Instagram graphql: query to see if user follows you back - instagram-graph-api

Is there a query to see if a user follows you back? In the mobile app, there's a feature to search a user's followers list for a particular username, but can't find that in the API.


Is it possible to cross reference FB taggable_friends and local user records under API v2?

I am using Koala in a Rails app to get a user's friends for a simple tagging interface.
Some time back, Facebook changed the API (v2.0) such that this end point now returns a hashed ID, rather than the friend's FB ID. I've just started working with this endpoint for the first time since the change and am wondering, is it still possible to correlate an FB taggable_friends with a user of my app.
For example, within my app a user creates an event she attended, and now wants to tag friends she was with. The taggable_friends API allows taggings to be pushed to FB, but how do I also represent that tagging within my app?
The taggable_friends endpoint returns basic details such as name and avatar, so I could just store and display those. But if the friend is also a user of my app, and perhaps has a different avatar here, I'd like to display the details they have set in the app rather than FB details.
Is there any way to cross reference taggable_friends with local user records under the new API?
The tagging token is not valid forever, so you cannot cross-reference users. It would only be possible by name, but that is not reliable since users can change their name or two users can have the exact same one.
In other words: No, it is not possible.

iOS Facebook API fetch data from timeline using GRAPH API

We have a facebook account. That account 'Liked' 3 open facebook pages. When you login to that facebook account from your browser you can ofcourse see all the posts from those 3 pages on your news feed.
What I want to know is - can I somehow fetch all the data I see on my accounts news feed?
Im not asking how to do it, just is it possible.
I was doing some research, and on facebook.developers they do mention about nodes, which can be users or groups, but it is unclear to me are those groups that I made, so when I login to my mobile app i Actually login with that group account, or they meant that I can get data or other groups out there ?!
Facebook has documentation using FQL queries to GET the users news feed, take a look here
What you are looking for is called stream...

Knowing if an account had tweeted

Background info:
My website has an account system and we wanted to give the accounts "reward points" everytime they tweeted / facebook share.
For facebook share, we are able to track which account had shared by using the redirect_uri and redirect them back to our site (with the specified url) and noting it.
Is there such thing on twitter as well? I had been trying to find real hard but i can't find a way for me to inform my system that a certain account had tweeted.
One of the basic objects in the Twitter API is the User object, which gives you a decent amount of information about the user in question. Once of the properties of the User object is called "status", which is a Tweet object, which is the user's most recent tweet.
So, in your application, you could store the unique identifier and date/time of the user's last tweet. Then at an interval of your choosing, you could get the information about the user and see if the ID of their most recent tweet matches what you have in your database. If it does not match, then the user has posted a new tweet.
Twitter API documentation of the User object
Twitter API documenation of the Tweet object

Getting a user's Twitter home feed without authentication

I am coding an application which I get a user's profile timeline and user's friends' twitter updates (home feed). I am using Rails and Koala gem.
I can get the user's own twitter updates without authentication but I can't get the user's friends' updates (aka, home feed) without authentication.
I searched Twitter api but api functions that I can use (statuses/home_timeline, statuses/friends_timeline) require authentication.
Is there a way to get friends' updates without authentication? (only updates of public accounts).
I am considering to 1) first getting friend list of a person 2) then getting their public timeline feed and 3) creating a seperate feed. But I want to ask here about the possibilities.
There is no way to directly get a users home_timeline without authenticating as them. Your only option is going to get all the friends user_timelines and combine them into a single timeline.

Using oAuth to retrieve tweets of a particular ID (equivalent to a page in facebook)

I need to know as to how to implement oAuth in an iphone application.
I have already gone through lot many posts but none of them shows as to How to retrieve tweets from a user profile (like we access facebook wallposts). I tried using an example named bengottlieb/Twitter-OAuth-iPhone but all it does is show the Login prompt and posts a sample Twit at my Twitter profile.
I need to make an application where
the user can view twits for a particular page (same as accessing the wall post for a Page)
Post tweets that will appear on his profile or if possible then also at the profile page for given ID
I was able to fetch the tweets for a particular id using but may be due to closing of Basic authentication it does not return to me tweets older than a specific time period.
The Twitter search API is not meant to retrieve the tweets from one particular user, even though it does seem to work (up to a certain point back in time). As far as I know the search API does not need authentication, so you're not in trouble regarding the deprecation of Basic authentication there.
To retrieve the tweets for a user, you need to retrieve their timeline. Be sure to use OAuth authentication, as indeed Basic authentication no longer works now.
Check out for more information. The API is documented quite well. You mention basic authentication, so perhaps you could start with to get you going?
