Does FieldValue.serverTimestamp() add additional data? - dart

I have the following function
Future<void> _updateDocument(String path, {Map<String, dynamic> data}) async {
final Map<String, dynamic> stampedData = {'updatedAt': FieldValue.serverTimestamp()};
if (data != null) stampedData.addAll(data);
try {
print('Updating document : $path with $stampedData');
final DocumentReference documentReference = _fireStore.document(path);
await documentReference.updateData(stampedData);
} on PlatformException catch (error) {
throw UserFriendlyException('Operation Failed', error.message);
Which updates a certain document. But I keep getting the following error
Write failed at groups/YUUjiGgQ6De4IMshWmRF: Status{code=PERMISSION_DENIED, description=Missing or insufficient permissions., cause=null}
Because I have the following rule
incomingData().keys().hasOnly(['updatedAt', 'displayName']) == true
So I tested how many keys there actually are and it turns out there are 5 keys
function isValidGroupRename(){
return incomingData().keys().hasAll(['updatedAt', 'displayName']) == true &&
incomingData().keys().size() < 6
Because this functions passes the test but < 5 does not. When I look at the data object right before the I call the update, so this line print('Updating document : $path with $stampedData'); it tells me that I only update 2 values
Updating document : groups/YUUjiGgQ6De4IMshWmRF with {updatedAt: FieldValue(Instance of 'MethodChannelFieldValue'), displayName: jjjjjgi}
So does FieldValue.serverTimestamp() add on fields? And if so what are those fields so I can check for them.

By the time it hits your security rules, FieldValue.serverTimestamp() has been converted into a normal Date and time value. No extra data is written.
A common mistake however is expecting that request.resource only contains the data that is written from the client. It actually contains the data as it will exist after the operation completes (if successful).
So if there are 5 fields in the doc, and you're updating 2 of them: request.resource will contain 5 fields, 2 of which are updated.
Also see:
Number of update fields in firestore security rules
Allow update on single field in firestore


Dart Generic Function with Subtype function call

I am not sure if this is even possible but here's my setup:
I have basically 2 Maps holding a special identifier to get some objects.
these identifier is like a versioning number, i may have data in version 8 that belongs to meta version 5. But at the same time, Meta versions up to 10 may exist and not every meta version holds information about every data, so here's where the _filter kicks in.
The filter is able to find to any given value the correct object. So far so good.
My question belongs to the following: (last codeline)
how am i able to say "if you have no matching candidate, generate me a default value"
For this purpose, i tried to force a named constructor with a super class for "Data" and "Meta" called "BasicInformation".
But even if i implement this, how do i call something like T.namedConstructor(); ?
class Repo{
Map<int, Data> mapData;
Map<int, Meta> mapMeta;
Data getData(int value)
return _filter<Data>(mapData, value);
Meta getMeta(int value)
return _filter<Data>(mapMeta, value);
T _filter<T extends BasicInformation>(Map<int, T>, int value)
//fancy filtering technique
//speudo code
if (found) return map[found]; //speudo code
else return T.generateDefault();
I've found the following stackoverflow entry: Calling method on generic type Dart
which says, this is not possible without adding a function call.

different directory access in firebase realtime database for dialogflow fulfillment

