AudioKit clicking/zipper noise when changing parameter values - ios

I have an iOS app with an AudioKit effects chain, built like this:
IN --\ AKEqualizerFilter -- AKLowPassFilter -- AKChorus -- AKDelay -- AKReverb ---|
\___________________________________________________________________________| DryWet -> OUT
The amount of each effect is controlled by its local dry/wet mixer, and the whole chain can be brought in/out using the final dry/wet mixer. I'm finding that I get clicks/zipper noise when moving the sliders controlling individual AU parameters, particularly the reverb and delay. I've tried different options in AKSettings.bufferLength and AKSettings.rampDuration, but can't seem get rid of it. Are there are any other strategies I might try?
None of the examples I've seen suggest that there's any special way to access the parameters, so they're just being called from our UI, using generic UISliders. However, I did try calling the parameter change off the main thread, but nothing changed.
UPDATE 3: Okay, so digging around more it seems like AKOperationEffect is the way to go, however, I'm still not sure how to control it. I've set it up like this:
var delTime = 0.33
if useSync == true {
let tempo = SequencerController.sharedInstance.currentTempo
let beatDur = (60000 / tempo) / 1000
// we'll make the default a dotted-eighth
delTime = 0.75 * beatDur
let opEffect = AKOperationEffect(input) { input, params in
return input.smoothDelay(time: params[0], feedback: params[1], samples: 1024, maximumDelayTime: 10.0)
opEffect.parameters = [delTime, 0.]
where input is from the previous node -- so, in this chain, from the chorus. This does get me the delay time (without zippering!) but I can't find a way to control the dry/wet mix. Is this not possible with AKOperationEffect perhaps?


Differentiating Mode 2 Form 1 from Mode 2 Form 2 on XA CD-ROMs?

I'm developing a library for reading CD-ROMs and the ISO9660 file system.
Long story short, pretty much everything is working except for one thing I'm having a hard time figuring out how it's done:
Where does XA standard defines differentiation among Mode 2 Form 1 from Mode 2 Form 2?
Currently, I am using the following pseudo-code to differentiate between both forms; albeit it's a naive heuristic, it does work but well, it's far from ideal:
var buffer = ... // this is a raw sector of 2352 bytes
var m2F1 = ISector.Cast<SectorMode2Form1>(buffer);
var edc1 = EdcHelper.ComputeBlock(0, buffer, 16, 2056);
var edc2 = BitConverter.ToUInt32(m2F1.Edc, 0);
var isM2F1 = edc1 == edc2;
if (isM2F1) return CdRomSectorMode.Mode2Form1;
// NOTE we cannot reliably check EDC of M2F2 since it's optional
var isForm2 =
m2F1.SubHeaderCopy1.SubMode.HasFlag(SectorMode2Form1SubHeaderSubMode.Form2) &&
if (isForm2) return CdRomSectorMode.Mode2Form2;
return CdRomSectorMode.Mode2Formless;
If you look at some software like IsoBuster, it appears to be a track-level property, however, I'm failing to understand where the value would be read from within the track.
I'm actually doing something similar in typescript for my ps1 mod tools. It seems like you actually probably have it correct here, since I'm going to assume your HasFlag check is checking position bit position 6 of the subheader. If that flag is set, you are in form 2.
So what you probably want something like:
const sectorBytes = new Uint8Arrray(buffer);
if (sectorBytes[0x012] & 0x20) === 0x20) {
return CdRomSectorMode.Mode2Form2;
} else {
return CdRomSectorMode.Mode2Form1;
You could of course use the flag code you already have, but that would require you to use one of the types first to get that. This just keeps it generic bytes and checks the flag, then returns the relevant mode.

How can I reset ESP8266 MicroPython after crashes?

