Deepliink not working when user install the app and open FireTV - deep-linking

According to Amazon deeplink document if user search for a movie and open the movie, if app is installed works fine as deeplink is still there but if app is not installed then it redirect user to app install page and user click install and then open the app then in that case deeplink not destroyed according to the document, but when i have tested my Firetv App, deeplink get destroy and its launches the app normally i.e Home page of the App.
Please let me know where i have done wrong or Amazon not support it yet? but it's mentioned in document.


How to get Firebase Dynamic Links to work with App Clips?

Is Firebase Dynamic Links meant to work with App Clips? If the app isn't installed on iOS I would like the App Clip to popup instead of taking users to the App Store? Is this possible?
Here are the scenarios I would like to have happen:
User does not have the app installed and clicks the link - App Clip opens.
User has the app installed and clicks the link - App opens
User does not have the app installed and clicks the link - Google Play Store opens.
User has the app installed and clicks the link - App opens
Other Platforms
Website opens when the link is clicked.
gRPC doesn't work with app clips, so unfortunately all of the swift sdk for firebase will not work with app clips. The best workaround so far is to use REST for reading/writing to firebase and, if you need a listener, to use server side events to provide that functionality.

Showing app download page Firebase Dynamic Links

In my iOS app, I have used the Firebase dynamic links to share some of the contents with others. It's simply a custom domain URL with the content ID appended. With this Firebase dynamic URL's, I have successfully implemented to do this task-"When user tap and opens in the mobile phone if the app installed in the phone it will open directly from the app with relevant contents"
But I want to do the following tasks :
If the app has not installed in the mobile, and if the user opens the URL then show a small web page in the default web browser with the app download link which user can click and download which will direct the user to the app store app. This needs to only happen on the mobile.
We have a web app for the mobile app so in case if the user opens the URL shared in the Desktop or Laptop I need them to redirect to the relevant content web page.
Hope kind support on this... Thanks
You can do these settings when creating a new dynamic link:
Just make sure you "Skip the app preview page" is not selected, this way the user will have a web page with a download button to take them to the app store.

AppLinks in iOs app How to pass data to a freshly installed app

If I have a iOs app that has multiple content that a user can access, can I do the following:
Allow a user that is currently consuming a content (stream radio/some streamed video) to post from the app to his Facebook page "I am currently viewing X using APP".(this is clearly doable)
Another user that has the app installed can click the link will be redirected from the Facebook app to my app (o app links seem to be the solution in this case). If the user that clicks the link does not have the app installed Facebook will ask him to install the required app. I understand that all this is possible using Facebook iOs SDK and App Links.
My question is after the user installs the app how will I direct him to the original content in the link (X)? Is this handled automatically by Apple/Facebook? Or will I need a backend server which will track what the user tapped on before downloading the app?
Can the same be done from the native iOs twitter app?

iOS app pass specific id when app install from link

Project Detail :-
I am developing simple application in iOS,When app start there is one specific id or you can say password for specific user for login.
I am installing app from link and link contain 12345 password,so when app installed from link and open app first time that password use as login. when other link contain abcde as password and install from link and open app first time that abcde password used without entering that from user.
Is there any way to pass specific id in url when app install first time from link.
As Per Apple Documentation about Promoting Apps with Smart App Banners
Is there any possibility to pass custom/specific parameter when user install from Smart App Banner and get that custom/specific parameter when app launch first time?.
I have read in forum and didn't get full information that it is possible or not?.
Not both install and open with information at the same time.
You have on link to go to the app store to get the app. You have another completely separate link to open the app once it is installed and pass it some information. From a user point of view these are 2 distinct tasks.
In the page you link to, app-id=myAppStoreID supports getting the app from the store and app-argument=myURL supports opening the existing app with supplied information. But, the user would click the banner once to go to the store and get the app, then return to Safari and click the banner again to open the app.

iOS how can open app from url or redirect to app store to download the app

I'm tryin to implement sending email or message with url to be open in the app but in case the user doesn't have the app install the url should redirect to download the app in the app store. For example:
1.- user1 sends email to his family with the url to load information in the app
2.- the family doesn't have the app install on there iOS devices and when they click on the url loads the itunes store to download the app. When they download the app the click the url again and the information is load it.
any of you knows how can implement something like this?
I'll really appreciate your help
The email should contain a link to a webpage for the content if possible. Then, that webpage should be designed so content can be opened in the app (see this question).
Since it is difficult to detect if the app is installed from a webpage, the webpage can have a link to install the app if it is not installed.
You are going to have to launch the app using the already suggested method:
window.location = "myapp://myparam";
Then you are going to need to check if that page launches or not (whether your app starts up or not). If it does not then you can launch a search in the app store by this means:
window.location = "itms-apps:// company/app name)"
Instead of doing this search you could also just provide the link directly in the app store to your app. I see the hardest part being checking whether or not your app launches from the original attempt to launch your app through window.href, I don't know how to accomplish that check.
