Devise Password Controller edit method renders nothing - ruby-on-rails

I've been having a lot of trouble getting devise's reset password page to actually render. I've overrided
the edit function and have been trying to force it to render the view but it ends up as an empty string. Any ideas as to how to make it work?
Side note is that I'm using rails in API mode, is there anything I need to configure to get the page to render?
class PasswordsController < Devise::PasswordsController
def edit
self.resource =
resource.reset_password_token = params[:reset_password_token]
render template: 'devise/users/passwords/edit'

well, еhough strictly speaking, need to add view, but if your app is kind of API with endpoints only, it's not a way for sure, so you shouldn't redefine device methods or whatever.
In the case of API mode, you need to implement route on the FE part, and then use the Device's endpoints to reset-password logic.
Btw, this is a common feature and Device's wiki is presented at least 3 solutions to implement this, please check this link:
I hope it's help


Ruby on Rails Write a redirect for a dynamic URL to a static URL

Is there a simple way to write a ruby if statement to redirect a dynamic page to a static page?
I’m writing this in my pages controller where the site pages are generated. This is what I’m attempting to do.
If “/index/page1”
redirect_to “page2”
This redirects all the pages created in the pages controller to “page2”. I know the syntax is incorrect. I need help in writing out the correct way to test for the first condition.
Any help is appreciated. Thank you!
Here is an update / more information to my question.
Here is my show action in the PagesController
def show
#page = Page.find_by_url_path("/#{params[:url_path]}")
layout = "templates/#{}"
respond_to do |format|
format.html { render layout: layout }
I need to write an if statement that looks for one specific URL that gets generated. This page is created by the show action.
Then redirect it to another specific URL. This is a static page on the site.
I am having difficulty in writing the if statement to find the first page. This is what I've tried.
if "/products/page1"
redirt_to "/page2"
Depending where I put the code within the show action, I either get a double render error (as subparry explains below). Or I redirect all the pages generated through the show action to "/page2".
This application was written by a more experienced Ruby developer and I'm doing my best to maintain / update it. If I need to post more detailed information, please let me know. Thank you.
Well, as usual with these kind of requirements, there are many ways to achieve it.
As you know, different pages (views) in controllers are represented by instance methods (or Actions), for example I can imagine your PagesController looking something like this:
class PagesController < ApplicationController
def page1
# do something...
def page2
#do something else...
So, the easiest way would be to trigger a redirect from page1 redirect_to "", I don't know the reasons behind the decision to redirect. If it is a temporary redirect, it might be the best solution because of ease of change later, but if it is a more permanent redirection, I would implement it at the web server level (Nginx for example)
It depends on your use case.
PS: Don't forget that if you redirect in your action, it does not imply a return, so if you have more code below and another call to render or redirect, it will fail (double render error) so either you remove further renders/redirects or insert an early return.
Ok, now I understand better your case. You have a model called Pages which has a column called url_path which details the location of each page.
So, if I understand correctly, you'll have to do the conditional statement like this:
def show
if params[:url_path] == 'page1'
redirect_to ''
# Rest of action code...
I don't know for sure how are paths stored in url_path, but you get the idea!
PS2: When you write if 'products/page1' you are basically saying if true and always entering the condition because only nil and false are falsy values, everything else is truthy.

In rails 4.2, how to display a form for preview but ensure it cannot be submitted

