Does twitter stream API allow filtering by urls? - twitter

I am trying to do a filter by urls but no result is being returned.
From the following doc, it shows it is possible
but I think it's a premium feature. Is this true? If yes then is there any other way to filter by urls without using the premium feature?

Standard Twitter streaming API provide us with 'track' parameter. This is a Standard streaming API parameter (see the doc). It matches Tweets as by phrases as by URLs. A common use case according to the doc:
a common use case where you may want to track all mentions of a particular domain name (i.e., regardless of subdomain or path), you should use “example com” as the track parameter for “”
This parameter value Will match...: I hope my startup isn’t merely another example of a dot com boom!
I tested the option by means of twitter-hbc library for Java. It works as expected!
To avoid confusion, please, take the note:
The text of the Tweet and some entity fields are considered for matches. Specifically, the text attribute of the Tweet, expanded_url and display_url for links and media, text for hashtags, and screen_name for user mentions are checked for matches.


How to share URL with UTM parameters on WhatsApp

I have given an option to my users to share my website on whatsapp. And I want to know how many users land back on the website using the shared link. Hence, the shared button opens this link:
But this URL considers the end &utm_medium=share as a part of the URL, and shares only on WhatsApp. So instead I did this:
which shares the correct URL on whatsapp:, but when I open it, the UTM params are not captured by GA.
What is the way out of this loop?
There's a more elegant way of doing it than utm params. Have something like:
See how now it's shorter and more elegant to a user? Now you have two good options.
Make a conditional redirect on your site from any url that has a t=we query param to whatever utm param you want with no restriction.
And even more elegantly: use GTM to parse pageviews where there's a t query parameter set, then make a neat lookup table where the input would be the value of t and the output - whatever you want to name it. Then use that lookup table's value to set your session-level custom dimension in pageviews.
Why a custom dimension and not UTM? Because when using UTMs, you're affecting your attribution. And sessions. You can easily override organic or paid attribution with some meaningless whatsapp attribution. Well, yes, if you don't use attribution at all and you don't care about GA session breakpoints, then sure, UTMs are just easier.
Also, try escaping the &, but not much hope there.

YT search API to search for Arabic speaking channels locally in Israel

How can I retrieve all Arabic speaking channels locally in Israel.
Using the API explorer, I don't see such an option.
Which fields are mandatory for search to call the search API?
Is there any way to fulfill this task?
API Explorer
I couldn't get results
There are lots of parameters in the API v3 Docs for Search that you can play around with, some in particular you might find helpful are:
and you'll need to set type = "channel" to return only channels.
The only mandatory parameter is part which is what data you want returned from your results. For this search call, you only have one option for part, which is "snippet".
This is the only way to do it simply within your multiple parameters, and it will take 100 quota per search, assuming you have an API key already.
If you press 'Try This API' on the right, it'll even give you code snippets you can copy in a variety of languages, since you didn't specify one in the prompt.
Depending on the language, a call could look like the following:

twitter/tweepy filter tweets that start with a given string

I'm using tweepy stream api now.
I can filter the keyword use the stream.fileter(track=[]) method.
I also want to filter the tweets that starts with a given string.
But he method stream.filter(track=['H']) won't match the tweet 'Hello'
Can i do that and how to do it?
Irnzcig is correct, that kind of restrictions aren't available through twitter Streaming API. What you can do is open a connection to receive all the allowed tweets and filter yourself the ones that start with H
To be more specific, however, Streaming API request parameters is what you're looking for. The link provided in the comment is for the Rest API, while they operate on somewhat similar query input they're vastly different.

How does Twitter's Streaming API match keywords?

When using the Twitter site streaming API, one must provide keywords in order to initiate the streaming.
If I supply, for example, the keyword "great", would the streaming API return tweets containing something like "ABCDgreat"?
In other words; does the search terms are matched only when they are bounded by spaces?
The search terms are not bounded by spaces.
Using your example, if you provide the keyword "great", the API will return tweets containing "ABCDgreat" in their text. Not even if you put spaces before and after the search term, the effect is like a .trim(). If you need it, you'll have to cleanup afterwards.
You can find here some info from twitter, however it does not address exactly the situation you are describing.
I've been based on hbc for streaming.

Twitter streaming API not tracking URLs

Have gone through
Per documentation it should be able to track URLs such as but I can't seem it to be tracking such URLs. It just doesn't return me any result when I tweet this URL and track it using Streaming API. Am I missing something?
Pretty late, but I found this by Google so this might help someone...
There are a few answers to this. The main answer being that Twitter treats URLs differently than anything else.
First, make sure you do NOT include the "www".
Twitter currently canonicalizes the domain “” to “” before the match is performed, so omit the “www” from URL track terms.
For me, sending the track parameter as "" and then tweeting "a test, please ignore:" worked perfectly.
You can NOT, in general, ask for substrings of URLs:
URLs are considered words for the purposes of matches which means that the entire domain and path must be included in the track query for a Tweet containing an URL to match.
But if you are willing to take every tweet from the whole domain (and a bit more edge cases), Twitter will accommodate:
Finally, to address a common use case where you may want to track all mentions of a particular domain name (i.e., regardless of subdomain or path), you should use “example com” as the track parameter for “” (notice the lack of period between “example” and “com” in the track parameter).
All quotes are from the Twitter docs:
They have more information, including examples.
Good luck!
