if it's neceseary revoke the credential and create againt with the correct parameters or it's posible update a unique parameter in the credential.
The example, there is a error with the average of the transcript schema, Alice must have a 9:
transcript_cred_values = json.dumps({
"first_name": {"raw": "Alice", "encoded": "1139481716457488690172217916278103335"},
"last_name": {"raw": "Garcia", "encoded": "5321642780241790123587902456789123452"},
"degree": {"raw": "Bachelor of Science, Marketing", "encoded": "12434523576212321"},
"status": {"raw": "graduated", "encoded": "2213454313412354"},
"ssn": {"raw": "123-45-6789", "encoded": "3124141231422543541"},
"year": {"raw": "2015", "encoded": "2015"},
"average": {"raw": "5", "encoded": "5"} //This 5 muste be a 9
But the transcript it's already in the ledger, we need revoke that transcript for changue the parameter and create again?

I can fin the solution in Hyperledger Indy HIPE, in the motivation section of the revocations one the reason for use revocations for inputs error in the credentials. Text: "However, it’s also important if a credential gets issued in error (e.g., has a typo in it that misidentifies the subject). The latter case is important even for immutable and permanent credentials such as a birth certificate."
So the solution is revocate and expend a new crencential with the correct parameters for Alice.


Graph API provision of federated user

I am unable to provision users to a federated domain, say, with Microsoft Graph API.
The url I am sending the POST to is:
json payload is:
"accountEnabled": true,
"city": "Seattle",
"country": "United States",
"department": "Sales & Marketing",
"displayName": "Melissa Darrow",
"givenName": "Melissa",
"jobTitle": "Marketing Director",
"mailNickname": "MelissaD",
"passwordPolicies": "DisablePasswordExpiration",
"passwordProfile": {
"password": "Test1234",
"forceChangePasswordNextSignIn": false
"officeLocation": "131/1105",
"postalCode": "98052",
"preferredLanguage": "en-US",
"state": "WA",
"streetAddress": "9256 Towne Center Dr., Suite 400",
"surname": "Darrow",
"mobilePhone": "+1 206 555 0110",
"usageLocation": "US",
"immutableID": "melissab",
"userPrincipalName": ""
What I receive is:
"error": {
"code": "Request_BadRequest",
"message": "One or more properties contains invalid values.",
"innerError": {
"request-id": "9e8af7a6-fba2-4a66-8421-19dbfd2c36f1",
"date": "2017-05-12T12:13:22"
please note immutableId can be found in the payload.
Is it possibile to provision such users with the given REST framework?
immutableID must be Base64 encoded (byte[])
String immutableId = new String(Base64.encodeBase64("someText".getBytes()));
This is expected behavior. The Graph API does not handle the user sync part. User can be synced using Microsoft Azure Active Directory Sync Tool.
Using graph api you can sync the user from azure to our application.
ex : USER_SYNC_QUERY = "$top=100&$count=true";
1) On each request graph api will send you a #odata.nextLink parameter i.e the skip token for getting next users if more than requested user is present in your azure.
2) By passing the skip token with each request you can sync all the users form azure to your application