I'd like to have a a form view that can, depending on circumstances, have submit functionality disabled in a bullet-proof way so that even a clever user could not edit the HTML source (via a browser extension) to re-add the submit button.
It seems one way to do that might be to somehow inject an invalid authenticity token that replaces the (valid) rails-generated one, so that even if a user somehow re-adds the submit button (by editing the HTML via a browser extension) it would still be an invalid submission.
My thought is to have some logic in the view:
- if #form_disabled # set by controller
- somehow_invalidate_the_authenticity_token?
How might one 'break' Rails form submission?
The purpose of doing this, instead of rendering the preview in a :show action, is to have the exact same view displaying both the live-form and the dead-form.
If I were you, I would use pundit.
It's pretty simple, and has few lines of code if you need to know how it works.
I'd start to write the code here, but I realize that the example at the readme fit your needs.
At the application controller add this
At the folder app/policies put the class PostPolicy, of course, you must replace "Post" with the name of your controller in singular (even if you have not a model with that name). The update? (and create?) actions should return true/false to indicate if user is allowed or not.
A few lines down on the readme, you will find the PostsController#update action, which call to authorize with the record before the update. I think you want do the same with create (then you need a create? method at the policy class).
Pundit needs current_user controller method, if you don't have it. Just follow the user customization instructions.
Of course, new and edit actions don't call authorize because they are allowed to everybody. Only the POST & the PUT/PATCH actions are forbidden.
Yes, it's more than a surgery of one line of code. But it's simple and the right way of give access to users.
After reading my other answer, I start thinking that you can do the same that Pundit does at the controller:
def update
if <unauthorized user>
flash[:alert] = "You are not authorized to perform this action."
redirect_to(request.referrer || root_path)
# all the update stuff
# ...

Using 1 Controller in 2 layout

I have a logic question and I cannot figure out how to do it. First of all, I am working on an social networking site, and I completed the site in pure PHP, but now I am re-writing the backend in rails.
My questions is, I generated UsersController, it has new, create, show, edit, update, delete, and destroy.
I thought I could use "new" to display sign up page, "create" to process sign up, "show" to display profile page, "edit" to display account settings and "update" to process edit.
I might have a logic problem here, maybe I should put "new" and "create" in a signup controller. This where I get confused. The problem with the first logic I said, I have 2 layouts, one of them is for before login, and the other one is for after login. (You can imagine Facebook's header before login, and after login).
So, when I have 2 different layout, I cannot use 1 controller in 2 layout. Because sign up page has "before login header design" and account settings and profile has "after login header design". And as you can guess I define layout in controller.
I don't know if I explained well. Thank you.
By default, Rails will look-up a layout with the same name as the controller, or else application.html.erb. But you can also specify one controller-wide (which won't help you, but bear with me)
class SomethingController
layout "some_name"
That's still layout-wide, so not what you need.
But you can also specify a specific layout on each call to render in an action:
def edit
#some logic
render "some_template", :layout => "some_layout"
Or, to take the default template lookup, but still specify a layout:
def edit
# some logic
render :layout => "some_layout"
There's another way you can specify layouts too, which might be especially appropriate for the use case of "one layout if not logged in, another if logged in":
class SomeController
layout :method_name_to_determine_layout
# ... actions ...
def method_name_to_determine_layout
if current_user
You can learn more about the different ways to specify layouts in the Layouts and Rendering Rails Guide
Hope this helps.
Rails has basic CRUD default actions. Additionally each action can have different processing depending on the HTTP verb. You can also add custom actions & routes.
It is best to follow standard Rails practices for each default action. For example, "new" action should route to the form to create a new user when accessed via GET. An HTTP POST to the form should route to the "create" action.
If you need to add an additional controller action, do so with a custom method. Again, I stress, simple CRUD actions should follow normal Rails conventions.
Read more about routing
Read this guide many times to understand simple CRUD actions in Rails
Instead of using 1 controller in 2 layouts, I decided to use separate controllers. So, I have profile_controller, which has "edit" and "update" for account settings and "show" to display profile. And I also users_controller, which has followings: login, login_attempt, signup, signup_attempt, etc..
So, I am not putting signup and edit together in 1 controller, instead using 2 different controllers is much better and clean, I guess.
Sounds like you're trying to roll your own authentication.
I'd recommend using Devise... great tutorial here:
The reason for this is two-fold.
Firstly, Devise gives you the ability to split your app between authenticated and non-authenticated users. Namely, it provides the user_signed_in?, devise_controller? and current_user helpers to aid with this.
This might not appear like a big deal, but it will actually help you with your layouts (I'll describe more in a second).
Secondly, Devise is pre-rolled. Your questions about how to handle signups and registrations have already been solved. Of course, there's nothing preventing you from making your own authentication (Devise is just built on Warden after all), but it should give you some ideas on how this has been done already.
In regards your original question (about layouts), the other answer is very good (in terms of setting layouts per method etc).
To add to it, I would say that you have to remember that Rails is a series of classes. As such, setting the layout option in the controller is the best way to ensure you're getting the correct one.
Here's Rails explanation on it:
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
layout :your_layout
def your_layout
devise_controller? || !user_signed_in? ? "new_user" : "application"
I've found it better to keep your logic as terse as possible. IE only have one set of logic for the layout. We tend to keep it in the ApplicationController, overriding where necessary.
Finally, your questions also highlighted a base misunderstanding of Rails. I'm not being disrespectful; I've found the clearer your perception of the framework, the better you can work with it:
You have to remember several key points with Rails:
It's an MVC (Model View Controller) framework
It's built on Ruby; hence is object orientated
maybe I should put "new" and "create" in a signup controller. This where I get confused.
If you take Devise as a model, you'll see that you could treat your controllers as layers of abstraction for objects. That is, as Devise shows us, you can have sessions and registrations controllers.
I'm not advocating you do this exactly, I am trying to show that if you put the focus onto the objects you're working with, it becomes clearer where your controller actions should be placed.
You'll also be best understanding the CRUD (Create Read Update Destroy) nature of Rails controllers & objects. The standard Rails controller is set up as such:
Whilst this is not strict, it does give you another indication as to the structure your controllers should adhere to.
You may know this stuff already!

