How do I increase the quota for a kub cluster in Qwiklabs Challenge? - quota

I'm doing the google cloud essentials challenge lab at the moment and have just attempted to create a kubernetes cluster as part of the challenge but receive the following error:
(gcloud.container.clusters.create) ResponseError: code=403, message=Insufficient regional quota to satisfy request: resource "IN_USE_ADDRESSES": request requires '9.0' and is
short '1.0'. project has a quota of '8.0' with '8.0' available. View and manage quotas at
When I go to the IAM -> Quota page I can see the following...
Image of quota's
I'm new to all of this so would appreciate any support!

Solved the error by replacing --region us-east1 with --zone us-east1-b.
I suspect gcloud container clusters create my-cluster --region us-east1 uses more IPs than the zone alternative.


cert-manager does not issue certificate after upgrading to AKS k8s 1.24.6

I have an automatic setup with scripts and helm to create a Kubernetes Cluster on MS Azure and to deploy my application to the cluster.
First of all: everything works fine when I create a cluster with Kubernetes 1.23.12, that means after a few minutes everything is installed and I can access my website and there is a certificate issued by letsencrypt.
But when I delete this cluster completely and reinstall it and only change the Kubernetes version from 1.23.12 to 1.24.6. I dont't get a certificate any more.
I see that the acme challenge is not working. I get the following error:
Waiting for HTTP-01 challenge propagation: failed to perform self check GET request '': Get "": dial tcp: lookup on no such host
After some time the error message changes to:
'Error accepting authorization: acme: authorization error for
400 urn:ietf:params:acme:error:connection: Fetching
Timeout during connect (likely firewall problem)' is the cluster IP of kube-dns in my kubernetes cluster. When I look at "Services and Ingresses" in Azure portal I can see the port 53/UDP;53/TCP for the cluster IP
And I can see there that is the external IP of the ingres-nginx-controller (Ports: 80:32284/TCP;443:32380/TCP)
So I do not understand why the acme challenge cannot be performed successfully.
Here some information about the version numbers:
Azure Kubernetes 1.24.6
helm 3.11
cert-manager 1.11.0
ingress-nginx helm-chart: 4.4.2 -> controller-v1.5.1
I have tried to find the same error on the internet. But you don't find it often and the solutions do not seem to fit to my problem.
Of course I have read a lot about k8s 1.24.
It is not a dockershim problem, because I have tested the cluster with the Detector for Docker Socket (DDS) tool.
I have updated cert-manager and ingress-nginx to new versions (see above)
I have also tried it with Kubernetes 1.25.4 -> same error
I have found this on the cert-manager Website: "cert-manager expects that ServerSideApply is enabled in the cluster for all versions of Kubernetes from 1.24 and above."
I think I understood the difference between Server Side Apply and Client Side Apply, but I don't know if and how I can enable it in my cluster and if this could be a solution to my problem.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance!
I've solved this myself recently, try this for your ingress controller:
create: true
annotations: /healthz
k8s 1.24+ is using a different endpoint for health probes.

PushProx setup in Kubernetes for metrics from federate endpoint of Prometheus deployed using kube prometheus stack helm chart

I need insight on how we can set up a PushProx client in kubernetes which will communicate with kube prometheus and fetch all the metrics from /federate.
For refrenence I used the helm chart, I create a pod template using this helm chart as refrenence as it adds a dameonset which is not required in my case. I only want my client to interact with internal prometheus so it can get all the metrics and send them to my external prometheus. Currently, the proxy is able to connect but I see 404 as a response on the proxy side when interacting with the client.
Any help is appreciated.

ml-pipeline pod of kubeflow deployment is in CrashLoopBackOff

I have very limited hands-on over the kubeflow setup. I have deployed a kubeflow pipeline on an EKS cluster with S3 connectivity for the artifacts. All the pods are up and running except the ml-pipeline deployment and also ml-pipeline-persistence agent deployment is failing due to the dependency on the ml-pipeline.
I am facing the below error while checking the logs of the pods:
I0321 19:19:49.514094 7 config.go:57] Config DBConfig.ExtraParams not specified, skipping
F0321 19:19:49.812472 7 client_manager.go:400] Failed to check if Minio bucket exists. Error: Access Denied.
Had anyone faced similar issues, I am not able to find many logs which could help me to debug the issue.
Also, the credentials consumed by the ml-pipeline deployment to access the bucket have all the required permissions.
Check the S3 permissions assigned to the aws credentials you set for MINIO_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID & MINIO_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY. That is what caused the same error for me.
Although the setup program provided by the aws distribution of kubeflow can create the s3 bucket, the credentials passed in to MINITO have to enable access to that bucket. So they are primarily for reusing an existing s3 bucket.

How can I investigate what is wrong with my SCDF configuration when I get "Failed to create stream"?

I am trying to deploy my first stream APP via the spring cloud dataflow dashboard, but I keep getting the "Failed to create stream" error in the UI. Can someone help me investigate what might be wrong?
I am running SCDF on kubernetes and my deployment consists of the following components:
My stream is the simple time | log example
Try using kubectl on the scdf-server pod to see if it provides any information. I've seen that error occur if an app I deployed was not accessible - in my case, I'd referenced it by an incorrect filepath which didn't get caught by the server until it tried to deploy the stream.
It could be failing at any point in the deploy. To gain some insight, you can view the events and logs on each pod w/ the following commands:
kubectl describe pods/<pod-name>
kubectl logs pods/<pod_name>

Docker Kubernetes cluster error Request had insufficient authentication scopes on Google Cloud

I am trying to run a Kubernetes cluster on Google cloud. I am using the below link -
When I execute the below command - gcloud container clusters get-credentials hello-world
I get an error Request had insufficient authentication scopes
What is the possible solution to this problem?
The Container Engine API requires the cloud-platform OAuth2 Scope for authentication. If you are running these commands from a Google Compute Engine instance, you'll need to create the instance with that authentication scope:
With the gcloud CLI, add --scopes=cloud-platform to your gcloud compute instances create command.
In the Developer Console UI, select "Allow full access to all Cloud APIs" on the "Create an Instance" page.
