How to modify the `nodePort` range when using Docker Desktop? - docker

I tried to open nodePort 80/443, but it failed because it was outside the default nodePort range.
Solution is add - --service-node-port-range option to static pod kube-apiserver-docker-desktop. But how can I modify the static pod using Docker Desktop on Windows? I tried to edit this pod directly but failed.
kubectl edit pod kube-apiserver-docker-desktop -n kube-system

You need to run a privileged docker container :
$ docker run -it --privileged --pid=host debian nsenter -t 1 -m -u -n -i sh
Then edit kubernetes configuration here :
$ vi /etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-apiserver.yaml
Add the command line param in the list with the ports you need:
- --service-node-port-range=80-36000
This StackOverflow question explain how to process :
Location of Kubernetes config directory with Docker Desktop on Windows


Kubernetes deployment required to provide application configuration path

I'm trying to deploy my application which needs the configuration form /root/properties folder.
With Docker
docker build -t config .
docker run -p8080:8080 -v /root/properties:/root/properties --name config -d config
Running OK.
Now.. With Kubernetes cluster , i'm not able to attach -v as done in docker run.
kubectl create deployment deploy-config --image=localhost:5000/config --port=8080 -v /root/properties
with -v pod not created. How to provide the properties folder path..??
Thanks in advance.
You can do it with a config map
Or possibly a pvc.
It depends on the details which have not really been shared.

kubeadm docker flannel integration

Before kubeadm I use these steps to take flannel ip & mtu value to docker.
Step 1: stop Docker and Flannel
Step 2: start Flannel and check its status;
step 3: update Docker startup script like this
source /run/flannel/subnet.env
Step 4: start Docker and check its status.
How this steps done with kubeadm? I see Docker deamon process start first then Flannel starts as container trying to understate the integration process.
Here are the steps I took to set up flannel in Kubernetes v1.7.3.
Install flannel
kubectl create -f
kubectl apply -f
You will see the flannel pod created but it falls into a "CrashLoopBackOff" state and restart forever.
After flannel is installed by Kubeadm, the subnet info will be recorded in file /run/flannel/subnet.env.
cat /run/flannel/subnet.env
Setup these environment variables for docker
mkdir -p /usr/lib/systemd/system/docker.service.d
sudo cat << EOF > /usr/lib/systemd/system/docker.service.d/flannel.conf
sudo cat << EOF > /run/flannel/docker
DOCKER_NETWORK_OPTIONS=" --bip= --ip-masq=false --mtu=1450"
Note: do set ip-masq as false for docker, otherwise kube-dns would not work well.
Reload the service configuration, then the changes will take effect.
sudo systemctl daemon-reload`
Voila, everything works after that.

Kubernetes pods are running but docker ps does not give any output

I have been trying to run tomcat container on port 5000 on cluster using kubernetes. But when i am using kubectl create -f tmocat_pod.yaml , it creates pod but docker ps does not give any output. Why is it so?
Ideally, when it is running a pod, it means it is running a container inside that pod and that container is defined in yaml file.
Why is that docker ps does not show any containers running?
I am following the below URLs:
How can I get it running and see tomcat running on browser on port 5000.
The docker containers should be running on the virtual machine. Since I only installed minikube on my local machine, I confirmed the following will bring what you want:
minikub ssh
docker ps
Just try the kubernetes equivalent of minikube ssh.
In Kubernetes, Docker contaienrs are run on Pods, and Pods are run on Nodes, and Nodes are run on your machine (minikube/GKE)
When you run kubectl create -f tmocat_pod.yaml you basically create a pod and it runs the docker container on that pod.
The node that holds this pod, is basically a virtual instance, if you could 'SSH' into that node, docker ps would work.
What you need is:
kubectl get pods <-- It is like docker ps, it shows you all the pods (think of it as docker containers) running
kubectl get nodes <-- view the host machines for your pods.
kubectl describe pods <pod-name> <-- view system logs for your pods.
kubectl logs <pod-name> <-- Will give you logs for the specific pod.
You can connect your Terminal with the docker server what is running inside your Node/VM.
With this command in your terminal: eval $(minikube docker-env)
This only configures your current terminal window.
may be you are not using docker as container runtime.
I faced the same issue, and i forgot that i switched to gVisor with runsc as handler.
cat /etc/default/kubelet
KUBELET_EXTRA_ARGS="--container-runtime remote --container-runtime-endpoint unix:///run/containerd/containerd.sock"
If so, you need to use runsc command instead of docker.
I'm not sure where you are running the docker ps command, but if you are trying to do that from your host machine and the k8s cluster is located elsewhere, i.e. your machine is not a node in the cluster, docker ps will not return anything since the containers are not tied to your docker host.
Assuming your pod is running, kubectl get pods will display all of your running pods. To check further details, you can use kubectl describe pod <yourpodname> to check the status of each container (in great detail). To get the pod names, you should be able to use tab-complete with the kubernetes cli. Also, if your pod contains multiple containers, you will need to give the container name as well, which you can use tab-complete for after you've selected your pod.
The output will look similar to:
kubectl describe pod comparison-api-dply-reborn-6ffb88b46b-s2mtx
Name: comparison-api-dply-reborn-6ffb88b46b-s2mtx
Namespace: default
Node: aks-nodepool1-99697518-0/
Start Time: Fri, 20 Apr 2018 14:08:21 -0400
Labels: app=comparison-pod-reborn
Status: Running
IP: *.*.*.*
Controlled By: ReplicaSet/comparison-api-dply-reborn-6ffb88b46b
Port: 5672/TCP
State: Running
If your containers and pods are already running, then you shouldn't need to troubleshoot them too much. To make them accessible from the Public Internet, take a look at Services ( to make your API's IP address fixed and easily reachable.
Have you tried a "docker ps -a" to see if the container is dead? If it is there you can see its logs with "docker logs " and maybe this gives you a hint.
If your pod is running successfully and if you are looking for the container on the node where the pod is scheduled the issue could be kubernetes is using a different container runtime.
root#renjith-laptop:/home/renjith/raspbery-k8s# kubectl exec -it nginx-8586cf59-h92ct bash
root#nginx-8586cf59-h92ct:/# exit
root#renjith-laptop:/home/renjith/raspbery-k8s# kubectl get po -o wide
nginx-8586cf59-h92ct 1/1 Running 0 47s renjith-laptop
root#renjith-laptop:/home/renjith/raspbery-k8s# docker ps
Here I am able exec to the pod, and I am in the same node where pod is scheduled, but docker ps doesn't show the container. In my case kubelet is using different container runtime, one of the argument to kubelet service is --container-runtime-endpoint=unix:///var/run/cri-containerd.sock
From Kubernetes documentation to get container images running on your system:
kubectl get pods --all-namespaces -o jsonpath="{.items[*].spec.containers[*].image}" |\
tr -s '[[:space:]]' '\n' |\
sort |\
uniq -c
Then you get back something like:

How do I run curl command from within a Kubernetes pod

I have the following questions:
I am logged into a Kubernetes pod using the following command:
./cluster/ exec my-nginx-0onux -c my-nginx -it bash
The 'ip addr show' command shows its assigned the ip of the pod. Since pod is a logical concept, I am assuming I am logged into a docker container and not a pod, In which case, the pod IP is same as docker container IP. Is that understanding correct?
from a Kubernetes node, I do sudo docker ps and then do the following:-
sudo docker exec 71721cb14283 -it '/bin/bash'
This doesn't work. Does someone know what I am doing wrong?
I want to access the nginx service I created, from within the pod using curl. How can I install curl within this pod or container to access the service from inside. I want to do this to understand the network connectivity.
Here is how you get a curl command line within a kubernetes network to test and explore your internal REST endpoints.
To get a prompt of a busybox running inside the network, execute the following command. (A tip is to use one unique container per developer.)
kubectl run curl-<YOUR NAME> --image=radial/busyboxplus:curl -i --tty --rm
You may omit the --rm and keep the instance running for later re-usage. To reuse it later, type:
kubectl attach <POD ID> -c curl-<YOUR NAME> -i -t
Using the command kubectl get pods you can see all running POD's. The <POD ID> is something similar to curl-yourname-944940652-fvj28.
EDIT: Note that you need to login to google cloud from your terminal (once) before you can do this! Here is an example, make sure to put in your zone, cluster and project:
gcloud container clusters get-credentials example-cluster --zone europe-west1-c --project example-148812
The idea of Kubernetes is that pods are assigned on a host but there is nothing sure or permanent, so you should NOT try to look up the IP of a container or pod from your container, but rather use what Kubernetes calls a Service.
A Kubernetes Service is a path to a pod with a defined set of selectors, through the kube-proxy, which will load balance the request to all pods with the given selectors.
In short:
create a Pod with a label called 'name' for example. let's say name=mypod
create a Service with the selector name=mypod that you call myService for example, to which you assign the port 9000 for example.
then you can curl from a pod to the pods served by this Service using
curl http://myService:9000
This is assuming you have the DNS pod running of course.
If you ask for a LoadBalancer type of Service when creating it, and run on AWS or GKE, this service will also be available from outside your cluster. For internal only service, just set the flag clusterIP: None and it will not be load balanced on the outside.
see reference here:
Kubernetes uses the IP-per-pod model. All containers in the same pod share the same IP address as if they are running on the same host.
The command should follow docker exec [OPTIONS] CONTAINER COMMAND [ARG...]. In your case, sudo docker exec -it 71721cb14283 '/bin/bash' should work. If not, you should provide the output of your command.
It depends on what image you use. There is nothing special about installing a software in a container. For nginx, try apt-get update && apt-get install curl
There's an official curl team image these days:
Run it with:
kubectl run -it --rm --image=curlimages/curl curly -- sh

Customer params in kubectl when run docker

I want the command like follows:
docker run -d --net=host
How can I pass the --net=host params to the docker through kubectl.
You can set the "hostNetwork" field to true in the pod spec to enable host networking. See the kube-apiserver manifest for an example.
