Docker Update Code in Volume with Gitlab CI / CD - docker

i am learning docker and i just encountered a problem i cannot solve.
I want to update source code in my docker swarm nodes when i make changes and push them. I just have a index php which echos "Hello World" and shows phpinfo. I am using data volumes since its recommended for production ( bind mounts for dev ).
my problem is: how to i update source code while using volumes? whats the best practice for this scenario?
Currently when i push changes to gitlab in my index php my gitlab-runner recreates the Docker Image and updates my swarm service.
This works when i change the php version in my Dockerfile but changes in index.php wont be affected.
My example Dockerfile looks like this. i just copy the index.php to /var/www/html in the container and thats it.
When i deploy my swarm stack the first time everything works
FROM php:7.4.5-apache
# copy files
COPY src/index.php /var/www/html/
# apahe settings
RUN echo 'ServerName localhost' >> /etc/apache2/apache2.conf
My gitlab-ci.yml looks like this
build docker image:
stage: build
- docker build -t $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE:latest .
- docker push $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE:latest
- build-image
deploy docker image:
stage: deploy
- docker service update --with-registry-auth --image $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE:latest
- deploy-stack

Docker images generally contain an application's source code and the dependencies required to run it. Volumes are used for persistent data that needs to be preserved across changes to the underlying application. Imagine a database: if you upgraded from somedb:1.2.3 to somedb:1.2.4, you'd need to replace the database application binary (in the image) but would need to preserve the actual database contents (in a volume).
Especially in a clustered environment, don't try storing your application code in volumes. If you delete the part of your deployment setup that attempts this, then when containers redeploy with an updated image, they'll see the updated code.


GitLab Docker Runner to reuse installed software layers

A very typical scenario with GitLab CI is to install a few packages you need for your jobs (linters, code coverage tools, deployment-specific helpers and so on) and to then run your actual stages/steps of a building, testing and deploying your software.
The Docker runner is a very neat and clean solution, but it seems very wasteful to always run the steps that install the base software. Normally, Docker is able to cache such layers, but with the way the GitLab Docker runner works, that doesn't happen.
Do we realize that setting up another project to produce pre-configured Docker images would be one solution, but are there any better ones? Basically, what we want to say is: "If the before section hasn't changed, you can reuse the image from last time, no need to reinstall wget or whatever".
Any solution like that out there?
You can use the registry of your gitlab project.
stage: build
image: docker
- docker:dind
- docker login -u gitlab-ci-token -p $CI_JOB_TOKEN $CI_REGISTRY # login
# pull the current image or in case the image does not exit, do not stop the script:
- docker pull $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE:latest || true
# build with the pulled image as cache:
- docker build --pull --cache-from $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE:latest -t "$CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE:latest" .
# push the final image:
- docker push "$CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE:latest"
This way docker build will profit from the work done by the last run of the job. See the docs. Maybe you want to avoid unnecessary runs by some rules.

gitlab-ci and rancher residual images

I am working with a gitlab-ci server (with registry enabled).
Each time something is merged on master branch, i am building a docker image which contains all my source code.
Next, this image is deployed on a rancher server.
Here is an extract of my .gitlab-ci.yml file:
- docker build --cache-from=$CONTAINER_TEST_IMAGE --file=Dockerfile --tag=$CONTAINER_TEST_IMAGE .
- docker login -u gitlab-ci-token -p "$CI_BUILD_TOKEN" $CI_REGISTRY
image: cdrx/rancher-gitlab-deploy
- upgrade --stack mystack --service myservice --no-start-before-stopping --no-wait-for-upgrade-to-finish
Everything works: When i change something on my source code, if i push it to master branch, i can see updates on my production rancher server.
But i can see a lot of images and containers with this commands:
docker images -a
docker ps -a
This images and containers are growing each time i am pushing something on master. I have the same problem on gitlab-ci server and rancher server.
So my question is: How can i automatically delete thoses images and containers ?
If this is rancher version 1.x, look in the catalog and see if the item called "Janitor" will help. We use it to remove images left-over from build agents.

Integrating docker with gitlab-ci - how does the docker image get built and used?

