Quasar cli command to generate new component - quasar-framework

I would like to know if there's a way to generate new component in quasar by typing some kind of commands.
When using Angular Cli we can generate new component by doing ng generate component <component name>
Does Quasar framework have this kind of ability?

$ quasar new component MyComponent
See the docs or type quasar help.


How to export a nova resource to excel WITHOUT actions?

I am using Nova and Laravel-Nova-Excel.
I need to export the contents of a nova-resource (+ add any filters) by cron on disk, as Excel. How to do it right?
Now I see this option:
Get the query builder from the resource (how to do it? - the main problem)
Create a query class as described here - https://docs.laravel-excel.com/3.1/exports/from-query.html
Export the file.
Does anyone know other options?
You would like to export all the models connected to a certain nova-resource to excel from a cron job. Please correct me if I misinterpreted your question.
Laravel-Nova-Excel package is a nova wrapper around Laravel Excel. It will be easier to just use the package directly instead of the nova wrapper.
Use this guide Laravel Excel - quick start to define a Excel ExportModel class in which you define your filter logic.
Create a Laravel Command in which you trigger the ExportModel class. The following artisan command can be used to generate a laravel command : php artisan make:command ExportModel
Use this command in your existing cronjob: php artisan command:export
Or use the built in laravel schedules laravel schedules

Is it possible to create a custom cdk init template to leverage pipenv for my python project?

I would like to utilize pipenv as my virtual environment manager and for my dependency management for my Python cdk projects, upon running 'cdk init'. I read that you can specify a 'custom' application template but could not find documentation on creating one. Is it possible and can the virtual environment/dependency manager be controlled using this feature?
I would like to be able to run 'cdk init hello-world --language python' and have the scaffolding for the project be generated BUT using pipenv.
It's not possible to do that without modifying the source code for the CDK package itself. You likely won't want to manage your own divergent version of the standard package.
I've shoe-horned CDK to work with PipEnv a couple of times, and it's more work than it's worth at this point. The problem is that PipEnv forces the . delimiter in the package name to a -; pipenv install aws-cdk.aws-rds is listed as aws-cdk-aws-rds in the Pipfile, and the package installations don't actually work.
There's an open issue on the repo for this though (https://github.com/aws/aws-cdk/issues/3671), so you could +1 there in hopes that they can address it. It really is an issue with Pipenv though.
Following the link from Scott for the open issue, it looks like this works now, provided the package name is in quotes.

How do I produce a node module using dotnet-fable

I have a project that I've created with dotnet fable new -n ProjectName and if I run it with webpack server everything works as expected. However I want to create an Express server. For that I thought I would simply create a node module and then run that. But when I look at the help text from dotnet fable --help I can't find a way to tell fable to just compile the js and to let me chose where those files should be placed. So question how do I tell dotnet-fable to produce js files (and do nothing else).
p.s. using the fable-cli results in a null reference (likely due to the project file structure) which is why I haven't just used that
I just wrestled with the same thing. When using the fable template, dotnet fable npm-run build just builds JS files for me. Try removing the devServer section from webpack.config.js, and changing your "start" script in package.json to say webpack && node bundle.js. (The devServer feature in webpack starts up its own simple express.js backend - something I just learned while building my own fable express app)

Compile and build chromium browser for electron

So I am developing an electron application. I know electron is running a chromium browser in its core.
One of the use cases I am currently working on involves changing the source code of Chromium. I have cloned the Chromium project and made the changes. Now is it possible to use my version of Chromium to build my electron application?
If yes, how can I do it? If no, what are the alternatives?
So I had to basically rebuild the entire electron code.
Get the libchromium source from here
To modify the code in content module of electron we have to write a patch in libchromium/patches.
And then build libchromiumcontent :
Compile and package libchromiumcontent with the following commands:
After the build is done, take note of the hash from the libchromiumcontent commit that includes your patch and perform the following commands, replacing your operating system and architecture as appropriate:
# Use either win|linux|osx to reference the platform
mkdir -p osx/x64/<commit>
mv libchromiumcontent* osx/x64/<commit>
And then build Electron with our custom libchromiumcontent :
Clone electron if you have not done already
git clone https://github.com/atom/electron && cd electron
Bootstrap Electron with our custom libchromiumcontent:
./script/bootstrap.py -v --url file:///path/to/libchromiumcontent
And finally build Electron:
./script/build.py -c D

Grails Wrapper: run/re-run before or after change version?

I tried looking for the answer for this here but couldn't find it. If this is documented somewhere, please send the link as a comment and I'll delete the question.
I can't figure out the proper order for using Grails Wrapper when upgrading an app version:
Do I run grails wrapper and then change application.properties to the new version of Grails, and then execute all future commands using grailsw?; or
Do I change application.properties to the new version, then run grails wrapper, and then run all future commands with grailsw?
Running grails wrapper will download the version of the wrapper specified in application.properties, so you should run it after changing the version.