I have a NodeMCU ESP8266 board running MicroPython. I'm running a web server on my ESP8266. This is my first IoT project based on one of these boards.
The below is a snippet of the code.
This is being executed within Every now and then, something causes the code to crash (perhaps timing and request based). When exits, for whatever reason, I'm dropped back at the python CLI.
I'd like for the board to reset when this happens (if there isn't a better way).
What is the best method of restarting/reseting the ESP8266?
addr = socket.getaddrinfo('', 80)[0][-1]
s = socket.socket()
s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
print('listening on', addr)
while True:
cl, addr = s.accept()
print('client connected from', addr)
cl_file = cl.makefile('rwb', 0)
while True:
line = cl_file.readline()
print("Line:" , line)
if not line or line == b'\r\n':
if line == b'GET /active HTTP/1.1\r\n':
MicroPython has machine.reset() function to reset a board.
Python (not just MicroPython) uses exception handling to handle errors.
Combining the two, you can easily achieve what you want. For example:
a = 4
b = 2
a / b
If in the code above you replace value of b with 0, your board will reset. If you think about it for a bit, you probably will find out that it doesn't make much sense - you don't want your board suddenly reset if you just divide by 0 by mistake or otherwise. There're got to be better ways to handle errors! Likewise, you may want to think about your own case and see if resetting the board is really the best choice. If you think that yes, that's fine, just always keep in mind that you programmed your board to suddenly reset. Otherwise, your next question here may be "My board suddenly resets! Why???" ;-)
It may be late for the original question, but the answer I am going to share might help other people. Consider it is not a final solution, but in many scenarios, it may save a day. You can explore your case.
The solution is using the internal scheduling function of MicroPython. since its execution is guaranteed, then its behavior can be used as a tool to mimic a functional watchdog.
Following code will run with given timers and threshold which can be customized in your case, and if the timer reaches its threshold, and the value of wd_buffer is not updated for that time, then the function might be called, and we repeat the process again.
So in order to prevent the ESP getting restarted in this case after 12 sec, you have to in someplace in your code, periodically (shorter than 12 sec or adjust the timer and threshold according to your need) update the value of the Global wd_buffer variable. Hope it helps.
# Simple WD - Global Variable
wd_feeder = 0
wd_buffer = 0
wd_counter = 0
wd_threshold = 4
def wd_checker(calledvalue):
print('watchdog is checking... feeder= {} buffer= {}'.format(wd_feeder, wd_buffer))
global wd_counter
global wd_buffer
global wd_feeder
if wd_feeder == wd_buffer:
print('state is suspicious ... counter is {} incrementing the counter'.format(wd_counter))
wd_counter += 1
wd_counter = 0
wd_feeder = wd_buffer
if wd_counter == wd_threshold:
print('Counter is reached its threshold, following function will be called')
wd_feeder = wd_buffer = wd_counter = 0
if __name__ == '__main__':
scheduler_wd = machine.Timer(-1)
scheduler_wd.init(period=3000, mode=machine.Timer.PERIODIC, callback=wd_checker)
you could add a while loop checking for the Flash Button (GPIO pin 0) like this:
import machine
pin = machine.Pin(0, machine.Pin.IN, machine.Pin.PULL_UP)
while pin.value():
print('Put your code here...')
print('..this will looping until the Flash button is pressed...')
print('...and then it continues here.')
You could execute your code (which should be outside of the -> other file) from the boot or the if it drops out it should execute the following code, which could trigger a reset.
You may have to catch the error first.
I hope I helped

In Lua, using a boolean variable from another script in the same project ends up with nill value error