I was previously using the shell for my gitlab runner to build my project. So far I have set up the pipeline that will run whatever commands I have set in the gitlab-ci.yml file seen below:
gitlab-ci.yml using shell runner
- npm install
- npm install --save #angular/material #angular/cdk
- node_modules/
- dev
- staging
- production
stage: dev
- rm ./package-lock.json
- npm run build
- ./node_modules/#angular/cli/bin/ng test --browsers PhantomJS --watch false
Now, I want to switch to a docker image. I have reconfigured the runner to use a docker image, and I specified the image in my new gitlab-ci.yml file seen below. I followed the gitlab-ci docker tutorial and this is where it left off so I'm not entirely sure where to go from here:
gitlab-ci.yml using docker runner
image: node:8.10.0
- npm install
- npm install --save #angular/material #angular/cdk
- node_modules/
- dev
- staging
- production
stage: dev
- rm ./package-lock.json
- npm run build
- ./node_modules/#angular/cli/bin/ng test --browsers PhantomJS --watch false
With my current gitlab-ci.yml file, how does this build a docker image/does it even build one? If it does, what does that mean? Currently the pipeline passed, but I have no idea if it did in a docker image or not (am I supposed to be able to tell?).
Also, let's say the docker image was created, ran the tests, and the pipeline passed; it should push the code to a new repository (not included in yml file yet). From what I gathered, the image isn't being pushed, it's just the code, right? So what do I do with this created docker image?
How does the Dockerfile get used? I see no link between the gitlab-ci.yml file and Dockerfile.
Do I need to surround all commands in the gitlab-ci.yml file in docker run <commands> or docker exec <commands>? Without including one of these 2 commands, it seems like it would just run on the server and not in a docker image.
I've seen people specify an image in both the gitlab-ci.yml file and Dockerfile. I have an angular project, and I specified an image of image: node:8.10.0. In the Dockerfile, should I specify the same image? I've seen some projects where they are completely different and I'm wondering what the use of both images are/if picking one image over another will severely impact my builds.
You have to take a different approach on building your app if you want to fully dockerize it. Export angular things into Dockerfile and get docker operations inside your .gitlab-ci instead of angular stuff like here:
- build
# - release
# - deploy
.build_template: &build_definition
stage: build
image: docker:17.06
- docker:17.06-dind
- docker login -u gitlab-ci-token -p $CI_JOB_TOKEN $CI_REGISTRY
- docker pull $CONTAINER_RELEASE_IMAGE || true
- docker build --cache-from $CONTAINER_RELEASE_IMAGE -t $CONTAINER_IMAGE -f $DOCKERFILE ./
- docker push $CONTAINER_IMAGE
<<: *build_definition
<<: *build_definition
DOCKERFILE: ./Dockerfile
You can set up a few build jobs - for production, development, staging etc.
Right next to your .gitlab-ci.yaml you can put Dockerfile and - stands for building you angular app:
FROM node:10.5.0-stretch
RUN mkdir -p /usr/src/app
RUN mkdir -p /usr/src/remote
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
COPY . .
# do your commands here
Now with your app built, it can be served via a web server - it's your choice and a different configuration that follows with each choice - cant even scratch a surface here. That'd be implemented in Dockerfile - we usually use Nginx in our company.
From here on it's about releasing your images and deploying them. I've only specified how to build them in docker as it seems this is what the question is about.
If you want to deploy your image and run it somewhere - choose a provider - AWS, Heroku, own infrastructure - have it your way, but this is far too much to cover all those in a single answer so I'll leave it for another question when you specify where'd you like to deploy your newly built images and how would you like to serve it. In our company, we orchestrate things with Rancher, but there are multiple awesome and competing options in the market.
Edit for a custom registry
The above .gitlab-ci configuration works with Gitlab's "internal" registry only, in case you want to utilize your own registry, change the values accordingly:
#previous configs
- docker login -u mysecretlogin -p mysecretpasswd
# further configs
from -u gitlab-ci-token to your login in the registry,
from $CI_JOB_TOKEN to your password
from $CI_REGISTRY to your registry address
Those values should be stored in Gitlab's CI secret variables and referenced via env variables so that they are not saved in the repository.
Finally, your script might look like below in case you decided to protect these values. Refer to Gitlab's official docs on how to add secret CI variables - super easy task.
#previous configs
- docker login -u $registrylogin -p $registrypasswd $registryaddress
# further configs

In which path does docker and docker-in-docker run its containers?

