Success: Trying to end Path at a certain point - path

EDIT: I have since implemented the feature and it looks great in my personal opinion, I have added a link to my game dev's instagram which has a preview video of the feature. Please have a look, and like the post if you like what you see because another opinion is valuable to me 😁
I'm wondering if anyone could please help me. I have a camera object which is set to View0 in a room 3416x1920 and then camera view set to 854x480. In this specific room I have 3 options pages I want the user to navigate to by using Paths and to stop once arrived on correct page (I have a system setup for navigation already, just needing help with Paths). How would I make the Path stop without resetting and going back to start point, at the moment it plays the Path and doesn't stop when hits end it'll just loop back to start.
I have included a photo diagram of what I'm trying to do, as well as a screenshot of my current Paths setup. Any help is much appreciated thanks.


Access show page instance variable and show it in application.html.erb

I am really stuck and hope you can help?
I have got everything working on the show page, I have looped through the audios I have added via a form and everything is working if you go into the individual meditations.
but I wanted the player to be persistent throughout the application, I am struggling to work out the best way to achieve this, so I thought I could grab the instance variable from the show page looping through and show the player, but I know this is not possible as application.html.erb does not know of the individual audios.
I'm really stuck at the mo hope you could share some light? Thanks
P.S sorry for being a noob!

Displaying Data From Firebase in iOS in 'Flashcards'

I am developing an iOS app that displays certain words from a Firebase database. The difference, however, is that I want to display the search results in a 'Flashcard' style. I have attached an image to give you an idea of what I am trying to do. I also want it to act as a button (i.e perform some actions when tapped). It would be great if you could help me give me an idea about how I could get this done. Thanks a lot]1
1.) Create a custom collection view. (Guide:
2.) Get started with Firebase. (How to get started:
3.) Setup everything you need for the collection view (Code)
4.) Retrieve values from Firebase. (
At least this is a start where you should begin. There is hundred of guides how to perform something like that, if you're googling the correct way. Once you get started, you should edit your post and ask more specific what you need help with and there will be a lot of people here who will help you out. But like someone said in the comments, it's not a code service. We're not building it for you. We're here to help you get in the right direction. (I know it's a pain in the beginning, and you will get confused a hundred of times. But that's the best way of learning.)
Good luck!

Check if App is started with GameCenter challenge

Hello Stackoverflow Community,
I would really like to get help of you, because i am at this problem for around 2 weeks now, and i could not even find something that would help me a bit.
If i get a challenge for my app and click on it, my app will open.
Is there a way to get the information on what challenge i clicked and let me display e.g. the score that i have to beat inside my game?
I tried getting the Arguments that the app is started with, but there is nothing that looks like challenge related data in there.
I already managed to get all the challenges for my game, but there is now way i can tell which one i clicked on with that method.
Thanks for you help.
As of this writing, when you click the notification or open the game via the game center, no useful information is passed to your game.
All I have found are hacky solutions, like putting descriptive text (maybe the requestor's name) in the invite text and then showing that same text when displaying the list of available matches.

webpage snapshot in dcef3

I've tried the TChromiumOSR and TPaintbox32,it works fine. However, but not all the screenshot of webpage, only the part.So maybe I need the width and the height of the webpage,but I can't find a way to get it.This is my method of solving the problem,could you give me the solution or is there any faster ways?
You could use html2canvas inside a your chromium instance. The user could choose a part of a openstreetmap and our application made the screenshot and stored it somewhere on the disk. The advantage with this approach is, that you allways get the hole page and not just with what you see. You could use the OnLoadEnd event, to put your javascript inside the page your are loading and then make the screenshot and save it somewhere. I'm sorry I cant provide any sourcecode, I dont have access to this project any more. The downside of this approach is, that you need some decent javascript skills, to pull this one off.

Gem for creating a left/right scrollable notification viewer for web app?

I'm new to Ruby on Rails so please bear with me.
I'm creating a web app for users to trade cards and would like to include in the user's home page a notification section that shows relevant alerts for the user based on possible trade matches and other things like new messages. The functionality would require alerts to be generated based on certain triggers (userB accepts trade, trade is proposed to userA, userB messages userA, and possibly even incorporate sponsored posts). This will basically function like the "notification center" on iOS.
I've made a quick mockup: (or if that's too big --> -- wouldn't let me embed image because I'm new :(
So the idea is the view will probably have 5-15 alerts at any given time (give or take) and can scroll through them using those left/right arrows. The alerts will be a basic message with a link to the relevant page, or for something like a trade rating have the message "open" to fill the viewer and show the necessary functionality.
Hopefully I explained this okay. Anyone know anything out there that might make building this easier? Please let me know if there is any info I missed in asking this?
Not sure I get exactly what your wanting to do but if I understand correctly this may help. I have used swipe.js it is easy to use, should get you started on a swipeable/scrollable interface.