I'm a newbie in node.js(firebase functions) and Dialogflow fulfillment, I want to retrieve data in a different directory. first is to check the nearest store, and then check the inventory of the store in a different directory, but I have a problem with return. so how I can fix it?
app.intent('location_checking - yes',(conv)=> {
var store= database.ref('store');
var inventory = database.ref('inventory);
var keystore=[];
return store.orderByKey().on("child_added", function(snapshot){
return inventory.child(keystore).on("value", function(snapshot){
var tomato =snapshot.val().tomato;
//and then check the nearest store with available stock
You have a few issues, some of them conceptual.
The first is that you're using on() and the "child_added" event. But since this is happening inside an Intent Handler, which only gets triggered when the user has done something, you can't also listen to conventional events and react to them. Instead, you should probably use once() with a "value" event - so you query for the values you want and work with them.
Second is that the Intent Handler expects you to return a Promise if you are doing any asynchronous operations - anything that would require a callback handler, for example. This would require some restructuring in how you make the calls to once(), so they return a Promise, and you take action in a .then() block. Since you can chain Promises together using .then(), you can make multiple calls this way.
I'm not sure that ordering by key will get you the "closest" store, but I'll ignore that for the moment to illustrate the rest of the code.
So that part of your code might look something like
return store.orderByKey().once("value")
.then( snapshot => {
// Handle the results
// ...
// Make the next query
return inventory.child( childKey ).once("value");
.then( snapshot => {
// Handle the inventory results
You can also do this with async/await by making your Intent Handler an async function and then calling await on the database calls. Possibly something like.
app.intent('location_checking - yes', async (conv) => {
const store= database.ref('store');
const inventory = database.ref('inventory);
const storeSnapshot = await store.orderByKey().once("value");
// Do something with the store snapshot
const inventorySnapshot = await inventory.child( childKey ).once("value");
// Do stuff with the inventory snapshot

"Guid should contain 32 digits" serilog error with sql server sink

I am getting this error occasionally with the MSSQLServer sink. I can't see what's wrong with this guid. Any ideas? I've verified in every place I can find the data type of the source guid is "Guid" not a string. I'm just a bit mystified.
Guid should contain 32 digits with 4 dashes (xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx).Couldn't store <"7526f485-ec2d-4ec8-bd73-12a7d1c49a5d"> in UserId Column. Expected type is Guid.
The guid in this example is:
seems to match the template to me?
Further details:
This is an occasional issue, but when it arises it arises a lot. It seems to be tied to specific Guids. Most Guids are fine, but a small subset have this issue. Our app logs thousands of messages a day, but these messages are not logged (because of the issue) so it is difficult for me to track down exactly where the specific logs that are causing this error come from. However, we use a centralized logging method that is run something like this. This test passes for me, but it mirrors the setup and code we use for logging generally, which normally succeeds. As I said, this is an intermittent issue:
public void Foobar()
// arrange
var columnOptions = new ColumnOptions
AdditionalColumns = new Collection<SqlColumn>
new SqlColumn {DataType = SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier, ColumnName = "UserId"},
columnOptions.Properties.ExcludeAdditionalProperties = true;
var badGuid = new Guid("7526f485-ec2d-4ec8-bd73-12a7d1c49a5d");
var connectionString = "Server=(localdb)\\MSSQLLocalDB;Database=SomeDb;Trusted_Connection=True;MultipleActiveResultSets=true";
var logConfiguration = new LoggerConfiguration()
.WriteTo.MSSqlServer(connectionString, "Logs",
