changing font size and family in mat-select losing focus on selected option - angular-material

I've changed font-size to 16px and font family to Ubuntu, that made Angular Material Control mat-select list in a weird format. The option that is selected is not getting focused when opening drop down, also option is getting cut from top and bottom.
See the screenshot attached. In one screenshot, font-size is 14px and in another 16px.

How are you changing the font-size? no issues for me with 22px or 28px
my CSS:
::ng-deep .mat-select-panel .mat-option-text { font-size:28px; }
working stackblitz here


JQuery UI Dialog - unwanted space below dialog box

I'm working on a simple tic-tac-toe application and building it in CodePen. When the user loses or forces a draw (designed to be unbeatable), a jquery UI dialog box pops up informing the user of said result. Issue I'm having, is that when this happens, a large empty space appears causing a scroll bar to appear at the right of the page. This is a small detail - but I'd like to fix. I cannot put overflow: hidden on the body because then users won't be able to scroll on small screens or in resized browser windows. I've already tried the following to no avail:
adjusting position of dialog to very top of screen
putting overflow: hidden rule just on .ui-dialog
adjusting the height of the dialog box
adjusting the margin-bottom of .ui-dialog
messing with other dialog options to see if they were the cause
Some of these seemed far-fetched but I wanted to try everything I could think of before coming here. Research has turned nothing up either. I'm running Chrome and the pen in question can be found here:
Any help on this would be much appreciated! Thanks in advance.
Again, this is a small detail, but since the app fits all on one page without scroll on most screens, I'd like to keep it looking as clean as possible.
Here's the code:
$('body').append('<div id="draw" class="gameOver"><p>It\'s a Draw!</p></div>');
$('body').append('<div id="loser" class="gameOver"><p>You Lose!</p></div>');
autoOpen: false,
resizable: false,
height: 120,
dialogClass: 'no-close',
buttons: {
'Play Again?': function() {
Somewhere in the dialog creation process, the position is set to relative on your dialog, which causes the height of your game to calculate the dialog, which gives the empty gap. You can simply set ui-dialog position to absolute in the css, and it'll solve the problem:
.ui-dialog {
position: absolute;
box-shadow: 1px 1px 30px 5px;
background: #04A777;
border-radius: 10px;
outline: none;
overflow: hidden;
margin-top: none;

iPad/iPhone issue with CSS Sprites, incorrect positioning

I've run into an issue with CSS sprites used for a sidebar widget in our site. On the iPad with iOS 7.1, the sprites are all pushed down too far.
I have tried several other suggestions with no noticeable changes:
Specifying a background-size to prevent scaling (not a scaling issue)
Using background-clip and -webkit-background-clip to clip to padding box
Setting the viewport to minimum-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, as well as initial scale, disabling user scaling, etc.
You can see the icons on the following website:
You'll notice it is only a vertical alignment issue. The icons are all in the right place horizontally. When you click on an icon, the active state (white on orange) does not shift around, althouhg it is still cut off. It is not a sizing issue.
I think the <span> element is actuall being pushed down by something.
Any ideas?
So I guess there is a mysterious padding / linebreak issue of some kind that appears inside the <a> and before the nested <span> element.
Switching the span to absolute positioning has fixed the issue, but I'm still clueless where the extra space comes from.
Luckily most of my structure is done to the <a> element, so this was pretty straightforward to implement.
.tag-list li.tag-item a {
position: relative;
.tag-list li.tag-item a span {
position: absolute;
top: 0px;
left: 0px;

NUI + Custom font. Text are cut by half

I use NUI ( ) and I want to display text in button with certain font and size. Here is my 'css' file:
accessoryButton {
font-name: GothamSSm-Light;
font-size: 20;
font-color: white;
And what I get from it (screenshot with blended layers):
And it happens not only with button, I tried the same on UITextField - same result. If I change font-name on Arial, for example, text appears correctly.
I've checked that font on test project without NUI, it works fine.
This has to do with improperly formatted ttf files. the trick is to manually edit the hhea table. Check out this awesome article which explains exactly how to do it:

IOS Phonegap - text on a background color becomes double worded

On my iphone phonegap app, whenever I've got text on a background color, the text seems to get a ghosting effect, the same text is repeated 2 or 3 pixels below, almost like a drop shadow but exactly below and in the same color as the text.
Any ideas how to get rid of this? I'm guessing its applying some kind of -webkit specific styling but I can't seem to find what it is.
Below is an image of what is happening, the text to the left, 'Web Deal' is the problem, whereas the text on the right is fine.
Ok, I managed to fix this, it was picking up a text-shadow property from jquery mobile css. It was applying it to all text but because its white it was only visible on text with a background colour. Thanks for your help
Please post your css.
If you are able to open the app on Chrome browser on a desktop, try inspect element and you can find which styles are applied to the text.
As you didn't provide any CSS I'll just assume that your text ist rendered bold.
Rendering bold type in mobile Safari or the WebView is buggy and causes the weird effect.
Try using a text-shadow instead.
.bold {
//font-weight: bold;
text-shadow: 0 0 0 2px white;

z-index not properly rendered on iPad and Google Chrome 22

I have attached two pictures, the first shows the "desktop" of the webapp I work on, some of the icons you see open dialogs made of a <div/> containing an <iframe/>, but while on a normal pc it all works properly, on the iPad it seems there is a problem with the z-index of some elements, as shown in second picture.
The small red rounds with number inside are defined as follows:
.countComunicazioni {
position: relative;
background: url(/images/admin/menu_sgs/counter.gif) no-repeat center center;
height: 35px;
width: 35px;
color: #FFF;
top: -105px;
left: 120px;
z-index: 0;
font-weight: bold;
display: none;
.countComunicazioni p {
margin-top: -5px;
padding-top: 10px;
The markup is a <div class="countComunicazioni"/> tag and a <p/> tag inside.
I also noticed that now the problem also appears in Google Chrome V22, the numbers in red circles are always on top even if they have z-index == 0 and the dialogs have z-index > 1000.
As per this bug report ( ), the change seems to be intended, even if I would bet it'll broke many layouts, not only ours.
This problem was not present in previous versions of Google Chrome, nor is present on Firefox V15 or Internet Explorer V9, where everything is rendered problem.
How can this problem be solved? I'm no CSS expert, so I must admit I have tried little, if anything, so far... And also, who is "right" here? Is our markup incorrect, or does the problem lie in google chrome new rendering strategy?
It seems I've been able to solve the issue shown in the two pics: all the dialogs generated from my web app are placed inside a <div/> with position:fixed placed on the very top of the body, now I tried to move the div to the very bottom of the page, and the layout seems now correct.
There is one more problem though: when opening a modal dialog, the opaque layer that is supposed to be created between the dialog and the below content, is actually created above it, see new screenshot.
How could this problem be solved? Does it require modifying our javascript or is it an issue with jquery ui itself?
Just found out myself that the way that chrome 22+ handles z-index has been altered.
Check out this awesome explanation here that I didn't write here...
Basically the way I understand it is that elements which have
position: fixed
now get counted with their own z-index layer so you'll have to adjust your pages accordingly to suit.
Hope that helps!