I have a dockerized nginx server which I can build and run on my local machine without any problems. So now I want to deploy this with the help of a gitlab runner.
This is my simple dockerfile:
FROM nginx
COPY web /usr/share/nginx/html
So if I build and run this on my local machine, it works. But I have a first question at this point: Where does docker run the nginx server? Because if I look at /usr/share there is nothing there.
Now if I push my project to gitlab, register a runner and let it execute the following gitlab-ci file:
image: docker:stable
- docker:dind
- docker info
- docker build -t bd24_nginx .
- docker run -d -p 80:80 bd24_nginx
... the job gets done just fine. There are no errors in the console output of the gitlab page. This is the output:
Successfully built 9903dc370422
Successfully tagged bd24_nginx:latest
$ docker run -d -p 80:80 bd24_nginx
Job succeeded
But if I now visit the ip address of my server, the static html test page doesn't show up. So I suspect there is something wrong with the paths? Or is there anything I am missing completely?
Thanks in advance.
Using docker means the data are copied in the corresponding container. When docker has finished running, the container does not keep any data.
You might try to mount some host directory to the docker in order to have a persistent storage.
See this answer for instance.
Hope this helps!

How to push multiple images needed for docker-compose to GitLab registry in GitLab CI?

I recently got into CI/CD, and a good starting point for me was GitLab, since they provide an easy interface for that and i got started about what pipelines and stages are, but i have run into some kind of contradictory thought about GitLab CI running on Docker.
My app runs on Docker Compose. It contains (blah blah) that makes it easy to build & run containers. Each service in the Docker Compose creates a single Docker container, excepting the php-fpm one, which is able to do the thing called "horizontal scale", so I can scale it later.
I will use that Docker Compose for production, I am currently using it in development and I want to use it too in CI/CD pipelines.
However the .gitlab-ci.yml provides support for only one image, so I have to build it and push it to either their GitLab Registry or Docker Hub in order to pull it later in the CI/CD process.
How can I build my Docker Compose's service as a single image in order to push it to the Registry/Docker so I can pull it in the CI/CD?
My project contains a docker folder and a docker-compose.yml. In the docker folder, each service has its own separate directory (php-fpm, nginx, mysql, etc.) and each one (prepare yourself) contains a Dockerfile with build details, especially the php-fpm one (deps and libs are strong with this one)
Each service in the docker-compose.yml has a build context in each of their own folder.
If I was unclear, I can provide additonal info.
However the .gitlab-ci.yml provides support for only one image
This is not true. From the official documentation:
Your image will be named after the following scheme:
<registry URL>/<namespace>/<project>/<image>
GitLab supports up to three levels of image repository names.
Following examples of image tags are valid:
So the solution to your problem is simple - just build individual images and push them to GitLab container registry under different image name.
If you would like an example, my pipelines are set up like this:
.template: &build_template
image: docker:stable
- docker:dind
- docker pull $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE/$IMAGE_NAME:latest || true
- if [ -z ${CI_COMMIT_TAG+x} ];
then docker build
--cache-from $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE/$IMAGE_NAME:latest
else docker build
--cache-from $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE/$IMAGE_NAME:latest
- if [ -z ${CI_COMMIT_TAG+x} ]; then
- docker push $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE/$IMAGE_NAME:latest
<<: *build_template
IMAGE_NAME: image1
<<: *build_template
IMAGE_NAME: image2
And you should be able to pull the same image using $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE/$IMAGE_NAME:$CI_COMMIT_SHA in later pipeline jobs or your compose file (provided that the variables are passed to where you run your compose file).
You don't need dind to run a docker-compose stack. You can run multiple docker-compose up commands.
stage: test
- docker-compose -p $CI_JOB_ID up -d
- docker-compose -p $CI_JOB_ID exec -T /run/your/test/
- docker-compose -p $CI_JOB_ID down -v --remove-orphans || true
I think you search something like this
# .gitlab-ci.yml
image: docker
- docker:dind
- apk add --no-cache py-pip
- pip install docker-compose
- docker-compose up -d
Also good to know:
In Docker, what's the difference between a container and an image?
Building Docker images with GitLab CI/CD
I have a project of Drupal which contains two images: one for Drupal source code & another for MySQL database.
I tagged them:
docker build -t mysql/db
docker build -t src/drupal
Where is the url of the git site, and can be found under Container registry settings.
drupal is the group name,
blog is the project name,
blog_db is the image for database, mysql/db is the location for the Dockerfile, and likewise for the other image.
And then to push it to gitlab use:
docker push
docker push
Hope this might help someone.