Newbie with Rails devise and view of the user

I'm looking into RoR some way to: login into the system with DEVISE, (it's working), but i'm needing something than keeps always the view of this logged user, and avoid than this user looks another views.
And this user cannot look the content of:
Please, sorry if this is a silly question, but, i was looking 2 days and i don't know how i can name this feature.
There are gems available for this Authorization. I prefer can can which is one of the best Authorization gems available
Here is the gem=>
And here is the rails cast tutorial using it=>
EDIT: If you want to manually implement this then you just need to make a method with following logic
def check_authorization
# Assuming user ID is coming in params[:id]
if == params[:id]
# render or redirect to some page with access denied message
And call this method just before any action in which you want to check for authorization.

rails 3 / heroku / devise: how specify different 'landing page' when users sign in?

We'd like to have 3 different signin forms for our app:
the default signin form, takes them to their normal dashboard (as we do now)
a "foo" signin form that, if they use THAT form to sign in, takes them to a special purpose screen
a "bar" signin form that takes them to yet anogther special-purpose screen
I assume the right approach is to somehow
a) create a new route for /foo and /bar, probably directing both to the SAME signin method but in the route add a url parameter 'signin_type' telling us which "type" of signin form it is?
b) implement a custom RegistrationsController method(s) (what name?) to handle the signin form (we already have a custom new and create method for when they register, since our registration form needed a 'referral code' field added), and have the method look at the url parameter 'signin_type' to redirect the sign to either the normal, or foo, or bad
c) implement another method that handles the signin submit (is that a different method?) that looks at some special embedded form value to figur eout which signing form was used?
That's my best guess. If correct, it's how to do (b) and (c) that has me stumped. Any thoughts will be appreciated!
I think you may be trying to over engineer this. I would approach this with a single sign_in page, and just use conditional logic in overriding the after_sign_in_path_for(resource) method for the Devise controller. Not only will this be much easier to implement now, it will be a lot easier to maintain in the future. Simply add to your ApplicationController.rb:
def stored_location_for(resource)
def after_sign_in_path_for(resource)
if condition_foo
redirect_to foo_url
elsif condition bar
redirect_to bar_url
redirect_to dashboard_url
The first method overrides Devise's default location of root and sets it to nil, then the logic after that is pretty self explanatory. This should work for what you are wanting.