This code is for a modding engine, Unitale base on Unity Written in Lua
So I am trying to use a Boolean Variable in my script poseur.lua, so when certain conditions are met so I can pass it to the other script encounter.lua, where a engine Predefined functions is being uses to make actions happens base on the occurring moment.
I tried to read the engine documentation multiple times, follow the exact syntax of Lua's fonction like GetVar(), SetVar(), SetGobal(),GetGlobal().
Searching and google thing about the Language, post on the subreddit and Game Exchange and tried to solve it by myself for hours... I just can't do it and I can't understand why ?
I will show parts of my codes for each.
-- A basic monster script skeleton you can copy and modify for your own creations.
comments = {"Smells like the work\rof an enemy stand.",
"Nidhogg_Warrior is posing like his\rlife depends on it.",
"Nidhogg_Warrior's limbs shouldn't\rbe moving in this way."}
commands = {"GREET", "JUMP", "FLIRT", "CRINGE"}
EndDialougue = {" ! ! !","ouiii"}
sprite = "poseur" --Always PNG. Extension is added automatically.
name = "Nidhogg_Warrior"
hp = 99
atk = 1
def = 1
check = "The Nidhogg_Warrior is\rsearching for the Nidhogg"
dialogbubble = "rightlarge" -- See documentation for what bubbles you have available.
canspare = false
cancheck = true
GreetCounter = 5
Berserk = false
-- A basic encounter script skeleton you can copy and modify for your own creations.
encountertext = "Nidhogg_Warrior is\rrunning frantically"
nextwaves = {"bullettest_chaserorb"}
wavetimer = 5.0
arenasize = {155, 130}
music = "musAncientGuardian"
enemies = {"poseur"}
enemypositions = {{0, 0}}
-- A custom list with attacks to choose from.
-- Actual selection happens in EnemyDialogueEnding().
-- Put here in case you want to use it.
possible_attacks = {"bullettest_bouncy", "bullettest_chaserorb", "bullettest_touhou"}
function EncounterStarting()
-- If you want to change the game state immediately, this is the place. = 20
Player.hp = 99 = "Teemies"
Thank you for reading.
The answer to my problem was to use SetGobal(), GetGobal().
For some reasons my previous attempt to simply use SetGobal()Resulted in nil value despite writing it like that SetGobal("Berserk",true) gave me a nill value error, as soon as I launch the game.
But I still used them wrong. First I needed to put it SetGobal() at the end of the condition instead of at the start of the the poseur.lua script because the change of value... for some reasons was being overwritten by it first installment.
And to test the variable in the function in my encounter.lua, I needed to write it like that
function EnemyDialogueStarting()
-- Good location for setting monster dialogue depending on how the battle is going.
if GetGlobal("Jimmies") == true then
Also any tips an suggestions are still welcome !
Well firstly, in lua simple values like bool and number are copied on assignment:
global.a=a--this is a copy
a=4--this change won't affect value in table
SetGobal and the other mentioned functions are not part of lua language, they must be related to your engine. Probably, they use word 'Global' not as lua 'global' but in a sense defined by engine.
Depending on the engine specifics these functions might as well do a deep copy of any variable they're given (or might as well not work with complicated objects).

Can I get a calibrated image and skeleton from the Official Kinect SDK at the same time?

Basically, I just want those three things.
Color, Depth, and Skeleton. But I also want the depth and color lined up.
I know that in the official examples, there's GreenScreen.cpp, which is an example of depth/color cut-outs, but no skeleton. There's also SkeletonBasics which has a skeleton, but no image.
I've tried learning from both of them and implementing them together, but I never get a callback for when the skeleton is ready (this: m_hNextSkeletonEvent).
SkeletonBasics.cpp uses this:
hEvents[0] = m_hNextSkeletonEvent;
// Check to see if we have either a message (by passing in QS_ALLEVENTS)
// Or a Kinect event (hEvents)
// Update() will check for Kinect events individually, in case more than one are signalled
DWORD dwEvent = MsgWaitForMultipleObjects(eventCount, hEvents, FALSE, INFINITE, QS_ALLINPUT);
// Check if this is an event we're waiting on and not a timeout or message
if (WAIT_OBJECT_0 == dwEvent)
And GreenScreen.cpp uses this:
hEvents[0] = m_hNextDepthFrameEvent;
hEvents[1] = m_hNextColorFrameEvent;
// Check to see if we have either a message (by passing in QS_ALLINPUT)
// Or a Kinect event (hEvents)
// Update() will check for Kinect events individually, in case more than one are signalled
DWORD dwEvent = MsgWaitForMultipleObjects(eventCount, hEvents, FALSE, INFINITE, QS_ALLINPUT);
// Check if this is an event we're waiting on and not a timeout or message
if (WAIT_OBJECT_0 == dwEvent || WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1 == dwEvent)
But, like I said, combining them yields no
if ( WAIT_OBJECT_0 == WaitForSingleObject(m_hNextSkeletonEvent, 0) )
happening. (The KinectBridgeWithOpenCVBasics-D2D also does Skeleton, Color, and Depth, but still is unaligned (like this example I found in a search).
Do you know why the event is not firing? Or perhaps do you know of an example somewhere that has all of these abilities? I've searched high and low, and I've tried tons of different things messing with these examples, but I just cant seem to get it.
Thanks for your help.
At the end of KinectBridgeWithOpenCVBasics, I'm left with a m_colorMat and an m_depthMat. Even if at that point I could align the depth to color, I think that would work out just fine.