restrictedToMinimumLevel: LogEventLevel.Information, autoCreateSqlTable: false,
columnOptions: columnOptions)
.WriteTo.Console(restrictedToMinimumLevel: LogEventLevel.Information);
Log.Logger = logConfiguration.CreateLogger();
// Suspect the issue is with this line
LogContext.PushProperty("UserId", badGuid);
// Best practice would be to do something like this:
// using (LogContext.PushProperty("UserId", badGuid)
// {
Log.Logger.Information(new FormatException("Foobar"),"This is a test");
// }
One thing I have noticed since constructing this test code is that the "PushProperty" for the UserId property is not captured and disposed. Since behaviour is "undefined" in this case, I am inclined to fix it anyway and see if the problem goes away.
full stack:
2020-04-20T08:38:17.5145399Z Exception while emitting periodic batch from Serilog.Sinks.MSSqlServer.MSSqlServerSink: System.ArgumentException: Guid should contain 32 digits with 4 dashes (xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx).Couldn't store <"7526f485-ec2d-4ec8-bd73-12a7d1c49a5d"> in UserId Column. Expected type is Guid.
---> System.FormatException: Guid should contain 32 digits with 4 dashes (xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx).
at System.Guid.GuidResult.SetFailure(Boolean overflow, String failureMessageID)
at System.Guid.TryParseExactD(ReadOnlySpan`1 guidString, GuidResult& result)
at System.Guid.TryParseGuid(ReadOnlySpan`1 guidString, GuidResult& result)
at System.Guid..ctor(String g)
at System.Data.Common.ObjectStorage.Set(Int32 recordNo, Object value)
at System.Data.DataColumn.set_Item(Int32 record, Object value)
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at System.Data.DataColumn.set_Item(Int32 record, Object value)
at System.Data.DataRow.set_Item(DataColumn column, Object value)
at Serilog.Sinks.MSSqlServer.MSSqlServerSink.FillDataTable(IEnumerable`1 events)
at Serilog.Sinks.MSSqlServer.MSSqlServerSink.EmitBatchAsync(IEnumerable`1 events)
at Serilog.Sinks.PeriodicBatching.PeriodicBatchingSink.OnTick()
This issue was caused because someone created a log message with a placeholder that had the same name as our custom data column, but was passing in a string version of a guid instead of one typed as a guid.
Very simple example:
var badGuid = "7526f485-ec2d-4ec8-bd73-12a7d1c49a5d";
var badGuidConverted = Guid.Parse(badGuid); // just proving the guid is actually valid.
var goodGuid = Guid.NewGuid();
using (LogContext.PushProperty("UserId",goodGuid))
Log.Logger.Information("This is a problem with my other user {userid} that will crash serilog. This message will never end up in the database.", badGuid);
The quick fix is to edit the message template to change the placeholder from {userid} to something else.
Since our code was centralized around the place where the PushProperty occurs, I put some checks in there to monitor for this and throw a more useful error message in the future when someone does this again.
I don't see anything obvious in the specific code above that would cause the issue. The fact that you call PushProperty before setting up Serilog would be something I would change (i.e. set up Serilog first, then call PushProperty) but that doesn't seem to be the root cause of the issue you're having.
My guess, is that you have some code paths that are logging the UserId as a string, instead of a Guid. Serilog is expecting a Guid value type, so if you give it a string representation of a Guid it won't work and will give you that type of exception.
Maybe somewhere in the codebase you're calling .ToString on the UserId before logging? Or perhaps using string interpolation e.g. Log.Information("User is {UserId}", $"{UserId}");?
For example:
var badGuid = "7526f485-ec2d- 4ec8-bd73-12a7d1c49a5d";
LogContext.PushProperty("UserId", badGuid);
Log.Information(new FormatException("Foobar"), "This is a test");
Or even just logging a message with the UserId property directly:
var badGuid = "7526f485-ec2d-4ec8-bd73-12a7d1c49a5d";
Log.Information("The {UserId} is doing work", badGuid);
Both snippets above would throw the same exception you're having, because they use string values rather than real Guid values.

