How to set system_time_zone for Mariadb 10.3 on Windows 10 - timezone

I'm using MariaDB in Window 10. My problem is that when I retrieve variable system_time_zone, it returns unknown.
My Question : How can I set that variable?
MariaDB Screenshot
MariaDB version: 10.3
OS: Windows 10
Thank you very much!


Running WSL2 on Windows 10 Enterprise to drive Docker Backend

I am trying to have my Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (IOT) on run WSL 2. I'm at the latest LTSC Version (1809, build 17763) and have WSL 1 enabled, however installing WSL 2 seems to be limited to the Version 1903 and above, which isn't available for the LTSC configuration. Has anyone got a workaround for LTSC builds to get WSL 2 installed?
I'd like to have Docker's WSL 2 backend running, which is a requirement for Laravel's Sail Environment

Docker and Windows 10

I am trying to get an existing docker app running on Windows 10.
Problem 1: When I install the docker toolbox, the Docker Quickstart Terminal is missing
Problem 2: When I run docker build, I get this error ERROR: Windows named pipe error: The system cannot find the file specified. (code: 2)
Any ideas how to solve both errors?
Note: I was on Windows 10 Home - upgrading to Windows 10 pro and will try again
Reset Docker to factory defaults and logging into Docker console, sorted for me.
If you are using version 18.* of docker, try uninstalling it and downgrade to version 17.* (v 17.12.0-ce).
Alternatively, if that does not work and you are running on Windows using Mac with bootcamp and your Windows Virtualization does not seem to get enabled, you can try booting up on Mac OS and then on the explorer window go to File>Restart to restart the system back to Windows. This will somehow fix the Windows Virtualization setting back to Enabled.
You need to connect the terminal you are using to the Docker deamon:
If you have bash installed, you can run:
eval $(docker-machine env default)
Otherwise from windows cmd, you can run
docker-machine.exe env --shell cmd default
#Félix Gagnon-Grenier - Windows 10 has a linux layer available - you can run bash in a powershell window, if you've got a certain upgrade to Windows 10 Pro.
Upgrading to Windows 10 Pro and re-installing docker did the trick

Upgrade Gitlab from source 7.4 to Docker 10.4

I've been looking around for people trying to do such madness but can't find anything.
What I'm trying to do is upgrade from an old, unmaintained version of Gitlab 7.4.2 that was running on a server to a Docker version on 10.4.
I did my backup correctly with 7.4 but obviously as I'm trying to unpack it, I get the following :
Your current GitLab version (10.4.2) differs from the GitLab version in the backup!
Please switch to the following version and try again:
version: 7.4.2
I'm not sure of the procedure I should do next but have a few ideas I'd like to run by you here to see which is the easiest/most doable.
Upgrade my bare-metal server gradually from 7.4 to 8.x, then to 9.x to have the minimum Docker version present on Docker Hub. Then do a backup and repeat the process on Docker.
Force (how?) the Docker version to take this backup anyway
An other solution maybe ?
Thanks in advance for any help.
Madness indeed....
The brute force take of upgrading here is probably the way to go, as this is by far the safest one.
The only alternative I can offer is to migrate your source instance to the omni-bus installation of the same version an then let the package manager deal with the mess and update to the latest version.
But you should prepared for problems. Non omni-bus to omni-bus installations are not tested. If you want to try it anyway, here is the upgrade guide for the omni-bus versions.
If you have then the newest version you can simply export and import it into the docker instance as the docker image simply contains a omni-bus instance.
You can not upgrade Gitlab directly and must upgrade it step by step to the next major release: 7 -> 8 -> 9 -> 10.
You can see more information in the link below:
and execute the following commands:
sudo docker stop gitLab
sudo docker rm gitLab
You can see more information in the link below:
and after executing 2 above commands you can change the GitLab version that existing in the content of the docker-compose.yml .
restart: always
image: sameersbn/gitlab:11.11.0
- redis
- postgresql
to chenged:
restart: always
image: sameersbn/gitlab:12.7.6
- redis
- postgresql
and execute the following command:
sudo docker-compose up -d
Repeat these stages and Step by step between the GitLab versions to get the desired version.

Warning about system root certificate pool crypto/x509

I am having the following warning message when issueing docker commands: (ex: docker ps)
C:\Users\whha>docker ps
time="2017-01-24T23:17:36+01:00" level=warning msg="Unable to use system certificate pool: crypto/x509: system root pool is not available on Windows"
Any idea how can it be avoided?
I´m running docker using docker toolbox on windows 8.1.
Installing the last available version solved the problem for me ( :
$ docker --version
time="2017-04-05T17:56:55+02:00" level=info msg="Unable to use system
certificate pool: crypto/x509: system root pool is not available on Windows"
Docker version 17.03.1-ce, build c6d412e
$ docker --version
Docker version 17.04.0-ce-rc2, build 2f35d73
I started having this problem today after updating to the docker toolbox version 1.13.1 of Docker Toolbox for windows.
Checking around the internet, and saw a github issue that this problem can't be fixed for windows.
Hence, probably has to follow #mayur_patil's suggestion to roll back to 1.12.x version. FYI, previous release can be found here:
I have installed docker toolbox version 1.13.1 for windows.
OS : Windows 10 Enterprise.
I solved the same issue with the v 1.12.6 instead 1.13.x.
You can change version series.
I was getting this error on Docker-toolbox 1.13.1
After that I downgraded to 1.12.2 and my problem solved.
OS: Windows 7 SP1
Check out and reply.
Had the same problem and solved it by download v1.12.6 from:

What does Go Version means?

docker version
docker emulating version 0.1.3
client version: 0.5
server version: 0.5
go version: go 1.1
What does go version means?
Go is a programming language with an inconvenient name, made by Google.
