I'm getting an error when trying to post an OData request with a long table name in $select.
https://dns/NewOdata/odata/Table_name?$filter=LastModified ge DateTime'2020-02-28T08:00:24.78' &$select=column1,column2,column3, column4_6e76b0bf-12cb-1234-8aa9-e99974066542
The problem is with column "column_6e76b0bf-12cb-1234-8aa9-e99974066542".
When I remove it from the request it works fine:
https://dns/NewOdata/odata/Table_name?$filter=LastModified ge DateTime'2020-02-28T08:00:24.78' &$select=column1,column2,column3
Can anyone help?
I'm trying to use the MS graph API to get the In-Reply-To message header without having to return the entire header (internetMessageHeaders). I already get several properties (such as bccRecipients, from, id) which are documented here
I've seen several SO questions asking this and they point to using SingleValueExtendedProperties/internetMessageHeaders with a $filter clause. I've tried this and it appears to only work with properties which are documented
This is what I've tried all give a 404 error (i've checked the the In-Reply-To header is present on the actual message)
SingleValueExtendedProperties&$expand=SingleValueExtendedProperties($filter=In-Reply-To eq 'String 0x007D')
internetMessageHeaders&$expand=SingleValueExtendedProperties($filter=In-Reply-To eq 'String 0x007D')
internetMessageHeaders&$expand=internetMessageHeaders($filter=In-Reply-To eq 'String 0x007D')
You need to request PR_IN_REPLY_TO_ID MAPI property (0x1042001F)
$expand=singleValueExtendedProperties($filter=id eq 'String 0x1042')
I am trying to make a filter in Graph API, querying for employees without phone, but with no luck.
This is a part of the query I am working on.
https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/users?$filter=userType eq 'Member'&$select = businessPhones
This results in something like this:
{ "businessPhones": ["+473456789"]},
{ "businessPhones": ["+479876543"]},
{ "businessPhones": ["+471234567"]}
What I am trying to do is ask for users without a businessphone
{ "businessPhones": []}
Something like this
https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/users?$filter=userType eq 'Member' and businessPhones eq ''
However, I have no clue on how to do this. Anyone?
EDIT, thanks Tiny Wang for pointing out "no filtering support":
businessPhones does not support filtering. However, assignedLicenses does. If I want to query for users without any assignedLicenses
{ "assignedLicenses" : [] }
How can I accomplish that?
Pls note, according to the api properity doc, businessPhones isn't a properity supporting $filter, see https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/resources/user?view=graph-rest-beta#properties
Per my testing, I think it's also an unachievable task. It seems there're some 'defect' exists in ms graph OData filter. In this case, we need to use not assignedLicenses/any() according to OData protocol.
But according to my testing result, the query doesn't support using assignedLicenses/any()->Error: Complex query on property assignedLicenses is not supported , not assignedLicenses/any()->Error: Unsupported Query", but only support like assignedLicenses/any(x:x/skuId eq 3b555118-xxxx-e2096870).
What's more, when executing below query, it returns error Complex query on property assignedLicenses is not supported.
https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/users?$filter=userType eq 'Member' and assignedLicenses/any(x:x/skuId eq 3b555118-xxxx-2096870)&$select=assignedLicenses
But when executing this, it worked, so weird.
https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/users?$filter=assignedLicenses/any(x:x/skuId eq 3b555118-xxxxxx-df1e2096870)&$select=assignedLicenses
I also tried to use $count property to do the filter, but also failed:
I had the same task. After some research, I figured out how to filter out null string properties such as jobTitle, department, etc. Check this link.
Based on the answer, I tried the following query, and It works for me.
https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/users?$filter=NOT (businessPhones/any(p:p ge ' '))&$count=true
Be sure that you specified whitespace between quotes ' '.
I'm using Microsoft Graph to do a search on the displayName for a substring of the name. The $search="displayName:MySearchTerm" format works perfect. But trying to search on the displayName with a space in the term doesn't seem to work as expected.
