How to create clickable magnet URL in discord embeds - post

In the embed description I have the magnet url [Link]({{}}). How do I make this clickable? I would like it to open the available torrent client. Would appreciate any suggestions.

Well, I don't know about the bot but discord has made magnet links unclickable for security reasons. I suggest you use the magnet link.
Also, the correct form is [link text](magnet link). I don't see a reason why you have so many {{}}.


How to check sources who join my channel on Telegram?

I have a Telegram channel and I share links on YouTube, Facebook, blogs and other sites. So my question is how to know from what source the user joined?
Please help me to solve it. Thanks.
For that you'll need to use URL shortening services like, that provides analytics on visiting generated URLs. So you can generate and share them instead of direct URLs.
Also, you can add/implement similar functionality to your blog site and track UTM-labels together with others (that you probably use) in service like Google Analytics.
There is no way because when you share anywhere your channel path stays fixed, telegram doesn't support that.

Sharing text message to Instagram Direct

I want to find way sharing text message to Instagram Direct. I already find URL scheme in Instagram dev doc, but there is no one word about sharing to direct. I also check some third part libraries - nothing helpful. If sharing to Direct is impossible with using URL scheme, maybe you know another way for this. Thanks for all advice.
Unfortunately this is not possible but other alternatives you could try is to screen shot you text messages or copying and pasting your messages in Instagram direct and sending them.
I hope this has been helpful.
A Bit Late To Answer (Aug 2022)
This is a similar topic that I answered earlier, I was successfully able to achieve the solution, please refer to my solution on the link:
Precisely, there is a deep link available to solve this,

Opencart track external links

I am trying to find a way or a module for Opencart (1.5.6 xx) so I can track external links.
On a page link name is: and the URL something like
Any help or directions would be fantabulous.
why not use google analytic's or google tag manager. I know they are the best and are really accurate to track tags. Easy to use and it's google.

Dynamic Changing URL (Link Redirector) Service?

I wanted to see if there is a service out there that can dynamically change a URL
Ex. If I wanted someone to go to a landing page like and I used a link shortner like so I would provide the URL like and it would direct customers to
But I want to be able to change the URL extension to landing2016, landing2017 etc without changing the web link, is this possible?
Sorry if my question isn't using the correct terminology, as I'm a bit new to this stuff.
Linkredirector is a dynamic URL shortener that lets you change the destination URLs of your links. As long as you register an account you can login and edit your links.
Disclaimer, I work at Linkredirector.
Yourls seems to be an interesting option, if you don't mind installing the service on your own website. Additionally, seems to allow you to change the link through their API.

linkedin hiding/editing short URL

I was looking through different forums, but didn't find anything related to my small issue...
Clickable title
And the is gonna be of small font and gray color.
Is it possible somehow to hide/edit/ask LinkedIn not to show that small gray formatted domain of the submitted link? It's pretty crucial for my project, and any help would be highly appreciated...
This isn't possible using the LinkedIn API (nor using the website). The only thing I could think of would be to use your own URL shortener and share that link instead.
