Is there a way to hide the chart borders while converting Google Sheets into PDFs? - google-sheets

The grey chart borders show up, no matter what you do in Google sheets, when converted into PDF. Is there any other way or script to make it hide while PDF conversion?

For anyone still struggling with this issue, there is a workaround where you can set the border colour to white instead of choosing no border. With this change, PDF export won't show any border lines.

There is a quick hack to solve this issue instead of setting the border color to full white set the border color to another white color in custom border colors.

There's a little hack you can use, use a light color as the border color anything but white as it didn't work, you can use a very light grey color something like #fcfcfc. Worked for me perfectly.

in case anyone stil struggles with this - dont save as .pdf directly but use the Print -> print to pdf function.
Hope it helps.


Creating a transparent color within a string palette

I am working within Google Earth Engine and am trying to create a no-color/completely transparent color (no boarder and no fill). Below is a line of code where the first color should be the transparent "color". Basically I want my min value to not show up in the map at all.
Map.addLayer(image, {min: 0, max: 3, palette: [transparent, '#0571b0', '#FFDF00', '#ca0020']},'image');
I have tried creating a variable to set a color as completely transparent (change the opacity to 0), but the palette command cannot take variables. Only strings. I've also read SVG fill color transparency, but do not understand how to change the opacity of that specific color without creating a variable (which again, palette doesn't allow). Lastly, I tried adding 00 to the end of another color, but that did not work either.
Any suggestions?
I was never able to find a solution to this and ended up just going with a white back ground. It was purely for a nicer aesthetic look to allow a basemap to be seen. If I ever come across a solution, I'll be sure to post it.
I had the same question. I found the solution in the developer group.
See the answers:
The Solution:
// create your previous mask
image = image.eq(1)
// mask and set the opacity
image = image.mask(image.mask().where(image.eq(0),0.0))

Skip a particular color in smart invert mode of accessibility

Is there any way to skip a particular color in whole app when device is in smart invert mode of accessibility?
I don't want the blue color in my app to be inverted. I have am image which have black and blue color text in it. I want the black color text to be inverted but want to skip blue color.
Any help would be appreciated.
P.S -I am familiar with accessibilityIgnoresInvertColors. But this property can be applied on uiview or object but i need to skip a color.
do it inside the appcolor constant file :- you can check UIAccessibilityIsInvertColorsEnabled() if its true then return clear color else reurn the blue color.

how change a part of image color no the entire image

what I want to do is change only the black color of my original image to another color, and keep for example white color of my image
what I have tried is:
cell.iconeEcoute?.image = cell.iconeEcoute?.image!.imageWithRenderingMode(UIImageRenderingMode.AlwaysTemplate)
cell.iconeEcoute?.tintColor = colorHexIcone
But this code change the entire image color, and I want to keep green color and replace only black color in the image
any help would be appreciated
You can achieve it by taking separate View. Then give different color and alpha as you want. and you will see that part in different color.

Shading areas in coreplot, with outlined line

Does anyone know how to achieve this in coreplot?
I can get the graph with the solid green and red lines, without the shading. And I can get the semi-transparent shading, without the solid green and red line. I cannot seem to get both. :)
You should be able to do this with only two plots, one for each color. Set both the dataLineStyle and areaFill for each plot. Be sure to set the areaBaseValue for each plot at or below the bottom of the plot so the fill extends all the way down.

use image to fill bars in highchart?

Can we use an image pattern to fill the bar of highchart barcharts.?
In this link
the bars are colored as blue,maroon and green but what i am looking for is to fill them with an image which i have.Is it doable?
Borrowing from this question, I've put together a demostration here.
Using one of the original Google doodles:
