DispatchGroup with SQLite database - ios

I'm trying to get my head around GCD, specifically DispatchGroup to organise downloads to a SQLite database via the FMDB wrapper. My app does the following:
Downloads info on available subjects at app startup from remote server with SQL db. Saves these locally in SQLite db for future sessions and presents what's available via UITableViewController
If a subject is selected, its contents are downloaded from the server and saved locally for future sessions. I do it this way rather than all at once at startup as this is a precursor to in-app purchases. I also download some other stuff here. Then segue to new tableview of subject contents.
I can achieve the above by chaining the download & save functions together with completion handlers, however I'd like to make use of DispatchGroup so I can utilise wait(timeout:) function in the future.
However, with my implementation of DispatchGroup (below) I'm receiving the following errors.
API call with NULL database connection pointer
[logging] misuse at line 125820 of [378230ae7f]
And also
BUG IN CLIENT OF libsqlite3.dylib: illegal multi-threaded access to database connection
Code as follows:
override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, didSelectRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) {
//Download from server
if availableSubjects[indexPath.row].isDownloaded == 0 {
/* downloadModel.downloadCaseBundle(withSubjectID: indexPath.row, completion: {
self.downloadModel.downloadToken(forSubject: indexPath.row, completion: {
self.caseBundle = DBManager.sharedDBManager.getCaseBundle(forSubject: indexPath.row)
self.availableSubjects[indexPath.row].isDownloaded = 1
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.performSegue(withIdentifier: "showCaseList", sender: self)
let dispatchGroup = DispatchGroup()
//Download content
downloadModel.downloadCaseBundle(withSubjectID: indexPath.row) {
//Download token
downloadModel.downloadToken(forSubject: indexPath.row) {
dispatchGroup.notify(queue: .main) {
self.caseBundle = DBManager.sharedDBManager.getCaseBundle(forSubject: indexPath.row)
self.availableSubjects[indexPath.row].isDownloaded = 1
self.performSegue(withIdentifier: "showCaseList", sender: self)
} else { //Already downloaded, just retrieve from local db and present
caseBundle = DBManager.sharedDBManager.getCaseBundle(forSubject: indexPath.row)
self.performSegue(withIdentifier: "showCaseList", sender: self)
DownloadModel, downloadCaseBundle
downloadToken function is more or less identical
func downloadCaseBundle(withSubjectID subjectID: Int, completion: #escaping () -> Void) {
let urlPath = "someStringtoRemoteDB"
let url: URL = URL(string: urlPath)!
let defaultSession = Foundation.URLSession(configuration: URLSessionConfiguration.default)
let task = defaultSession.dataTask(with: url) { (data, response, error) in
if error != nil {
} else {
print("cases downloaded")
self.parseCasesJSON(data!, header: self.remoteMasterTable, forSubject: subjectID)
Download Mode, parseJSON
func parseCasesJSON(_ data:Data, header: String, forSubject subjectID: Int) {
var jsonResult = NSArray()
var jsonElement = NSDictionary()
let cases = NSMutableArray()
do {
jsonResult = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data, options:JSONSerialization.ReadingOptions.allowFragments) as! NSArray
} catch let error as NSError {
print("error at serialisation")
//Iterate through JSON result (i.e. case), construct and append to cases array
for i in 0 ..< jsonResult.count {
jsonElement = jsonResult[i] as! NSDictionary
var caseObject = CaseModel()
//The following insures none of the JsonElement values are nil through optional binding
if let uniqueID = jsonElement["id"] as? Int,
let subjectTitle = jsonElement["subjectTitle"] as? String,
let subjectID = jsonElement["subjectID"] as? Int,
let questionID = jsonElement["questionID"] as? Int,
//And so on
caseObject.uniqueID = uniqueID
caseObject.subjectTitle = subjectTitle
caseObject.subjectID = subjectID
caseObject.questionID = questionID
//And so on
DBManager.sharedDBManager.saveCasesLocally(dataToSave: cases as! [CaseModel])
DBManager.sharedDBManager.setSubjectAsDownloaded(forSubjectID: subjectID)

Turns out it was nothing to do with those methods and I needed to implement FMDatabaseQueue instead of FMDatabase in my DBManager singleton.


How to load all data from firebase, before running UITableView functions in xcode/swift

I am trying to load data from my firestore database, so that when my Table View Controller loads, it will present data that is currently stored in the database.
To do this I call a function in ViewDidLoad() that populates an array of values retrieved from the database. However, when I run my code, I am getting an index out of bounds error in my cellForRowAt table View function. I assume that the code to set up the view is running before the actual array is getting populated. So there are no values in the array to set up the table. The data is being accessed because I am able to print the data to the console. Also when I print out my array.count it is returning 0. So I know the data is not getting put in the array.
I have searched for solutions but none are working for me. I have found solutions that suggest using GroupDispatch asynch functions to have it wait for the retrieval of my data. None of this seems to be working for me. Here is the code that I am trying.
var didfinishloading = false{
override func viewDidLoad() {
func initialGet(){
let dispatchGroup = DispatchGroup()
db.collection("PlayerStats").getDocuments() { (querySnapshot, err) in
if let err = err {
print("Error getting documents: \(err)")
} else {
for document in querySnapshot!.documents {
let stats = PlayerStats(name:document.data()["name"] as! String, points: document.data()["points"] as! Int, assists: document.data()["assists"] as! Int, rebounds: document.data()["rebounds"] as! Int, image: document.data()["image"] as! String)
dispatchGroup.notify(queue: .main){
self.didfinishloading = true
I use the didFinishLoading variable to tell when all the data has been retrieved, and then I want it to reload the data when it is set to true.
If anyone could provide help, or point me in the right direction with this?
You are misusing DispatchGroup. In your case you don't need it at all.
And reload the table view directly inside the closure.
func initialGet(){
db.collection("PlayerStats").getDocuments() { (querySnapshot, err) in
if let err = err {
print("Error getting documents: \(err)")
} else {
for document in querySnapshot!.documents {
let data = document.data()
let stats = PlayerStats(name:data["name"] as! String,
points: data["points"] as! Int,
assists: data["assists"] as! Int,
rebounds: data["rebounds"] as! Int,
image: data["image"] as! String)
DispatchQueue.main.async {
If you still get an out-of-bounds exception then there's something wrong with your table view datasource methods
override func viewDidLoad() {
self.playerArray = [PlayerStats]()
func initialGet(){
let dispatchGroup = DispatchGroup()
db.collection("PlayerStats").getDocuments() { (querySnapshot, err) in
if let err = err {
print("Error getting documents: \(err)")
} else {
for document in querySnapshot!.documents {
let stats = PlayerStats(name:document.data()["name"] as! String, points: document.data()["points"] as! Int, assists: document.data()["assists"] as! Int, rebounds: document.data()["rebounds"] as! Int, image: document.data()["image"] as! String)
dispatchGroup.notify(queue: .main) {
Make sure your playerArray is initialized and empty in viewDidLoad if you didn't instantiate it as an empty instance variable. Then move the dispatchGroup.notify out of the db.collection call. You can play around with the wait function maybe add on a timeout if you'd like. You don't need the didFinish check.

Closure returning data before async work is done

I'm officially stuck and also in callback hell. I have a call to Firebase retrieving all articles in the FireStore. Inside each article object is a an Image filename that translates into a storage reference location that needs to be passed to a function to get the absolute URL back. I'd store the URL in the data, but it could change. The problem is the ArticleListener function is prematurely returning the closure (returnArray) without all the data and I can't figure out what I'm missing. This was working fine before I added the self.getURL code, but now it's returning the array back empty and then doing all the work.
If anyone has some bonus tips here on chaining the methods together without resorting to PromiseKit or GCD that would be great, but open to all suggestions to get this to work as is
and/or refactoring for more efficiency / readability!
Proposed Solution with GCD and updated example
This is calling the Author init after the Article is being created. I am trying to transform the dataDict dictionary so it get's used during the Author init for key ["author"]. I think I'm close, but not 100% sure if my GCD enter/leave calls are happening in the right order
public func SetupArticleListener(completion: #escaping ([Article]) -> Void) {
var returnArray = [Article]()
let db = FIRdb.articles.reference()
let listener = db.addSnapshotListener() { (querySnapshot, error) in
returnArray = [] // nil this out every time
if let error = error {
print("Error in setting up snapshot listener - \(error)")
} else {
let fireStoreDispatchGrp = DispatchGroup() /// 1
querySnapshot?.documents.forEach {
var dataDict = $0.data() //mutable copy of the dictionary data
let id = $0.documentID
if let author = $0.data()["author"] as? DocumentReference {
author.getDocument() {(authorSnapshot, error) in
fireStoreDispatchGrp.enter() //1
if let error = error {
print("Error getting Author from snapshot inside Article getDocumentFunction - leaving dispatch group and returning early")
if let newAuthor = authorSnapshot.flatMap(Author.init) {
print("Able to build new author \(newAuthor)")
dataDict["author"] = newAuthor
dataDict["authorId"] = authorSnapshot?.documentID
print("Data Dict successfully mutated \(dataDict)")
fireStoreDispatchGrp.leave() //2
if let imageURL = $0.data()["image"] as? String {
let reference = FIRStorage.articles.referenceForFile(filename: imageURL)
fireStoreDispatchGrp.enter() /// 2
self.getURL(reference: reference){ result in
switch result {
case .success(let url) :
dataDict["image"] = url.absoluteString
case .failure(let error):
print("Error getting URL for author: \n Error: \(error) \n forReference: \(reference) \n forArticleID: \(id)")
if let newArticle = Article(id: id, dictionary: dataDict) {
fireStoreDispatchGrp.leave() ///3
//Completion block
print("Exiting dispatchGroup all data should be setup correctly")
fireStoreDispatchGrp.notify(queue: .main) { ///4
updateListeners(for: listener)
Original Code
Calling Setup Code
self.manager.SetupArticleListener() { [weak self] articles in
print("🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈In closure function to update articles🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈")
self?.articles = articles
Article Listener
public func SetupArticleListener(completion: #escaping ([Article]) -> Void) {
var returnArray = [Article]()
let db = FIRdb.articles.reference()
let listener = db.addSnapshotListener() { (querySnapshot, error) in
returnArray = [] // nil this out every time
if let error = error {
printLog("Error retrieving documents while adding snapshotlistener, Error: \(error.localizedDescription)")
} else {
querySnapshot?.documents.forEach {
var dataDict = $0.data() //mutable copy of the dictionary data
let id = $0.documentID
if let imageURL = $0.data()["image"] as? String {
let reference = FIRStorage.articles.referenceForFile(filename: imageURL)
self.getURL(reference: reference){ result in
switch result {
case .success(let url) :
print("Success in getting url from reference \(url)")
dataDict["image"] = url.absoluteString
print("Dictionary XFORM")
case .failure(let error):
print("Error retrieving URL from reference \(error)")
if let newArticle = Article(id: id, dictionary: dataDict) {
printLog("Success in creating Article with xformed url")
print("🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈 sending back completion array \(returnArray)🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈")
updateListeners(for: listener)
private func getURL(reference: StorageReference, _ result: #escaping (Result<URL, Error>) -> Void) {
reference.downloadURL() { (url, error) in
if let url = url {
} else {
if let error = error {
You need dispatch group as the for loop contains multiple asynchronous calls
public func SetupArticleListener(completion: #escaping ([Article]) -> Void) {
var returnArray = [Article]()
let db = FIRdb.articles.reference()
let listener = db.addSnapshotListener() { (querySnapshot, error) in
returnArray = [] // nil this out every time
if let error = error {
printLog("Error retrieving documents while adding snapshotlistener, Error: \(error.localizedDescription)")
} else {
let g = DispatchGroup() /// 1
querySnapshot?.documents.forEach {
var dataDict = $0.data() //mutable copy of the dictionary data
let id = $0.documentID
if let imageURL = $0.data()["image"] as? String {
let reference = FIRStorage.articles.referenceForFile(filename: imageURL)
g.enter() /// 2
self.getURL(reference: reference){ result in
switch result {
case .success(let url) :
print("Success in getting url from reference \(url)")
dataDict["image"] = url.absoluteString
print("Dictionary XFORM")
case .failure(let error):
print("Error retrieving URL from reference \(error)")
if let newArticle = Article(id: id, dictionary: dataDict) {
printLog("Success in creating Article with xformed url")
g.leave() /// 3
g.notify(queue:.main) { /// 4
print("🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈 sending back completion array \(returnArray)🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈")
updateListeners(for: listener)

Freezes during scroll in UITableView during parsing JSON data

I'm struggling with multithreading in news app. The thing is - my application freezes often when I scroll table view after data was parsed and loaded and its way too often. I think I'm some kind of wrong of reloading data every time.
First part:
final let urlString = "http://api.to.parse"
Here I create array of structs to fill in my data
struct jsonObjects {
var id : Int
var date : String
var title : String
var imageURL : URL
var jsonData = [jsonObjects]()
Here's my viewDidLoad of tableView
override func viewDidLoad() {
// MARK : - Download JSON info on start
JsonManager.downloadJsonWithURL(urlString: urlString, сompletion: {(jsonArray) -> Void in
guard let data = jsonArray else { print("Empty dude"); return;}
for jsonObject in data {
if let objectsDict = jsonObject as? NSDictionary {
let id = objectsDict.value(forKey: "id") as? Int,
let date = objectsDict.value(forKey: "date") as? String,
let titleUnparsed = objectsDict.value(forKey: "title") as? NSDictionary,
let title = (titleUnparsed as NSDictionary).value(forKey: "rendered") as? String,
let imageString = objectsDict.value(forKey: "featured_image_url") as? String,
let imageURL = NSURL(string: imageString) as URL?
else {
print("Error connecting to server")
There I go with appending filled structure to array:
self.jsonData.append(jsonObjects(id: id, date: date, title: title,
imageURL: imageURL))
DispatchQueue.main.async(execute: {
and downloadJsonWithURL is simply:
class JsonManager {
class func downloadJsonWithURL(urlString: String, сompletion: #escaping (NSArray?) -> Void) {
guard let url = NSURL(string: urlString) else { print("There is no connection to the internet"); return;}
URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: url as URL, completionHandler: { (data, response, error) -> Void in
guard let parseData = data else { print("There is no data"); return;}
if let jsonObj = try? JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: parseData, options: .allowFragments)
as? NSArray {
And finally - I input that in my TableViewCell:
override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
return jsonData.count
override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
guard let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: "newscell") as? NewsTableViewCell else {
fatalError("Could not find cell by identifier")
guard let imageData = NSData(contentsOf: jsonData[indexPath.row].imageURL) else {
fatalError("Could not find image")
cell.newsTitleLabel.text = self.jsonData[indexPath.row].title
cell.newsTitleLabel.font = UIFont.boldSystemFont(ofSize: 20.0)
cell.newsImageView.image = UIImage(data: imageData as Data)
return cell
So there are two questions: how should I distribute my threads and how should I call them so that I have smooth and nice tableview with all downloaded data? and how should I reload data in cell?
Your issue is caused by the imageData its blocking the main thread. The best way to solve this is to download all the images into an image cache. And I would most certainly remove the downloading of images from within the cellForRowAtIndexPath.
Downloading data, parsing in background thread, the updating the UI on main-thread.
Basically if you do correctly like this, everything will be okay.
So you may need to double check one more time if you are rendering UI on main-thread.
On the debugging panel, there's pause/play button.
So whenever your app frozen, try to pause the app immediately:
1) Then check if any of your UI method is running on background-thread.
2) Check if your downloading task or parsing json doing on main-thread.
If it falls under above cases, it needs to be correct.

iOS - Why reloadData tableView data on first application load?

I am working on a simple Flickr app that gets some data from their API and displays it on a tableview instance. Here's a piece of the code for the TableViewController subclass.
var photos = [FlickrPhotoModel]()
override func viewDidLoad() {
override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() {
private func getFlickrPhotos() {
DataProvider.fetchFlickrPhotos { (error: NSError?, data: [FlickrPhotoModel]?) in
//data is received
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), {
if error == nil {
self.photos = data!
The application does not seem to load the data if the { tableView.reloadData() } line is removed. Does anyone know why this would happen since I call getFlickrPhotos() within viewDidLoad(). I believe I am also dispatching from the background thread in the appropriate place. Please let me know what I am doing incorrectly.
EDIT -- Data Provider code
class func fetchFlickrPhotos(onCompletion: FlickrResponse) {
let url: NSURL = NSURL(string: "https://api.flickr.com/services/rest/?method=flickr.photos.getRecent&api_key=\(Keys.apikey)&per_page=25&format=json&nojsoncallback=1")!
let task = NSURLSession.sharedSession().dataTaskWithURL(url) { (data, response, error) in
if error != nil {
print("Error occured trying to fetch photos")
onCompletion(error, nil)
do {
let jsonResults = try NSJSONSerialization.JSONObjectWithData(data!, options: NSJSONReadingOptions.MutableContainers) as? NSDictionary
let photosContainer = jsonResults!["photos"] as? NSDictionary
let photoArray = photosContainer!["photo"] as? [NSDictionary]
let flickrPhoto: [FlickrPhotoModel] = photoArray!.map{
photo in
let id = photo["id"] as? String ?? ""
let farm = photo["farm"] as? Int ?? 0
let secret = photo["secret"] as? String ?? ""
let server = photo["server"] as? String ?? ""
var title = photo["title"] as? String ?? "No title available"
if title == "" {
title = "No title available"
let model = FlickrPhotoModel(id: id, farm: farm, server: server, secret: secret, title: title)
return model
//the request was successful and flickrPhoto contains the data
onCompletion(nil, flickrPhoto)
} catch let conversionError as NSError {
print("Error parsing json results")
onCompletion(conversionError, nil)
I'm not familiar with that API, but it looks like the fetchFlickrPhotos method is called asynchronously on a background thread. That means that the rest of the application will not wait for it to finish before moving on. viewDidLoad will call the method, but then move on without waiting for it to finish.
The completion handler that you provide is called after the photos are done downloading which, depending on the number and size of the photos, could be seconds later. So reloadData is necessary to refresh the table view after the photos are actually done downloading.

