iOS, iPhone, Bluetooth discovery during call - ios

I am experiencing issues while trying to connect iOS app with a BLE device, during a call.
While not on a call the connection works fine and the phone and the BLE board connect instantaneously, however if there is a call, it's almost like the BT discovery is turned off completely.
I looked up everywhere and on Apple dev and couldn't find any info about changes to the discovery or BT antenna attenuation, during a call.
Does anyone have any ideas or any links they could point me to ?
Thank you !


iOS CoreBluetooth - Peripheral connect to Central within range

I have a basic BLE App that I am running with Objective-C. I am using PeripheralManager and running my iPhone8 as a peripheral with serivces, characteristics added.
What I would like to do is connect to a central device that I know by Device ID or when it comes within range.
I have written a BLE App for Android that does this now. All I have to do is trigger the device.connectGatt() when onConnectionStateChange() is connected. This is in the BluetoothGattServerCallback() eventHandler.
What is the equivant for this in iOS? Keep in mind I that this is at connected state, not when the central has subscribed for services. This seems obvious in BluetoothGatt on Android but not see anything obvious in iOS PeriphalManager.
Anyone done anything similar? Seems to be a basic question, please help.
In CoreBluetooth it is the central that makes the connection.
If you know the device-specific identifier for a peripheral (ie, you have previously discovered it on this central device) then you can attempt to retrieve a CBPeripheral instance from the central and then issue a connect. This will complete when the device comes into range. If you allow background mode then this connect can be completed when your app is in the background.

Ios Application connected in Background with device

i have an application that is connected with a chip by bluetooth.
Device and phone are constantly connected to calculate the distance between them by bluetooth delay in reply.
App is working fine in foreground.
When i go background the app is still running, but cannot connect to the device.
I already tried to fix with this guide: Core Bluetooth Programming Guide
but i didnt made it.
Some suggestion?
You need to introduce more detail.
Your app will not run in background mode even bluetooth connection is on.
But your app still have a chance to execute some code in a short time if some bluetooth event happen.
Connection lost.
Notification received.
If your application work like anti-loss bluetooth tag, you need
Enable background in iOS app.
Write your code in core bluetooth delegate.
And One reminder: Calculate distance based on bluetooth relay is not smart. Bluetooth communication is not designed to support this kind of feature.
It work on license free 2.4G band and human body has big impact on it.

Why, sometimes, do I need to restart the iOS Bluetooth (using the system button) to make my central manager able to connect successfully?

I'm developing an application on iOS and OS X Yosemite which is using CoreBluetooth on iOS and IOBluetooth on Mac.
The iOS app plays the "central" role while the Mac app is playing the "peripheral" role.
Basically, the iOS app (the central) starts a scan to find peripherals and when it finds a Mac advertising peripherals data, the central connects to it and can discover its services and characteristics.
My problem is that sometimes, I don't know why, the iOS app starts a scan to find a Mac advertising and when it finds it (this step work all the time), it tries to connect to it but never succeed.
To make it able to connect successfully to the peripheral again, I need to turn off and then turn on the Bluetooth from the iOS button.
Another strange thing is : imagine the central is in the same situation (trying to connect with no success). On OS X if I click on the Network icon (with the Wifi symbol) in the system status bar, then it will display the list of all available Wifi networks, and when it adds to the list my iPhone as a "Personal hotspot", at this time the central (which is on the iPhone) manages to connect to the peripheral (the Mac).
With this problem, the app usage is a lot compromised because randomly the iPhone will not be able to connect to the Mac.
I spent a lot of days on the internet (Google, Stackoverflow, ...) to find similar cases. I read a lot of articles and tried a lot of things like stopping the scan and starting it again if the connection didn't succeed after 10 seconds for example.
Don't hesitate to tell me if my question is not clear. I will update it if needed.
Thanks a lot in advance for your help.
I really need to find a way to fix this.
I don't have an answer (and not enough rep to comment) but I have been experiencing a very similar problem for months now. My iOS app which is playing the central role sometimes fails to discover services on the peripheral (linux) which can only be fixed by power cycling the bluetooth radio on my iOS device via settings/bluetooth. After bouncing the bluetooth radio, peripheral discovery appears to works perfectly.
I've found two reproducible cases: (1) If on my peripheral I completely swap out the service being advertised (i.e. change the service UUID and all characteristics) then the iOS peripheral will detect the peripheral with this new service during the scan, but service discovery fails. I find that peripheral:didDiscoverServices gets invoked, but the list of services is empty for this peripheral. (2) If on my peripheral, I modify the list of characteristics in any way (add a new one, remove one) the iOS app does not notice this change at all. During characteristics discovery, the same list of characteristics (prior to modification) is presented. Again, power-cycling the bluetooth radio on the iOS device appears to be the only thing that fixes this.
It appears as though iOS is caching BTLE peripheral services and characteristics upon discovering a new peripheral and the only way to flush this cache is to power cycle the bluetooth radio.

Connecting iOS to wireless device

I'm developing wireless gadgets to be controlled from different iOS Apps and I'm stuck with the connection and TCP messages part. Can anyone point me in what direction should I go?
To start, the first device is like a Belkin WeMo device. I've already added a network scanner with simple pings, but I don't fully understand the mechanism.

Bonjour not advertising over BT

I've been banging my head against this for the last week or so. I've already gone through the following resources:
StackOverflow: Bonjour over bluetooth WITHOUT Gamekit ? (3844189)
StackOverflow: How does Bonjour Over Bluetooth Work (3350094)
StackOverflow: Using iOS GameKit's “Bluetooth Bonjour” with other platforms (8070998)
Technical Q&A QA1753 -- Apple Developer
WiTap sample application
SRVResolver sample application
DNSSDObjects sample application
I'm using Mac OS 10.7, Xcode 4.5, an iPhone 4 with iOS 6, and an iPad 1 with iOS 5.1.1.
My problem is this: I am modifying an application that currently uses GameKit's peer picker to connect between an iPad and a iP{hone|od touch}. We want to modify this to use Bonjour over Bluetooth instead because we've had issues with reconnecting the devices using Gamekit if the connection is lost. I've used dns_sd.h API to some success and have gotten the service to advertise and resolve over wifi, but even though I am passing kDNSServiceFlagsIncludeP2P I am not getting any success over bluetooth.
I thought possibly Bluetooth Bonjour need a PAN established between devices already, but even pairing the iPad to the iMac and browsing for DNS-SD services gives me nothing...and the iPhone won't pair to the iPad anyway.
I just finished solving this in my own app in the last 24 hours. I used the core classes from the OS X sample app DNSSDObjects. I only had to change three lines of code to add support for bluetooth. This works great in my iOS app.
In DNSSDBrowser.m, the call to DNSServiceBrowse needs to have kDNSServiceFlagsIncludeP2P passed in for the 2nd parameter.
In DNSSDRegister.m, the call to DNSServiceRegister needs the same change.
In DNSSDService.m, the call to DNSServiceResolve also needs the same change.
If you want to limit yourself to just bluetooth, and not WiFi, then the same three lines of code should be updated so the 3rd parameter is kDNSServiceInterfaceIndexP2P instead of kDNSServiceInterfaceIndexAny.
Indeed, it looks like the kDNSServiceInterfaceIndexP2P flag won't work on OSX.
If you run the code on IOS, you'll notice that Bonjour will publish two IP Adresses: one for your local WiFi network, and an 169.xx.xx.xx adress for Bluetooth.
The same code on OSX never publishes the 169.xx.xx.xx adress, so it's only found over WiFi.