Using matrices to transform the Three.js scene graph

I'm attempting to load a scene from a file into Three.js (custom format, not one that Three.js supports). This particular format describes a scene graph where each node in the tree has a transform specified as a 4x4 matrix. The process for pushing it into Three.js looks something like this:
// Yeah, this is javascript-like psuedocode
function processNodes(srcNode, parentThreeObj) {
for(child in srcNode.children) {
var threeObj = new THREE.Object3D();
// This line is the problem
for(mesh in child.meshes) {
var threeMesh = threeMeshFromSrcMesh(mesh);
processNodes(child, threeObj); // And recurse!
Or at least that's what I'd like it to be. As I pointed out, the applyMatrix line doesn't work the way that I would expect. The majority of the scene looks okay, but certain elements that have been rotated aren't aligned properly (while other are, it's strange).
Looking through the COLLADA loader (which does approximately the same thing I'm trying to do) it appears that they decompose the matrix into a translate/rotate/scale and apply each individually. I tried that in place of the applyMatrix shown above:
var props = threeMatrixFromSrcMatrix(child.matrix).decompose();
threeObj.useQuaternion = true;
threeObj.position = props[ 0 ];
threeObj.quaternion = props[ 1 ];
threeObj.scale = props[ 2 ];
This, once again, yields a scene where most elements are in the right place but meshes that previously were misaligned have now been transformed into oblivion somewhere and no longer appear at all. So in the end this is no better than the applyMatrix from above.
Looking through several online discussions about the topic it seems that the recommended way to use matrices for your transforms is to apply them directly to the geometry, not the nodes, so I tried that by manually building the transform matrix like so:
function processNodes(srcNode, parentThreeObj, parentMatrix) {
for(child in srcNode.children) {
var threeObj = new THREE.Object3D();
var childMatrix = threeMatrixFromSrcMatrix(child.matrix);
var objMatrix = THREE.Matrix4();
objMatrix.multiply(parentMatrix, childMatrix);
for(mesh in child.meshes) {
var threeMesh = threeMeshFromSrcMesh(mesh);
processNodes(child, threeObj, objMatrix); // And recurse!
This actually yields the correct results! (minus some quirks with the normals, but I can figure that one out) That's great, but the problem is that we've now effectively flattened the scene hierarchy: Changing the transform on a parent will yield unexpected results on the children because the full transform stack is now "baked in" to the meshes. In this case that's an unacceptable loss of information about the scene.
So how might one go about telling Three.js to do the same logic, but at the appropriate point in the scene graph?
(Sorry, I would dearly love to post some live code examples but that's unfortunately not an option in this case.)
You can use matrixAutoUpdate = false to skip the Three.js scenegraph position/scale/rotation stuff. Then set object.matrix to the matrix you want and all should be dandy (well, it still gets multiplied by parent node matrices, so if you're using absolute modelview matrices you need to hack updateMatrixWorld method on Object3D.)
object.matrixAutoUpdate = false;
object.matrix = myMatrix;
Now, if you'd like to have a custom transformation matrix applied on top of the Three.js position/scale/rotation stuff, you need to edit Object3D#updateMatrix to be something like.
THREE.Object3D.prototype._updateMatrix = THREE.Object3D.prototype.updateMatrix;
THREE.Object3D.prototype.updateMatrix = function() {
if (this.customMatrix != null)
Altered Qualia pointed out the solution on Twitter within minutes of me posting this.
It's a simple one-line fix: Just set matrixAutoUpdate to false on the Object3D instances and the first code sample works as intended.
threeObj.matrixAutoUpdate = false; // This fixes it
It's always the silly little things that get you...