propertyChanged for server calculated property not firing anymore in 1.4.12

i'm displaying a server calculated value to the enduser by using propertyChanged event.
i was using breeze 1.4.8 and i'm using the productivity stack (ms sql, web api, ef)
It was working fine.
Recently i've updated to 1.4.12 and i recognized that this event doesn't get fired anymore.
The property "A_ProvisionTotal" gets calculated serverside only.
var token = vm.transaction.entityAspect.propertyChanged.subscribe(propertyChanged);
function propertyChanged(propertyChangedArgs) {
var propertyName = propertyChangedArgs.propertyName;
if (vm.transaction.tblEmployees.CalculationMethod == "A" && propertyName == "A_ProvisionTotal")
logSuccess('Provision neuberechnet' + '<br/>' + 'Aktuell: ' + $filter('number')(vm.transaction.Provision, 2), true);
Let me know if this is a known regression and if you need more snippets.
A couple of thoughts for how you could accomplish your desired functionality.
The entity could remember the last calculated value in a private field. Then whenever the recalculation gets triggered, you can compare the new value to the last calculated value and if there is no change, ignore the new calculated value.
Alternatively, you could define the properties involved in your calculation as ES5 properties in the entity ctor function and then trigger the calculation in the setter of the relevant properties, when they get set with a new value. More information here: ES5 properties are convenient if you want to build behavior such as your calculation into setters.
Update 3
This is not a bug - see the response to this post that describes this as a documented and deliberate behavior.
Update 2 June 2014
I overlooked a key fact in your question ... one that only became clear to me after I looked at the code you included in your comments. Let me extract the key pieces for other readers:
Your test issues a query, then saves an unrelated change to the server (where the property-of-interest is updated server-side), then checks if that telltale property-of-interest raises propertyChanged when the save result is merged back into cache.
var query = EntityQuery.from("Orders").where('id', 'eq', 10248);
// querySucceed receives order 10248, updates an unrelated property (so you can save),
// wires up a propertyChanged listener and saves, returning the saveChanges promise
function checkPropertyChanged(saveResults) {
var saved = saveResults.entities[0];
// this passes because the server-side change to `Freight` was returned
ok(saved && saved.Freight() === 1200.00,
"freight got changed serverside");
// this fails because Breeze did not notify you that the `Freight` had changed
ok(notifications[0].propertyName === "Freight",
"notified serverside change of Freight Property");
Summarizing, you expected that a property change on the server would trigger a propertyChanged notification on the client when the entity data are re-retrieved from the server as a by-product of saveChanges.
Do I have that right?
Our documentation was not clear on whether the merge of query, save, and import entity results would raise propertyChanged.
I discussed internally and confirmed that these operations SHOULD raise propertyChanged. I also wrote another (somewhat simpler) test that reveals the bug you discovered: that merged save results may not raise propertyChanged.
We'll look into it and tell you when we've fixed it. Thanks for discovering it.
We have regression tests that show that the Breeze EntityAspect.propertyChanged event is raised in v.1.4.12. For example, you can see it at work in the DocCode sample, "basicTodoTests.js"; scroll to: "Breeze propertyChanged raised when any property changes".
Can you confirm that it really is a Breeze failure? Perhaps the property you are changing is not actually an entity property? Sometimes you think you are changing an entity (e.g, your Transaction entity) but the thing whose property you changed isn't actually an entity. Then the problem is that the data you thought would be mapped to a Transaction was not ... and you can start looking for that quite different problem.
In any case, I suggest that you write a small test to confirm your suspicion ... most importantly for yourself ... and then for us. That will help us discover what is different about your scenario from our scenarios. We'll fix it if you can find it. Thanks.
Actually, I'm not sure that this is a bug. Property change events DO get fired during a save merge but the property name parameter is documented as being 'null' when fired as a result of a save.
From the API Docs for the 'propertyName' parameter returned by EntityAspect.propertyChanged:
The name of the property that changed. This value will be 'null' for operations that replace the entire entity. This includes queries, imports and saves that require a merge. The remaining parameters will not exist in this case either.
What may have happened between 1.4.8 and 1.4.13 is that we actually implemented our design spec more carefully and probably introduced your breaking behavior. ( which we should have documented as such but likely missed).
Update by Ward
I updated the DocCode test which first confirmed the behavior described in your question and then confirmed the documented behavior.
We do regret that we apparently neglected to implement the documented behavior earlier and that we didn't mention the breaking change in our release notes (since updated).
Here's that test:
asyncTest("propertyChanged raised when merged save result changes a property", 3, function () {
var em = newTodosEm();
var todo = em.createEntity('TodoItem', {Description: "Saved description" });
ok(todo.entityAspect.isBeingSaved, "new todo is in the act of being saved");
// This change should be overwritten with the server value when the save result is returned
// even though the entity is in an Added state and the MergeStrategy is PreserveChanges
// because save expects to merge server values into an entity it is saving
todo.Description("Changed on client before save returns");
var descriptionChanged = false;
todo.entityAspect.propertyChanged.subscribe(function (changeArgs) {
// Watch carefully! The subscription is called twice during merge
// 1) propertyName === "Id" (assigned with permanent ID)
// 2) propertyName === null (WAT?)
// and not called with propertyName === "Description" as you might have thought.
// Actually 'null' means "merged a lot of properties"
// Documented:
// The reason for this: don't want to fire a ton of events on whole entity load
// especially when merging many entities at the same time.
if (changeArgs.propertyName === null || changeArgs.propertyName === 'Description') {
descriptionChanged = true;
function saveSucceeded(saveResult) {
var saved = saveResult.entities[0];
// passes
equal(saved && saved.Description(), "Saved description",
"the merge after save should have restored the saved description");
// fails
"should have raised propertyChanged after merge/update of 'Description' property");

