Large indoor gazebo environment [closed] - ros

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I'm doing some navigation evaluation in pepper gazebo simulator. So far I've been using my navigation stack on turtlebot3 worlds, but I want to test my stack in a larger environment. Does anyone know are there some lareger already built environments with pre-built map of the environment to use in gazebo?

Gazebo has a fairly large range of built-in worlds you can check through here. One that might suit your purpose in the Willow Garage Office world (shown below). If you have gazebo_ros_pkgs installed, you can launch it like so:
roslaunch gazebo_ros_pkgs willowgarage_world.launch
You can also pick any other world from the folder linked above, and launch it like so:
roslaunch gazebo_ros_pkgs empty_world.launch --world-name worlds/<world-name>.world


Dataset for hand gesture recognition [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I need a dataset for my future project based on image processing, hand recognition. I need a minimum of 5 hand position and orientation and a minumim of 200 images per set.
I want to know if there are websites where I can find a great variety of datasets.
I recommend you to search here:
I needed this for a project too and I found a lot of variations here. It also depends on what kind of gestures you are looking for, but I think you will find here what you need.

Looking for an iOS Layout Library [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Does anyone know of a layout library that performs acceptably on iOS? I'm looking for a tool that can layout network devices in different patterns such as circular, tree, organic, orthogonal, and hierarchical layouts. I'm looking for something very similar to yFiles for Java/Android:
Omni Graffle is a great one. Made by the guys over at omni group I think its about $19.99 but its totally worth it! It works on iPad and mac!
Microsoft Visio is good for architecture design. Another is OmniGraffle like #CodeBandits said.

parser code of Octave? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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i would like to work on parser code of Octave. I have cloned the central repo of Octave and got only some idea about where the actual parser code can be.
Although i am just lost as where to start from?
Where exactly can i get the parer code of Octave?
Thanks in advance.
In the development branch, the file you are looking for is /libinterp/parse-tree/oct-parse.yy. Note that the source tree has been changed in this branch so will be in a different location if you are working on the stable branch. But if you plan on contributing you should be working on the development branch anyway.

How to capture code metrics in Xcode? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I want to write my code more cleaner. For this purpose I'm looking for a tool to generate code metrics in Xcode. I'd like to have a statistic showing me how many tests, classes etc. were added. And the main goal is retrieving cyclomatic complexity of a program.
Does anyone know a good Xcode tools or plugin that could provide me some code metrics?
Have a look at Xcode Statistician.
A paying (~$5) but good solution: Project Statistics for Xcode.

Sample rhomobile apps [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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There are some features which I wanted to see the behaviour for in Rhomobile applications and compare them to the native apps. In particular,
Location based results: can we control how it behaves when no location services are available and perform different actions.
Any pointers to sample apps that have been deployed to the app store or Google play? I have been searching through the (which redirects) but couldn't find any samples.
I don't know any example apps, but does this example app sampling native system functions help?