Ruby on rails: Substring with quotes search inside JSON object

I have retrieved a json object using typhoeus gem.
url = '' <br>
request = ::Typhoeus::Request.get(url,userpwd: username + ":" + pass)<br>
content = JSON.parse(request.body)
I would like to count the occurence of "Priority":"high" including the quotes inside the json response. How do I go about doing this?
"priority":"high" is a key value pair. It is deeply nested inside the json tree.(Don't how deeply it is nested). All I need is count of occurence of "priority":"high"
Any and all suggestion is welcome.
Sample data:
"tickets": [{
"url": "",
"id": xxxxx,
"external_id": null,
"via": {
"channel": "email",
"source": {
"from": {
"address": "",
"name": ""
"to": {
"name": "organization Global Support",
"address": ""
"rel": null
"created_at": "2016-08-04T16:23:13Z",
"updated_at": "2016-08-08T20:26:01Z",
"type": "problem",
"subject": "Problems with abc Connect",
"raw_subject": "Problems with abc Connect",
"description": "Hi – our Tenet ID is 5675.\n\n \n\nThe abc report is not providing the full data when I run the billing preview. I am running it using Chrome. Attached are snapshots of what I’m doing plus the report generated.\n\n \n\nA perfect example of the problem is shown at the bottom of the report generated. Garber Automotive Group, account number A00000490 does not display the data for all of their products. Their data is shown on rows 5658 thru 5712 on the excel file BillingPreviewResult_201620 report run 08.04.16.\n\n \n\nHowever the EXACT same report (all the parameters are the same) run on 07/01/16 included all of Garber’s information. The excel file abc report run 07.01.16 10.13 AM has the data for Garber on rows 6099 – 6182.\n\n \n\nThe report is cutting off a lot of data for some reason. As you can see by comparing the amount of data between the two excel reports there are much fewer lines on the report run on today as opposed to the one run on 07/01, 6182 rows vs 5712 rows.\n\n \n\nThis is a business critical report for us. It is used for cash forecasting, monthly financial reporting, rolling budgeting and ad hoc reporting.\n\n \n\nWe need this problem identified and fixed immediately. It is already causing a problem with finalizing our July results.\n\n \n\nLet me know if you have any questions or need any additional data.\n\n \n\n \n\nRegards,\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n| Controller\ndesk: 503.963-4239 | fax: 503.294.1200 | \n\nCompli - Cool, Calm and Compliant. TM\n\nVisit() to learn more.\n\n \n\nFollow us on LinkedIn () and Twitter",
"priority": "normal",
"status": "open",
"recipient": "",
"requester_id": 1336424406,
"submitter_id": 1336424406,
"assignee_id": null,
"organization_id": 224504969,
"group_id": 21606503,
"collaborator_ids": [560973773, 786229209, 421597631, 539566717, 707192615, 1336424406, 31365392, 719608577, 1817633993],
"forum_topic_id": null,
"problem_id": null,
"has_incidents": false,
"due_at": null,
"tags": ["1_price", "best_practice_advise", "engage_global_services__email_", "escalate", "hard", "internal_escalation", "p0", "yes_escalated", "xxxxx", "zhub"],
"custom_fields": [{
"id": 22024091,
"value": "p0"
}, {
"id": 24212576,
"value": "best_practice_advise"
}, {
"id": 22035048,
"value": "xxx and so on.....

Create Plan (BETA) doesn't seem to work

I'm trying to create a planner plan using Graph as per
but I'm consistently getting the following BadRequest response:
"error": {
"code": "BadRequest",
"message": "Write requests are only supported on contained entities",
"innerError": {
"request-id": "eae08944-6f47-477e-9950-ade31c473dd7",
"date": "2016-03-07T11:59:04"
As per the docs I'm POSTing to with the following body:
"createdBy": "<my uuid>",
"owner": "<a previously generated group uuid>",
"title": "Blah Plan"
with no luck. The previously generated group looks like the following:
"id": "<uuid>",
"classification": null,
"createdDateTime": "2016-03-07T09:53:26Z",
"description": "Int Test",
"displayName": "Int Test",
"groupTypes": [
"mail": "<email_address>",
"mailEnabled": true,
"mailNickname": "IntTest",
"onPremisesLastSyncDateTime": null,
"onPremisesSecurityIdentifier": null,
"onPremisesSyncEnabled": null,
"proxyAddresses": [
"renewedDateTime": "2016-03-07T09:53:26Z",
"securityEnabled": false,
"visibility": "Public"
I've tried various combinations of request bodies. With and without createdBy values. With and without owner values. Nothing seems to work.
Any ideas where I'm going wrong? The error is consistent across my integration tests as well as through the graph explorer.
As Sriram mentioned, this was a documentation bug. It has just been fixed. The updated URL is:
The issue was in which endpoint to call to create a plan. You should call "/plans" instead of "/me/plans". You should also be aware that some of the data you are passing in is read-only. You should not include "createdBy" because this is a read-only property set by the service, not you. The plan resource documentation will show you all of the properties that can be set on a plan.
The last thing to keep in mind is that you can only have one plan per group. If you try to make a second plan, you'll receive an error about this from the API.
In Juli 2017 the API was modified and released. The new endpoint for creating a plan now is:
with a request body e.g. like this:
"owner": "<group-id>",
"title": "my plan title"
where <group-id> must be the id of a previously created group.
Apologies for the confusion here. The documentation has a bug will be updated shortly. To create a plan, please ensure that a group is created, and the user is member of group. Then create the plan with owner set to group id, and createdBy set to user id.
For this issue, can you please try following the below steps exactly?
Create a unified group
Add user to be member of unified group
Create plan by sending {“owner”: group-id, “title”: string} - do not send "createdBy" field since it's a read-only field
For adding tasks to buckets, it should work just fine if you sent
{“planId”: plan-id, “bucketId”: bucket-id, “title”: string}
If this still doesn't work, feel free to reach out to me at