While Adding New Entity, Identity value is not generated

I am running into problem, where i extend the Entity to expose hasValidationError. Without that it works fine. Also i found that if I supply the ID before adding the entity it works fine as well. Why is the ID field not auto generating once the entity is extended on the client.
I am now using little different version of the code(i find it more intuitive to extend the entity this way), but it still errors out in the same way.
var Country = function () {
console.log("Country initialized");
var self = this;
self.Country_ID = ko.observable("");
self.Country_Code = ko.observable("");
self.Country_Name = ko.observable().extend({
validation: {
validator: function (val, someOtherVal) {
return false;//val === someOtherVal;
message: 'Invalid Value!',
params: 5
var prop = ko.observable(false);
var onChange = function () {
var hasError = self.entityAspect.getValidationErrors().length > 0;
if (prop() === hasError) {
// collection changed even though entity net error state is unchanged
prop.valueHasMutated(); // force notification
} else {
prop(hasError); // change the value and notify
// observable property is wired up; now add it to the entity
self.hasValidationErrors = prop;
//dummy property to wireup event
//should not be used for any other purpose
self.hasError = ko.computed(
read: function () {
self.entityAspect // ... and when errors collection changes
// required because entityAspect property will not be available till Query
// return some data
deferEvaluation: true
self.fullName = ko.computed(
function () {
return self.Country_Code() + " --- " + self.Country_Name();
store.registerEntityTypeCtor("Country", Country);
and then in the button click i am using the following code to create new entity.
var countryType = manager.metadataStore.getEntityType("Country");
var newCountry = countryType.createEntity();
//newCountry.Country_ID(200); //if i add this line no errors occurs
manager.addEntity(newCountry); // validation error occurs right after this line
Entities will only get their own autogenerated key if the metadata for their type specifies that this is supported. i.e.
if (myEntityType.autoGeneratedKeyType === AutoGeneratedKeyType.Identity)
This setting means that the key property of the entity is automatically generated by the server, typically for an 'Identity' column on your database.
if (myEntityType.autoGeneratedKeyType === AutoGeneratedKeyType.KeyGenerated)
This setting means that you have a server side KeyGenerator that can generate the key for you.
By default, however, myEntityType.autoGeneratedKeyType will equal AutoGeneratedKeyType.None.
In either of the other two cases, breeze will generate a temporary key on the client and then fix it up after a save completes with a 'real' key generated on the server.
If you do not need this capability, then simply create your own ctor for your type that generates a unique key and set it there. see MetadataStore.registerEntityTypeCtor for more details on how to register your ctor.
We are planning on improving our documentation in this area but haven't yet gotten there. I hope this helps.
Perhaps there is nothing wrong at all. How do you know that the id generation is failing? Is it a negative number after adding the newCountry to the manager? It should be.
What is the validation error that you are getting? Does it relate to Country_ID? Perhaps you have a validation constraint (e.g., minimum value) on Country_ID?
The addhasValidationErrorsProperty entity initializer works as intended. I just added a teaching test to the DocCode sample (see "Can create employee after registering addhasValidationErrorsProperty initializer" in entityExtensionTests.js). We haven't deployed it as I write this but you can get it from GitHub.
It follows your example as best I can with the Northwind Employee entity which has an identity id (Employee_ID). The test shows adding the initializer that I wrote in the previous post (not as you may have rewritten it). It shows that the new Employee's id is zero before adding to the manager and becomes -1 after adding to the manager. The -1 is the temporary id of the new employee; it receives a permanent value after save.
The default validationOptions of an EntityManager are set so to validate an entity when it is attached (or added) to the manager. You can change that behavior to suit your needs.
The new employee is in an invalid state when created; it lacks the required First and Last name values (the test displays these errors). Therefore the hasValidationErrors observable becomes true after adding the new employee to the manager and the hasValidationErrors observable raises a change notification that a Knockout UI would hear; these test shows these two points.