In Swift, tableView data loaded from JSON only loads 80% of the time

I'm populating my tableView with JSON data, most of the time the data shows but for some strange reason other times it doesn't. I tested the JSON data in Chrome and the info is there. I also made print statements to print the info after it has downloaded and it appears to download correctly. I can't figure out why 80% of the time the data populates the tableView correctly and 20% of the time it doesn't. Here is a sample of my code, there are many more cells but I shortened it to 2 for this example:
var task : NSURLSessionTask?
var newURL : String?
var bannerArray: [String] = []
var overViewArray: [String] = []
override func viewDidLoad() {
func getJSON (urlString: String) {
let url = NSURL(string: urlString)!
let session = NSURLSession.sharedSession()
task = session.dataTaskWithURL(url) {(data, response, error) in
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue()) {
if (error == nil) {
else {
"Not getting JSON"
func updateDetailShowInfo (data: NSData!) {
do {
let jsonResult = try NSJSONSerialization.JSONObjectWithData(data, options: NSJSONReadingOptions.MutableContainers) as! NSDictionary
guard let banner = jsonResult["banner"] as? String,
let overview = jsonResult["overview"] as? String
else { return }
_ = ""
catch {
print("It ain't working")
override func numberOfSectionsInTableView(tableView: UITableView) -> Int {
return 2
override func tableView(tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
switch section {
case 0: return bannerArray.count
case 1: return overViewArray.count
default: fatalError("Unknown Selection")
override func tableView(tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
let cell = UITableViewCell()
switch indexPath.section {
case 0:
let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier("bannerCell", forIndexPath: indexPath) as! BannerCell
cell.bannerImage.sd_setImageWithURL(NSURL(string: bannerArray[indexPath.row]))
self.DetailTvTableView.rowHeight = 100
DetailTvTableView.allowsSelection = false
return cell
case 1:
let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier("overviewCell", forIndexPath: indexPath) as! OverviewCell
let overViewText = overViewArray[indexPath.row]
if overViewText != "" {
cell.overView.text = overViewText
} else {
cell.overView.text = "N/A"
self.DetailTvTableView.rowHeight = 200
return cell
default: ""
return cell
I'm just doing this off the web. And I think there are some errors. You need to debug them yourself.
Your understanding of fetching the JSON and GCD is totally wrong. I believe these codes you got somewhere off the web. Go read up what is dispatch_async.
Basically, you need to create session to fetch JSON data, which you have done it correctly, however, within the NSJSONSerialization, you need to store them in a variable and append it to your array. This is fetched asynchronously. Your dispatch_async will reload data serially.
func getJSON (urlString: String) {
let url = NSURL(string: urlString)!
let session = NSURLSession.sharedSession()
task = session.dataTaskWithURL(url) {(data, response, error) in
let jsonResult = try NSJSONSerialization.JSONObjectWithData(data, options: NSJSONReadingOptions.MutableContainers) as! NSDictionary
guard let banner = jsonResult["banner"] as? String,
let overview = jsonResult["overview"] as? String
} dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue()) {
if (error == nil) {
else {
"Not getting JSON"
catch {
print("It ain't working")