Course Files Folder not being created

I am creating courses using the Valence API.
In DOME we have the d2lTools.CMS.CoursePathEnforced variable set to on.
According to the documentation:
The root path to use for this course offering’s course content. Note that, if your >>back-end service has path enforcement set on for new org units, then you should leave >>this property as an empty string, and the back-end service can populate it for you.
So I am setting the path property to an empty string when I create the course.
However, the folder is never created for the course path, so when users try to add content to a course they get an error. I can't set the path manually because it requires the Org Unit ID of the course, which I don't know till it's created.
Is this a bug or do I have something not configured properly?
Cheers, Iain
Here is a sample of the JSON structure you should send (note that the CourseTemplateId and SemesterId properties refer to the D2LID values for the course template and semester your new course derives from):
{"LocaleId": null,
"CourseTemplateId": 1234,
"Name": "Extensibility 105",
"ShowAddressBook": false,
"ForceLocale": false,
"StartDate": null,
"EndDate": null,
"Path": "",
"SemesterId": 5678,
"Code": "EXT-105"}
The create call sends back JSON upon successful creation that looks like this:
{"Name": "Extensibility 105",
"StartDate": null,
"CourseTemplate": {"Name": "ExtensibilityTemplate",
"Code": "EXT-TMPL",
"Identifier": "1234"},
"EndDate": null,
"Path": "/content/enforced/7531-EXT-105/",
"IsActive": true,
"Semester": {"Name": "Spring 2013",
"Code": "S2013",
"Identifier": "5678"},
"Code": "EXT-105",
"Department": {"Name": "ExtensibilityDepartment",
"Code": "1",
"Identifier": "2468"},
"Identifier": "7531"}
Note that the call allocated an Identifier property for the new course, and then incorporated that identity into the enforced content Path as one would expect.

how to get an openstack token and validate it?

I followed this guide:
and it seemed that I got a valid token by ran:
curl -d '{"auth":{"passwordCredentials":{"username": "can", "password": "mypassword"}}}' -H "Content-type: application/json" http://url:35357/v2.0/tokens
and it returned:
"expires": "2012-05-21T14:35:17Z",
"id": "468da447bd1c4821bbc5def0498fd441"
"serviceCatalog": {},
"username": "can",
"roles_links": [],
"id": "bb6d3a09ad0c4924bf20c1a32ccb5781",
"roles": [],
"name": "can"
but when I came to the next few sections to validate this token, I encountered this magic number: X-Auth-Token:999888777666. At first I thought it's the token I got but I was wrong.
I think I may have missed something, so I read related sections in openstack documents( and ), but still no idea how the number comes from.
could anyone explain to me
what's the meaning of that magic number
how to get the right value of it so I can get a working token to manage other parts of openstack
That magic number (string really) is the admin_token setting in your keystone.conf file. Under the [DEFAULT] section in keystone.conf set
admin_token = abcd1234
If you don't use it for admin actions, you'll see something like
ubuntu#i-000004bc:~/devstack$ curl http://localhost:35357/v2.0/tenants
{"error": {"message": "The request you have made requires authentication.", "code": 401, "title": "Not Authorized"}}
If you do use it, you'll see something like
ubuntu#i-000004bc:~/devstack$ curl -H "X-Auth-Token: abcd1234" http://localhost:35357/v2.0/tenants
{"tenants_links": [], "tenants": [{"enabled": true, "description": null, "name": "demo", "id": "aee8a46babcb4e4286021c8f6ef996cd"}, {"enabled": true, "description": null, "name": "invisible_to_admin", "id": "de17fea45de148ada0a58e998e6c3e73"}, {"enabled": true, "description": null, "name": "admin", "id": "f34b0c8ab30e450489b121fbe723fde5"}, {"enabled": true, "description": null, "name": "service", "id": "fbe3e2e530fd47298cb2cba1b4afa3da"}]}
To get the list of tenants, in our current implementation, we authenticate with admin credentials and use the token returned to get list of tenants.
The implementation works smooth with the authentication token. It may work with admin_token but I have not verified.
If you see the examples you are referring to, there are 2 types of endpoints used
Endpoint pointing to port 5000 - public port
Endpoint pointing to port 35357 - admin port
In examples which are hitting admin port you would need to specify the "X-Auth-Token" header as the admin_token (specified in the keystone.conf file)
The token itself is in dict["access"]["token"]["id"] which is that part that will go in the header of subsequent HTTP requests, i.e
X-Auth-Token: 468da447bd1c4821bbc5def0498fd441
The value 999888777666 is from the curl example tutorial and will definitely not work.
As for the value of the token itself, it's randomly generated by the OpenStack service and shouldn't contain any useful information from your point of view.
(BTW, you probably shouldn't go pasting the tokens into forums as they're valid for 24 hours and anyone with a copy of the token and access to your compute endpoint can use it to impersonate you).
