jsPDF custom page size setting broken in version 1.5.3 - jspdf

I have a code to set custom page size for a pdf document in jsPDF version 1.4.1. I upgraded the jsPDF library to version 1.5.3 and see that the custom page size setting is badly broken.
I found out that there is a commit
that resolves the issue i was talking about. I added that fix in my local jsPDF 1.5.3 code and see that issue is resolved.
We see that the version 1.5.3 is the latest released version and that does not include the fix.
How can we get this fix ?


Android: Removing OpenCV older version will resolve Libpng Vulnerability warning?

I got an email from Google play store regarding - "Google Play warning: You are using a vulnerable version of libpng".
Email contains the below information -
I didn't use libpng library in my application anywhere. But, In my android application, I am using the OpenCV2.4.5 library. After searching in the internet, I came to know that the OpenCV library uses the libpng.
My question - The upgrading of OpenCV2.4.5 to OpenCV3.1.0 will resolve "vulnerable version of libpng" warning?
The vulnerable version of libpng in OpenCV 2.4.x was updated in OpenCV
It can be downloaded from here.
As #Simon says, OpenCV 3.x is not affected.
More info: #6694 OpenCV 2.x uses vulnerable version of libpng
Yes, now confirmed with Google: Updating to 3.1.0 will fix the issue - I've upgraded one of my apps to 3.1.0, and while there's a bit of a bug in Google's detection of this vulnerability, I've had confirmation from a support representative that the new version is not vulnerable to this issue.
Previous answer:
No - I've upgraded to 3.1.0 and still get the warning. Edit: see below for update
The OpenCV Android SDK hasn't been updated since December 2015, so hopefully a newer version this year will use a fixed version of libpng.
Edit: some odd behaviour on Google Play, and some digging into the version of libpng that that OpenCV 3.1.0 uses leads me to think that 3.1.0 is not vulnerable. I updated my app and the vulnerability warning was still there (with its warning text updated to the new APK version number). Now, however, Google Play has dismissed the alert, though it still confusingly refers to the new version as vulnerable.

Highcharts Standalone Framework is empty

I downloaded Highcharts using bower. The file bower_components/highcharts/adapters/standalone-framework.js is empty. I also looked at the CDN version at http://code.highcharts.com/adapters/standalone-framework.js - it's also empty. Is this intentional?
Since 4.2 version, the standalone-framework is included in the highcharts.js core.
More information you can find here: http://www.highcharts.com/component/content/article/2-news/198-highcharts-drops-adapters

dart polymer and hangouts_api incompatible versions

I am trying to use dart hangouts_api and polymer at the same time and I get the following error:
Incompatible version constraints on browser:
- hangouts_api 0.3.0 depends on version >=0.9.0 <0.10.0
- polymer 0.15.1 depends on version >=0.10.0 <0.11.0
Mu pubspec.yaml file refers to the current version of each.
I cannot use anything but the lastest version of each as the suggested alternatives are years old. Is there a work around? To whom should I report this to (assuming it is a bug)?
Just create an issue in the hangouts_api GitHub repo and ask to bring dependencies up to date or even better, create a pull request.
As a workaround you can force a specific version by adding
see also https://www.dartlang.org/tools/pub/dependencies.html#dependency-overrides

PhoneGap 3.3 HideKeyboardFormAccessoryBar not working

I am using PhoneGap 3.3.0-0.19.6 and Cordova 3.3.1-0.4.2 but HideKeyboardFormAccessoryBar=true doesn't work. I checked other related questions and the solution (at least for PhoneGap 2.7) is to edit CDViewController.m (under Classes/Cleaver), but apparently this file is missing in Phonegap 3.3
Please help!
I use KeyBoard plugin to fix this problem. (I'm currently in phonegap 3.4.0)
To download it, either
Type 'cordova plugin add https://github.com/apache/cordova-plugins.git#dev:keyboard' in your project folder
Or type 'phonegap local plugin add org.apache.cordova.keyboard', and update the newest code from KeyBoard plugin.
For Further infomation, visit phonegap CB-3020 jira. (sorry, I not allow to post more than 2 links)
Good Luck!

Where is Auto Layout box in Xcode 4.0.1

I'm trying to compile for a binary but am getting an error on 4 files stating:
Interface Builder was unable to determine the type of “FileName.xib".
I got some feedback saying I should disable the Use Auto Layout feature, but can't find it. I've attached a screen shot of what my editor looks like, where I should be seeing the option (I've narrowed the image to be more portable).
Is this a version issue? At the moment I'm stuck with Xcode 4.0.1.
Thanks for any and all help.
Autolayout isn't supported in 4.0.
Use latest version of Xcode then you can see