Using the sandbox application here
If I use the following query format:
https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/groups?$search="displayName:Product vi"&$select=displayName&$orderBy=displayName
how can I get it to return only those records that have the term Product vi in the displayName field.
It shouldn't return any records in the sandbox because the term Product vi does not appear exactly in any part of the displayName but it currently returns the record "displayName": "Video Production"
I've tried the following without success:
$search="displayName:"Product vi""
$search="displayName:\"Product vi\""
$search="displayName:\\"Product vi\\""
$search="displayName:\\\"Product vi\\\""
$search="displayName:'Product vi'"
$search="displayName:\'Product vi\'"
The $filter format is no good to me as it doesn't search the middle of the displayName for the string.
How do I format the url to get the desired results if it is even possible?
The trick is to use comma instead of the space in $search clause.
If $search clause contains "displayName:Product,vi" then Graph API will search on displayName for "Product vi"
It can require a special request header:
ConsistencyLevel: eventual
Try with %22
instead of
good code...
How can I filter by multiple IDs using the Office 365 Service Communications API?
I'm getting the current status using https://manage.office.com/api/v1.0/{tenent}/ServiceComms/CurrentStatus which gives me incident IDs. I'm trying to use those IDs to get the messages affiliated but the message endpoint /ServiceComms/Messages is not working well with the filters.
The documentation shows:
I've tried:
/ServiceComms/Messages?ID=CR555555,/ServiceComms/Messages?ID='CR555555', /ServiceComms/Messages?Id=CR555555,/ServiceComms/Messages?Id='CR555555' - Returns everything (doesn't filter)
/ServiceComms/Messages?$filter=ID eq 'CR555555' - Returns Error
/ServiceComms/Messages?$filter=Id eq 'CR555555' - Returns 1 result
/ServiceComms/Messages?$filter=Id eq 'CR555555' or Id eq 'CR555556' - Returns error
I was able to get an AND result using
$filter=MessageType eq Microsoft.Office365ServiceComms.ExposedContracts.MessageType'Incident' and EndTime ge 2019-07-25T00:00:00Z but OR always errors with the message "Filter {filter} is invalid. Expected '<Item> <operator> <Value>' pattern."
You need to use Microsoft.Office365ServiceComms.ExposedContracts.MessageType'Incident' as your MessageType.
A request to /Messages should return you a odata context at the top of the response. For example:
"#odata.context": "https://office365servicecomms-prod.cloudapp.net/api/v1.0/{{TenantID}}/$metadata#Messages",
If you query that, you receive the metadata along with the possible filters. I cannot give you an example as of today (2020-02-16) a query returns a 500 Internal Server Error. Microsoft is working on a fix. Maybe it works again by the time you read my reply.
Complete example:
https://manage.office.com/api/v1.0/{{TenantID}}/ServiceComms/Messages?$filter=MessageType eq Microsoft.Office365ServiceComms.ExposedContracts.MessageType'Incident' and LastUpdatedTime ge 2020-02-13T00:00:00.000Z
And yes, the ID filter must be written 'Id'. Microsofts documentation has a lot of wrong information in it.
i'm currently trying to add a field into the Header of my Cypher request to tell the load-balancer wether it's a write or read request so it directs the query on Master or Slave Neo4j instance.
HttpClientWrapper clientWrapper = new HttpClientWrapper(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Neo4jUserName"], ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Neo4jPassword"]);
Uri uri = new Uri(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Neo4jClient"]);
GraphClient client = new GraphClient(uri, clientWrapper);
client.JsonConverters.Add(new CoordinateConverter());
NameValueCollection collection = new NameValueCollection();
collection.Add("X:Write", "1");
But when executing the query, i'm getting Exception such as:
System.FormatException: "The header name format is invalid."
My question is, do the .CustomHeader(collection) override the standard Header instead of only adding the field X:Write ?
I'm struggling to find documentation on CustomHeader and how it's supposed to work.
Thanks in advance for reading me.
EDIT: Here is some code examples i found and should work: https://github.com/Readify/Neo4jClient/pull/149/files
The error was that i couldn't use ':' in the headername, changing the name to "IsWrite" solved the problem.